Who are more evil the Chaos Gods or the Dark Eldar?
Who are more evil the Chaos Gods or the Dark Eldar?
Gods are reactionary, formed by mortals. There is nothing they do that hasn't been thought of by someone else.
Dark Eldar being that 'someone else'.
Eldar fucked a god into existence so there's that
Imperial Buerocracy.
The Chaos Gods are not "evil" any more than any other force of nature is. Followers of Chaos Gods can be supremely evil, as being evil requires one to make conscious decision to commit evil acts. Chosing to commit evil acts is literally 100% of what the Dark Eldar do. You do the math.
Chaos Gods have goals--often noble ones--other than pure survival.
DEldar not only struggle simply to survive, but they do so at the expense of other living beings just to maintain the same sort of lifestyle that birthed Slaanesh when other Eldar prove that's not necessary.
The Chaos Gods are the cosmic definition of Evil with a capital E. If instead we start breaking down what the most evil with lower case e thing in WH40k is, we'd be at an impasse since the Imperium, Orks, Tau, Eldar, Tyranid and C'Tan all have negative qualities to them and lower case e is subjective.
Either way right now the DEldar don't accomplish enough to be considered more evil than Chaos, which is in the process of vaporizing the Milky Way. It's like asking if Caligula was more evil than Stalin.
Fuck off heretic
Dark Eldar. The Chaos Gods are what they are because of their very nature. They could never have been anything but what they are.
The Dark Eldar could be different, they simply *choose* to be unspeakably evil.
Imperial hypocrisy.
>self interest in a hostile universe makes you evil
it certainly does when that self interest is always at the expense of everyone else's well-being.
Illic Nightspear, the ancient wander, said that the Dark Eldar and Chaos pale before the soulless evil of the Necrons. There is no race or beings in the galaxy that are greater than the Necrontyr in wickedness and malice.
Chaos Gods aren't social creatures so morality doesn't apply to them in any real way
Deldar fuck over their own often and with great force which makes them fairly evil.
It's not fair to call a group evil for harming those outside their group but for harming their peers, that is generally evil.
Was this pre-Newcrons?
Oldcrons were a malicious bunch of fucks who essentially damned the galaxy out of spite.
Newcrons seem to be more or less Neutral. Sure, they're creeps as far as "lobotomizing the poor" goes, and the ones who have actually lost it like the Destroyers and the Flayed Ones are pretty weird, but a lot of them are just eccentric nobles who are mad that other life forms have popped up where their empire used to be. Wasn't there a whole scene where one of them parlays with a Space Marine and talks about what an "honorable foe" he is and all of that?
That kind of pales in comparison to "God of Slaughter" and "We Eat Torture For Breakfast (Literally)".
If Necrons get mad at you, you pretty much disappear in a blink of gauss weapon relase and a cloud of atoms. Blink and you're gonne, and you don't even know it. Considering what can happen to you in 40k universe, a quick, painless death is a blessing actually.
The Dark Eldar will torture you for far longer than you thought possible, pushing your body and psyche to the limits of pain and terror.
But Chaos? No words can describe what Chaos does to it's victims. Agony and terror on level impossible in the material universe are suffered for what seems an eternity, as there is no time flow in the Immaterium as we know it.
This questions are basically "would you rather get knifed by a crazy person or be draggen alive into Hell".
>Was this pre-Newcrons?
For you see, Chaos and Dark Eldar have an aspect of inability to control what they are. The Chaos Gods are controlled by their nature and cannot escape it. They are no more evil than a hurricane or an earthquake.
The majority of the Dark Eldar are born into a bleak and extremely cruel society to be enslaved by their thirst and their kabal masters. Few can escape this life.
As for the Necrons? They are wilfully evil to the very core of their being. Every choice they made was out of self interest with zero regard for the consequences. They are unrepentant arrogance and disgusting hubris taken to the logical extremes. They are a race that can never find peace within themselves or with others because they are so ruled by jealousy, bitterness, and self entitlement. If the Necrons have their way, then the galaxy will be turned into a scorched wasteland where crumbling kings of dust and ash wage their petty wars over and over until the stars are extinguished.
Evil isn't about quantity. Evil is about quality, and the Necrons beat every faction when it comes the depths of their evil.
Actually, Guass flayers are reported to be painful. Their victims screaming in agony as they are dissembled layer after layer. imagine being skinned alive and then having your meat torn off your bones.
The Necron weapon that is reported to cause no pain is the warscythe. It's a clean killing weapon.
>seeking pain for the sake of pain isn't evil because they were born in an evil society
>pettiness and ambition is pure evil eventhough they too were born in an evil society
i hope you are memeing there.
i might be wrong but i believe onyl flayers were actually painful(hence the name), while the other gauss weapons killed you very fast.
Necrontyr high castes have agency and power. They have the power to choose between good and evil. To self reflect and consider the consequences of their actions.
The majority Dark Eldar masses have no agency and power to decide their actions and fate. All they know is that they need to feed on pain to survive and so they do it. The moment the Ynnari offered an alternative to this, a ton of Dark Eldar jumped ship. This is why Vect sees the Ynnari as a grave threat because the Dark Eldar way of life would be no more if Ynnari are allowed to rise to power.
A gauss FLAYER is quick, sure, but not not all painless. It flays you atom by atom until you aren't there. It's actually said to be excruciating.
>Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay and the Master of Plague and Pestilence. All things, no matter how solid and permanent they seem, are liable to eventual corruption, and Grandfather Nurgle sows the seeds of that entropy with carefully brewed infections and epidemics. Yet despite this grim work he is not a morose or dolorous god. Life begets death, and in turn death gives birth to new life, in the form of pallid, wriggling things that crawl free from mouldering corpses. Thus, the Plague God sees himself as a benevolent fellow, and goes about his business with laughter and honest joy. He sees mortal souls not as things to be dominated and destroyed, but naïve children to be plied with flesh-rotting gifts, and thus enlightened as to the true wonder of disease and decay.
>There was precious little malice in the workings of Nurgle. Cruelty, yes, as life was cruel. Rapaciousness, even. But the horror of Nurgle was one of cosmic consideration. Khorne cared not from whence the blood flowed, but Nurgle cared for every life, no matter how tiny. Nurgle noticed every life. Every soul that crossed the threshold of the Lord of All Things received a splinter of his attention, and suffered for it.
-8th ED Nurgle lore
It helps Chaos's case that 1/4 of them is not evil. Nurgle loves all life equally. He doesn't hate mortals and doesn't seek to dominate or exterminate them. He merely wants to show them the truth of the universe so they would be bereft of the single thing that causes all mortal suffering which is hope.
>necron high caste have agency and power. and the power to choose between good and evil
Are you implying that the Archon's of Commoragh don't have agency and power?
Because so far it seem's you're comparing the Necron lords and up with the lowest of the Dark Eldar
Necron royalty and tech castes is all that remains of the Necrontyr. The rest of plebs are mindless or have no agency a fate forced on them by the royalty. They are basically dead.
So pound to pound, the Necrons are more concentrated evil than the Dark Eldar.
Chaos scum
>The rest of plebs are mindless or have no agency a fate forced on them by the royalty.
Reminder that a Necron fighter pilot was so in awe of the Tau's mastery of aerial warfare that that "mindless pleb" regained its sentience.
So no. They're not as mindless as one might think. But rather in like a deep sleep.
>Every choice they made was out of self interest with zero regard for the consequences.
>Race cursed by awful radiation from their homeworld star
>Race seeked out aid from immortal Old Ones
>Old Ones told them to fuck off and die
>Refused to lie down and die
>Made a "deal with the devil" for immortality
>Fuck you Old Ones you could've avoided all of this.
>Old Ones make Eldar & Korks to counter Necrons
>War fucks up the Realm of Souls into the Warp and creates the first Daemons
>Old Ones lose control of Orks and Eldar
>Eldar create Slaanesh
>(some) Eldar become Dark Eldar
>All the death, suffering, and destruction caused by the Orks can be laid at the Old One's feet
>All the death, suffering, and destruction caused by the Dark Eldar can be laid at the Old One's feet
>The creation of Slaanesh can be laid at the Old One's feet.
Old Ones are the most evil.
There is always this faggot.
Chaos is pretty evil, but they are forces of nature and emotion, formed by acts and will, they are what they are and I doubt they can change that (though that doesn't stop them being evil)
Dark Eldar however chose the lifestyle and are horrendously evil
Eldar propaganda, Necrons are NOT as evil as DE or Chaos
Chaos corrupts everything, Dark Eldar only live for themselves and don't have much to strive for.
Necrons are the good guys
A large and powerful alien empire that was aggressive, bitter and enslaved other races DEMANDED immortality from the old ones, old ones went "umm no? you guys are cunts"
So necrons proved them right by attacking them
Necrons are really the best people in the galaxy tho.
They can't be corrupted by chaos or genestealers, their two corruptions are well contained unlike other peoples. They also can be nice, and depending on the leaders often are.
Their guns are the best, and their basic troops are space marines with worse armor.
Honestly go necron or go home
Dark Eldar
Chaos Gods are neither good nor evil, they just are.
So how evil is a pound of evil then? Is it Murder a baby; Steal from your dying mother or commit genocide?