>For you gamers out there, one very exciting addition are new rules representing specific sub-groups in many of the major factions; these range from old classics like the Space Marine Chapters or Chaos Space Marine Legions to returning rules for individual craftworlds, as well as previously unexplored groupings like Necron dynasties and Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds. These will be included in each codex.
So Eldar Craftworlds, Necron Dynasties, Forgeworlds, and more sub factions will actually get different rules, but how much differences will there be between Ork Klanz for instance? Does this discourage custom Klanz/Dynasties/Chapters Veeky Forums?
Codex Speculation
Think all orks fall under one of the klans, just the "your doods" will be further down the line if your Bad Moons are green or whatever.
Counts as etc. Custom armies basically just get to pick whatever suits them best, so hardly discouraging.
I imagine we'll see the typical klanz and craftworlds that has their own rules in the past. Done in something like chapter trait style with a set of rules/unit limitations. I hope there's a "none of the above" option where you just use the list given with no rules.
>None of the above option
Probably. I suspect it'll hang off the Keyword you choose to make your army.
So I could pick 'Aeldari' and go with whatever, or I could pick 'Saim-Hann' and have a more restricted list, but get some bonuses, like maybe having Windriders as troops.
I expect it'll work like that, anyway
OP here, I think we could see radically different armies based on Klan/Chapter/Dynasty based on Character rules and obviously the quote I copied. Almost all Characters have keywords like attached to them now, and give bonuses to their sub faction, so GW is pushing at least slightly fluffy armies.
That's been a thing for a while. Ultramarine characters are only available for armies with the Ultramarine chapter tactics, etc.
I have to make decisions, since I have both Catachan and Cadian characters in my guard. Do I keep some of them or go with a whole other regiment and have none...
That's the sort of sub faction rules I'd like to have happen. Fundamentally different tactics based on fluff, like Saim-Hann compared to Biel-Tan would go a long way towards closing the gap between fluff and crunch.
Back to chapter traits!
You can have multiple s in your army, user. The characters just won't benefit units from other s with their buff powers.
Yup! This.
Just be careful with certain factions. Admech have the rule that the entire detachment has to be admech to use canticles, and genecult have the same with cult ambush.
What are some sombre chapters. Death Specters?
That just gets all complicated, when you got identical units with different rules.
This is very close to what they did recently for skydwarves. I'd be happy to see it return in 40k. However, coming up with that many options for every major faction in a non-repetitive manner could be a design challenge.
>However, coming up with that many options for every major faction in a non-repetitive manner could be a design challenge.
Its gonna be an even bigger challenge to come up with bonuses for every named sub-faction, giving every vanilla codex their own version of chapter traits is much easier as it puts the task of creation in the hands of the customers and avoid repetition by simply giving more variables.
Fuck yes, return of Regimental Doctrines.
The chaos and space marine indexes have basically done that already for several legions and chapters, and they don't really offer outright bonuses so much as different options (the biggest mechanical bonus was Tsons getting access to exalted sorcerers, which were much stronger and slightly cheaper than regular sorcerers, and as of the latest faq their points cost has been increased considerably), which thus far have been accompanied by meaningful restrictions, so the early signs are surprisingly positive.
That's what I meant; in the case of Skydwarves, they had a total of 18 rules, of which you would pick three for your custom group.
Having enough traits to make subfactions mechanically distinct is likely going to require around that number of traits. And then it would be ideal to make the options available to each faction differ to play up their own differences. Even with some overlap, that's a lot of individual traits to come up with.
Jese, imagine being from some planet with a lot of intra-human fighting and then getting plucked away to serve in the guard and coming into contact with all sorts of shit like the Orks, Nids, or literal Daemons. That first battle would be quite the eye opener...assuming you survive it.
With any luck, we'll see a declarative customization, like:
>"Replace the Keyword for units in this Detachment with ."
>" units gain [whatever rules]."
It'd open things up a lot, hopefully they'll be able to shift Battlefield Roles, so more specialized armies aren't being penalized Command Points and paying an HQ tax for doing something interesting.
I'm mostly just hoping that it's not character dependent, like in order to get Hit & run or something, you HAVE to take Khan.
Yeah, but since they aren't putting out every codex all at once they have the time I think. Dong them in stages can make it work.
Backing this, it'll make tournaments with out name characters more interesting.
I imagine different subfactions will get their own special character or two, make a normal unit a troops choice, and maybe some special variations of their own units. Deff skullz for example might get to take lootas as troops and have some special looted wagon things going along with a special HQ who gives your army a moral boost when you kill a vehicle or something.
On fb it was implied IG individual regiments wouls get stuff.
>hey goys, now you have to buy 2 books instead of 1 to play your armies
Also, I have a question, does it mean that current balance will be fucked?
I would have said Doom Eagles. That's really their motto after all.
Their entire mentality is about being the most self-suffering fatalistic grim bastards possible, but all in the name of ensuring that mortal humans don't suffer like they do.
They all see themselves as being already dead and that suffering and pain is their lot in the universe and nothing will change that, so nothing can hold them back from fighting as hard as they can to protect the innocent and the faithful from feeling their suffering.
They're one of the only chapters that manages to be both very grimdark and very sympathetic about protecting regular humans, without those two sides of their mentality conflicting.
>All of creation suffers, young ones. Only in accepting our own mortality can we make a difference. Only in bearing the burden of our failures can we find the strength to go on. Only in detachment from glory, or honour, or jealousy... from life itself can we hope to spare others from grief.
>We are Doom Eagles. And we are dead already.
They better fucking release all the codexesii at the same time, or else i´ll be buttmad.
We already know they won't. They are only putting out 10 in the first batch as far as I know. More will come later. I imagine imagine the future codexs coming out will coincide for releases for that army. It gives me hope.
Hoping the unspoiled 6 are Orks, Space wolves, Necrons, Eldar, Nids and daemons.
I'm betting on necrons, eldar and nids. I could see deamons as well. Orks are one of the ones i'm hoping come out after a bit along with some updates to their model range, maybe some new shiny gubbinz.
Necrons and Eldar seem to play a much bigger role in the new narrative. They are probably going to be the first xenos to receive a codex.
Orks and Nids could be further back and IG might get one sooner too given how much we talk about conscripts and the need for a human army.
The last ones to be updated will probably be stuff like Imperial supplemental armies like inquisition or Imperial Knights, things that aren't really armies in their own right