Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Gayniggers in Outer Space edition

Fuck Discord and fuck Discordniggers

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:

>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Press F to pay respects

>WIP Math-hammer doc

First for Renegades will someday come back!

F for listbuilder

I unironically love Kaldor Draigo.

They better. I can't make a full force out of marauders and tanks and still look like proper space romans.

Nth for something a cute

Why is he a Stormcast Eternal now?

That pose looks like one of those hoodniggers coming up to meet a fellow gang member

>loving a slaaneshi grey knight

>Respects paid

>There are people in this thread right now who unironically think Sisters will get plastic models

First for BTFO AstraMilicuck and BTFO buttblasted Gay DarkMarines.

*Snipes commisar*
*Remove 20 Ravenwingfahs a turn on 2+*
Nothin personel, Gue'la

Best post.
I'm torn on shelving them or using them. Using them as regular IG feels waac. ... also invalidates half my army design... if I turn them redemptionist I can at least use them along side my sister's and ministorum. But that means giving up entirely on my stuff.

My dad bought me them as a gift back in 2008. So they mean emotional shot to me.

I also have 10 converted death riders to chaos that I can never use, unless I go to IG rules.... at the time I didn't plan on using the FW rules until I decided on death guard. I'm a very plague themed force so you can imagine this edition had me excited. FW literally took my joy from me. I like fluff but I'd like to have a chance at winning too.

Dkok are ww1 man. Weapon carriages look ww1. They're trench fighters. They have cavalry still. Etc.

You seem awfully assmad about Dark Angels user. Show me where the Black Knight spam touched you.

as I said, I'm retarded.

>pic related
Oh man best painting advice I ever got:
it's not the size of the brush that counts,
it's the size of the end

Bitches want a brush with a thick shaft and a dexterous tip.

>There are Tau players expecting plastic Gue'vesa
Mfw so many other things need updates first

It's okay bro didn't see your reply.

Can we discuss Mek/Big Gunz? They're so aesthetically cool, but are they viable? How many of these expensive fucking kits do you need?

>mfw dark angels outnumber everything else at my local store 2:1

that fucking dark vengeance box in 7E man. fucking everyone wanted to run the 'cool, mysterious' space marines while I alone chose the evil, edgy elves.

How many of 'that guy' go to your shop /40kg/?

>tfw played DAngels before DV came out in 6e
Just fuck my shit up my dude

None, kit bash your own.

haha you mean the shitsters of basshole haha fuck off England

>while I alone chose the evil, edgy elves.
>7E Deldar

I honestly wanted to play them but the reputation of being a bad army kept me from it. Loved the look and lore but I wouldn't mind winning sometimes.

I'm thinking about doing that Trukk/Gunz kitbash to make a couple. But is it worth the time?

>niggeronbike scary when you remove 20 a turn on average with 6 unkillable commander even wothout the half range

Nice try Jamal

I can't hear you over the sounds of your gunlines and tanks being wiped out by the Deathwing that just deepstriked and charged into them. What, you didn't realize the Ravenwing were just a distraction?

I only really had problems with flyer-based shit like nids, heavy-flamer armies like deathwatch/grey knights, and necrons

of course, I was in a casual environment, so I didn't really get the full top tier cancer like deathstar marines or jetbike spamming ynnari.

>implying I need a commissar to beat your sorry blue ass

>Teleports Behind You
Nothing Personal, Kid

Go ahead and teleport behind me lol, good luck having those suits do any damage to me after I wipe out everything but them and still have 75% of my forces remaining.

Which gunline and which tank, Jamal ?

Which part of "I'm the unkillable and sweet white Paper and you are the outdated nigga Rock" do you not understand ?

Bring back old Ahriman
The last truly pragmatic chaos kid.

>unironically fielding ravennigga and deathnigga in the age of 36 wound Fusion Commander and full flying army

Thanks for the EZ game Gue'la

Not even Taufag, just a friendly reminder your autism is showing.

Hunhun news flash.
DA are literraly trash tier. Especially Wing lists as they have no tools fight the big boys of 8th

>deathwing teleport to 9" of crisis suits
>crisis suits get charged and killed
>all the remaining crisis suits fall back into the centre and get run down in a pincer strike between the combined forces of deathwing and ravenwing
Why are Taufags so delusional?

>things that never happened and mathematically impossible

Haha nice try jamal

>fliers are shot down by nephilims and attack bikes
>walkers are taken down in CC by dedicated elites shredders
LMAO, see you next time!

>never happened
You have no idea how many assmad Tauniggers I've chomped up and spit out with that tactic lmao
>mathematically impossible
Command points make everything possible silly boy.

>EWO screeners established
get shot
>Attempt charge
fail but get overwatched anyway

Traitor Astartes/Questoris

Patrol Detachment
10 x Berserkers with Chainaxes/Icon of Wrath
15 x Traitor Marines, Champion with Combi-Melta

Superheavy Detachment
Knight "Crusader" 553
Knight "Warden" 454
Knight "Gallant" 402

rate baby's first 8th edition list while I wait for the primaris and codex stuff to release to start a new army.

Whats better for an Inquisitor in terminator armor? Force axe or force stave? I've had bad luck with the hammer.

I like T'au.

Deathwing immune to Flamers? Can you show me that rule? If not then i am afraid it will be Fried Chicken Deathwing.


>implying i don't roll a 5 and a 2 to your delight but then spend a command point to turn that 2 into a 6 and successfully charge into combat
And have fun overwatching me when my unit has a flat 3+ invul and 2W and also have an apothecary tagging along to ensure that no wounds stick.

You'd need some super special snowflake flamers like the ones that TSons have if you want to actually have those flamers do any damage.

welp, this is the price we pay for nerfing those riptides into the ground. looks like a nasty list, i'd love to see it in person

>Command points make everything possible silly boy.
please show me the list :^) you lying Jamal :) Math says it does not happen.

7/7/17 boys, whom nurgle here?

Well overwatch is 36d6 autohit, so youll die anyway.

It's 8th now.
That's almost allowed

1995/2000 points btw

yeah your whole 20 HP knight squad will do something.

Oh Am I laffin Gue'la

Tauniggers don't get the privilege of seeing the hammer that hits them in the face before they're whacked with it.

>implying I won't just reroll your dice :^)

cant overwatch things outside of weapon range

Show me where you got those 9" flamers from buddy.

They are ok, providing some welcome anti-tank and hit on 4+

Not an auto-include, but not bad either.

>Nurgle gets new toys
>Gonna be the fourth codex released

But, why? Do they still need time to finish the new models or something?

>sergeant is A3 S+2 AP-3 D3 and excess damage spreads throughout the squad
>standard knight is A2 Sx2 AP-2 D2
Wanna bet?

>A3 and A2
Thats why we have 22 drones faggots. Im still waiting for the list :^)
Not that youll ever get to close combat anyway

Drop kharn, get a sorcerer

run the zerkers in a rhino and 2x5 marines to fill up the 3 troop slots.

Where is the power weapon on the zerker champion?

That sounds like an awfully expensive army list you've got there buddy. I'm only reading out my 2K list right now.

But user you are just charging 1 drone i'll let you charge, not the crisis themselves :^) Still waiting for the list that i wont meet since youll get btfo by 50 conscript or stormraven anyway :^)

>since youll get btfo by 50 conscript

As you do

Why would you fill up the Troop slots? Zerkers are elites so you would still only have two. And for a batalion you need two HQs as well

22 drones is only 176 points

>not blobbing back with drones in response

You can take zerkers as troops if your army keyword is "chaos"

>list got posted
>Since no jamalmarines players went to college they can't even read

Oh am I laffin

You realize that you'll get BTFO by conscripts and stormravens too right? Silly dumb taunigger scum

>What is 36 flamers

So you really can't read, thats sad.

>Jamalmarines actually believe this when this list btfo 100 conscript a turn/ charge stormraven/ BTFO 3 stormraven with 24fusion shot

you're not even worth my time anymore, faggots

It's 531 points because battlescribe points costs are 32 points over, (tarantulas are 50 points with twin lascannons not 60 and the heavy bolter on the vulture is 8 points not 10).
So yeah, rate my 500 point list, I feel like I'm lacking removal of heavy infantry removal tbhq, feedback would be appreciated.

That's cool, wasting 176pts so that I can first laugh at them and then laugh at your crisis suits
You realize the nigger joke only applies to Fallen and not standard DAngels right? You've been applying an out of context joke onto the wrong group
>implying I'm not intentionally cucking you of my list because I enjoy watching you squirm

right, the world eaters. Kind of feels like following the letter rather than the spirit. But still why fill up the troop slots with only one HQ?

>He actually believe this

>call other people niggers
>is basically illiterate
>really makes me think

Or heretic astartes

Or khorne since apparently you can have khorne sorcerers now.

Or any non-specific-legion one

etc, etc.

>Can't read
>Eternally BTFO woth no argument


What should the bulk of my genestealers cult army be made of? So far I have a primarch, 30 purestrains, 10 neophyte hybrids and a chimera. The hybrids will be done in a few days but I've not a clue what to get next. Any suggestions?

828 points of triflamer suits
126 shots, 84 wounds, 56 GEQ kills

800 points of drones
59.2 GEQ kills

Stick in a fireblade in volley fire range plus something with drone controller
133.3 GEQ kills

>Or khorne since apparently you can have khorne sorcerers now.
No, psykers can't have the Khorne keyword

You can't have khorne psykers.

Forgot the second HQ to be honest

maybe you can squeeze in a cheap lord to ride in the rhino with 9 zerkers, rerolls are nice.


That's implying I can even understand your argument lmao. You basically just typed out this epileptic mess of this and that which anyone without autism cannot comprehend. Tauniggers truly are hilarious.

I did remember it as well but cannot find that rule in the astartes "mark of chaos" section or in the sorcerer datasheet.

C'mon. If they can make plastic Sisters of Silence, they can make plastic Sisters of Battle.
We've only been waiting 20 years.

Nvm, I'm blind

Commissar, commander, 100 conscript: 360pt

x5 = 1800pt
+ yarrik

400 conscript on drones with rank fire
1600 shots, 533 hits, 178 wounds, 89 failed saves
100 conscript with rank fire and yarrik reroll on drones:
222 hits, 74 wounds, 37 failed saves

So in optimal conditions you kill 266 points of conscript

I kill 1008 points of drones

Suits next turn.

Actually, Commissar, commander, 100 conscript is just 300, sorry.

So that makes it 6 groups, 178 more points of dead tau.

>36 wound Fusion Commander

>this is where the taufags dreams fell apart

Not him but i think he is reffering to index xenos 2 page 31.
Not taking into account suicide drones of course, that will raise from 36 to something like 58 wounds

Page 61, not 31. brainfart

Page 31 is an Ork flier. Taufags can run Ork fliers now?

Wait, Im kinda new to tau.
I know how i can get the 12 crisis easily, but how do I get 100 drones ?
