Swg i need help, though it may be batter suited to a dm help thread.
My group wanted to run a starwars game, and asked me to build a story. They wanted to be heroes, and fight the evil empire, and even meet the heroes of the OT. I agreed and built a story, a somewhat long and complex story since they wanted a game and not a one-off campaign.
I told them up front that they were rebels, and that they thought the destruction of alderaan as evil, and wouldnt work for the empire ever. They were rebels through and through. Build backstories accordingly. Paragons of the good guys.
They thought that spunded great, and whole heartedly agreed. They wouldnt be murderhobos, they would just be heroes.
What i got was possibly the biggest edgefest of a party, who are retarded, and completely ignoring the plot. We have met 4 times and they have not even completed the first "go to point x" mission. 16 hours of play at least, and they have already done so much stupid shit im considering a tpk and new game.
>player 1 is a mando bounty hunter who is just in it for the credits, and is also an escaped ARC trooper. He wants to return to the empire.
>player 2 is a chiss smuggler outcast from the ascendancy, and on the run due to depts (not so bad, only rebel sympathizer in party)
>player 3 is a slicer who escaped black sun. He worked for then hacking and selling classified imp data. His ceowning achievment is "when he was 1r he hacked a stardestroyer's pilot routines remotely and crashed it into an orbital station. He was never caught"
What do i do? If they dont want to follow the SIMPLEST plot hooks, and destroy, kill, or lose anything they meet. They have ignored a distress call, destabilized a pirate gang, captured by imperials, blew up a ryll den after finding out they couldnt just demand to smuggle ryll for them. Im getting sick of this shit.
>help me /swg/ you are my only hope