Let's say a part of that 4th sphere expansion fleet exited the warp right above modern earth. They sent their ambassadors down but we refused, and now the Tau plan to conquer us. Could we fight them off?
T'au vs Modern earth
No, because every faction in the 40k universe outclasses everything we can and have
We can't travel between the stars, everyone in 40k can, that alone should give you insight in the tech disparity
Highly unlikely even if the T'au abstain from orbital bombardment.
They're space age. What the fuck do you think?
Many tau weapons cannot penetrate the armor of a land raider, which are less well-armored than most tanks from WW2.
Let's be honest, any faction from 40K invading Earth would be BTFO
Top tier bait. No, really. I truly hope you get plenty of triggered (you)s.
A single Tau expedition fleet (which is smaller than an Expansion Sphere) has 100 billion Tau + a huge number of allied races.
So you are saying that a Tau armada of hundreds of billions appeared over our world. Hmm...I dunno guys what do you think?
Anyways, the Tau have distinction of being the only race in 40K that conquered a Hiveworld in a single day.
>land raiders use WWII-era metallurgy
kek no
In a proper ground war we get our shit handed to us. Tau plasma and battlesuit tech is above and beyond anything we have, plus they actually managed to develop functioning frontline-ready railguns and made that shit man-portable to boot.
>Many tau weapons cannot penetrate the armor of a land raider, which are less well-armored than most tanks from WW2.
I know this is bait, but that's old fluff that has been retconned with GW specifically mentioning that they don't release precise specs of vehicles so autistic grognards stop shitting on them.
Honestly, though, an army could deploy on fucking horseback and they'd still kick the shit out of us if they had a combat-ready space fleet in orbit.
>Could we fight them off?
They would anally rape us several times
Better question is why would we refuse? In fact, fractionalize as earth is, SOMEONE would accept.
We find the Necrons, hack them, and use them to drive the Tau back.
or we just hack the Tau, considering they're fucktarded anyway, just like everything in 40k.
Aside from Mecha being an impractical men the Tau have the closest thing to reasonable modern battle strategy. They use fluid tactics dedicated to leveraging superior firepower and make extensive use of combined arms and combat drones.
>I know this is bait, but
Yeah, except they're still in the fucktarded 40k universe, which means they never developed proper anti-cyberwarfare tactics, meaning all their fancy drones and battlesuits are ours now.
We hack all their battlesuits, vehicles, and drones using binary, and then grind their basic infantry to a halt using Razor wire.
>hack quantum quadrary computer with binary
its like trying to fly by moving your arms very fast, faggot.
It's a meme about earlier threads where a guy insisted Razorwire was a hard counter to Daemons and that Necrons had no defense against human hackers.
>No anticyberwarfare
Cyberwarfare exists in 40k see Priests of Mars. As for the Tau, they have AI. Actual factual AI. This blows our computational abilities out of the water. You think this is Independence day nigga?
tau battlestuits vs landmines would be amusing watching their stupid legs get blown off.
>You think this is Independence day nigga?
I wonder if Tzeench or Nurgle would cover Computer Viruses. Maybe Khorne, he is the craftsman god.
Nurgle, but it'd be a literal virus that daemonically corrupted the computers and mutated them into bags of filth
Earth would be conquered in short order.
I would sign up for the Gue'vesa forces as soon as I could.
On the other hand, FW did release info on the ammo used by Leman Russes.
The Vanquisher can reliably punch a hole in anything fielded anywhere in the galaxy and they use technology that was common in the 50s. Normal Leman russ ammo was obsolete by the end of the 40s.
Modern day APFSDS ammo is so far ahead of the Vanquisher it's not even funny.
Even if you bring up muh hyper hard super alloy, the design itself would make the Vanquisher ammo obsolete.
>A single Tau expedition fleet (which is smaller than an Expansion Sphere) has 100 billion Tau + a huge number of allied races.
>tau expansion fleets bigger than any imperial crusade ever
Source? I've never seen this anywhere
We have barbwire. They wouldn't stand a chance
I seriously think that while we would loose an out and out war, the Tau would have serious trouble subduing the world. Seriously, our history is choke full of occupied territory being hell to hold. Insurgency seems to be programmed into our thinking. Also, western militaries are really quite flexible, able to adapt to occupation forces. Most Imperial Worlds the Tau would base our planet off of in terms of approach don't have as messy a political situation, and the imperials who remain loyal have an attiude of, wait to be liberated, then come out of the woodwork. Earth would not stop fighting, since apart from one non-canon DoW ending, the tau don't use brutal suppression of insurgents. though I think dropping some Kroot to become secret police would shut down alot of the insurgency
Farsight novel
Well that fleet was not just an expansion fleet. It was a literal "To go where no Tau has been before". Headed up by one of the most important commanders of the day, and one of the most important Ethereals.
No doubt the Tau would absolutely wreck our shit in the out-and-out war quite easily - I doubt even several of our best tanks could handle a single battlesuit, and this is completely disregarding their monopoly on space power.
It's the occupation that's going to be a nightmare for the Tau, especially since modern humans would have no issue whatsoever with stealing and using xenotech. Basically everywhere there are going to be screaming fanatics of some stripe absolutely dedicated to killing the everliving shit out of the alien occupiers, and the myriad causes of said fanaticism would make it nigh-on impossible for the Tau to please anyone. You'd have your Jihadists, your crusaders, your nationalists, your xenophobes, your libertarians, your survivalists, your /k/ommandos, the list goes on.
Basically, taking Earth would be easy. Occupying it would be an absolute bitch.
EFPs. EFPs and ATGMs everywhere.
>Basically, taking Earth would be easy. Occupying it would be an absolute bitch.
Signal Gatecrasher.
Take it down.