Simply: Find
A restaurant that has >200 tables and serves good food
A large winery that makes drinkable wine
Same w/gamestores
Simply: Find
A restaurant that has >200 tables and serves good food
A large winery that makes drinkable wine
Same w/gamestores
>Store doesn't even have 1 6x4 wargaming table
I don't understand. Are you saying pre-packaged product and a room full of chefs making food as its ordered are the same thing?
Inefficiencies multiply as the size of the establishment grows. Problems begin to cascade.
This can manifest itself in many ways.
that store seems like its trying to do way to much. probably would never go there
>Store doesn't even have 1 6x4 wargaming table
>But has several t-shirt racks
Geek culture was a mistake
thats because warhammer is boring as fuck
What ducking restaurant has over 200 tables?
A cafeteria, I think, which would be OP's point.
>clothes racks
>manchild collectors toys
>like two tables
What the fuck is that.
>body odor so thick it's created a visible haze
What is that guy wearing?
shut up cuck
Tutu of lesser virility
Holy moly the maft is tangible.
Honestly the main reason why you ought to go to FLGSes is simple - you will be more than "just another costumer" in the eyes of the folks working there, and your input matters. It's a lot more personal, and a lot more like a community.
It kinda reminds me of the community servers versus the official servers in videogames, in a way. And I realize that I'm sounding like a grognard despite being 19 and that deeply scares me.
What's wrong with being a grognard? There is nothing wrong with old games. They can be a lot of fun. The only reason that there is disparagement of the grogs is because the industry needs to increase gross profits.
virgin detected
Im 23 and ive walked the same road already. Lets do it together.
I've never even been to a Piccadilly that had that many tables.
Nothing, really. Given I'm a /hwg/ guy the relations with grognards are a given, but I still feel like I'm too young to act towards the past like that.
Let's go, then.
>Playing and merch areas are compressed into the same space.
>No overhead displays for time, pairings and other info.
>Like 5 tables.
What the fuck is that.
>Mind-blowing design choice
Miniatures in a darkly-lit backroom
>Store doesn't even have any wargaming tables
>but it has an entire section for manga and weeb stuf
>but it has an entire section for lego
>but it has tons of stupid collector bullshit
>but it has six tables for mtg
>75% of the rpg section is occupied by d&d and pathfinder
My local store is shit. Maybe I'd care about it if I played MtG, but I don't.
These days I just buy everything online anyway.
Lights highlight the table, therefore the models not the man beast playing them.
>Cafe Mox is a rad place to play.
>Trying to buy a game
>Musicians are in the way
lol the Double Clicks.
Good for them being able to play at PAX tho in a massive theater not many people can clam the same.
>Wanting access to the GW stand
My store had rock solid inventory management before they upgraded to a bigger venue, and a large fraction of the netted space went purely to tables.
Isn't basic CRM the soul of any good store
The other stores in my area have terrible automation and organization, especially when it comes to their web pages.
That depends utterly on poor, centralized management.
You can have a place with hundreds of tables, so long as it has a central menu and multiple workstations with multiple chief chefs.
What you are talking about is failure in the name of seeking out a higher profit margin, not a peril of expansion.
I am very fortunate to have a great FLGS, see picture.
since they have table space i make sure to buy from the store regularly instead of online.
couldnt agree more. like.... if i dont game there, why would i buy a game there? maybe they are attracting the facebook normies who drool over stuff like transformer movies.
>but it has an entire section for manga and weeb stuf
>but it has an entire section for lego
>but it has tons of stupid collector bullshit
not intrinsically bad but i understand your gripe
>75% of the rpg section is occupied by d&d and pathfinder
thats pretty bad.
>thinks CRM is automation and organization
At least for my understanding the main goals are
1)Keep the clients
2)Get new clients
3)make saide clients more profitable
In that order of importance.
Most stores that fail simply can not into the first step.
Numerous other games require large gaming tables. The shop in OP's pic literally just had three card tables.
Organization is the one of the main points of CRM. Automation is a factor that plays into this. I.e. you have a crm, and it integrates with some other application that deals with automating emails or how this info is stored or what have you.
A CRM is a tool that you use to accomplish those three goals.
For a sec I thought the chick on the right had a goatee
what store in santa clara is this?
lol why arent you going to game kastle
I'm so jealous of you people. My local store has a notoriously unhelpful and unfriendly staff, and half the space is taken up by video games. The nearest store with events for anything but Magic, X-Wing, or Heroclix is two hours away.
That store's electricity bill must be absurd for an FLGS. I hope they get a shitload of business.
Very weird seeing my local store show up on Veeky Forums since i live in buttfuck nowhere canada. It has gotten better as they bought the building next door and broke down the wall, still mainly a magic store though. Other stores in town have wargaming stuff.
If it weren't for the liberal cuck clientele, these would be good places to play.
Maybe if you didn't make your politics your entire identity or bring them up while playing games you'd have a better life.
Two bards block your path from the goods you desire!
I think that's exactly what the dude was complaining about.
I once ate at an Olive Garden that looks like a warehouse from the outside. 200 tables? Dunno, but probably close to it.
Good food? That's a different question entirely.
Store doesn't even have any wargaming tables
Stores that lack tables are defacto not welcoming to table top players.
MtG players are a plague, but one local store run tournaments that pay the bills, RPGs and minis ride free
The RPG section is going to be D&D and Pathfinder as they are the gorillas. In minis its Warhammer and FoW. Like it or not, money talks, as do numbers. We have some 30 W40k players spending $100 each a month, but MtG spend that in a weekend tourney!
I support the FLGS because the provide a place to play, a place to meet other players and a place to hang with people who think in hit points, ranges and know the differences in scales.
it's never the right-wingers that try to engage you in conversations about the politics
Can confirm. I'm as right as the day is long, and I actively avoid discussing politics.
Literally the only people I've met to throw out politics in game stores have been alt-reich retards.
We're literally on a board right now where almost every single thread has at least one or two guys infusing posts with right-wing shit.
The first mention of politics was literally a right-wing complain about the left-wing.
>We're literally on a board right now where almost every single thread has at least one or two guys infusing posts with right-wing shit.
>The first mention of politics was literally a right-wing complain about the left-wing.
Selection bias. I mostly notice retards spewing 'muh pol' bogyeman shit every time anyone brings a non-left point of view. I just remind myself that this is because things that I consider merely non-left a leftist would see a 'right-wing shit' and you are a confirmation of that hypothesis.
Anyway, in western urban WA where the stores in question are you'd be hardpressed to find a right-winger playing magic -- much less one who is willing to risk a shitstorm by talking about his views. I have people trying to engage me in rant conversations about Trump on several occasions though.
Whatever you say, dude. Again, the first mention of politics was "meh aren't le sjw leftist cucks so, like, annoying?"
>alt-reich retards
atleast try to hide it.
>you will be more than "just another costumer" in the eyes of the folks working there, and your input matters
I'm not sure whats more depressing, the fact you believe this or the fact it's hopelessly untrue
you are a pinata full of money
TFW I am in this picture.
Hide what? I'm not hiding anything. I think people on the alt-right are retarded. I'm not even trying to be a "le golden middle" type dude. I prefer SJWs to alt-righters in every sense of the word.
You're using that comic panel wrong, user.
Heretic Games, San Bruno. FLY ASS STORE MY NIGGAS
By this logic you would agree that Bernie Sanders is more intelligent than Donald Trump
shhh, don't rustle, if you spook it they start screeching and flinging poo
going to the prerelease this weekend?
never been inside game kastle, how is it?
I work in construction, user.
My former LGS has reached the point where the only Veeky Forums related stuff they sell at all is some magic cards behind the register. They only sell used movies and games, and have a massive counter for piercings where the wargaming stuff used to be.
sure you do
Thats no game store user
Its a whale trap
This may amaze you, but most if not all Veeky Forums related games take tables to play on.
that sucks that you ran out of comics after only 2 posts, now you'll have to actually think to reply
not the highest of bars
I've just gotten into tabletop shit so I'm new to browsing this board and it's kind of baffling just how frequently I'm seeing threads with people infusing childish /pol/ nonsense into whatever the topic is, no matter how forced.
I don't play this stuff to be reminded by dipshits about how dumb they think other political views are. It's an escape from this life into another one where today's whiny politics don't exist. I'll even tolerate a fascist if he just shuts up about it and plays the game.
He's like 4 years older and 50 times less successful.
OP here. I don't necessarily think this meme is indicating MORE OLDER = MORE SMARTER, but rather is mocking the general attitude of disdain for older "dinosaurs", nahmeen?
>50 times less successful
Are we measuring '# of times gone bankrupt' as a metric of success? if so I agree
You're right user. I meant purely by the meme that anyone even a year older than you is superior to you in every way.
And I'm taking the piss out of it because it's a stupid troll comic
Trump has never personally gone bankrupt though, only a few of his hundred+ companies have. His success rate of new businesses is in the 90% range, which is a pretty rare accomplishment.
Not even a Trump supporter, you blind rhetorists are the reason we lost.
>you blind rhetorists are the reason we lost.
No that would be Hillary Raw-Damn Clinton and the incredibly clumsy and hamfisted way she rigged the DMC then outright ignored swing states because she thought she had them in the bag, letting Trump blow her out of the fucking water in Electoral votes due to her ego.
I will remind you the Republicans hated Trump just as much until it seemed they had no fucking choice and even then they nearly had a civil war over it, but mutually decided the reptile-woman was their greater enemy.
You don't get it senpai.
The right *likes* arguing with people like you. You made us look like ivory tower retards.
>le orange man bankrupt
They literally formulated ways to best argue with you people for fun, you're probably in a facebook screengrab with a "look at this libtard" over it.
>Geeve the man hees fucking munay
>Tips Doubled
Fuck that place.
Explain this to a non-American please. I assume the store matches whatever you give the workers in tips, but what's the issue with that?
There is no escape. Unless you play the abstract stuff someone's political views are dominating the landscape. If we're talking rpgs it's in the small details of setting - the existence of cultural gender roles, the inheritance laws, the marriage law, whether magical talent is inherited, stuff like that.
People like to whine
Stuff like that at least has other excuses though. Settings are often based on easy to write, well known genres/concepts, along with the easy excuse that in stuff set in, for example, generic fantasy past that's just how the times were in our equivalent of that time period.
Even if there's an underlying political reason all I want is to not have modern bullshit waved in my face, which isn't hard. There's a difference between a fantasy society having set gender roles and making up a city state being raided by orcs with a paper-thin strawman population calling you racist for thinking the orcs should be driven out.
>dude complains that liberals are insufferable at a couple of venues
>SJW enters thread and proceeds to inject their politics and act like an insufferable faggot
>/pol/ types wander into thread whining about non-/pol/ types and then blames the non-/pol/ types for ruining the thread when they started this shit
god you people are cancerous
>There is no escape. Unless you play the abstract stuff someone's political views are dominating the landscape.
The "everything is political" trope withers under scrutiny.
Even your statement right there is essentially political. All human interactions have a political element to them, just like all speech has a linguistic element. You can't escape it. The moment you interact with the social fabric, you are acting in a political framework.
>complaining about /pol/ on Veeky Forums
there's a reason why /pol/ is the most popular board on this site
>dude injects politics into an apolitical thread to complain about people injecting politics
>gets mad when called out on injecting politics
It's literally not. Everyone who posts regularly there is instantly reviled and smelled out for the useful idiot they are. It's not even the fastest board, and you want to try to claim it has a good reputation? Fuck off. Always derailing shit to spaz about the latest hook you've swallowed from your incompetent masters.
Not the person you were responding to, but I wasn't blown away. That might just be because I'm a lot closer to Isle of Gamers though
Is it because there's a lot of white nationalist Nazis are afraid of spouting their views openly in public because they realize the idea of "white supremacy" is funny coming from a bunch of overweight neckbeard wearin' virgins?
ouch what a clever comic, you've surely defeated me. Who'd have thought just calling the people you don't like a bad name was the key this whole time
>There's a difference between a fantasy society having set gender roles and making up a city state being raided by orcs with a paper-thin strawman population calling you racist for thinking the orcs should be driven out.
Sure, there is. But then there is no indication where the line of 'waved in the face' is. For you the set gender roles is OK, for someone else enforcing them is sexism. There are people who think that anything south of 'every society in the setting is 100% culturally accepting of every sexuality race and religion' is dm being a nazi. There are others yet who think that all fantasy species should be intolerant to others by default because that's the only thing that makes sense in absense of fast transportation, free dissemination of information and centuries of trade.
The point is: every time you play someone's political views are being promoted. There is no escape, either your group is a hivemind or someone is oppressed.
Is that a FATAL book on the right side?
>All human interactions have a political element to them, just like all speech has a linguistic element.
>The moment you interact with the social fabric, you are acting in a political framework.
Ahh, this user gets it. It's so nostalgic, our politology prof. started our first seminar in Uni with basically this. We mostly ignored him because fucking politology for CS students, who has time for that shit -- yet the fucker was right.
My FLGS is usually full when i go there... and its kind of intimidating, everyone knows each other, everyone is playing a game pretty intensely and don't want to speak to anyone else.
The staff are friendly, but as someone shy as myself, breaking into such an established clique feels impossible.
>There is no escape
The escape is when any sort of political baggage is utterly transparent. As long as no one is thinking about it, all is well.
I know more and more blatant racists my age than ever before.
It usually comes out when somebody starts espousing opinions like yours and people start speaking up. We, again, aren't outwardly political all the time so leftists always assume they are in good company.
t. Hispanic crypto-fascist.
Certain people (especially Veeky Forums) are very butthurt about tipping in general