MTG Modern General
>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
MTG Modern General
>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Other urls found in this thread:
>what are you playing?
Lightning bolt tribal
>what are you hating?
Collective brutality
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Lathnu hellion
Ponza mostly but probaby going to give Grishoalbrand a try this week
that I can't find a combo deck I really like
Violent Impact has been decent to me in Ponza
>Lightning bolt tribal
>Still thinks that's funny
KYS pleb
Hey all
Playing UW Vial Spirits
Hating Titan-Shift (sometimes Tron)
Jankiest card is Ojutai's Command.
>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
Mirror match is pretty boring. Might switch to esper DS for the edge
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Death's Shadow I guess
found a set of death's shadows in one of my boxes, should I sell now or wait a bit
Been playing a super budget 8 rack deck that is doing surprisingly well against deaths shadow. Smallpox is definitely the jankiest but man does it over perform
Nothing especially
Mogg War Marshal or Mogg Fanatic.
Almost feel like replacing Marshal with Krenko's Command or something. Might even replace it with Don Krenko or Goblin Chieftain.
Pinging a Birds of Paradise or another toughness 1 with Fanatic feels nice but I don't get a lot more use out of it.
would you date a used up toastie roastie who's sat on every dick at Hasbro?
I would.
Wait until they ban it, then sell
>what are you playing?
Devoted Company and a bit of Elves.
>what are you hating?
Noble Hierarch's price.
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
I don't know, you tell me.
wouldn't date, would shag
what's a good rating on xmage
does rating even matter
+1400 essentially means you are good at the game and don't lose to BRs
+1500 means you are a real hot shot
+1600 means you're a filthy EDH fuck who plays a degenerate combo deck that always wins
Anyone with a rating below 1200 is either brand new or a subhuman shitter who wants to play ooze tribal.
rating is mostly irrelevant though, its mostly just for making your E-penis feel bigger
>lightning bolt tribal
>nothing really. GDS is annoying but it's not too bad
>thunderous wrath
>what are you playing?
Lantern Control.
>what are you hating?
People taking my gosh darn bridges out of my hand.
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Playsetty of mainboard leylines.
Other than that a Sideboard Gaddock Teeg which is actually bananas. No EE, no Chalice, no Chord, no cryptic, no extra turns, no shatter storm/fracturing gust, no brolista.
is bump in the night really not good enough to warrant a spot in burn?
What are you taking out for it?
Helix maybe? I can't imagine the lifegain being relevant that much of the time.
I'm not a very good burn player though. Just 1 mana deal 3 seems like the card you should run 4 of regardless of the color.
You're on the money in terms of the worst card in current burn. 3 Life means little against most decks currently played. This mardu burn list came 4th in the most recent MTGO PTQ
4 Arid Mesa
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Bloodstained Mire
1 Scalding Tarn
2 Blood Crypt
2 Sacred Foundry
2 Mountain
4 Bump in the Night
3 Burst Lightning
4 Lava Spike
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Shard Volley
3 Boros Charm
2 Searing Blaze
3 Skullcrack
4 Rift Bolt
4 Goblin Guide
4 Monastery Swiftspear
2 Grim Lavamancer
2 Stony Silence
1 Leyline of Sanctity
1 Leyline of the Void
3 Smash to Smithereens
1 Exquisite Firecraft
2 Rain of Gore
2 Deflecting Palm
2 Nihil Spellbomb
1 Wear/Tear
The rain of gores are for scapeshift, which will side in baloths and thragtusk's for burn. Keep in mind this list is very meta game focused, a bunch of the choices could be bad in a week. But it's a good starting point if you wanted to build mardu burn.
Imo it's not that bump isn't good enough, it's just that you'd have to change your land base to accommodate black and that could make the deck as a whole less efficient.
>mardu burn
>no crackling doom
>paying 3 mana for 2 damage
Norin Sisters
Turn one discard
The whole deck? Probably my set of maindeck Confidants though, mardu Norin is a strange place to be, though it is pretty legit honestly.
Are you talking about this?
Better off playing Rakdos Aggro or Mono-Black Devoiton.
I honestly don't think they'll be much higher than this. I'd keep them, but that's me.
I got 1400 with Knight tribal, 1400 doesn't mean shit
Is this the silver bullet against Death's Shadow?
I'd probably run Lilianna's Defeat instead. You lose instant speed, but you hit Lilianna.
Fatal Push.
>what are you playing?
Bring to Light White Scapeshift
>what are you hating?
6+ Turn 1 discard effects in a single deck
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Mnemonic Nexus in side board (There's 5 lantern control decks in my meta)
Also pic related in mainboard
devour flesh hits all 3 creatures and turns off their shadows =^)
that jank is my kind of jank
U/W, Jeskai or esper control?
UW is more consistent and better against Tron
Jeskai is better against small aggro decks like counters company or elves and also is a decent clock against any slow-ish decks
Esper is better against midrange like Abzan and big aggro decks like Eldrazi Tron but can go pitifully slow
-Esper Control Player
I'm a sucker for jeskai because of how much I like lightning bolt and lightning helix.
That was so funny when you posted it in the legacy thread as well. Reminder that this site is 18+.
What if I'm at 1350? Then again I'd probably be higher if so many people didn't play degenerate combo in legacy.
I'm going to build pretty much the same, testing it on xmage felt good.
Nobody expects it when bring to light grabs madcap experiment
no, she is a disgusting person in both looks and personality.
bant spirits
Lantern, as always
I try to put at least 1 of echoing truth in every deck
>what are you playing?
Still playing DSJ, but subbed it the white for Blue so I can main board 3 stubborn denials
>>what are you hating?
Nothing gets me particularly upset, but I never enjoy playing against decks that play 30+ creatures
>>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Rhonas. I side him in against creature heavy decks since the trample helps out a lot and it's very easy to make him be able to attack and block
>19 lands
>4x Shard Volley
>No Eidolon
>Burst Lightning of all things
>still playing Lavamancer
What the fuck is going on? I don't know if this person is a genius, or a complete idiot. Either way it's insanity.
Different meta.
>what are you playing?
Bant Worship.
>what are you hating?
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Probably Sylvan Caryatid. Even Geist on T2 has felt lackluster when it happens given how fast the metagame has gotten, so I abandoned that in favor of being able to get Worship online T3 with just a mana dork on the board.
K Command needs to go.
he gave his reasons on ~~~reddit~~~
if you want a summary: helix sucks in general, eidelon sucks right now, 1 mana spells in general are always better than 2 mana spells
Got a link? I would like to see his thought process. I mean, obviously he did something right and I always like innovation in Burn.
do you play Hearthstone?
Fascinating. Thanks.
it was a cool timewaster when it was new but winning or losing based off of card effect rng over and over again got boring
Needs to be more discard hate. Loxodon Smiter is OK but there needs to be more. Red especially needs some discard protection considering its already a color of inherent card disadvantage.
A card like Guerrilla Tactics?
Black and lands are protected as all hell.
If you would reveal cards from your hand, instead reveal two nonland cards.
id marry if fertile
just want my own kids desu
I'd play that pretty much everywhere
>getting rid of a fatty and dealing 2 damage for 3 mana is bad
Go away
Kommand is more than that, and you know it.
so is crackling doom
>1x leyline
This is so fucking stupid. Either run 4 or none.
can myth realized work in taking turns? maybe include it in a deck with narset.
Doom requires 3 colors to cast and is limited in what it can do, whereas Kommand is a fucking swiss army knife. Kommand is two 1 cmc effects with an extra mana to cast both at the same time. Doom is an edh card.
what the fuck
from here
In Legacy people used to play something similar with the Nic-Fit engine (Veteran Explorer and Cabal Therapy) so I don't think it's that weird.
I'm of the opinion that discard effects are very very good, and Thoughtsieze could be banned. Its a one mana destroy/counter 99% of target nonland cards. Counterspells can be played around but what is the counterplay to T1 discard unless you have a leyline? Discard is too uninteractive for 90% of decks and there needs to be more punishment for mainboarding 8 one mana discard effects.
Yes. Staple the effects to some creatures and spells and we're good to go. The cards need to be good enough that they arent completely terrible vs decks that dont interact with your hand, should be a meta call type of deal. Maybe something like:
(1RR) - Flaring Tempers
If an effect would cause you to discard FT or another card in your hand, you may discard FT instead. If FT is discarded this way it deals 4 damage to target player and you draw a card.
Discard a card, draw a card. FT deals 4 damage to target creature or player and 2 damage to you.
Flashback (2RRR)
Casting effect could be anything else really, maybe something more creative but I think I gave an idea for soke discard hate.
It gets a bad wrap but they're ratcheting up the complexity each expansion. If you have a good collection there's insane control matches on the wild ladder.
Yes. I've gotten Legend several times but it's not that good of a game.
Extremely luck based
that's something I hadn't heard in years
Actually looking back at that it would be horribly overpowered. Should be "If an effect an opponent controls" otherwise there would be some shenanigans going on.
>there needs to be more punishment for mainboarding 8 one mana discard effects.
Normally the punishment is that your topdecks become shit and you lose to grindy control or prison decks, but with all the pushed creatures WotC prints, the beatdown machine for decks like Death's Shadow is super effecient AND Tron is still around to punish control decks further.
That's why GDS is so good though, it will just Serum then Thoughtscour away shit top decks and fuel the delve machine. Shit son can you imagine if Cruise or Dig were legal?
You guys think I should build Todd Steven's GW Company deck or Hatebears?
Also, how much is Aether Vial needed in Hatebears? I could buy three CoCos for how much one of those things are
what cards would need to be printed/unbanned for the control or prison decks to be able to compete
You can't Serum away every bad topdeck, it's not Preordain.
Vial is essential. It's pricey but buying in to it opens up a few decks.
I would start with this.
Accumulated Knowledge
Stoneforge Mystic
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Bloodbraid Elf
I wouldn't ban anything right away, but it might be necessary to ban Eldrazi Temple or Chalice if E Tron is still a problem later on.
So control gets some new toys, and we get another maindeckable way to interact with lands. BBE comes back to keep Jace in check and give traditional Jund and RUG a boost.
>Todd Steven's GW Company
literally what deck?
there's some esper control list running around with 4x Myth Realized in the main board, googling countermyth should bring it up
It's such an almost good card
It's a GW valuetown "FUCK LANDS" deck that has 4x Courser of Kruphix/Knight of the Requliary, 1x Azusa and 1x Crucible of Worlds to get ghost quarters and blow shit up
Something like that. It's basically a GW Company creature deck but it's got Knight of the Reliquary to cheat out utility lands and thin the deck, with the cheesy Ghost Quarter/Azusa/Crucible combo to just win some games. Plus with the new Crucible creature coming out the deck will only get stronger
Fucking ban Urza lands already. Tron warps the format to be guaranteed T4. You either win by then or you lose to Tron. Tron is 70/30 vs every deck. You either stomp or you get stomped, how is that healthy for the format? Wasn't "constant and reliable unwinnable game states" the rational behind many bannings before?
T. Very salty mid-range and control player
Besides tron there's some lands a deck would be better with having means to destroy them, but having to build every single deck then wondering "Wait, do I have what I need to beat tron?" Is such a pain
>BBE comes back to keep Jace in check and give traditional Jund and RUG a boost.
Don't forget Naya senpai
It will never happen cucktrol babby
Deaths Shadow will be banned and our colorless overlords will reign. Much better then blue babbies.
>what are you playing?
I took a few months off (health issues) and played an Esper Death's Shadow (meh) and then last week I played Affinity.
>what are you hating?
My shitty playing.
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Sometimes I find room for Ray of Revelation in my sideboards.
>Accumulated Knowledge
>has no argument
>calls people 'cuck' and 'babby'
you know you have to be at least 18 to be here right?
fucking summer
I have to say that I hate to play with or against tron, and it's definitely my least favorite thing in modern to watch on stream
But on the other hand ugin is a very cool card and I think it's healthy for there to be a deck that plays ugin in modern. I just wish it could be something a little more fair. I would like people to play some of the fair mana rocks they've printed to ramp instead of cheesing you out with tron lands
Today I forgot that Primal Command shuffles graveyards back in while playing against Living End n_______n
Get fucked senpai
>what are you playing?
Cycle tribal
>what are you hating?
Ux control
>what's the jankiest card in your 75
Choke. It's not "jank" just a subpar choice in the current meta. But them blue mage tears LMAO
Deck about Goblin Gavaleer, equipment artifacts, Kuldotha Rebirth, Shrapnel Blast and Goblin Grenade. Yes or no?
>Tron is 70/30 vs every deck
How to spot the person who has never played Aggro in their life.
This is modern, not pauper broseph
I own B/W token decks (modern14) was looking to upgrade/rebuild the deck something else any suggestions?
>goblin gavaleer