What's happened to Forge World?

What's happened to Forge World?

Renegades suck in 8th

they were tasked to do a silly mini for a silly game and they did.

They learned their materials are too thin to make Eldar models, so they focus on bulky stuff instead for structural integrity purposes


Nothing, people just live in denial about all the shitty FW models.

While GW is pandering to the winning party, FW is kind enough to provide personification of second best candidate.

nostalgia enables them to sell low quality stuff
the good sculptors are reserved for marines

'ey, gi'me yer gret-chin, orkthing.

Were they ever good?

This, basically, and I'd also note that FW seems to have made a habit of giving their minis extremely bad paint jobs lately. I doubt it'll be as hideous in person.

What is that? Skaven Fat Bastard?



...What's wrong with that?

Draped in the flab of easy living retirement but can still kick your blitzers ass up and down the pitch.


They are part of GW so people will buy their shit no matter what

>Were they ever good?
Pleb detected

Football shit

LOTR stuff has been meh ever since Perrys stopped working on it

thank you for reminding me. i need to pick these up when they come out.

Well, were they?

Isn't /our girl/ Louise Sudgen (Savage Orc user) painting for FW now?
Why haven't we seen any of her stuff on their website?

I hope they aren't making her paint in a different style she's not adept at.

Renegades were amazing in 7th. Cheaper than guardsmen even with upgraded BS and with extra special weapons and more flexible squad sizes.

Wyverns for them were 55 points if you wanted to have them at BS2 (and with TL you did), Thudd guns were 35.

not only that, with Siege of Vraks your squads came back from the dead on a roll of 2+ with a certain formation, also gave tanks a 2+ cover save if you had camo netting on them and outflanked.

And now they're just the same price as guardsmen for slightly more special weapons (with guardsmen getting plenty of SWS now) potentially better (or worse) leadership, no order, worse ws and bs, and shittier commissars to back them up.

there's no reason to play them now other than they're fun.

But at least Ogryns and Psykers seem usable now.

at least they dont suck like the krieg

Krieg aren't terrible given how much they can take from regular guard in terms of support and pretty solidly an improvement from last edition given they're only a point above guardsmen.

Being able to take psykers, priests and other specialists for no current negative is a huge boon for them.