
Going to midnight prerelease
It will my first time going to one
I play modern and EDH.
I drafted before but not sure how prerelease events work
What should I expect and any tips will be nice

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Just be kind and polite, but also crush the competition. And watch out for thieves.

Listen to the limited resources podcast, they do great prerelease set reviews

Bumping because it's my first one too. You get four packs of Devastation, two from Amonkhet, and a mythic rare Promo with a Datestamp on it.

From there you have a couple different formats, the main one being a tourney using exclusively the six boosters and basic lands to create a 40 card deck to compete with, basically draft minus the draft.

Then there's alternative tournaments that go until the next evening.

If you have some time, watch LoadingReadyRun's Pre-prerelease. They deckbuild on stream and play a lot of games which help you get a handle on the format.
Afflict is mucho strong

Here's an example of the sort of thing you need a deck from in Sealed.

In fact, as a challenge, go ahead and build a 40 card deck, using cards in this image and basic lands.

Remember BREAD


so am i. you wouldn't happen to go somewhere in sweden?

Look up cards beforehand so you know what does what and what cards to look out for. This way you don't waste time reading cards when building.

Separate your cards into WUBRG Multi Artifact Land, with seperate spots above each one for rares.

16-18 lands is the sweet spot usually.

Try to go only two colors if possible. If you have to splash to three make it only like 2-3 cards and 3-4 lands.

Don't play Red this set it's garbage. Pic related.

Pray you get good rares.

Best colours this time?

use this

Watch out for thieves, remember your BREAD, and remember that a lot of strategies that wouldn't work on constructed can be relevant in limited, like pinging. Good luck

Where the fuck are you guys playing? I've never been robbed at prereleases.

I mean I keep my eyes on my binder but still.

Just at a glance, BR seems strong. White could be viable with anointed procession + nest of scarabs but seems like a trap.


But red is actually pretty good. The Ammonkhet red cards are also super strong.

Red rares have a good chance of being garbage, as per usual.

Red is a solid core color.

Do prerelease events give you mana cards or do you bring your own?

prepare for endless annoying 'jokes' and meaningless conversation as members of the critical role of MTG world drag you from one misplay to another.

I wish wizards would give the unique perks like pre-preleases to literally anyone but a bunch of SJW 'for fun' dumbasses

Every limited event (including prereleases) will give you basic lands. Emphasis on basics though, they won't give any other lands.

Most thieves are opportunists.

It's not that someone will get robbed, but that you should do your part to minimize risk. Greed is a powerful temptor.

I don't mind the misplays and casual atmosphere, but the sjw shit, incessant unfunniness and general jewry ruins it.

Mate you need to go to a small LGS, our usually has about 30 or so people show up for the midnight release, we all know each other

I've run a fuckload of simulations and I always end up up in G/W or G/X, rarely W/U and very very rarely if the stars align in other combinations like B/R.

So much for wizards printing shit cards for limited balance.

Crack your packs quickly, sort by color. Don't spend too much time reading cards as you're doing this initial sort.

Now, go through each color, and sort out the cards that are just unplayable. There's not as many of these as there used to be, but you *are* going to have cards you just aren't going to want to play.

Now that you've cut out the chaff, evaluate your piles. Chances are you've got a color or two that just don't have enough cards. This isn't to say that you need an even split of colors in your deck, but if one of your colors only has 8 cards, you're going to need the other one to do a lot of heavy lifting.

Lay out the color combination that looks most promising--do this by separating the cards by CMC, and then splitting between creatures and non-creatures. This makes it much, much easier to visualize your mana curve and creature count, and get a sense of the deck's strengths and weaknesses. Repeat for the other color combos you think might work, then pick one.

Other people have said it already, but you're going to end up with a 40 card deck, and in this format, 16-17 of those will probably be basic lands (thanks to cycling you can play slightly fewer lands than normal, which is 17-18).

Other people have mentioned BREAD, which is a good thumb, but another thing to remember is that you want your cards to actually affect the board--if you spend a bunch of time durdling around with draw spells, or discard, or stuff that isn't interacting with the battlefield, you are going to lose. Even a mediocre creature can block or swing for damage.

Also, as a format specific thing--if this is anything like Amonkhet was, low-power high-toughness creatures are going to be pretty bad. That's not to say you won't play them--they are creatures after all--but don't count on them blocking as effectively as you might think.

>Also, as a format specific thing--if this is anything like Amonkhet was, low-power high-toughness creatures are going to be pretty bad. That's not to say you won't play them

wat, cards like these are absurdly hard to get past through.

>Tomoko plays necropotence

Always knew she was best girl

Those Who Serve did shit all against Gust Walker or Hooded Brawler. Dutiful Servants won't be able to block a card like Rhonas's Stalwart or Khenra Scapper, and trying to block a card like Frontline Devastator will just barely slow down your loss of life.

In other formats they are acceptable, but not in Amonkhet block limited.

No, they aren't. Most aggro things crush it on exert or at least don't die to it. The new set adds fun creatures like 1/3 afflict 2 that don't care if you block with it or creatures that pump to 4 power while not dying to 2-powered blockers etc.

Those Who Serve can be OK on T3 if you don't have anything better to do, especially in sealed where you won't see as many crazy aggro starts but they are not good or hard 'to get past through'. The new 2/5 is slighly better as a wall.

Yeah, thanks for Christmasland, too bad that most afflict creatures have 1 or 2 of toughness and getting rid of them while not dying is still very good.

taking only commons and uncommons there are:
2 afflict creatures with t2
1 afflict creature which is 2/2 but pumps itself to 4/4

I don't know if you are into math but 2 out of 6 is not 'most'.

I just named 3 commons that Dutiful Servants either can't block or aren't able to profitably block. There are other commons that are just as good. To say that having those cards is "Christmas Land" is way underestimating how often you'll see them.

There's also Aerial Guide who just shits drake droppings all over ground blockers.

There is alot of stuff that makes blocking a suboptimal plan. that being said, if you need to block, picrelated is a better choice than a 2/4.

Would I be smart to use any Unsummons I pull? I feel it would be a great response to all the tokens.

its cool to kill a token for U, but usually the play with unsummon is something like bouncing their 3 drop at the start of combat to get in with yours, or bouncing their 5 drop on their end step to get in with your stuff next turn. killing tokens (esp the eternals) is cool but primarily it is for midgame tempo swings

Is anyone skipping this pre-release?

I feel like this set is too boring to bother going to one, and there is no value in this set at all apart from Bolas.

back from prerelease. Drafted a bunch of shit and went red black aggro. 2-0 / 2-1 /1-2/ 1-2 last 2 losses were both to kefnets last word. 1 of them has 2 and the other got 2 from scribe of the mindful or whatever.

Results aside this has been the worst draft experience i had because the power level of the set was so godamn bad. I never miss a prerelease but damn im not even gonna play tomorrow the set is just terrible. I made like 4 € from 7 packs

my advice would be to skip it entirely. Best scenario is you make like 6-7 € worth of cards.

I'm skipping this one due to a full schedule. I wouldn't say this set is that boring, cycling is great and embalm means everyone has to care and worry about the graveyard. That being said, this block plays very similarly to SoI so it's not a particularly novel meta.

"Muh misplays"
You're most likely going to be playing at an LGS. That's what the format will be - a bunch of casuals just enjoying and trying out new cards.
If you want to criticize for misplays, criticize the pros. You shouldn't expect a bunch of people at an LGS to be playing Finkel-level magic.


8yo chinese boyz at my LGS prereleases play better than these people. I'd prefer that a fucking absolutely unique event like this erred on a side of having better than average players than gayer than average clowns.

Is this the post-prerelease review thread?

Best pull was pick related I also got Samut planeswalker, went 2-0-1 with UW fliers. First match was mono-durdle mirror, neither of us drew our bombs and we went only 4 turns into game 3 before time.
Because of that and because the store was tracking records on paper rather than in the system, they randomly gave me the bye because they didn't know how to match me.

Just finished mine. Went GW exert with a bunch of Oketra's Avengers and the 3 mana bird that untaps creatures. Was finally punished for my 1 health creatures in the finals. Fucking Scorpion God.

Pulled a Doomsday invocation from my prize packs so pretty good overall.

2-0-1 here, would have prob been 3-0 as I had a solid UB bicylces with lilliana at the top end synergyzing really well with the desert man land. But r3 the guy had the whole WB zombies package and a fucking scarab god splashed in, fuck that card in limited

0-3 drop here.

I don't know what I did wrong. The deck looked fine, maybe a little light on removal but I should be just rolling over their dudes and it'll barely matter.

This is what I played. Also pulled Scorpion God but had no other source of -1/-1 counters.

that's not a 0-3 deck so you got unlucky or played badly somewhere along the line.

Still, if you don't have enough aggressive 2/3-drops for 16-land WR beatdown plan you should quit playing bloodlust inciter/defiant khenra/disposal mummy/djeru's renunciation -- maybe even Nef-Crop entangler -- and start thinking about playing more midrange power. You mentioned pulling scorpion god -- that's a huge bomb that does not need other sources of counters and it's splashable in your deck so it's an auto-include.
Also, blazing volley is not maindeckable and so is Pharaoh's Faithul (even with the Sunmare interaction in mind).

Think I made like $15 if I sell what I got.

Had some shit pulls. The guy I played against just had the best synergy and two turn 5 mythics. For my first time, it was a weird experience. Left after my first 0-2. Got a free HOU booster anyway. I think the woman behind the counter was happy to see a fresh face in the community.

Played midnight release afte being out of the scene and went 3-0 overall (last round was lucky because he never got his scarab god out). Had most wins in the story and got six packs, out of the twelve total I pulled shit rares. I don't know the meta but the set seems lackluster, still fun though. I was expecting to see a lot of prowess/afflict but most decks were going slow midrange/control. Blue was the most surprising color honestly. Worked in my favor as I went WU with a splash of green for both bombs. Draw, cycle, and life gain won me every game.

On a side note: I kinda want to get back into casual FNM, but I really only have cards from this set and it all seems like ass outside of limited--although I though it was a fun set for sealed format. Do you guys think there will be any goodish decks based around Hour of devastation, or is it all just supplemental for aamonkhet?

I 3-1'd with UB scarab God. pulled big Niccy himself in one of my prize packs.

Black Red, the rares are just excellent.
You could splash white but 40 cards is very limited.

Went 3-0-1.

Basically it was cycle till Bolas, then win.

>Opened zero bombs
>Opened zero unconditional removal ( holy fuck is red bad, 3 damage is not good enough )
And unsurprisingly, I lost to the exact same cards my opponents played because I couldn't win fast enough due to no bombs and not having adequate answers to opponents bombs.

>Foil Scorpion God
>Kefnet's Last Word
>God-Pharaoh's Gift
>Plenty of removal and counterspells
>Going strong, 3-1, only lost to another guy with Bolas, Scorpion and more after two games with awful draws, on pace to place in prize pool
>End the morning at 3-3, two places below pool.

Here's another sealed simulation, for those who want a little practice.

Yeah, I cut blazing volley after round 1 game 1 because it was trash. I wanted to try and force 3 color, but with my only source of fixing being the encampment and people at the top tables playing mono-color, I didn't think it'd be reliable enough. Also I super misjudged the speed of the format, thought it was way slower than it was.

>all the new gods are stupid god
>the bombs in general are stupid good
How bomb dependant will this prerelease be?

Thinking I'd go red blue with that setup, but I'm dogshit

Fuck fuck fuck im about to go to a prerelease and it will be my first.
Im shit at deckbuilding, i'll spill all my spaghetti. Pray for me

First glance thoughts:
>all 6 of those rares are garbage. Chaos maw is decent maybe.
>2 amulet plus manalith, 3-color is free if there are 3 good colors.
>double lethal sting, magma spray, blur of blades, puncturing blow, double fan bearer - holy removal Batman!
>Raz' Rite gives you an extra copy of whatever your best card is.

Mardu control with horror of the broken lands and granatic titan as your payoff

Just politely ask for help. There are people out there who love to help new players.

>tfw 4 of my rares were unplayable aftermath cards

>get a pretty decent creature-based pool with Vizier of the Meanagre, run jund.
>round 1 get memed on by Oketra's last blessing, draw my 6th land and slam down Hazoret's undying fury flip over 4 lands, somehow win through that game. Get him down to 1 next game and he topdecks last blessing AGAIN. 1-1 tie
>round 2 fight against the guy who probably had the best pool out of all of us. R/G aggro. Get memed on by Rhona's last stand. Lose 1-2.
>Round 3 nothing remarkable happens other than me flooding out on the last game making me finish 0-2-1.
>nobody pulls anything exciting from any packs outside of one guy getting a scorpion god

>3 of the total mythics pulled were the sphinx lord.

white had a really great showing in the amonkhet but there's literally only 4.5 white spells from the HOD packs

White/Black is where you want to be.

This is the last simulation before I'm out for tonight, just to see what people think of this one.

White seems obvious, just not sure what to pair with it.

Obviously green.

I'd probably go Green/White, lot's of creatures and Majestic Myriarch and overcome as finishers.


Post-round 1 lesson:
The enchantment hate in HOD is nonexistent and curses are awesome.

>MFW I win the last game of the night with 0 cards left in my library.

Cleaned up 3-0 with overwhelming splendor. Fun times

Dint make it into the winnings but had lots of fun with my R/W deck (which i managed to push to 60) with a big focus on shit having to do with deserts as well as a super neat foil full-land card from HoD. probably worth like 15 bucks i think?

Went 3-2 with BR, only good finisher was the 7 mana hellion and the manticores. Not bad for my second event since coming back

anyone else cheating?

very easy to do in sealed.

It's why I only play the first midnight sealed.

I opened a bolas and won another 7 packs and opened some black mythic dude.

Made my money, will play standard and draft going forward.

You guys get your free d4's that are heard to read?


I went 2-1-1, but the loss and the draw were both excellent games.

Scarab God is the real shit, don't think he isn't. I hope he sees more than just limited play, because he's a fuckton of fun.

I may even build EDH with him, but meh

Just went 4-0 in Two-Headed Giant, ask me anything?

>Those Who Lose


What did you and your partner play? Any particularly useful combos or synergies in 2HG you noticed? Friend and I are doing the 2HG tomorrow.

>2 Obelisk Spiders
>A few red bombs
>2 green bombs

1-2, I drew like shit and I knew Jund was going to be hard as hell to pull off.

He ran UW Control, 7 counterspells and a hella fliers. There was some 0/4 2 CMC artifact blocker that would ping for 1 constantly, he also had the spicy 5/5 Horse God that gives others indestructible and the artifact mirror that copies a permanent.

I ran RB, we pulled two Scorpion Gods, Torment of Hailfire, Ammit Eternal, and some generally good commons and uncommons, Cut to Ribbons worked wonders, I got Bontu's Monument out turn 3 while he kept them busy and it won us the game, turns out pinging them for 2 every time I play a creature and gaining 1 was pretty nice.

We had very few combos, he would just keep them down with fliers and counterspells while I dropped the big guys on them.

To anyone that's playing tomorrow, do NOT sleep on this Sand Strangler. Cerodon won me 3 games.

white/black for sure

get gud, i went 2-1-1 and had a blast, could have easily 4-0'd it, the set being bad means you can't just slap shit together and expect to win

everyone in my table was raving about their 4 color or 5 color whatever the fuck, only to get their shit pushed in by 2-color decks

>playing B/R burn
>round 5
>I'm the only 4-0 in the store
>game 3
>dude's down to 1 life
>but he has a better board position than me
>but there are six or seven cards in my deck that will end it immediately and there are between 20 and 30 cards left in my deck
>just have to find one
>Marauding Boneslasher and my other creature isn't a zombie
>opponent gets in for the menace finish
Gonna be sore about that one for a while.

If it makes you feel any better, in AMK prerelease I went 2-1-1 when I could have gotten 3-0-1 because I forgot to embalm my hydra on a dead turn

Prerelease thread?

Prerelease thread.

Red isn't nearly as bad as you think; the creatures are powerful and there's a lot of small stuff for Open Fire and Abrade to pick off.

>Low-power high-toughness creatures are bad

Unless they have afflict. Wildfire eternal is nuts.



Prerelease was alright. Built a grindy b/g mid-range deck with red splash for removal and potential finisher. I didn't have much else to finish with than Chaos Maw in my entire pool, so I said fuck it. 3 of my matches went to time, which was the opposite of my Amonkhet draft. My only loss was to some UR fucker with the locust god. I won against a UG big fliers, but it was easy. Ties were from Sultai control and the mirror match.This was my deck, please rate, no bulli. (I've only been playing since Kaladesh) Unsleeved cards are my shit tier promo and prize pack rare.

My best cards. Obelisk and Javelineer single handedly one my game win in the mirror. The 4/2 Cycler is really fucking good as a creature, and cycling him was always feelsbadman. Khenra Archers and the Hunting Croc were great. Kill spell on a stick was good, so was the plague spreader. I had the manalith, and a survivors encampment, for fixing, but they were best for playing with Grind//Ashes. Chaos Maw and Dreamstealer are in the shame corner, because I could never draw Dreamstealer and Chaos Maw kept finding it's way into my opening hand.

My biggest misplays were forgetting that I could tap for white for Ashes in the tiebreaker game of my first match, and forgetting about desert triggers counting the graveyard too. Some little other ones too, but those stuck out. All in all, HOU is a bit too slow and grindy for me, and I feel like the format would be better as 3x AHK and 3x HOU, because AHK has better commons in every color. Oh and before you ask, yes, I did not get a single black removal spell.