>H-Hey user. It has b-been a while ahah... you still like me, r-right? You still prefer me to Age of Sigmar, r-right a-user?
Wat do?
>H-Hey user. It has b-been a while ahah... you still like me, r-right? You still prefer me to Age of Sigmar, r-right a-user?
Wat do?
I do. I'm building my 4th 8th edition army that can be used in both 7th and 9th edition
I still love you, babeh.
We had lots of fun together. Remember those Mordheim tourneys? Those First Edition RPG crazy campaigns? The battles with Dog of War and Chaos unified army lists? Yeah, good times, babeh, but now is over. We can't keep the spirit of the 80s alive for much longer. It was time to go to the Grey Heavens.
You will be still alive in my dreams and memories and in those who you brought so much fun.
Does the Tercio work in warhammer?
>wat do?
Keep playing the rulesets you like, and play Total War if you're into those games.
Wait for the Cubicle rpg to come out and see if that's any good.
Massively overpriced game but still only 1/10th the cost of buying real models
I wish people still played it in my area.
bought game and all dlc during steam summer sale still paid 60 euros, without sale it would've been 119 euros.
i really do prefer the fantasy lore, but i dislike the gameplay
>Wat do?
Buy another Stormcasts box
I know what you mean. I didn't get in to Warhammer Fantasy until late 8th edition because I absolutely loathed the movement system. Less than a year later it died. So, money well spent I guess.
I do use the miniatures for AoS though.
Because without movement trays everything so easily and faster
it actually is because you dont need to calculate at what angle you are allowed to move the tray and stuff like that
>it actually is
Because your army is Stormcasts?
nope, Imperium
i donn't know about other editions, but in 6th, empire had the possibility of building regiments supported by two minor regiments armed differently which have to stay together and had some advantage when charges happen(you can have one fight while the toehr two run or all of them shoot or stuff IIRC
Fantasy has vastly superior lore, worldbuilding, and general gameplay complexity.
did they change the name or do you play 40k?
I play the same Empire army I had back in 8th. It's still easier.
I happen to play both, Imperial Guard (Astra my ass ) and the imperial army (free guilds my ass)
Well moving bunch of warmachines isn't very hard
Masochism fetish?
How do you know ?
>How do you know ?
Because you are playing shit-tier army?
I play majority State Trooper Infantry and Greatswords, with some cavalry backup. I have one Steamtank, one Volleygun and one Great Cannon.
Never like Warhammer as a Wargame, never will. Age of Smugmar is even worse.
I just use the models I got as gifts for my own games.
>capcha is cathedral doors and bell towers.
>game about shooting
>running weak melee list
Then my meta must be real friendly because i win more than i loose
I got to admit, i am a waac fag when it comes to AOS, i exploit every rule i can find and only spam good units....
>>capcha is cathedral doors and bell towers.
>i am a waac fag when it comes to AOS
>I play majority State Trooper Infantry and Greatswords, with some cavalry backup.
More than half of my state troopers are handgunners.
>inb4 move or fire.
Thought aware I am likely replying to bait, I don't give a shit what you think of my army list.
All my models are Skaven, knife ears, and beastmen, so I wouldn't think so.
There are currently two imperials in this thread, the other one plays majority State Trooper Infantry and Greatswords, with some cavalry backup.
I spam Musketiers with a general to give them 2+ 2+ -1 1 and some swordsman with shields and a mage for their ultra cheap 3+ re roll ones armor
>More than half of my state troopers are handgunners.
Is it supposed to be good for WAAC list?
>I play majority State Trooper Infantry and Greatswords, with some cavalry backup.
This is me.
>i am a waac fag when it comes to AOS
This is not.
>two freeguilders in this thread,
fair fix, since we are in AoS thread
It is not. I play what I like, that's all.
>so I wouldn't think so.
Why if you run your own games?
>This is me.
>This is not.
But who have masochism fetish?
are Greatswords worth it ? I consider buying some because of their astehtics..... ( and because i hope they are good )
i do
>are Greatswords worth it ?
>i do
Oh, okay
I will always adore Fantasy's setting, so I love Total Warhammer, Vermintide and, most of all, WFRP. Sadly, despite buying a whole toolbox full of Orcs, I could never get on with the game system.
Quite frankly, if they had released AoS' ruleset but kept the Old World's setting, I'd be all for it. But the abortion that was the End Times will always taint AoS for me. I can't even get excited about Orruks, as cool as they look.
Guess I can play skirmish games with my Orcs, but it'll never have official support to get excited about.
>i do
I hope this clears things up.
>are Greatswords worth it ? I consider buying some because of their astehtics
I got them ENTIRELY based on aesthetics. The looked like they'd be fun to paint. They were.
>But the abortion that was the End Times will always taint AoS for me.
Still mad that GW wiped out your generic setting? Grow up already
>Empire aesthetics
that's sort of cute
>Still playing 5th edition here. No one here likes AoS
>>Empire aesthetics
>that's sort of cute
Bought them when Fantasy still existed. AoS was not a consideration.
>>Still playing 5th edition here. No one here likes AoS
>things that never happenned
To be fair, you can still play games of AoS using the lore of Warhammer Fantasy.
>you can still play games of AoS using the lore of Warhammer Fantasy.
>most of armies are splited into microarmies with 1-2 units
Nice b8 shill
>Nice b8 shill
Uh oh... looks like you got me! I guess I'm a shill.
>m-muh microarmies
Most armies don't have allegiance abilities outside of their Grand Alliance, so they would be played as Order, Chaos, Destruction or Death. I don't see what microarmies have to do with my previous point.
7/10. Good effort, you got me.
>Most armies don't have allegiance abilities outside of their Grand Alliance
Except Ogres and savage orcs.
>so they would be played as Order, Chaos, Destruction or Death.
Aaaaaand for what reason?
What if I want to play an army that got squatted?
What if I like an aesthetic that is getting squatted?
Because my games are usually tragedies, long struggles against the consequences of our mistakes and sins. There is no redemption or salvation beyond the personal, only damnation and a bleak expanse.
There's a reason I'm fine using Warhammer mini's for them.
>What if I want to play an army that got squatted?
>What if I like an aesthetic that is getting squatted?
In both cases, if you played Fantasy Battles, and already had the army you'd be fine. Bretonnia and Tomb Kings still have rules.
Of course, it's likely you're only asking this because you know you can't buy Tomb Kings and Bretonnia anymore, in which case, obviously I have no answer for you, but it is also not my problem.
I actually played skaven, but there's literally no reason to field the giant hordes of clan rats I liked when the game is clearly favouring big monster and tiny groups of elite warriors
Unfortunately I am no expert in Skaven either in Fantasy Battles or Age of Sigmar, so I have no real basis to compare to. I've seen hordes of models do pretty well where I play, at the very least.
technically vermintide is end times based game
>implying that doesn't make it the perfect substitute for 8th ed
Not to mention all the other great Fantasy games out there. Someone remind me, how many AoS video games are there again?
sure pal.
It's right in line with literally every other Strategy game of it's time, and if you don't buy the DLC, you can still play against them in the campaign map.
How come there are no WHF threads anymore?
>How come there are no WHF threads anymore?
Because it's dead
>tfw want to give it a try, but gave it a pass during the Steam sale because I'd rather just wait for Lizardmen and Skaven
>just in case you don't know
First game factions will be playable in the 2nd game, if you have the 1st game. And there's going to be that combined map too.
I love Lizardmen too though, I think they're going to treat them really well with this game, and we're probably going to get a DLC like the Gobling vs. Dwarf one for Lizardmen and Skaven.
>Not getting it for 12 bucks when it was part of the humble bundle monthly
I laugh at your inability to conserve shekels.
Not traditional game, fantasycucks. go back to /v/
you are fucking blind
Yeah we do.
I'm still building armies for it.
The tercio is a bit late for warhammer, the Empire are sill in the early Swedish system of using a few arquebusiers to support their pike blocks. Estilea may use the tercio though.
There's been one everyday since 2014.
>The Old World
not sure what you are getting at. That is the the Warhammer Fantasy Battle General. Period.
Roleplaying has it's own general.
3E never left me
t. grognard
Just use the models and fluff in a another rule system then
Give age of sigmar 30 years and it might have cool fluff too.
Reminder that this is the last canon pic of Archaon in the old world
>inb4 GW is just letting CA license their IP
GW is letting CA make their own shit up regarding norsca even as we speak. CA literally made bretonnian 8th ed based of GW's notes.
It is clear, total warhammer is the continuation of fantasy.
This. Kings of War has support for almost any warhams army you can think of.
It's so fucking shallow and ugly though, can't even force myself to play anymore.
t. GW
did you hear the news? The old world is officially dead, total warhammer is at best an alternate universe or a different timeline but it was never and will never be canon.
This, but with trafitional games in general.
GW wants you to buy the game because they get money from it and its zillions of DLC.
And I agree with that user. It's shallow as fuck. It has no endgame cutscenes. What kind of a game has no ending? It just throws you out of the game without a single line. A lot of players were pissed at this and I among them.
>game adds more mechanical depth, diverse campaign and battle playstyles and tactics than previous games in the series
>dev releases map making tools so that people can make custom maps and customise the battlefield.
>game is shallow because it has no cutscenes.
I would take more different factions than cutscenes any day of the week.
>officially dead
and yet GW is licensing products for it. It's clearly NOT dead.
AoS isn't the canon continuation to WHFB either. It's a different setting loosely based on WHFB.
Word of God says that AoS is the continuation/sequel of WHFB. So stop being a lying faggot
>licensing products
ghey do it because of the moneys
>loosely based on wfhb
dude the endtimes fluff and the aos fluff both are literally describing the mayhem and the following collapse of the old world, aos begins with sigmar (it is made clear that it is in fact the og sigmar) riding the planetarycore of the old broken world through the materium.
>Game forces you to pay for DLCs to complete their incomplete game
>Devs do something that nearly all devs have done so they should get credits for it (lol no)
>120 hour game play, where most dudes have to hunt down the last armies across the map for hours to complete the game, has no closure despite other Total War games have endings or closing text telling you what happened after you conquered the world
WHTW is no more canon than Age of Reckoning and Mark of Chaos/Battle March which is to say not canon at all. They are just alternative storylines/timelines created for the sake of the game and nothing more.
>WHFB thread
Also, technically 8th ed. old world and 6th edition old world different worlds
Nice opinion you got there.
And the more you buy the game and its DLC the more you support GW. At least I pirated it and even then I felt ripped off.
>Nice opinion you got there.
Yep, any problems? Besides why do you even came in this threa, none discuss sigmarines and doubleturns here?
>Word of God says that AoS is the continuation/sequel of WHFB.
How so, if it's different trademarks and IP
Nope, just pointing that you are lying. Also to point out that WHTW is objectively a SHIIIIIIIT game ridden with DLC garbage.
Also I don't play AoS or any TT game for that matter. So whatever man. You support GW more than me.
>Nope, just pointing that you are lying.
>Also to point out that WHTW is objectively a SHIIIIIIIT game ridden with DLC garbage.
>so assblasted because of TWW success
>Also I don't play AoS or any TT game for that matter
Then I will repeat my question.
Oh shit it's the slav troll. Got tried of calling people fantasycucks now he pretends to like fantasy.