Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Tauniggers get BTFO edition

Fuck Discord and fuck Discordniggers

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:

>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Press F to pay respects

>WIP Math-hammer doc

First for butthurt OP

First for tau are the best faction. Problem Gue'la?


>Veeky Forumshammer 40k discord server

Remember that saying anything against the sexual nature of Dark Angel will get you banned

Can't even get first. Truly the worst.


I posted this last night :3


And, I'm stuck dealing with autistic (in one case literally) manlets at my shop. They're fucking terrible sports whether they win or lose (save for the autist who's actually good about it).
There's only a few people of decency around, usually the workers.

True dat..

Anata no tame ni subete no jinsei wa byōdō ni tsukura rete irunode, watashi wa jinsei ni modotta nodesu. Shikashi, anata wa tsuini sore o jitsugen suru yō ni narimashita,-sōde wa arimasen ka? Hitotsu no mono dake ga subete no tame ni hitoshī, soreha shidesu


You got warned. The fact the picture is gone suggests it was slightly less suitable.

Fuck off

Come on feline, most of your nu-Battlesuits are shit design wise

reposting: I'm looking to pick up thousand sons, ft magnus. What all do I need to pick up? An user mentioned some scarabs, rubrics, rhinos, and preds...how many of each? 2-3?

literally the only good regular poster, we need more cutedar pictures.

>paint admech green
>force mostly cult mechanicus
>call the priests 'kek priests'
>paint different pepes onto kastelan robot faces
>use thousand sons bits with Cawl to create lord kek

Tfw buying penitents new from GW is cheaper than buying from eBay ... this just came in. Thanks GW

Veeky Forums mods are closet homosexuals
One mod hates vietnamese women

Why this happen? No idea.

2000 point list I'm working on.

>ebay is retarded

Now you are pepe posting? Fast GW just squat the T'au™

I saw some people bitching about Admech fans the other day, but I've never really noticed anything particularly annoying about the beepboops, and I kinda like them. Would like to get myself a Skitarii-heavy army with infantry and those sweet spider-tanks, plus a little air support because planes as my first 40k force, will people get irritated at me for playing them?

I know Admech doesn't have any planes, but I figured that there's nothing stopping me paying some CP or a HQ tax and bringing along a couple tasty IMPERIUM ones, right?

>warnings dont lead to bans
Oh I guess we can just keep posting whatever then :^)

what's rule 8 m8?

I never said anything of the kind. I just said he got warned, not banned.

thats kinda pathetic

It's heavily implied

Use unthinned paints as well in triple layers so my toys are hero sized

Try working on it in excel where you can make your list readable.

Will the deathstrike ever be useful again
Playtesters didn't do their job
Because they didn't playtest worth a damn

I'm on my phone. I do what I can.

When it says a model "may replace his bolt pistol and boltgun with items from the x equipment list" does it mean he can replace one or the other a single item from the list, or replace both to get two, or does it mean that he loses his bolt pistol and bolt gun in exchange for a single item?

thats kinda impressive
It does have a job, it scares newbies

Complain. Tell GW it's not good enough. We're getting a IG codex sometime. THEY CAN CHANGE IT THEN. DON'T MOAN ON Veeky Forums THEY DON'T CHECK Veeky Forums. TELL THEM.

obviously it means that exchange both for a single item

Problem with the Deathstrike is its either worthless or overpowered. There is almost no way to run the concept except that way. Its gimped by that raw fact.

yeah man, you should should totally do that, post pics when you've got some painted up

Should I give my Noise Marine champion a sonic blaster then, or something else from the Champion equipment list?

What? Make it 6 Mortal Wounds with an extra D3 mortal wounds for every 5 extra models in the unit.

It likely still wouldn't be worth it.

Is Shas'o R'alai OP?
I really like the model but I hear people complain about FW being OP and I don't want to seem like a WAAC fag

>guardsmen the size of terminators
>baneblade sized leeman Russ
>convert all manlet marines into primaris with thick paints


That is actually a good question most of the times i read it as you can replace one or another for X thing, but now that i think about it, exchange both for a single item seem to be what the intended.

Though i belive both are fair because some units do that like the canoness and you still have to pay for it.

Think it's worth fielding 6 hive guard in 2k or is it too much? Is it even worth considering 3 shock cannons?

I consistently run termigant swarms fwiw

You play tau, nothing will stop people bitching at you.
At this point you might as well embrace it.

>Is Shas'o R'alai OP?
yeah no, its basically a tank

>people complain about FW being OP
Its OP for Imperium, not T'au. the only thing close to being cost efficient in the FW book is soamming 3 or 4 XV 109 against marines army.


Fine whatever you say.
Thanks, user!
Deep striking Tank doesn't sound bad.

Dear tafags

I want to start a csm army and want to go with either the world eaters or black legion mainly because I think it's cool that their legion descended from horus. The only problem is that I don't know if black legion will get the love that the world eaters will probably get when angron is released.

Which do you think is better?

depend of your meta

The damage is really good, you are going to say pretty much a big fuck you to an enemy unit, but the lack of a huge template to hit even more things hurt it. It is more of a novelty, and some thing with constant damage are better in points.

Does anyone have any good screen caps mocking the Imperial Fists?

>random superiors can triple wield
>Canoness can't triple wield

GW is not very good at rules eh?

Damn I wish I could paint that well.


I want to make a flyer/bike heavy DEldar list mostly painted white with black and red details


- he lost one of the ammunition types, drone controller and photon casters.

- his drones don't have the stable platform rule, meaning if they ever move they'll fire at BS6+

- he has re-roll vs characters, but no sniper rule - you'll have to create a situation where he'll be able to use the re-roll

- however, he's cheaper than he was in 7th and is better than R'myr. also looks hella cool

How many boyz would you say is TOO many boyz?

I might be picking up a shit load of boyz in a couple days and I have no idea how many would be too many.

I was initially thinking that maybe 90 would be good for a 2k game but it looks like I might be getting more than that.

bikes kinda got the nerfbat hard, but you should still go for it.

Needs more boyz.

as there are never enough dakka, there are never enough boyz

>dark imperium jumped the 40k plot forward 100 years
>every single non-space marine or non-eldar character is now dead from old age save a few exceptions such as cawl
Hope none of you shitters enjoyed any of your non-immortal characters

What are rejuvenation vats?

Creed was captured in a Pokeball. So he isn't. Besides, there's TECHNOLOGY now to fix such details.


>passage of time meaning anything at all

I'm sorry, have you heard of 40k?

That sounds worth it for me!
Shame about the drones though.

Most races in 40k can live a lot, the only race that have low life expectancy by age are Tau and even that, Firsight is inmortal and most named characters are put in a cryogenic sleep.

>he doesn't know basic lore
What are rejuvenation treatments
Death is for the poor and powerless in 40k
The Admech can revive someone if they want too.

>every single non-space marine or non-eldar character is now dead from old age


Death by old age is for NPCs

>the imperium has rejuvenation vats
>giving a fuck about aging
>orks just get bigger
>nids can always make a new swarmy, and AFAIK they don't age, but I may be wrong about that
>chaos has warp magic, they don't give a shit
>daemons don't age
>100 years means nothing to most eldar

The only ones who are fucked are tau. Farsights safe, and I'm not sure how long etherals can live for, but every other tau character is fucked, unless shadowsun got back to the tau to be frozen

There's no way in 2k that 6 will be "too much". Them and Exocrines are the only legitimately good anti-vehicle nids have and at 2k you can expect super heavy vehicles and multiple flyers per list.

>most named characters are put in a cryogenic sleep.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't shadowsun stuck on the opposite side of the space fire from the tau empire? As far as I'm aware farsight has no fridges, so everyone but farsight should be long dead

People actually think Admech's annoying? Between guardfag shitposting and 'we are teh only REAL heroes', endless hours of Marine wankers, chaos fanboys/crybabies, fapposting (GSC and chaos), Nids whining and 'NPC FACTION REEEEE', not to mention Sisters godawful autistic screeching, Admech are alright.

They're nowhere near as good as the Cronposter master race, but they're pretty chill, especially considering they've actually been NPCs for almost 30 years, only to get a good released and then bitchslapped on release of 8th. and like half of the non-FW models are ugly as balls guess they pay the price for not going full machine ;^)

Shock cannons are trash.

3 of them should put out 6 shots 4 hit but most priority vehicles are T8 so you're wounding on 5s with pitiful rend, and doing maybe 1-2 mortal wounds along the way.

Impaler gets the same number of hits on average but wounds those same vehicles on 4s, gets meq on 2s and has better rend ignoring cover.

Do YOUR part in these threads and ignore Guardfags.

When has it ever been useful?

>and like half of the non-FW models are ugly as balls
Arguably only robots are worse than Rogue Trader originals.

>not to mention Sisters godawful autistic screeching

I'm honestly more annoyed by that 'Shitster of Crapple' stuff that turns up whenever anyone asks a question about them/uses a SOB image.

What about Straken, Harker, Rambo, Pask and Kell?

Dead or Rejuvnat

Mega large blast radius
Str 10
AP 1
Ignored cover
Fired on a 3+ last edition

Devastating against mutli-wound toughness 5 or less, great at clearing ruins due to it's blast radius rule, huge threat to enemy tanks

But, since it was never in a tournament list, you probably didn't know any of that.

why tho ?
rejuvenation treatments

Technology will be the excuse. Rejuvenation vats, cloning and so on.

I think SoB fans have an excuse. They're pretty much ignored. Every other faction is heavily supported one way or another.

isn't shadowsun stuck in the warp or some shit?

The chickenwalkers are ugly, the boops are ugly, Electropriests are ugly, and the magos is so bland and uncustomizable I find it disgusting.

You'd think the #1 faction for customizability would actually have some... like anywhere. 30k did them soooooo much better, I was planning on starting them but the army is so monobuild- especially in 8th- it turned me off. And no way in hell im doing 30k

>thinking x are the ones shitposting
Maybe you are confusing shitposters with actual players

Well maybe Chaosfags and Taufag are not actually shitposting and are just retarded, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

I mean it was a given that I should do one or the other, but should I give him a sonic blaster OR a weapon from the champion equipment list?

Also, are Noise Marines just cooler regular marines with less special weapons options but more raw damage output?

What do you think about using this guy as a base for a Necrosius conversion ?

His hood gives him a sorcerer-y like look and I like the pose. I was thinking of trimming off all the horns and replace the powerfist with a pistol arm. The blade is fine as is, very occult looking.

Of course I knew that, a chimera hull firing on 3+ on turn 2 that got one melta hit on a tank or killed a 5/6ths of some footsloggers was not a useful weapon. But since you only ever played against people whose army was 3 devestators squads in a ruin you actually thought it was good in general.

I feel like the only one who thinks most of the beeboops robots look like shit.

The fallout/1950s robo aesthetic looks totally out of place imo

I want to start a Nids army, but I don't want it to be a swarm army or a kaiju army.

I want it to be a horror-themed, low model count Space Hulk army focused around stuff like Lictors and Genestealers. Is there a way to do this without it being terrible or running GSC?

Because poorly painted fggts

I actually like the walkers honestly. Bout it.

are shooty terminators any good?

Im thinking about getting the space hulk box because of the models

Not if you ever want to win a game.

>on space hulks

Well, it was built for 7th. Customization was already dying, sadly.

are guards prone to poorly painted figures ? I always thought that was SM territory