Just fantasy ones:
>Top tier
Middle Earth. Specifically, variant from TOR RPG
Various mythic earth settings that are placed in alternate version of history where magic and supernatural exist. Like Pendragon, but I'm personally not a fan of this particular one
>High tier
Glorantha - I love it but it has too many flaws to be top tier. The main, mythic/cultural themes are superb. But they are kind of wasted by pointless wackery here and there.
Greyhawk - best kitchen sink ever, even if I'm not really into kitchen sink. Literally because of what this other user thinks is a flaw Dark Sun - save the different themes, it's problems are exactly the same as with Glorantha
Hyborian Age - overal aesthetics and themes are cool, specifics of worldbuilding not much so.
Witcher Setting - great atmosphere and themes but it lacks cultural depth
>Mid tier
Warhammer Fantasy - I love it the way I used play it (gritty, realistic dark fantasy set in 1500s not!HRE), but that assumes ignoring 80% of the actual setting info which is plain wackery.
Planescape/Spelljammer - unbelievably overrated
Eberron - I don't like it, but I respect it for being consistent within its theme and using stupid D&D rules in a way that makes sense.
TES - Morrowind is superb. Setting as a whole... ugh, even if it has interesting points. So it balances out somewhere in the middle
>Meh tier
Forgotten Realms - literally the embodiment of meh. Playable, but ultimately most of the shit is stupid, boring and pointless. The fact that it's described in detail only makes it worse
Westeros - stories within it are good, the setting not much so. It's bot bland and lacking strong points of interest, and badly constructed with many elements hardly doing any sense
Dragonlance - FR but worse
Dragon Age Setting - boring uninspired shit but it could be worse
>Shit tier
Golarion, PoL - just pure shittery