ITT Obscure chapters you like

ITT Obscure chapters you like
>Star Phantoms
The Star Phantoms display a peculiarly idiosyncratic Chapter Cult. The Chapter's rites and traditions focus on death and martyrdom, the fallen being revered over and above the living. Symbols of death and mourning are used as Chapter iconography, the Chapter symbol itself featuring a sand-timer surmounted by two death's heads. This trait extends to a generalised disregard for the living that has often manifested in excessive collateral damage amongst populations the Chapter has been tasked with purging of insurrectionist elements, and even amongst allied units. In battle, the Star Phantoms utilise overwhelming firepower in order to crush their enemy utterly. Unlike many other Chapters, they hold no particular method of war as inherently favourable or honourable. They make extensive use of Drop Pod assaults, supported by a greater than usual reliance of drop pod delivered ordnance such as the Deathstorm, and favoured personal weapons are always those able to deliver the most impressive and destructive firepower.

In nature, Battle-Brothers of the Star Phantoms are often solemn and invariably shun contact with those outside of their Chapter. Their Chapter Cult teaches that life is transient and only the manner of a warrior's death holds any meaning. While they may be somewhat cold, the Star Phantoms truly hold no compulsions about dying, so long as they know they will be grieved by their comrades according to their beliefs.

Blood Swords
>Have a broship with the Star Dragons, something that is surprisingly rare in Space Marine lore
>are currently on a penitent crusade for reasons we don't know
>have a dreadnought Chapter Master
>declared not to be Blood Angels successors in 5th ed codex, but half of their lore involves them defending Baal with other successors

I liked that new founded chapter who's only distinguishing feature was the total lack of relics, artificer armour, terminator armour and all that jazz.

ADB is writing a book about the Emperor's Spears. So far they sound real interesting, based on the notes he's posting on Bolter and Chainsword.

suspected to be a secret DA successor chapter, due to the heavy dreadwing similarities (overkill doctrine, chapter symbol etc)

>Star Phantoms

I love this chapter. I'm planning on running them in 8th Edition as my group wants to get a Badab War thing going.

I like bog standard vanilla Marines without any snowflakey shit. No Primaris, no herpa derp Traitor geneseed, no bullshit. The unsung heroes of the Astartes that don't get 13yr old jizzing in their pants. Go fuck yourself.


>Book smart nerds with supa secrit gadgets who loan snall units to other armies to size up the galaxy at large.


>Literally special forces space marines.


>Better at being Daemonhunters than Daemonhunters while also being more occult and radical all without plunging headlong into tard-ation.

>obscure chapter
>Star Phantoms
>featured in an Imperial Armour book
>have an extensive selection of after-market bits available from third party vendors
Try again.


I love the Mentor Legion. I made a custom mini of Nisk Ran-Thawll.

It's such a shame their fluff was retconned into the ground...

They will soon get ANOTHER company size increase, as each company gets an additional 100 Primaris marines!
Also half again as many Primaris psyker marines.

Steel Confessors

Were the AdMechs attempt at creating their own pocket legion like the Minotaurs but the Inquisition found out and made them say sorry. They still maintain extremely close ties and practice the cult

I'm considering painting my Primaris as these guys, convince me?

The Hanged

Take the knot !

The chapter itself lost a fair number of marines during the Badab War as well as the Hrud invasion that destroyed their homeworld. As a fleet-based decimated chapter, it is likely they would receive reinforcements in the form of Primaris marines.

Dark Hunters
>Completely dedicated to hunting down the Punishers
>Successors of White Scars, which is pretty weird, because I don't think I know any other White Scar successor chapters
Knights of the Raven
>Raven Guard successor chapter
>Talked shit to some Ultramarine successor chapter
>Sent on a penitent crusade by Guilliman because they made the other chapter cry

Didn't the knights of the Raven outright fire upon the successor chapter at some point before their exile too ?

Angels of Vigilance.

Mostly because it's obvious they're a DA successor of some sort, but it's not too on the nose, and the Dark Angels don't recognize them as such. You can either play with them crusading into the Eye of Terror to hunt down the Fallen in their deepest hiding places, or you can have it so that they're Dark Angels successors who actually know nothing of their dark secret and aren't tainted by the sins of their fathers.

Or you can just enjoy the fact that they have a strong defensive relationship with the planet they're on, refusing to ever leave it unguarded. They probably got fucked over in the new lore though, along with the other Astartes Praeses.

By the Emperor, they're stealing successor chapters now?
Next well see some 9ft solid gold spear wielding "honor guard" that have most assuredly always been a chapter tradition

>Better at being Daemonhunters than Daemonhunters


Celebrants. Too bad there's no fluff for them.

When will they learn?

Mantis Warriors
>Badab War involved chapter with surprisingly little attention
>Apparently from the goddamn 8th founding but everyone forgot about them for a while
>Successors to a White Scars successor so you get that deep lineage going
>Just Kamen Rider: The Chapter

I wish we had a chapter master like nearly every other FW chapter though. Those neat special rules are cool. Oh well, I'll just settle for a generic bike chapter master instead.

What do you think their primogenitor is?

They have a good amount of lore if you look around. There's a short story about them somewhere.
>Chapter master joined with Huron at the start because of loyalty and shared mistrust of the Administratum
>Weird mutation where a marine enters a states of extreme concentration they can never leave
>Chapter master was put on trial and asked for death, but the Inquisitors condemned him to imprisonment or something like that so he could suffer forever knowing that he unknowingly sided with Chaos

When was the last time they got an official mention? I started with Rogue Trader and always liked this chapter.


Do you have those notes? Or at least a link towards them?

I just hope they're ot too snowflakey like the Iron Snakes ended up.

There are a few othet WS successors, you just don't hear about them very often. Mantos Warriors are an example
Also, here's a book about the DH. Have fun, it's an excellent book that flushes them out perfectly. Shame it never got published because of legal problems.

Dark Imperium mentions them I think. I'm not sure though.

I always liked the Silver Skulls as they were portrayed in Rogue Trader. Every official GW incarnation since has been absolute shit. Blood Drinkers and Flesh Eaters are a couple of other RT-era chapters that GW tossed into the dustbin.

Blood Drinkers are in Death of Integrity, a very solid book.

Why would muslim space marines wear white?

>Death of Integrity
Is it about Hillary Clinton being born?

Why didn't it get published?

Space hulk investigated by a combined task force of both Novamarines and Blood Drinkers.

The title "Dark Hunters" was already taken by a completely unrelated serie from another publisher, and apparently GW fucked up and didn't settle that, so 2 weeks before the release date, it was pulled from the website. I suspect Kearney himself to be the one that posted the books on torrents to try and have his work (a whole damn novel) not forgotten.
I pity him and bought his 2 Calgar novels, decent books if a bit bland, but that has more to do with Calgar himself being a very bland character to start with, with very few flaws.

Don't worry they made Calgar super cunty in the new book

Interesting, you'd think for a company as paranoid and protective of their IP as GW, they would have done their homework before naming it after another IP.

>>Weird mutation where a marine enters a states of extreme concentration they can never leave

So autism?

>literally the most ripped off IP in modern history
Wow so unreasonable

I mean, he's ot exactly cuntish, more like mopy and frustrated of "losing" his chapter.

Eh I think that's a pretty good description of someone being cunty in other words, but whatever.

If I remember well, it's more like a state where everything moves a bit slower.

So it's like trying to think when you have autism? Inb4 some autistic tries to claim that autists aren't blatantly low IQ

I...don't really know what you're trying to do with your shitpost here user.

Is that window were the concept for the storm talon came from?

Doom Warriors

>Have a gene-seed defect so they don't sleep, and they end up pretty grumpy about it. Specialize in Exterminatusing planets for that reason.
>Battlecry is 'Doom ye! Doom ye! Doom ye!'
>One of the quarreling chapters that got fucked over by the Minotaurs, though they seem to have gotten out mostly unscathed
>actually have some battles under their belt so they have more character than just the name - fighting Orks, defeating a pysker cult, bombing a world that ended up falling to Nurgle (because of the tainted bomb)
>have a Captain named 'Grimmer Slayne.' Almost as bad as Canis Wolfborn, but it just makes me laugh

I wouldn't necessarily want to use them as a tabletop army, but as a Deathwatch marine or something? Fuck yeah.

>inafter autistic tries to pretend autistics aren't retarded

They have a short story,cadre, which is a quite charming read

The mention they got that wrecked their fluff was in the 5th Edition Space Marines Codex.

>The Mentors are a secretive chapter, who prefer to work alone. They are untrusting of other chapters. Currently, they are in battle with Biel-Tan Craftworld Eldar and Orks of the Charadon System.

And with that, everything I loved about the chapter was dead.


White Consuls are pretty cool. They have a mini-Ultramar right next to the Eye of Terror. Too bad about their homeworld though...

I found the actual quote.

>Shrouded in mystery, the Mentors are untrusting of other Chapters, and prefer to work alone and unobserved by all save their foes. Imperial records state that the Mentors are currently engaged against the Eldar of Biel-Tan Craftworld and the Orks of the Charadon system.

Been planning to run a Dread only list with these guys. Still Blood Angels in my book.

LOL, wow, okay. You alright there, buddy?

Why the fuck would you reply to that

Most people on Veeky Forums bite bait regardless of how obvious it is.

Honestly, because it made me laugh. It was so ridiculously over the top.

Totally accurate to be quest honest

>no white panthers

I remember first seein' these guys painted up on the back of the 3e marine codex and idk, I love their scheme.

>as if slaves of the "united kingdom" are allowed to make reference to race without being arrested
It's like you don't even Muhammad

>playing a non-obscure chapter
>playing ultramarines

Nothing went particular well for the Relictors, but I have a big soft spot for them and their other Chapter Approved cohorts from back in the day, the Cursed Founding Chapters.

They might not be the most obscure, but I have a lot of love for the Executioners and Red Talons.

>brutal close combatants
>preference for massed infantry in transports and walkers
>ruthless but still with an unbreakable sense of honour and integrity
>primarily fleet-based
>founders were badasses and don't afraid of anything
>bros with other great chapters like the Salamanders and Iron Hands

unsurprisingly the IH, Sallies, Black Dragons, Silver Skulls and Space Sharks were close in this list as well, albeit not obscure at all. if traitors count I'm also partial to the Crimson Slaughter and SoH/Iron Warrior warbands.

Imperial Castellans have a fancy scheme.

Other less obscure chapters I like include
Doom Eagles
Storm Giants
Scythes of the Emperor
And least obscure of all Flesh Tearers.

>Flesh Tearers
Fellow Rogue Traitor fan, eh?

I like the Hawk Lords.

>Drop Pods are for faggots; THUNDERHAWKS UP IN THIS BITCH
>Other Chapters pilots come to them to hone skills
>One of the founding members of the Deathwatch came from these guys
>Codex Compliant, More fliers and skimmers than Biel-Tan

I like the Emperor's Children too

>Doom Eagles

The only proper answer.

Yeah but its written by CS Goto

Now that one of them has been named as one of the Tetrarchs of the 500 Worlds by Guilliman they probably aren't as obscure.

They also got their own BL novel, right? The image here at least was from the cover of a short story anthology where they were featured too.

Greetings my still living brother.

Goddamn you seem like a fucking cringelord virgin trying to sound cool.

RIP in peace best successor chapter.

Taken too soon.

I like how they actually have a bit of fun fluff about them. Kinda dickish and heavy-handed, but they're cool.

Those guys have a novel about them being tricked by a daemon or was that the blood drinkers?

The Blood Drinkers, "Death of Integrity".

The Flesh Eaters were fatally undone by their gene-seed.

Could be worse. You could have been a Crimson Consol

>no Mantis Warriors Chapter Master with miniaturised power fists, a carapace-looking chest and a mantis-mouth faceplate
>(with Kamen Rider eyes)

I like the Fire Lords. Having teeth made of flint and breathing fire is stupid and edgelordy, but damn if I don't love it.

Samefag. Also you Space Wolf haters are the biggest furries of them all. Who in their right mind would make that connection but a furry? Way to out yourself faggot

>no Mantis Warriors Chapter Master
He's in space jail.

Not a Chapter but fuck it: Hakanor's Reavers

>are lead by a Daemon Prince that was once a chapter master
>their armor cracks and reforms like lava with a magical heat, which is fucking badass
>unfortunately almost no fluff beyond that aside from trapping some Armageddon Legionnaires in a Necron Monolith, from which we can assume they're dicks

Iron snakes. Power spears? Fuck yeah.

they lost most of their chapter to the Word Bearers assault right?

They have two Consuls instead of one Chapter Master, and I think one of them got murdered by the Word Bearers.

>Forgeworld is mainstream
>Everyone buys third-party bits
Check your privilege there, richfag.

That's the Black Consuls.

Back to your plastic ghetto before I sic the redshirt enforcers on you, lowborn scum!

>cackles into back of hand while riding off on a carriage made of resin drawn by Chinese migrant laborers

That's actually the White Consuls. It's in the Word Bearers Omnibus.

Storm Giants are bretty gud.

> Salamanders successor without being snowflake mutants

> Nice colour scheme

> Genuinely good guys

I might paint my Primarines as these guys, the colour scheme would suit them.

Really enjoyed death of integrity, little details like termies using mesh packs for ammo etc, plus a decent concept of scale, not gonna say great because it's warhammer, but for a warhammer book it's pretty good on it

I wonder why.

I'm making Excoriators for 8th.

>Pragmatic fighters, honor comes a distant second to actually winning the fight.

>Structural damage to armor is fixed, but cosmetic is left, annotated with date/planet, so you can tell how much shit the Excoriator has powered through.

>Not dicks about it. Sacrificed an entire company to protect women and children because they were Imperial citizens and that's what the Astartes Praeses are for.

If I add any Primaris, there will be a feel of "Aww, look at you go. Maybe get a few scars and you can sit with the adults."

It's actually both - both chapters were heavily damaged by Word Bearer attacks.

Rather fitting, considering they're both Ultramarines successors.

In one book related to Death Watch they had a Mantis Warrior in there, he entered this state. It was more like his reflexes and senses got cranked up to 11 and he went super sayian, but it ended up killing him due to sensory overload.

>nice color scheme

I thought their color scheme was a pale yellow. Seems weird to me.

It's described as 'pale yellow' or 'tan' in different sources

Personally id say that's enough artistic license to paint them bone