Exalted General - /exg/

What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
. It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums.

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Arms of the Chosen Previews
dropbox.com/s/15xddoahzedtkwu/Arms of the Chosen Preview.docx?dl=0

>Dragonblooded Charm Previews:

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

New NPCs and a Behemoth rework

Other urls found in this thread:


How strong do you guys figure a mortal sorcerer could make himself through Workings? Like, could he raise his Essence and give himself an Essence pool? How high should the maximum Essence be? What would he get out of it? If he could learn Charms, how strong should they be?

A mortal by definition has no Essence Pool, and if he could raise his Essence, what would that accomplish? There are no charms for him to learn and he his still locked out of higher tiers of Sorcery.

The most he could do is learn different 1st circle spells, or give himself mutations.

Did you miss the part where he said
>raise his Essence and give himself an Essence pool

He wouldn't be a mortal if he has an essence pool.

>and if he could raise his Essence, what would that accomplish?
That is kind of the question. There are no Charms for mortals to learn, but could a sorcerer give himself an Essence pool and learn Martial Arts Charms, or attune to an artifact and learn its Evocations? Or rather should he be able to do so, and with what limitations? I'm not looking for a canon answer, as I have read the 3E Core pretty thoroughly, but I'd like to hear opinions about this kind of stuff.

That is besides the point. Whether a sorcerer with an Essence pool should be called mortal isn't the question, whether a mortal sorcerer should be able to become a being with an Essence pool is.

If a mortal earns an essence pool, it'd be through becoming something more. Either through Exaltion or by cheating his standing through sorcery to become an elemental or a low ranking god or even a ghost.

If he becomes one of those beings, he gets the essence pool and charms of that being.

because he is that being

What about creatures like Mist?

Since we have a dead thread about sorcery here, it seems appropriate to talk about necromancy. Do we know anything about how it'll work in 3E? Will it be just another flavor of sorcerous initiation, or a separate thing of its own? I know the nephwrack in the core uses plain old sorcery, but I seem to vaguely, and possibly incorrectly, remember hearing that this is just due to sorcery already being a thing while necromancy is still in the works.

I believe Necromancy is still in the works. I hope we get some cool shit out of it though, ghost wizards need to ghost.

Hello, I am totally new to Exalted. I would like to know if I can transfer a certain PC I had in another setting to this one.

He was a Charlatan True Fae in Changeling The Lost. In a nutshell, he was a Khorne-like war god who exiled himself from his domain to seek redemption after a lifetime of wanton bloodshed and conquest. Now he's a wandering vigilante, wannabe Good Samaritan and religious scholar. His visuals and powers are based on Biblical Angels (i.e. covered in eyes, awe-inspiring aura, luminous halo, booming voice, wings and such). He had the Virtues of Justice/Faith and the Vice of Wrath.

Hey guys, working on DB family trees. The Realm expects each DB to have 2 kids I believe, what the is the time limit, as it were, on that? Did they expect two kids by 40? 50? 80? I seem to recall reading this but I can't find it.

That'd be a raksha character.

It'd work, but raksha games are rare.

The first child is expected to be born within a few decades of getting married, I think.

Are the pol/tards here yet?

What? Sorry, user, I don't really follow /pol/-related discussions, so I don't know what you mean. I just figured Akkadian Empire is decent inspiration for Exalted and therefore kind of vaguely relevant.

I chekced what the 1E Dragon-Blooded book says, and according to it a marriage will be voided if no children are born withing 50 years. Rumours will start to fly if 30 years or so go by without children. I'm not sure when Dragon-Blooded usually marry, but my understanding is that they generally get their careers started and start to establsih themselves as respectable members of Dynastic society before doing so. I'd say it's probably reasonable to assume that the average DB has his/her first kid in his 50s, with outliers in both directions existing.

How long do DBs live for again? 300 or so years?

200-300 years, IIRC. Some high-Essence DBs with luck and healthy lifestyles can live to 400, but living much longer than that requires shenanigans.

Change it from a war god to some reformed warlord and it probably fits Solar.

I've been letting players fluff their characters/stories as Exigent whilst just sticking to the rules for Solars, which could also work, but even typing this is probably going to cause certain people to develop an ulcer.

I don't think there's anything you can say about Exalted without someone developing an ulcer because of it.

Mortals in past editions could get essence pools. It's a thing. Dunno about 3E, but removing this as a thing seems unnecessary.

in this edition mortals that get essence pools stop being mortals

Gonna file this in my brain under "Fucking useless retcon that essentially changes nothing".

If you're willing to make them mortal, a human warlord or former agent of the Crusade fits fine.

If you really want the inhuman angle, a Rakasha or Exigent

no, it means you won't be playing the same guy but with essence
something major will change if you get essence


we have an example in the core book
Mist, the Eternal Revolutionary

/pol/ hates Sargon, tbqh.

Sargon of Akkad is a major youtuber in the so-called "skeptic community." He's pretty good, if you're into that sort of thing; very well read, very well researched, fairly high production value to his videos.

It's not a retcon technically. 2e core defines Mortals as "A mortal is someone who cannot spend motes of Essence to achieve effects. This includes normal people, animals and Wyld mutants."

How long does a year last on Creation? I need to find out what's the max number of Demons and Elementals I can have bound "for a year and a day" at one time.

Could I get an opinion on an artifact and a couple of evocations? It's basically meant to be Snake's tranq gun in artifact form.

Light Artifact Archery Weapon
Tags: Lethal, Archery (Medium), Crossbow, Piercing, Slow

Evocations with no fluff:

Dart of False Death
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

This automatically loads the crossbow with a dart that has the subtle weapon property and a toxin (Damage 3i/round, Duration 6 rounds, -2 penalty) that does no damage to crashed people but knocks out for about six hours(basically mists of eventide) unless they're roughly shaken or damaged, but only actual damage can wake them up for as long as the toxin is in their system.

Certain Theft of Consciousness Angle
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dart of False Death

This can only be used on an unexpected decisive attack with the dart from the last charm which benefits from an accuracy bonus due to aiming. It lets you roll your decisive damage normally despite the attack being subtle except the result is added to the first damage interval of the toxin.

If you prefer, every three successes on the damage roll can instead be turned into an extra round of duration, added before the victim rolls to resist, just to help affect enemies with high stamina+resistance. Furthermore, the first interval of damage gets rolled at the beginning of the victim's turn and is applied right then and there if it'd be enough to crash, so they don't get to act.

>Sargon of Akkad is a major youtuber in the so-called "skeptic community." He's pretty good, if you're into that sort of thing; very well read, very well researched, fairly high production value to his videos.

He's full of shit and just googles for the first headline that agrees with his pre-existing right wing views no matter if it actually agrees with him or not. Also he's a boring dumbass whose videos are way too fucking long.

now stop talking about politics/ecelebs

15 months of 28 days each, plus the five days of Calibration that aren't a part of the year, so summoned demons have their bindings last for 421 days.

What happened to last thread

you all started talking about how the gender politics of Exalted was "problematic"

then the thread vanished

I got scared

So if I can find a way to get one extra willpower each day, I can have 842 spirits/demons following me around.

Incidentally, is it better to use big battlegroups and war charms or individuals and survival charms?

Mods, probably.

Fair enough, I just wanted to shit on Carl of Patreon because lmfao that post was fellating that moron.

So, folks, bets on when Arms of the Chosen comes out?

The the ritual begins at sundown and end at midnight, so you can only summon once per day anyway. Regardless, it's probably more worth your time to make things that can learn sorcery via second circle workings and have them summon demons for you.

Also, War just because fuck you for wanting to manage so many demons as individuals.

it's probably more worth your time to make things that can learn sorcery via second circle workings and have them summon demons for you
I'll give it a look.

Also, if I was gonna use survival charms, I wouldn't use more than, like, 2 or 3 summons. I'm not THAT mean to my GM.

I think that a mortal should be able to reach some level of power through their efforts.

Maybe they could become as strong as a very weak exigent through enough sorcerous workings although that would a long time.

They would probably have to cheat and use some very powerful reagents or some secret artifact in order to seize greater power that isn't gifted to them.

Summon demons to help your GM keep track of the demons you've summoned. I mean is there any problem demon summoning doesn't solve?

summoning demons doesn't (always) help you get rid of demons

How powerful was a Yozi in 2e? I could never make sense of those things. Why is Malfeas supposed to be impressive when SWLIHN can blow up the universe with her name and Isidoros IS a universe dense enouh to squash Malfeas? Is Cecelyne literally invincible, or helpless to any E10 being that has a Charm that lets their effects be treated as if they were one Essence ranking higher?

The Paizo general is cancerous as shit, but at least they have new supplements and OC to discuss. How does it feel to participate in the most stagnant general on this entire fucking board?

Yozi are all pretty absurd in power. They have every charm in their Infernal's section+a mindbogglingly huge number of others that were never listed, are essence ten, have excellencies that apply to basically every action they take, and also have fuckhuge stats outside their charms. They're a final boss level threat even for Elder Solars as I understand it.

Feels better then your mother in bed at least.

Each Yozi is bigger on the inside. The Ebon Dragon is fifty miles long and two miles wide to external observers, but he's infinitely large on the inside, as are all the other Yozi. They each carry a universe inside them, full of first circle demons. Describing the power of the Yozi only works when you do it in relative terms because each of them possesses practically infinite raw power when they're acting within their conceptual domain, but some of them are MORE infinitely powerful than the others. Malfeas tops the charts in that regard. Sol Invictus is the only one who could go toe to toe with Malfeas and win in a fair fight, and it's not guaranteed. Also, you have some misconceptions about SWLIHN and Isidoros. SWLIHN could harm Creation and did so, but not Malfeas. The physical laws of his being aren't dependent on her. And Isidoros couldn't crush Malfeas, he's simply less powerful than Malfeas. Even if he did crush Malfeas, Malfeas wouldn't give two shits. He's constantly crushing himself, scraping away layers of his dyson sphere body. He's in constant agony and being compressed wouldn't inconvenience him.

Main thing is why Malfeas is still talked about like he's more or less top dog, when practically all the other Yozis are more impressive than an angry brass manlet with entitlement issues. Hell, at least Ebby's shadow clone technique alone sounds like it could rout Malfeas so long as there's a few other Yozis or Solars nearby

>Elder Solar

Yeah, this really baffled me since I also heard the Exalted took them down at E5, so E6 charms at max. Which is positively mindboggling even assuming absurd xp gain and presumable paranoia combat freaks like Merela, because I remember a LOT of oneoffs where individual Solars routed or slew Primordials. At least as a team effort, the whole thing made more sense.

I mean, how does one even rout Oramus?

>Yeah, this really baffled me since I also heard the Exalted took them down at E5, so E6 charms at max. Which is positively mindboggling even assuming absurd xp gain and presumable paranoia combat freaks like Merela, because I remember a LOT of oneoffs where individual Solars routed or slew Primordials. At least as a team effort, the whole thing made more sense.
I'm pretty sure there are no canon examples of an individual Solar defeating a Primordial. Dealing the final blow, sure, but fighting Primordials was always a large-scale team effort.

Has anyone nerfed Falling Damage at their table?

>So, folks, bets on when Arms of the Chosen comes out?
I am fairly optimistic. New devs seem to have their shit together.

I figure that workings aren't the path to power, and that he'd be better off venturing into the wyld to become a living narrative, or putting a shard of a phoenix's flame where his beating heart once was. Workings can help make these possible, of course, but I don't think they're requisite. Anyway, he'd be roughly as strong as Mist, the Eternal Revolutionary from core, which isn't that strong! But his charms are strong in their particular niche.

>tfw homebrewed a demon that liked to eat other demons
>it was also Azure (the colour that only Cecelyne's priests can look at), because the 2nd Circle progenitor is a total jerk
Its 2nd favorite food was humans, of course.

To be fair she also has hypothetically the best PD

>Malfeas and Kimbery die if you maneuver their human jotuns outside their world jotuns and shank them enough
>Cecelyne gets fucked up by attacks that can treat spirits as material
>Nobody puts Adorjan in a corner
>Ebby also only has to pay more motes to dodge, but his Greater Imperfection also gives EVERYONE a PD as long as they put some Virtue in their D

Doesn't everyone have a greater imperfection at higher levels?

Blade Rebuking Wrath, Swift Strike Prana and Heaven Thunder Hammer. Discuss.

>most stangant general
No, that's /wfg/.

>Yeah, this really baffled me since I also heard the Exalted took them down at E5, so E6 charms at max. Which is positively mindboggling even assuming absurd xp gain and presumable paranoia combat freaks like Merela, because I remember a LOT of oneoffs where individual Solars routed or slew Primordials. At least as a team effort, the whole thing made more sense.

Back in 1E a single E5 Solar should have been able to wrestle the UCS and win, by dev admission. If E5 Solar=UCS, and UCS=Malfeas, there you go.

tl;dr Power levels of everything NPC got buffed through the fucking roof in 2E because retard GM's can't handle a game where players can actually do anything, so it had to be made small so their tiny minds could handle it.

>Back in 1E a single E5 Solar should have been able to wrestle the UCS and win, by dev admission
That statement was about a circle of E5 Solars, not about a single Solar.

...wait, do you get initiative after you land a withering attack on a battlegroup (other than +1 for hitting)? You deal magnitude damage, rather than init, right?

You only gain the 1 Initiative for hitting.



People overstate the azure thing, the idea is that it's a law that's impossible for the denizens of Malfeas to follow so that Cecelyne can kill them whatever she wants only through the legal system instead of hell weather like her siblings.

He /could/ make himself quite strong. Under ideal conditions he can do multiple ambition 2 solar workings, and get whatever sorts of powers that would grant him. However the likelihood of such a person ever existing is astronomically low.

>However the likelihood of such a person ever existing is astronomically low

More like the person that tried ended up a Solar Exalt probably.

I have plans to play a Dragonblooded along those lines. He's old, and he's been making himself steadily less human. He's buried his heart in a hidden manse, replaced his hand with fire and his eyes with those of a god.

Oh I get that, it was mostly done by their creator to be a dick move.

I imagined him as a giant magnifying glass (taking the form of a giant orb, or a vaguely humanoid form like pic related, made out of red glass), floating around Cece's deserts just zapping the things he comes across because he's pissed off about being banned from the city. He made the Azure Terrors because he couldn't be everywhere at once.

I haven't updated any of them to 3rd edition yet. Frankly I was lucky I found the old .txt file that had the info in it.

Why do zeniths get the shittiest anima powers

Because back when they got good powers, they had to be nerfed because no one is allowed to be useful in Exalted.

How do I stat battlegroups of mixed combatants?

Couple of options
If its big enough just sort it into two different battle groups. Like if you have 500 peasants fighting with 500 soldiers just split the soldiers and peasants apart
Or just use the middle. Try and even out the stats to find the 'average' of the battle group and use that

I used my Zenith power to one-round the CoD boss our circle was fighting. Dawn's were salty about it.

If they're major differences, like one being ranged and the other melee focused? Split them up.

If they're something like a melee focused group who has various weapons? Average stats.

Someone should gather all the NPC's into a single pastebin somewhere. Aren't there more plus the ones in the OP?

Don't think so, but the pastebin will need to be updated every month, so don't make one as a guest.

>Cynis Borok

>Ragara Feria


>Zicnal of the Asmani

So I'm playing a 3e game as a Lunar and we're using the Lunar Charms by Irked. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing so some advice would be really nice. I have a few questions.

1. How is Brawling in 3e? From what I understand it's pretty powerful against single targets but loses its punch against multiple opponents?
2. Are these Charms worth taking?
Secure Cat Stepping [2m, Reflexive, Instant]: The Lunar may split his action without taking a Defense penalty.
Diligent Hive Imitation [3m,1i, Reflexive, Instant]: Activating this Charm, the Lunar may perform a flurry without suffering the normal action penalties, though he still suffers the Defense penalty.

>Has anyone nerfed Falling Damage at their table?
Why, what's wrong with it?

>How is Brawling in 3e? From what I understand it's pretty powerful against single targets but loses its punch against multiple opponents?
And no defense. Alpha strike or die.

What about using it in conjunction with Dodge?

Can you link me to Irked's Lunar Charms?

Brawl has raw damage output. It's really good for pummelling giant behemoths into submission that have retarded amounts of HP and not much in the way of actual defenses. Melee's defense and accuracy makes it the premiere ability for duels between Exalts.

Man I should have gone around to reading old 1E stuff earlier. Excellencies didn't use to be a thing and excellent strike was the melee excellency. Weird stuff.

how do i make a character who wants to become Aku (as in, a shapeshifting master of darkness), but not as overtly evil

Find a good Lunar homebrew, or go for Socialize Supernal Solar (heh) and get a lot of personas. I wouldn't strongly recommend either of these, since homebrew is homebrew and Personas are kinda lame.

Actually, scratch that. I've just been informed by my friend that Personas are not lame, and I've just been misreading them this whole time into thinking that they reduced your total XP (when they do no such thing).

And Solars could have 40 die scene long defenses whereas everyone else had to split actions to even HAVE any defense.

And Social stuff had no resistances. One success on a Social Charm and you were reduced to sucking cock for eternity.

And Wyld Shaping Technique was actually a useful, wonderous ability, and not a hunk of shit.


1E was a magical time. A time when Exalted felt like Exalted, rather than a bunch of extremely narrow, pitiful dice tricks played up to sound good but having relatively little impact.

>tfw Sidereals will never be as awesome as they were in 1e
Fuck the guy who came up with the idea of the 'Creation Slaying Oblivion Kick'. Fuck him with a dildo made of broken glass.

Rules don't need to be completely idiot proof, you just need a GM with balls to slap down stupid shit when a player brings it to the table.

Oh I can already tell it was pretty crappy, it seems to have the same problem every early white wolf publication had in having rules for combat and thats really about it, but it's still fascinating. I like seeing what did and didn't get stat blocks across both editions for instance. It also helps me appreciate 3e charm sets more since presence had a grand total of six whole charms

Isn't that sort of what 3e is built on? And what exactly could they do in 1e that they couldn't in 2e?

The way stat blocks bloated between 1E and 2E was really telling of how badly they were trying to de-power Exalt's. A lot of things nearly doubled in stats.

I think it probably had more to do with they HAD to do that in order to make anyone anywhere a viable thread with 'lol perfects' now being a thing. That and just the general problem 2e had with no one really coordinating stuff so people would do things like give that one evil guy living underground in the north 1000 health levels because it looked cool

Pretty sure a young Deathlord like MoW didn't need to have his stats matched to the highest powered Deathlord from 1E, on top of the retarded advantages they already have, for 2E.

But yeah a lot of it was probably just shitty writing in general. 2E was plagued with it.

I could go on at length, and since 2e is dead I'd rather not and will just sum things up as thus... It's not that there was things that Sidereals couldn't do in 2e that they could in 1e, it's that it was trivially easy to defend against pretty much anything they could do. They had all these awesome powers that worked in neat ways... but you were incredibly lucky if they ever worked. And that's when things weren't just plain broken.

Another part of it was just how things were in 1e, where die-adders and other things that eventually became Excellencies were not for every ability. I like that you can get those for free now, because while some of the most useful Charms, they could often feel like speed-bumps on the way to the ones that did the 'cool stuff'.

In hindsight the sheer amount of shitty writing is just...baffling. Who looked at Graceful Wicked Masks and thought people would actually want to play it? Who thought it was a good idea for an enitre splat to be literally "write up an entire Charmset" only to also have the writers going around telling people they're not allowed to have shinier dicks than Solars?

I still hold that the Yozis' characterisation in 2e is, intentionally or unintentionally, inspired by the writing team's hatred for each other.

>Who thought it was a good idea for an enitre splat to be literally "write up an entire Charmset" only to also have the writers going around telling people they're not allowed to have shinier dicks than Solars?

The guy who invented Exalted. Solars being the best was in the game since day 1 of release. I don't get how people still don't understand this. Other Exalt's get tricks that SORTA give them SMALL AREAS where they KINDA match up with Solars. But even then they only KINDA match up, and don't really get to exceed.

Note the caps. Those are the important words you might have missed over the long years of Exalted.

Yeah power creep was another problem that sprung up from the dreadful handling of writing in 2e. I mean say what you will about holden and co but his post on the problems of high essence is still pretty good. The people writing dreams of the first age probably just put down stuff that sounded cool without really thinking about it and that leads to utterly untouchable deathlords and cheop being able to solo most of the setting and so on.
It's also why I'm pumped for more 3e content. We can have those same cool concepts but written in mechanics that make actual PC interaction possible.
Ah, I assume its almost every charm for cool fate stuff being shaping so it all got stuffed by literally any shaping defense. It's a shame. I really like how sidies place in the setting and charmset both matched up. Like they had charms to help them gather info and also they could just read the loom or ask anyone of the fate planning gods. And they had charms to passively manipulate events and could also use arcane fate and so on. I'm hoping thats all actually good this time around.