

Go back and find more appropriate challenge.

try to unite with the dragon against that one guy who keeps saying how all suggestions fail. Fail to unite because the dragon is MUH UNVINCIBEL SOCIPATHIC SUPERMONSETR

Slips dm a 20


Can't run from a boss fight.
The dragon likes fun too much to ally with a faggot like you. He kills you instead.
DM doesn't need your money because his income is high enough to live comfortably. The dragon kills you.
Dragon is a jew himself, as such he is immune to other jews. He burns you to death.

Don't have to run. Go back by teleport.

The dragon has set up an anti-teleport field specifically for people who are too fucking stupid to find the simple way to defeat him and try to run off to beat up someone as retarded as themselves.

As the DM of my own home game, I scale down the dragon to level 1 and posit that the real treasure was the fun times you had with friends along the way.

inb4 the dragon kills you anyway

I call hax!


>how do you get the prize
Like this. The prize was the conceptual "not spending time on bullshit thread" prize all along.

A DM who actually cares for the entertainment of his players enters your house, beats you up, and changes the dragon back to it's original, fun state.
Hax comes to your call, then kills you because you obviously hacked the game to gain the ability to call hax.
Dragons don't use banks, their natural weapons are superior protection for their money than your lousy economical schemes. Moreover, because of how bad you fail at economics, you bankrupt yourself and end up as a hobo living in the sewers and eating shit. You live a very long life before dying, lamenting your decisions for every moment of it.
A new thread can be made.

OP is a faggot. The only winning move is not to play.

That is not a winning move. That is a move of such a loser that he can't even defeat a dragon in a game.
Also I'm not actually OP

I understand that the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiight, so I would arrive during the day and nick the treasure.

During the day it is guarded by a different, stronger dragon.

*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel, kid
*it's a hologram*

Bullshit. Dragons are territorial beings, no way they would share a hoard.

Already been answered before.

This should be on /qst/ not Veeky Forums. Well actually it shouldn't be posted in the first place because it's a shitty troll thread so OP can suck his own cock while telling people "no you lose my no win scenario" so he can imagine himself cleaver, but if you are going to shit post at least do it in the correct board.

Done. Let the poor sod who's fighting a level 100 dragon sort it out.

>making a deal with a dragon.
You lose, you just don't know it yet.

I roll to seduce the dragon!
>drops die on the table, barely letting it come to rest before snatching it back uo
NAT TWENTY!!!!! XD he's in love with me now!

I kite a female dragon from another cave nearby

Okay, now roll anal circumference.

"Mighty dragon, I wish to serve you!"

>orb of wishing
*insert Roadside Picnic reference*


>offer vodka to the dragon until he either likes you or passes out

>A jew
>Killing another jew


But that dragon sucks, with a capital S.