/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What does Deviant being in Dark Era 2 mean? That we're going to get it later? Or are we going to get deviant much sooner then expected
>5th editons cliffnotes

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First for Veeky Forums autists and their D&D style power wank ruining games.

Don't you dare get meta on me. elsewise we'll get the boomsticks out and evil dead this place up

Putting out a supplement for a game that isn't out yet seems retarded. Hopefully this means that the devs have most of the core rules for Deviant down and are just going to pump that shit out the second WW gives the ok.

Ahem, it's been a long time since I've said this:


maybe i've been away for too long, but how is this a bad thing?

clearly its a reference to Methuselah gypsy vampires rising from the sands just to get punched out by orbital sun lasers

inb4 screeching vampfag autists


I asked this last thread but tumblranon derailed everything by shitting up the place.

How do you guys make interesting Banes and Bans for unusual spirits? The traditional stuff is easy, salt and ashes repels ghosts, rue or holy water wards plague spirits, but how do you make something for weird shit like a Magath of computer and rat spirits, or the concept of a vandalized building?

>mages can't stop jerking themselves off
>vamps have a huge inferiority complex about the fact that their progenitor would get rekt by a powerful mage
>werewolves are content to masturbate to furry porn without disturbing anyone
Are woofs the biggest bros of the big three?

Get philosophical, or use actual lore when it comes to such things.
>a Magath of computer and rat spirits
>Bane: Roaches
>Reason: The creator of the word debug created the word after she took the case off her malfunctioning computer and found it had a roach nest in it
>Vandalized Building
>Ban: Can suffer no locks, barred entryways, or means to prevent entrance or egress on it's premises
>Reason: It must respect the idea of squatters

woofs have learned to be humble

they're not the strongest or the weakest
so they just don't give a shit

Thanks user.

I think you're under the mistaken belief that "Pulp" necessarily means silly or ridiculous. While its true that incredible and often insane events occur in these kinds of stories, there's no reason the characters themselves can't take the subject matter seriously.

The example I gave of fighting the Men in Black in space with martial arts [while riding dragons] may seem odd, but its just par for the course for Ascension's pulpy base. I don't think Awakening is necessarily a more "serious" game, its just not pulp so it has a different tone.

Something like Buck Rogers or Indiana Jones or Kill Bill or Way of the Dragon or other cinematic examples of Ascension's genre[s] isn't necessarily silly just because a lot of weird and strange things often appear in them. You just have to suspend disbelief and except the premise of the setting, that you are defining your own reality in contrast and competition with other people.

Its at that point where you can shoot at faeries on the moon with your bright red and yellow ray-gun and think "This is awesome" instead of "This is too weird to take seriously."

Where the list of splats that are going to be included in Dark Eras 2? I don't see it on the OPP page.


I'm convinced that mages aren't as powerful as people seem to think.

I've never actually touched Mage, Ascension or Awakening, but all of this mishap just screams Overt Exaggeration to me.

I have played Masquerade, Requiem and Lost and all three are powerful in their own right. And really... Mages are HUMAN MORTALS. They are going to die in a single hit. Celerity? Forget about it, that's not something a wizard can dodge.

I'm convinced trolls aren't as funny as people seem to think.

They've never actually touched anyone, boys or girls, but all this mishap just screams Total Faggot to me.

I have been on /pol/, /b/, and /co/ and all three have pretty good trolls in their own right. And really, WoDtrolls are SJWs. They are going to Tumblr in a single click. Gender? Forget about it they have like six of those.

Can a Ventrue do pic related with Domination 1?

I bet you think mages can beat exalts

Jesus, just stop. Mage Supremacy is honest to god not real. it's the Veeky Forums equivalent of 'the jews did it'



you're confusing variety with quality. Suspension of disbelief is the willingness to go along with a few odd plots. not the destruction of coherent ideas mix smashed together

BR = scifi - tech
IJ = nazi mysticism
KB = modern samurai

Now put all those things in a blender hit puree. Now you have a bunch of confused samurai treasure hunting for High tech centuries old cellphone swords that shoot coded lasers. Each one individually is not that hard to say ok I'm in. but together it breaks. Which is where Asc eventually falls apart. There is critical mass of pulp that these games continuously strive to meet, and then surpass. Its encouraged and hard coded into the game setting and system

>tumblranon derailed everything by shitting up the place.

Nope, if you look at the thread, a reasonable lefty and a black muslim gently explain their viewpoints, and get snarlwords and insults thrown at them in return. This is carried on by some other dickhead that throws insults back. Don't blame others for your lack of reading comprehension.

>Mage Supremacy is honest to god not real

It most certainly is real! It lurks in your closet, under your bed, hidden deep within your sexually repressed mind.


The fact that anything they said could identify them as a lefty or black Muslim makes them unwelcome. Not for being those things, but for trying to bring it into Veeky Forums.

Possible Yes. Reliable No

Don't forget to give me money!

I honestly can't tell if people are trolling or not anymore

/wodg/ has gotten -that- bad.

What smells like a troll to you, because I'm not seeing it?

>I identify as a plastic bag
ok that's a weird one but I'm sure you'll find someone to hate you for it. keep looking follow your draw string

The above idiots.

So why are you even in this thread about a game line that was championing what you call leftist opinion within it's books before you were born?


Biggest Troll ever

You're assumption it was ever good was your own foully. It's just summerfags who think they're tough shit. Come September it'll die down again

Because the game can be separated from that shit and isn't actually bad.

Except it doesn't fall apart because the central metaphysic and organizations tie it together.

If the general premise of the setting is "There are people out there who can define their own reality. Who can look at what is, and reject it wholesale in favor of something else"

Then that means there's going to be a bit of a kitchen sink going on. For every order of nuns out there calling down the angels of God to save men's souls there's going to be some assclown who think's he's Kamen Rider.

The degree of pulp is kind of over the top, but then that's the whole point. Its the same beautiful madness that pervades John Carter or the old Conan movies.

The point being that there's nothing stopping you from having serious plots in Ascension [hell I'm running one now], its just that the genre is and will remain Pulp and that's going to influence the tone.

obscure bait reference. Not a lot of people remember him

I think it's best if we all just acknowledge mage supremacy and move on with our lives.

Masquerade is fucking immersed in it, hell, all of classic WoD bears it as it's title theme.
I think the only difference is you aren't old enough to remember when WoD was THE counter culture rpg steeped in anti-authoritarianism, anti-corporate interest and punk mystique.

We have to teach the guy who thinks mages die in one hit and cant avoid celerity..

I hate you fuckers so much, if I could hate someone to death I would have done it by now.

>The degree of pulp is kind of over the top,
Exactly so we agree it is purposely an absurdist game

JohnCarter - Barbarian on mars (fantasy world)
Conan - Just barbarian in fantasy

Those are consistent worlds with their own internal logic. definitely not absurdist

That will never happen. The Magefags don't want that. They expect others to contest their alleged supremacy.

Without conflict, their lives are meaningless and hollow.

It is purposely an existentialist game, and its purposely a kitchen sink game. Both within the confines of an internal logic and a consistent world.

I wouldn't call that absurdist. There's a difference between crazy stuff happening just for crazy stuff to happen, and crazy stuff happening because the setting says crazy stuff is bound to happen.

I should clarify here that by "consistent world" I mean a consistent setting. The world itself is a contradictory mess of conflicting paradigms, and that by design.

Is the tumblrfag gone?

>'the jews did it'

>Lions of Zion

>Don't get me started about how the Lions were excised from M20 because Brucato and his ilk are bigoted douches who get triggered by Jewish national self-determination

>SJW antisemites

Random thoughts becoming reality is the definition of crazy things happening for crazy things to happen

>Do Paradigms actually inspire creativity in Ascension without fail? I was under the impression that they were actually ignored a good chunk of the time and otherwise easily abused.

Yes and no. By itself it doesnt, it requires a DM who will use Paradigm as stick to say yes or no to the players. Ascension is the ultimate "mother may i?" game. But require a DM who is not an asshat and is gonna make Paradigm matter. It also help if you have player buy in. Is a difficult balance to get but when you reach that sweet pot Ascension is awesome.

>How do you guys make interesting Banes and Bans for unusual spirits? The traditional stuff is easy, salt and ashes repels ghosts, rue or holy water wards plague spirits, but how do you make something for weird shit like a Magath of computer and rat spirits, or the concept of a vandalized building?

I check a similar spirit and make up a ban similar to that one. As for Bane i make shit up. Example: In the current game of Forsaken i am DMing the pack choose as its Totem Wise Lost the Magath of Knowledge and Strays from predators.

Its ban is to never refuse an offer of knowledge. And for Ban i wanted something more knowledge related but also weird (magath being unholy abominations) so i choose a "A burning Cambridge encyclopedia which is overdue to a library"

No, the crazy things are happening because I, or someone else in the setting wants them to happen.

Its the "I'm going to make my own X, with blackjack and hookers!" effect. Only the X is the universe.

>Putting out a supplement for a game that isn't out yet seems retarded. Hopefully this means that the devs have most of the core rules for Deviant down and are just going to pump that shit out the second WW gives the ok.

You seem to have forgotten that Mage 2e had not yet been released when OPP published the original Dark Eras. Nevertheless, the Mage chapters, The Sundered World and To The Strongest, were great.

Think of any Deviant material in DE2 as a big spoiler or preview. Let's just hope it seems more Mage-y, and not at all Beast-y.

>Its the "I'm going to make my own X, with blackjack and hookers!" effect. Only the X is the universe.

Is there a rpg universe without blackjack and hookers? If so, that would be more horror than anything ever published by OPP.

SJWs and PC tards are the most pretentious kind of asshats

I don't entirely agree with this user. I tend to just run paradigm as "Be thematic with your magic" and have the PCs make up their own limits.

For instance the Hermetic requires a reflective surface [or a drawn circle] to scry things.

The miko requires her talisman ofuda to use a lot of banishing or Spirit-harming effects.

And so on. I'm usually very lenient on what I allow for paradigm and foci as long as the player is roleplaying something. I tend not to make it a straitjacket.

/wodg/ Do you ever get an idea for a game that you know is stupid as fuck, yet have the uncontrollable urge to run it anyway?

World of Dinosaurs or Chronicles of Dinosaurs

>we all know how the metaplot ends in WOD

Yes and I usually do because I lack any sense of impulse control.

So are Sin-eaters like a combination of Shinigami from Bleach, Jojo's bizarre adventure, and Ghost rider?


Bitching. Can't wait for 2e.

I'm finding myself wanting to run a Banchou themed W:tF game. I know this is retarded but something about Werewolves with pompadours and bats with rebellion spirits bound to them fighting other gangs and The Man with manly justice in 1990s Japan seems so stupid it might just loop around and be amazing.

Somebody talk me out of this insane idea.

Actually that sounds like a game I'd love to be part of.

You should have them dress like something straight out of Grease with hot rods and motorcycle jackets. And the pack den could be like an Americana themed honky tonk.

>Don't get me started about how the Lions were excised from M20 because Brucato and his ilk are bigoted douches who get triggered by Jewish colonialism

gr8 b8, m8

>Ottomon Empire falls, League of Nations/Britain forms Israel out of part of the remains.
>Arabs make up a phony nationality to make a claim on the land, despite already cutting the Mandate in half once before to create Jordan.
>Jews say fuck it we'll take a quarter of what we were originally promised.
>All the surrounding countries invade, get BTFO by Yahweh, Uncle Sam, and the Kikes.
>Fake Arab nationality gets nothing because Egypt and Jordan take their share.
>Fast forward thirty years, same thing happens, Jews now have all the land they were promised.
>Fast forward another fifty years, Arab states still pissy.

Oh man, I wonder what will happen next.

>They invade again eventually
>Kikes take even more land.

Oh, I remember. It was funny as hell to invert it and playing as Technocrats shutting down punk festivals and rounding up potential terrorists for reeducation, or as Camarilla vampires that took over Anarch domains and pushed them into Lupine territory.
That is the beauty of an rpg, you don't have to follow the retarded politics of the authors, you can take what you like and rework the rest

Basically pic related but with spirit magic.

Wait why do you think it'd be stupid?

Why aren't Jews represented more in Ascension? Their entire cultural is a mystical one.

'Japanese Delinquent Gangs' and 'Shamanistic Wolfmen' aren't really two things that you'd normally mix.

because that would trigger the ayyrabs and Jews are too white for modern SJW sensibilities

Jews are too white? what? Caucasoids encompass Europeans, north Africans, middle-easterners and 1/2 of Indians.

Which is exactly why it would be amazing. Do it user. Believe in me who believes in you and all that bullshit.

Do you know what sucks?

Because Satyros Poopy Brucato is unfit to work on anything else, Mage20 has a dedicated, incompetent developer, and will continue to receive dedicated support, while Mage 2.0 receives less respect as a line from OPP than the Dark Eras supplements even, with the first already getting its companion, because it's lead developer is DaveB, who's just slutted out all over the place by OPP, to every other new line it can think of.


People really need to read the first edition PDFs. They are so 90's it hurts. The nostalgia man, god, the nostalgia. And if you didn't live through it, perhaps you might understand...

But in Mage specifically you will learn something else. The game was very different in its first iteration than what you have in Revised. Or even second. All the elements that make it mage were still there, but the feel of the setting were just so different, so fucking 90's, when the Matrix was fresh (before the sequel messed with the mystique), it borrowed heaaaaavily from that. Just read the intro fic, and go from there. It's really great stuff, and hell, can inspire for some nice retrogaming.

>Why aren't Jews represented more in Ascension? Their entire cultural is a mystical one.

I believe the WW party line is that Jews are already very well represented both in the Technocratic Union and in powerful and influential Traditions like the Order of Hermes and Celestial Chorus, and therefore they don't need to be represented by minor crafts.

>Jews apparently control the Traditions, the Union and the World
>Typical WW ethnic and religious stereotyping with clear antisemitic tropes
>Be thankful there wasn't a WOD: The Jews. To the extent possible, it would have been worse than WOD: Gypsies.

People also need to stop confusing 90s punk culture with modern day tumblr bullshit.
Not wanting to be a wageslave for The Man is not the same as being an omnigendered gerbilkin

That's a lot of nothing you're looking to claim.

There is a sidebar addressing this in syndicate revised.

>Brucato and his ilk are bigoted douches who get triggered by Jewish colonialism

But apparently, if your not "white," either you cannot be judged by your inclusion in a group or your groups can be forgiven no matter the historical or contemporary atrocity.

The issue with the Lions of Zion is not whether you like their dogma, but rather that an established and generally liked craft in Ascension canon was excised due to standards that didn't apply to groups that were not considered "white" or western.

You can dislike and criticize Israel all you want, but when you apply a double standard to Jews overall, you're an antisemite, plain and simple.

Moreover, it's ironic that much of the hard Left supports cultures and peoples who would kill them or worse without a second though, such a throwing gays off buildings, but demonizes Israel and the Jews who generally are very socially liberal.

>They are so 90's it hurts.

>cell phones were magic

What the equivalent of the main "breeds" for each splat?

>There is a sidebar addressing this in syndicate revised.


Can you post a JPG and page #?

Is the one with the biggest pompadour the pack alpha?

>you're an antisemite


Page 26

If it were as bad or worse as WoD:Gypsies, it would have started with the name, so WoD:Kikes.


what special abilities would Jews in WoD: Jews have?

Very much so - it was a very different sort of counterculture. What we see now has been coopted by nasty little political groups driving agendas which on face value seem sweet and benevolent to the well wishers who eat them up, but turn into authoritarian poison when institutionalized.

A dot in resources for every point they've invested in their power stat.

Has anyone compiled all the Numina and Dread Powers into one list so I don't have to?

>you're an antisemite

You might be proud of it, but Brucato and those like him at WW/OPP would deny it vehemently.

Anti-authoritarianism isn't leftism. In fact nowadays its rather the opposite.
