Another leaked commander 2017 card/product. What do you think? I know my so will finally stop bitching and play commander with me. Also, the eminence on this one seems pretty good.
Feline Ferocity
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WotC pandering to furfaggots confirmed
hopefully they pack it with good stuff like exploration, worldy tutor, top, and the like
but they likely won't cuz they're faggots
There is three or four feline loving furries on the MtG development teams who are very persistent in getting cats made. Good cats too.
Their pandering to women. Bitches love kitties and kitty accessories. They also like tribal due to its themeing and relative simplicity.
Only two colors on this one? That's kind of awkward. Will one of other decks be UBR (pirates?) to balance things out?
from what we have seen so far we know; 2 color cats deck, 5 color dragons, and at LEAST 2 color humans. the 4th deck is either gonna be elves or goblins.
I would be legit happy as hell if it turned out to be slivers tho. Love those little alien snakes
They should hire more furries then, maybe we'd get some tribal decks that aren't elves and goblins.
Still mad.
Maybe we could get a fucking new bird lord
>Actually caring for tribal decks
How autistic are you to actually care that all the cards in your deck share a word in common instead of just running goodstuff.dec?
Because getting extra value off a bunch of smaller creatures is fun?
>playing mtg
We knew this was coming. Just fucking look at all the Cat Tribal support that they printed in Amonkhet and HoD. There was no fucking way that they weren't going to make a cat commander deck.
>and at LEAST 2 color humans
Source or bullshit
>Not playing mono black
I agree, I had to suspect it with the HoD cat lord (which will probably also be printed in the Commander product). Looking back at past years, there always are recent standard additions they sprinkle in to each Commander product. I wouldn't be surprised if Dimir or even Esper Zombies are another given how much they've received in 2016-17.
Insufferable Spike detected.
Some of us like to have fun and be flavorful in this format. Also Lorwyn is the best plane with the best tribes. Foight me m8!
Further proof that only women play G/W.
The specific theme going for this run of commanders is tribal so very low chance of non-types being in the decks
>Call other autistic
>Play goodstuff.dec
Women like GW in EDH because they make tokens. Bitches love tokens.
>Legend that synergizes with dragons
>"Obviously human tribal."