What a surprise

What a surprise.

I didn't expect such a candid reply.

A gaming company wants to make money.

In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.

I don't think the surprise is that they want to make money, everyone knows that. The surprise is that he was so upfront about the reasoning, no pussy footing around or sugar coating.

Would you prefer they lie?

Refreshing, honestly.

Fuck WotC still though. Fucking Masters sets.

No, however MaRo's blog among other mtg blogs and general communication is full of pussy footing, sugar coating and defending foolish decisions

There's really no way to sugar coat that answer though.

I'm glad that they've at least honest about it, finally.

You know, I was going to say I respected his candidness too, but then I realized that we're so goddamn used to corporate America lying to us and sugar-coating everything that honesty and straightforwardness shouldn't be lauded. It should be expected.

>to create excitement

I would have respected that reply more if had had the balls to leave that part out.

>You have not see idiotic edh fags and standard babies after they open a masterpiece or the PW must include of the set
MTG players are autist

Casuals love them to pieces because SUPER RARE CARD.
And have you ever seen any spoiler thread? People are constantly talking about the mythics - they're always either TOO GOOD or NOT GOOD ENOUGH and no other option possible. WHERE IS THE MYTHIC? WHY IS/ISN'T THIS MYTHIC?
I hate the fact that it's true, but it is.

The excitement sells the packs. Players want to open their own card to 'sperg over.

Nigga, its gambling. The chance of hitting is part of the excitement, and it's what sells.

You sure made use of that smug face quickly

He's under contract.

Honesty is worse for business than recognized dishonesty.
Human behavior is predictable, but it's not nice.
Expecting what you know you won't get is a good way to become unhappy.

I respect that

What if they made $1 boosters of just commons for drafting? How much does it cost to cut and package paper?

WTF? FUCKING CAPITALISM! better loot some shops.

why would they do that? selling draft packs and constructed rare packs is inferior for their business than joining the two together.

I guess the people at my shop are cheap. Does limited sell well? It's the best format, but no one I know will ever play it.


>The excitement sells the packs

And the good cards sell the boosters.

Sky is not always blue.
