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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What would be the best line for some pulpy Indiana Jones-esque fun?
>5th editons cliffnotes

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Just play them without powergaming, it's really not hard.

>Thats because people who write them probably have no clue as to what they are really capable off.
Well...yes. That's kind of my whole point. Whoever writes the setting and fluff for the book didn't pay close attention to making sure the mechanics and setting were good representations of each other. That's why mages in the fiction or simply general setting talk fail at things that should be easy and so on.
>Saying mages dont act like X because some shitty writer doesnt get them is stupid.
That's the one thing you're wrong on. If some setting writer says mages act like this or that, that's canon. That's how they do indeed work. They get to decide what canon is, regardless of how poorly thought out it is
I don't think it's really something to 'fix'. If the flaws are that deeply ingrained you just learn to deal with them or play something else.

>>mages in awakening are never presented as constantly having immunity to conventional firearms and also always knowing whats coming up and so on and so on, so the PC's are a bit of an oddity.

So an actual good question would be, how one could nerf mages to reflect their fluff?

Even prime?

>I don't think it's really something to 'fix'. If the flaws are that deeply ingrained you just learn to deal with them or play something else.

I dont know from what i seen the main boost mages have is that they can have magical effects running 24/7 like the armor shirt. So it seems it would be a simple issue of nerfing that aspect.

What other OP things do mages have aside from effect continually running?

Issue is just how many different things they can get always up like that. And what's more theres still plenty of singular powerful affects they have on top of it all, its not all long running things

And to try and cover my ass here, I'm not saying mage is a bad game in any of this. Hell the comparison I listed was DnD, which has the same setting/mechanics problem that mage does, and plenty of people still love it

>They get to decide what canon is, regardless of how poorly thought out it is
Which is pretty crappy, truth be told.

A 'not so good' example would be Blood Treachery. It's canon, but you sincerely acknowledge how poorly thought out things were.

Prime 2 veiling is arguably the best invisibility effect in the game.

Oh my fucking gods, you moronic mouth-breathers actually brought the argument in the new thread. Bravo, you fucking inbred currs.

>What would be the best line for some pulpy Indiana Jones-esque fun?
Hunter or Mortals imo.

People don't take the "mages are stronger than you!" very well. It being true doesn't help.

That's a VERY hard position to argue

>What would be the best line for some pulpy Indiana Jones-esque fun?
Adventure! 1e is still actually pretty good honestly.

Dude what? This has been a regular happening for fucking months now.

I know, but the new thread was supposed to stymie the shitposting for a couple hours.

Yeah, but maybe drop it? Sometimes I wish you magefags would just be humble and say "you know what? mages ARE weak. let's just live with it instead"

But no. no no no no... no...

What you're suggesting is absolute sacrilege.

>And what's more theres still plenty of singular powerful affects

Such as? I am asking because i am planning on running a Awakening game nerfing the shit out of mages.

So far i already banned
Using fate to casting rolls.
Every always on spell gives you a -2 to all rolls of any kind.
Not bypassing withstand.
All armor are notorious in some way to sleepers.
You cant raise magic shield if you are surprised.

Anything else i should keep in mind?

I'm not any of the people in the discussion, I'm just pointing out its almost par for the course at this point.

Jesus, just play Ascension. Mages are still powerful AF, but have way more problems.

For the people in Veeky Forums These are the twats who spend all their merit points on Gnosis, on every character, every time.

>Jesus, just play Ascension. Mages are still powerful AF, but have way more problems.

Already did it, managed to run a street game of ascension for 2 years. It all boiled down to starting the game at arete 2, only allowing raising arete when i feel the game was ready to the next level and it never went past 4 on the whole campaign. Using Revised rules for paradox and really embracing the paradigm stick.

However one thing that really serve as deterrent for things like "i go back in time and redo the last scene" was that whenever a PC wanted to do that i gave him a permanent dot of paradox. Is there a equivalent to it permanet dot of paradox in awakening?

I personally spend half, or none.
Though I am a rampant Beat whore, so I can usually afford Gnosis 3 soon enough, then I move to consolidating other areas of my character.
As really Mastery is overrated in terms of enjoyment and utility.

>going into that spooky haunted forest in japan tonight in my Hunter game
>GM has been hinting that I'm going to be fighting a shadowy spirit

I should probably be panicking, but the idea of going into the suicide forest is too cool to pass up.

Obvious choice is Mage... but A Restless Dead Dr. Jones exploring the Labyrinth would be bad ass.

Hey maybe Indy and the crew they were killed in that plane crash in ToD and ended up in Swar!

I love Japanese Hunter games.
Had two short sessions of one, pity it ended so abruptly.

There are GMs that actually allow that? Every WoD I've ever run, or ever seen run has a "You start at power stat x, you can't spend freebie points or merit dots to raise it" rule

>What would be the best line for some pulpy Indiana Jones-esque fun?

Mummy, I think - it practically demands that element of exploring ancient, crumbling ruins and pursuing lost artefacts.

Mage is a close second, although Werewolf would also work because of the hardy nature of the protaganists.

The one that DOESN'T work is Vampire. Unless you plan on playing through collecting enough snakes, voles and tapir to scrape together a blood pool after every major challenge (how does "you are what you eat" apply here, Elricsson?) or travelling with a larder - I mean, "entourage" - then you can't really have prolonged trips through the wilderness. Nor, given the emphasis on cities as gilded cages, should you do so without significant danger and discomfort.

>That's the one thing you're wrong on. If some setting writer says mages act like this or that, that's canon.

I think they weasel out of that these days by suggesting that it's "propaganda" or "the way splat X views Y". Objectivist truth doesn't exist in any form of the WoD, it never did.

>There are GMs that actually allow that? Every WoD I've ever run, or ever seen run has a "You start at power stat x, you can't spend freebie points or merit dots to raise it" rule

Depends on the game, i allow that on forsaken because PU is not really that good and if you wanna waste merit points on that sure knock youself out.

Same with Changeling. Is useful and it take A LOT to raise and is just so vital to so many rolls that it is a fair trade off.

Gradual increases in Paradox penalties over time, resetting after 24 hours of in-game time, would be how you could handle it in Ascension. Do the players cast up big on protection before they go out, and subsequently suffer if they have to improvise and react?

I'm not sure about Awakening. Perhaps the more the use Magick, the more chance some ghastly thaumovore will notice?

>I think they weasel out of that these days by suggesting that it's "propaganda" or "the way splat X views Y". Objectivist truth doesn't exist in any form of the WoD, it never did.

Not they dont anymore. Since the whole "people didnt understand that the technocracy book was satire" thing OPP writer stop with the whole "propaganda stuff" the komodo dragon said so.

I really dig the GM's style for this, since it's been a ton of globetrotting due to my character having resources out the ass. US was a lot of native american tales and monsters, Antarctica for our military character and ayylmaos, Germany for fae encounters, now Japanese legends. I think we might be tackling the Paris catacombs and trying to find the center of the massive area soonish. All in all, how Hunter should be played/10

>my imaginary friend could beat up your imaginary friend

Finish your juicebox, Kevin. Sit up straight, like a good boy.

Will Changelings still be able to become Gentry in 2e, you think?

For when you want a simple game

You obviously have a screaming inferiority complex if you need to brag about imaginary characters and their imaginary superpowers.

>Oh, my character? He teabagged Luna and dated Caine for a while until they just realised they were too different. Then he used Forces 10 to detonate the universe. Me? I just roll the dice and describe how awesome he is to strangers at the bus stop.... wait, where are you going?

You know me SO well.

>Though I am a rampant Beat whore

That means something so very different in the rent boy community, guy. Just so you know.

Is there a quote or something you can point me to on that?

Does anyone know what the Strong,
and Charming
Breeds would be for each Splat?

I want to fill in the gaps for the other splats.


That's why we sit around masturbating to each other's typing in WWYD threads, friend. Veeky Forums is secretly a homosexual enclave. It's why there's such rampant mysogyny (because dick wins out over stinking clam, every time), why there are so many "rate my dick" threads on /b/ and why there is excessive racism (queens can be such bitches).

We are all gay for each other here. I'm gay for you. Pound my prostate until I moan like a failing pick up artist. Fill my throbbing anus with your hot anonymous jism. And as you cup my balls and empty yourself deep between my hips, I promise, I might even act interested when you start bragging about your all-powerful Mary Sue character sheet.



>Is there a quote or something you can point me to on that?


I think it was this

>Daily Reminder: Wan Kuei Clan aint nothin to fuck with


What amazing fuel for even more mage faggotry. So much quality in one post.

I sincerely thank you for your kind contribution.

>"The Guide to the Technocracy was written as satire.."

Ahhh yeas, the ultimate fall back defence when people point out how ridiculous what you've written is. "Oh that? It was just a joke!"

notable examples:
>Michael Richards saying "nigger"
>Tracey Morgan joking about gays
>Dane Cook quipping about a public shooting

And a runner up to Donald Trump, whose firing of FBI Director Comey was so spectacularly inappropriate and politically toxic that Comey initially thought it was a joke. Because no-one would be stupid enough to fire a guy investigating corruption in the White House, right? Everyone remembers Nixon, don't they? And how he got pushed by his own party to save their collective necks in the mid-terms by quitting before he was impeached? Oh, right, Trump doesn't read....

You realize you're falling for bait, right?

Why be a retarded fish?

Oh, you're welcome. I'm thinking gay erotica is my go to tactic for coping with Magefags now. I suggest others do the same.

Therefore, the question is not, "which splat is strongest" - instead, the question is, "can a Mage create a butt plug so immense that he himself cannot insert it?"

If he can create a buttplug big enough to not fit, then he isn't powerful enough to take such an anal stretching. If he can't, because his anus can fit around anything the size of African wildlife or larger, then he isn't all-powerful either.

Hail penis.

You don't seem to realise I'm doing some baiting of my own, son. I'm throwing ERP on the heaping smugness, and you're welcome to join me.... you sexy motherfucker.

What Rank would this NPC be? I want him to be Rank 5, but I don't know if he's monstrous enough.

A ghost of a crime lord who couldn't pass on because he was too attached to his wealth and rivalries. So he made a deal with the Inferno and slowly became more and more twisted and powerful until he forgot the whole "Mafia is a Family" ideal and transformed into a living legend. Now he pits mob against mob for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it, and any money he gets is spent on making people remember his legend to generate Essence. He might even have a Mystery Cult in his name.

If he's made a pact with Inferno to come back, Rank 3, perhaps Rank 4 is he's gotten REALLY powerful.

First Tongue dictionary:

Sounds reasonable. But what could possibly be the requirements for a Ghost to reach Rank 5? For comparison, the Horsemen Of The Apocalypse could be Rank 4 Ghosts:


>mfw a Magefag is defeated by telling him how badly I want to breed his anus

well, that was easy

No, we just find you really disturbing and creepy.

>Ahhh yeas, the ultimate fall back defence when people point out how ridiculous what you've written is. "Oh that? It was just a joke!"

Noone was pointing out how ridiculous the Technocracy book was, most people love the Technocracy and that triggered the austist screech of OPP/WW writers like saying here "an elder vampire can kill a mage"

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are Goetia in the Temenos.
Those are merely Ghosts who have evolved to take on those specific aspects, they're not "the" Horsemen.

I'd say Rank 5 Ghosts are basically monsters, they're one step away becoming so alien and powerful they can't ever leave the Underworld without basically an story-arc level event.

At that stage he's probably forgotten most of who he was, his life is now nothing more than promoting bloody, brutal and murderous organised crime.

Is the LA requiem fanbook any good?

Absolutely not

Thats scion art. Speaking of, no updates in over a month. What's happening

I've been out of the W:tF game for a while. Is it ever mentioned in the books what rank spirits a pack can take on at what exp level? Sorta a discount Challenge Rating deal? I don't want to throw a Rank 3 Spirit at the PCs too early and have them turned into paste by one unlucky Blast.

If in doubt, they can go Gauru, and then they regen all Lethal every turn.

Don't be afraid to take off the kid-gloves.
Those little shits heal quickly.

>whimpers and raises tail

Yeah, that is true. Guess I don't have to worry about youtu.be/SOQ_OsXyfaw?t=241 happening.

The vid was supposed to link right at the death ray at 4:00. GG fucking that up Veeky Forums / Youtube.
Ruining my memes

This is the Tenth Sphere.

You will just make things worse by doing that.

Any amount of attention given is enough for resident Magefags to put on their asshats.

you are playing the game wrong, let the PCs cast magic, let them think it can fix all their problems, until it can't. don't focus so much on the obstcles, build more around the consequences, the horror of their actions.

It's fun to have someone have their turbo-powerful armour.
Deflecting bullets, dodging bursts of assault rifle fire.
Taking cars to the chest without harm.

And then turning around, seeing 20 Sleepers watching then, then see them all suffer Quiescence at the end of the scene.
Then tell him exactly how many times he has to test for an Act of Hubris.

Sure they eventually don't care. Or they'll Inure it.
But at Wisdom 3, it's pretty hard to contain Paradox conditions, which means you have to keep having to take Lethal damage instead as you purge them from your body.
Lethal damage you can't get rid in a timely manner.

Why are you punishing players for your terrible gming?

My terrible GMing?
It's their fault for not taking the fight somewhere private, for relying on powers which are obviously Supernatural.

Or did you want me to tell you "no" when you decided to cast the spells the rules say you can?

Yeah, Paradox tends to keep Mages in their place if they do too much stupid shit too often. Sure it's weak the first couple spells, but that shit snowballs quick if the players keep poking the antireality bear.

Why are you castrating your players? You are literally That GM. Is cucking your friends a fetish or something? What kind of Wick trap gming is that? next you'll be handing out villain points

Yeah, while pre Brucatto things were different, but by the time Mage the Ascension 2.0 rolled around, the way things were written, the traditions were much less sympathetic than the writers intended and the Technocracy seemed to be a much more reasonable, appealing alternative. On one side, you have these weird cultists, sorcerors, demonologists, witches and martial arts freaks who condemn the modern, safe world, condemn the science that has brought about the health and prosperity that civilization has brought, and seem to prefer the idea of world turned back too the dark ages, a state of discord for the common man, where society splinters and the horrors of feudalism/warlord rule become the natural state of things again. That the fans saw this really incited some reactions, from Phil, who I am pretty sure is a big Antifa supporter, but I don't know what was said where.

Oh, you think I make sleepers appear out of nowhere.
Of course not you silly billy.

It's just that the world isn't all one big abandoned warehouse, and some people know how to take advantage of the presence of Sleepers for their own benefit.
Or you're just an idiot and think nobody will look when you start rearranging reality.

>First Tongue Dictionary

This first tongue jargon is just unnecessary baggage that makes White Wolf's best game needlessly, and tragically unappealing to a wider audience.

Christ be more imaginative if you want to challenge. you don't have to be a fag about it. your friends want to be mages and you're that GM gatekeeper and being the no fun police. Players want fun not your half assed Railroading

Area you fucking serious?
Ignore a wonderfully appropriate limitation on spellcasting written into the book, which defines the entire secretive nature of Mage society and the current world? Which also can't be readily subverted?
Hell no.

Or did you just want one more badguy you could mind control into killing himself or a spell you could Exceptional Success your way past?

Dude people aren't interesting in your GMPC let it go already. They take away from the other's screen time. Be reasonable don't be an ass

They're Deus ex machina and no one cares about them. If you wanted to write a book just write a fucking book. Making your friends suffer isn't going to get your shadowrun orc romance novel published.

>you are playing the game wrong

It's okay. I missed the first 3 minutes of that ep, so you did me a service. Thank you.

Watch out guys we got a vampfag here depowering mages again kek Take a fireball to the face leech

Contracts are literally Oaths sealed with an aspect of nature and the Wyrd. So what's a cool way to play around with that? Just spending Glamour is kinda boring and not very flavorful.

Fate 4

Maybe have Merits that require high Wyrd but unlock new features for your Contracts, or directly alter you like Lethal Mien and Arcadian Body? There are also Goblin Vows for improvised powers, and Goblin Contracts for stuff that might bend the rules at great cost. Don't forget Hedgespinning, Oneiromancy and Talespinning.

As a house rule, if you fulfill the Catch of a Contract, you may spend Glamour anyway to improve its duration/range/intensity etc.

Well, in Awakening 2e if you want to trip your players up with Paradox you'll have to wait for them to spend too much Reach or perform blatant magic in front of Sleepers. There's no more Paradox just for doing vulgar magic. In fact spells no longer even come with a vulgar/covert description. Paradox isn't much of a tool for STs anymore, both because it's no longer as common and it's not a big deal to contain it when it does happen.

So yeah, if you're sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for them to slip up, you would have to do something like have secret Sleepers sprinkled around or seize on every opportunity where they don't check exhaustively Sleepers, and if you do that too much you'll just annoy them into casting 'covert' magic most of the time.

Or alternatively you could literally put them on trial for every Veil breach.

You sound like you don't take Veil breaches very seriously - which seems to be very much to differ from the default tone of the Awakening 2.0 world. Sure they won't come down on your ass for *every* breach, but a fucking breach is a breach, if you're doing it with any frequency, you're going to get some negative attention from people you don't want to even know you exist.

Veil breaches are serious, but when I said literally I meant literally, like if even one Sleeper just sees you do some small yet obvious magic you could have a rabid GotV or another political enemy jump on it to screw the Cabal over.

Veil breaches are only a problem if you leak paradox into the fallen world. I you eat the paradox nobody gives a fuck.

yes some fucking assbandit guardian might be uppity but if you cause some breaking points in sleepers but unless thats a rule in your specific region then your fine. Go read the 2e guardian description again, they are no longer the raging paradox police they were in 1e

But punishing your pc's for using magic in front of sleepers every single time is just being a dick.

Plus to the guy above, you only roll for one act of hubris if casting in front of multiple sleepers you dont roll once per sleeper. You roll for the act itself, not per viewer.

>Guardians will help mages with their own >Paradoxes when Abyssal taint threatens
>innocent bystanders

Not go raging homo mode and execute every mage who has a paradox.

You are using *obvious* magic in front of a sleeper? Outright Lex Magica violation there.

The Precept of Secrecy: Also called “The Veil.” It is regarded as a serious offense to speak of magic to the unenlightened or to openly practice it in front of Sleeper witnesses.

Straight outta the book. Don't practice magic in front of sleeper witnesses, it is a _serious_ offense. The Veil is serious bidness.

If you wanna be the gm who ambushes sleepers on your players to cuk them go ahead. They will see you for the cunt you are.

So mages never actually cast magic on sleepers in any of your games then? Any spells cast on a sleeper will get them cuked?

Fuck off.

There is always a invis guardian there to tell on you i bet?

No - Veil breaches are a problem because you are openly displaying/practicing magic in front of sleepers, and violating Lex Magica. You are giving every other mage out there a reason to fuck with you, a card to hold against you, and openly asking for the Guardians to come down on you.

The Precept of Secrecy: Also called “The Veil.” It is regarded
as a serious offense to speak of magic to the unenlightened or
to openly practice it in front of Sleeper witnesses.

Openly practice is open to debate. casting spells on sleepers without saying to them "hey im casting magic on you" isnt doing it openly. plus the fact they will forget it anyway.

the secrecy of the veil is more discussing magic with sleepers and shit.

I never openly cast spells on sleepers, but i still cast shit on them.