My idiot players have decided that they want to play 2 dragonborn, 1 tiefling, and 1 half elf of all things for our upcoming CoS campaign, pic related. How should I fuck them over because of their beautiful race choice?
My idiot players have decided that they want to play 2 dragonborn, 1 tiefling...
Bariovians tend to be extremely weary of outsiders to begin with.
If those outsiders are non-humans, that weariness could quickly turn into outright racism.
Not sure why you would allow Dragonborn and Tieflings in a CoS campaign in the first place though...
If you don't want them to chose races you hate for reasons, don't have them as available races in your game. All you're doing now is being a passive aggressive bitch.
People don't typically have a choice if they get pulled into Barovia or not, there isn't a particular reason people would get uppity.
They're picking 4e race garbage, not Op but I'm guessing he disliked what 4e did to DnD fluff
What the fuck does it matter?
Because it doesn't fit the theme of the setting?
Let's say you're running a grimdark medieval horror campaign and your players show up at the table with cat-girl PCs. Does that not matter to you?
Sure, but its OPs game. So why not just say 'its a Dracula game, only races X,Y,Z,'? If you want to run a game based on alienation in Bariovia, why not tell them that's what you're doing?
OP sounds like a shit gm who just wants to punish their players for doing a badwrongfun.
Then communicate that on the front end you soft gut beta.
And if you don't grab your nutsack and talk to your players instead of nigh-wordlessly punishing them for what they would assume is no reason
>They're picking 4e race garbage
Dragonborn are from 3.5 and Tieflings are from 2e.
Although I will admit 4e fucked with their fluff, but then again 4e did fuck up a lot of fluff.
Cool your autism, nerd. I'm not OP. I'm just pointing out why it matters if players don't pick setting-appropriate races/classes.
just make NPCs be scared of them and then make asshole jokes about them
(what's wrong with half-elf?)
I'd like to point out every race is technically appropriate in Raveloft because of the mist.
>Although I will admit 4e fucked with their fluff
tieflings were broad enough to be almost meaningless and dragonborn were literal otherkin
4e Dragonborn fluff was a hell of a lot better than the 3.5 Otherkin Dragonborn and actually coherant enough to be a Race.
They seemed fine with Elves in Vampire of the Mists.
Satan is right. Don't be that DM, OP.
Cat people fit gothic horror a hell of a lot better than Norse dwarves and elves, or fucking gnomes.
>Let's say you're running a grimdark medieval horror campaign and your players show up at the table with cat-girl PCs. Does that not matter to you?
So they are playing Shifters from Ebberon? I could totally see an Ebberon/Ravenloft place. Maybe that's where the missing country went during the war. Dragged in to become the domain of a new lord.
>there isn't a particular reason people would get uppity.
They're explicitly described as xenophobic hicks who react worse to a PC the less human said PC looks.
>Tieflings before 4e fluff
Awesome demonish people with a lot of room for personalization and customation
>Tieflings after 4e
Purple goat people, basically look like discount Draenei from WoW.
>Dragonborn before 4e
An interesting and unique template race for people who want to play dragon people without being OP Half-Dragons
>Dragonborn before 4e
Just another reptile race.
Elves shouldn't be too much of a problem. One of the prominent NPCs in CoS is a half-elf.
Tieflings and Dragonborn on the other hand are likely to raise more than a few eyebrows. Tieflings in particular could incur the wrath of angry mobs due to their demonic appearance. Remember that Barovians live under constant threat from Strahd and other evil forces. They're not the most trusting bunch.
I don't think so user.
I guess if they started their adventures in Eberron or another setting and got spirited away to Ravenloft by the mists that might make sense but OP said he was starting a campaign in Ravenlof.
Personally I wouldn't allow players to be catgirls in Ravenloft.
>but OP said he was starting a campaign in Ravenloft.
So? Their back story can be they got spirited away.
>I don't think so user.
>Tieflings in particular could incur the wrath of angry mobs due to their demonic appearance. Remember that Barovians live under constant threat from Strahd and other evil forces. They're not the most trusting bunch.
That's one of the things that always irks me when people talk about tieflings. Unless they are 4e tieflings...they don't have a consistent enough look to BE identifiably demonic. You can have a Tiefling, a Aasimar and an Elf with all literally the same look going by the tables for the planetouched races.
The versatility of Tieflings is kinda cool but they end up more than a bit incoherent look-wise.
>obvious non humans
>in Barovia
All of them, sans the Half Elf, are instantly spit at and cursed at as Calibans
>all these people asking why it should matter
Barovia is full of racist xenophobic peasants purposefully kept ignorant and superstitious by Strahd. In Barovia the social hierarchy goes
>Gundarakite (oppressed minority)
>Vistani (FEARED Minority)
>Outlander (regarded with suspicion and hostility)
>Non Human (Elf, Dwarf, Halfling) (regarded with suspicion and hostility)
>Non Human (Everything Else) (most common reaction is immediate panic or violence)
>= Caliban, the settings version of Half-orcs, which are literally mutated monster people
>Actual Monsters like werewolves and demons and shit
Basically, Barovia is a big old KKK rally and Op's PC's are 2 super dark nigerians, 1 jew, and 1 light skinned mullatto
shits gonna go down, basically. Everyone except the Half Elf (depending how well he can hide it) has to hide in sewers/the wilderness/farmhouses etc.
You know damn well that's not what people mean when they say catgirls user.
>Personally I wouldn't allow players to be catgirls in Ravenloft.
Isn't one of the Dark Lords themselves a Wolf Boy Bard, of the sexy sort?
OPfag here, I spoke with the players a bit about the potential repercussions of their races (Half-elf excluded) and they were adamant. I've decided to let it slide, and whisk the PCs into Barovia from their previous lives in another world. I need ways to make this work, Veeky Forumsayboys
>Barovia is full of racist xenophobic peasants purposefully kept ignorant and superstitious by Strahd. In Barovia the social hierarchy goes
In Vampire of the Mists, one of the original books, Barovia had zero issues with the Elf main character (Beyond the fact he was a vampire. That was a problem)
Wolfwere, and yes
They are immediately intercepted by someone friendly who teaches them how to hide their natures (the dragonborn can put themselves in cloaks and bandages, pretend to be burn victems or lepers or w/e) and the tiefling can hide their more obvious demonic features or follow suit.
The Half Elf can pretend to be a priest of the morning lord looking after them
Jander bands together with a PRIEST, which in Barovia is essentially a fucking hippy outcast, and a fucking thief.
A scalie otherkin wet-dream you mean.
Just run the game, jeez. If you cared about this that much for your own personal enjoyment, you'd have set guidelines BEFORE they made characters. You knew what races were in the PHB, you could have said something the moment you pitched the campaign.
Oh look, at That GM thread
half elves were overpowered in AD&D
In 3.5 You could be a halfling Dragonborn