Arms and Armor Thread

Haven't seen one of these in awhile. Don't have a big collection of images, so sorry in advance. Going to mix of odd weapons mostly until someone else takes over.





























And thats it for me folks. Heavy on firearm but maybe some one will find them useful.

Man, that would be sick if it was mad of Bronze and not wood.

Anyway, do you guys have any diesel punk style guns?

Nothing wrong with some fire arms now and then.









Its kinda hard for me to draw the line between diesel punk and wwI tech

Both are fine. The setting is a little anachronistic. The highest tech stuff, in terms of firearms, is late WW2 but the earliest stuff is late 1800s.

Shit, I forgot the "no art" rule for these threads. My bad.


I kinda just end up making WWI for steampunk and WWII for Dieselpunk.

>late 1800s
I got a few



Way I've always understood it is Dieselpunk is supposed to be kind of interwar. So it's got both wars tech levels.





Mainly the reason I have WWI being as Steampunk is because I hate Victorian Steampunk with a passion.



Likewise. Not only is it less vapid an overused, but turn of the century aesthetics are also just better in general.


This gun is a disaster and I love it.

cool thread, I hope mods don't kill it for being /k/

How long you been coming to Veeky Forums?

Let's get some of the armor in arms and armor going.


Literal dickheads. Fucking Greeks.


Anyone got requests or anything?

