>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels. mega.nz/#F!64wmnBZR!rWcm37EkOOeToeueqhPjpA
they are the premier non-FW ranged option for nids. plus it nearly does everything you could possibly need it to solve.
Jaxson Clark
I'm doing nurgle style pink horrors and can't think of a way to make slightly smaller plaugebearers to represent the blue horrors. Any tips?
Jackson Bell
I'm trying to come up with a guide to movies that really capture the 40k feel for certain factions.
Any good ideas on what to add?
Jace Clark
>nurgle style pink horrors which fucked up daemon of slaanesh possesses you to do this
Thomas Rodriguez
Are necrons really terminator like? Plus mad max has a lot of imperial themes.
Michael Roberts
Girlfriend wants to get into Veeky Forums through SWA. What's a simple, cheap kill team for her to get into the hobby--ignoring Orks, Chaos, Space Marines, Guard, or Tau, as between my friend and I we have KTs for those armies. She wants models for herself, though.
I was thinking a 3 Immortals and 2 Deathmarks, for $33, but any other ideas? How cheap could I start a DE KT for her? Or, because she's a girl, Nids?
Cooper Williams
My Khorne demons army has slaanesh and khorne rules representing a wide range of converted khorne models and my new nurgle army will have a wide range of nurgle and tzeentch rules representing nurgle models. The pink horrors are plaugebearers carrying rusty cannons with brimstone horrors made from nurglings. The two polar gods' rules really synergies well.
Easton Watson
Quick question about the rules: Why does Every unit orks have the but the flash gitz don't?
Josiah Scott
They don't run with the clan.
Adam Evans
Damn. What would be better then - 6 Hive Guard with Impalers or an Exocrine?
Joseph Anderson
dark angels
Gabriel Morris
Anything with armies of mummies is more necron like. Terminator doesn't have anything to do with necrons other than featuring a robot.
Carter Sullivan
Because Flash Gitz are freebootas who have specifically left their clans (or, more accurately, were thrown out for hording their teef).
Welcome to the green tide, WAACfriend.
Bentley Kelly
Yeah but they are the ONLY one that don't have it, like couldn't they have put ??? Cos now, they lose a shit tons of abilities that requires to be in a CLAN
Hudson Cook
honestly it depends on your list, exocrines are excellent at taking heat off your other monstrous creatures.
Josiah Evans
Apocalypse Now I think gives really good Imperial Guard vibes. Edge of Tomorrow gave me a strong storm trooper feeling too.
Logan Foster
Mutant Chronicles and judge dread.
Charles Baker
that's the point. They're not part of a clan so they don't receive clan bonuses
Justin Perez
>Are necrons really terminator like? Plus mad max has a lot of imperial themes. Noted, and they are unstoppable killing machines made of metal. The 'crons, especially the old ones, barely hid their terminator origin.
10/10, added.
Dylan Sullivan
The Tau Facebook group I am a part of has been planning giving GW feedback.
Alexander Peterson
You're gonna wait for one of us to ask you to say what, right?
Adam Ward
I'll guess i'll post it then, can always use more feedback >HQ Tyrant: Wings, Boneswords, Deathspitter w/Maggots - 206 Tervigon - 250
Unless your MCs are melting, id stick with the hive guard.
Wyatt Jones
Being this new. We'll be back.
Juan Bailey
Not really, but they're the best single model anti-vehicle unit tyranids have. I guess they're about as good as a Leman Russ?
Josiah Miller
I am working on a 40k style ruleset that more appropriately matches crunch to fluff but only really know about human fluff (imperial and chaos) and now need to move onto xenos and demons. Can I please get a rundown on how powerful a individual of each of the factions is compared to a guardsman/civilian and marine? Also how powerful the tech is. Plus marine to guard comparison to make sure I'm doing it right.
Evan Campbell
How difficult are Tau to assemble and paint? I'm a Warhammer newfag and I have a space marine army. I'm trying to decide what army to make next.
Jaxson Fisher
>In light of the Codex announcement from GW today, I figured now would be a good time to act on behalf of the greater good. Overall we have roughly 5500+ Tau players/hobbyists in this group and as an Admin I consistently see people's opinions (some of which I agree with) pertaining to the point costs of units, broken rules, lack of firepower in our units, etc. and as a group if we want to see changes we have to propose changes to GW in both an intelligent and reasonable manner. Ex: The riptide should cost x points because of y and z instead of it's current point cost. (As opposed to) The riptide is bullshit and should be shelved because it's point cost makes me want to put a fork in my eye. Now more than ever proposing these changes to GW en masse is important because our codex is still in development and it's clear GW is open to suggestions.
mob time
Obligatory right back at ya, remark
Josiah Wilson
The new stuff (suits and fire warriors) are pretty easy but older stuff tends to be harder.
Kevin Hall
a team of 3 tyranid warriors is decent and works from just one kit. DE could be done with either of their infantry kits.
maybe just take her into a store, or read through some books. let her pick based on looks and theme.
Hunter Gray
Tau are simple and pretty easy to work with
Charles Sanders
As a heavily combat chaos marine army I for one am happy to see tau get their shit kicked in for once even if this new edition sliced my balls off too.
Jace Butler
if you're asking because you don't feel like you can build and paint space marines then you're asking for the wrong reasons, keep building/painting you'll get better.
If you're confident in your skill then no models are impossible to build and learning new building skills will only serve to make your models look better.
Blake King
>Mutant Chronicles Unfamiliar with that one.
>Edge of Tomorrow The power suits are also pretty damn close to space marines.
Henry Myers
>BS 4+ What?
Lincoln Adams
Flash Gitz are shootier orks than most and their expensive snazzgunz have better aim.
Aaron Turner
Thanks for the input. I mentioned my space marines just to let you know I already had them so they wouldn't get suggested to me. I'm happy with how they came out.
Andrew Campbell
Couldn't make it past 'as an Admin'.
Man you faggots always crack me up.
Brandon Wilson
Alien is closer to GSC than nids.
Julian James
They really that upset that riptides are unplayable when every one else got some unplayable units to? But they will go so far as to ask for hand outs from Daddy because they are fucking Tau players and feel the need to be on top again? The Chaos space marine index is still One hundred and one fucking joke book.
Brayden Ortiz
Thanks user
Adam Howard
Wip soulgrinder armour plate, nurgle theme.. wanting it to be quick and easy! Thoughts? Couldn't find a WIP thread :(
Asher Hernandez
Space Wolves
Jason Davis
This one tau player, after beating me in a game I might add, had the audacity to tell me that the chaos marine index was completely bullshit and that the tau needed a much needed buff to become competitive.
Caleb Watson
Can a unit like Flash Gitz fight in melee even without a melee weapon?
Carson Watson
Daniel Clark
looks like a green plate covered in doodoo. pay more attention to the ridges where abrasion and therefore rust would occur
Ryan Williams
How? Do they just use a profile of WS3+, S5, A3, D1?
Parker Martinez
Looking good user, if you wanted to put a bit more work in then edge highlight the green as well as around the washed edges and then edge highlight the gold with either copper or silver (depending on how bright).
Sebastian Roberts
I have a friend who played them ATC and still plays them now, He changed his list to be more crisis suit, drone, and infantry heavy. I have never in my life seen that much Tau shit on table in my life Because infantry Tau. And he whooped my ass and was like fucking suits so expensive man. After dropping in crisis squads that wipe my entire squad of ruses.
Charles Sullivan
Orks always being incapable of shooting straight is a fairly new thing. The first two codices had quite a few with BS3+, shit, the original warboss statline had him at BS6!
James Young
Yes, of course. You just use their Strenght and attacks, they have no ap and do 1 damage.
Kayden Turner
Eli Sullivan
Thank you, user. You spoonfed me and didn't even call me names!
Tyler Nguyen
Yeah it really doesn't make sense that they are less likely to be able to hit then do so. It's not like conscripts where they might be frightened or something but really, 5+ is a bit pathetic.
Eli Turner
okay will do! Thanks
Justin Diaz
Rust also forms where paint is chipped so bullet holes or other battle damage that would expose bare metal. but yeah rust on a bunch of paint is kind of weird.
Anthony Johnson
No problem, user
Michael Anderson
Good for you I guess? Can't say I hope you succeed because I personally am happy with the way things are, but I can sympathize with wanting to talk with gw about some of the things they fucked up. They fucked my guys as well, but we arent organized or autistic enough to start a shit fit like you Tau players are. I'd like you to get something that makes you happy, but to be quite frank you guys were broken, and if you want a return to that then I can't help but hope you fail.
Oliver Lee
They're less likely to hit because they just point their guns at the enemy and spray fire.
I haven't kept up with any 40k shit since they announced primaris. What have I missed? Is there any models leaked?
Are we happy?
Michael Stewart
Something-Something a Whirlwind LoSblocking a thunderfire with the tech-priest repping it.
Camden Parker
>tfw opponent rolls a 6 after shooting >rolls again afterwards >uses a CP reroll >it's a 6 >roll again aftewards >6
Talk about a short game, fuck you Max
Nolan Allen
Reposting from last thread before I go to bed.
Any /kiwi/ fags here who want to play a game tomorrow? Long shot I know but we have had kiwifags here before.
Joseph Collins
I'd say fluff wise its about 10 guardsmen to one tactical marine. A chaos marine and tac marine are eqaul but the CSM is unreliable.The CSM should be able to pull of more but is more likely to fail hard. Eg both centre the same but CSM has wider range both way.
Austin Davis
>force 6 5++ saves >opponent makes all of them without any re-rolls The dice gods are assholes at times.
Xavier Cox
Fluffwise a single Marine is supposed to be worth more than 1000 guardsmen.
Thomas Gutierrez
it's in their lore that they are expelled or left on their own
Leo Ward
is tg ever happy?
Leo Evans
>Are we happy? >no plastic aspect warriors >no fem primaris >no catgirl regiment >Are we happy? Never
Thomas Rodriguez
FlUfFwIsE A SiNgLe mArInE Is SuPpOsEd To Be WoRtH MoRe ThAn OnE ToWsAnd gWaDsMen!
Hunter Martinez
I guess but they're easy to abuse. I managed to kill my.opppnents synapse so the exocrine was forced to shoot the closest target which happened to.be my rhinos I'd positioned. It shot at two rhinos all game and only managed to kill one. The other got line breaker.
Nids are pretty low tier still.
Dylan Lewis
only a commander surely? surely if the guard attacked in unison it would be less>
Elijah Collins
>no fem primaris >im legitimately disappointed by this
Carter Sanchez
I think I broke it.
Joseph Ward
If you put several sights on yer gun, ya gonna shoot betta! (it probably represents more bullets fired without wasting time on more lore-friendly 200 dice per turn)
Kayden Phillips
> Want to get a Stormraven based on stats > Official model looks retarded
What's a good proxy that is similar in size/shape and isn't ridiculously expensive?
Oliver Flores
Event horizon for Imperium/Chaos.
Luke Walker
Alien for nids too
Owen Phillips
>Non plastic models in 2017
Yeah fuck that.
Good point
Dylan Gonzalez
They're the richest of the rich that have dedicated their entire existence to building a big loud gun, they've lived for long enough to become nobz and are successful mercenaries sought out by important warbosses up to and including ghazghkull. Surely throughout all that they would've learned to shoot better than the common or garden ork boy.
Asher Jones
It takes decades to even "make" a marine, a guardsman might get a year of training if they're lucky.
Marines are equipped with some of the best equipment the Imperium can offer, guardsmen get flak armor, a lasgun, and a simple kit.
Guardsmen are deployed in the tens of thousands, Marines might deploy a thousand in particularly large actions and take on forces significantly larger than their own.
Granted, it varies wildly depending on what GW wants to write a the time but to say a marine is only worth 10 guardsmen is a bit silly. I'd say a scion is worth 10 guardsmen. A marine at very least is with 100 guardsmen, more if they're a named character.
Julian Reyes
>It takes decades to even "make" a marine
Sebastian Flores
What about marine v cron or guardian?
Jaxson Wood
This is the most amount of discussion orks have received in a general all week. Please continue, ladz
Benjamin Rivera
Real heretic hours.
Whom up?
Cameron Ramirez
SPEAKING OF FUCKING ORKS. Girlfriend was on Fanfiction.net the other day and I told her to look up Warhammer 40k erotic and there was one about a Ork Warboss named like Dick-Slaga Cum-spitta. I'll try and find it. I was pissing myself.
Jace Garcia
Guardians are literally just citizen levies, they'd be comparable to scions at best just because "muh superior eldar physiology". Your average necron is just a soulless metal shell that makes up for a lack of skill by being really hard to kill and having powerful technology.
Julian White
>le jew maymay kys
Caleb Phillips
It varies from chapter to chapter, I mean space wolves remain blood claws until they work out their aggression. Granted decades isn't correct but it still takes a lot more to make a marine than a guardsman.
Xavier Ramirez
I need this
Jackson Rodriguez
Jordan Myers
yiff in hell, furfag
David Lee
The Stormraven looks fine
Daniel Bell
I thought guardians were pretty powerful? Plus eldar are all about keeping everyone a'ive so why bring out only citizens.