I need ideas for enemies to throw against my low-level party in a modern horror setting

I need ideas for enemies to throw against my low-level party in a modern horror setting

Dark sprites
Possessed dolls
Dog sized blobs of flesh
Dazed and mind controlled cultists

For a true horror game anything actually supernatural things are probably something low level or even mid level character shouldn't really be able to fight. Just send crazed cultists with all sort of weird mutations and deformations.

>runs modern horror game
>uses character levels
you're the only enemy the game needs

low-level as in they are civilians


He said low level. Life is one of hose unbeatable bosses that's there to continue the plot.

Thug gangs.


t. Europoor

What system op?

Spooky children?
A pack of feral dogs.
The local homeowner's association.
Minimum Wage Employment.
The responsibility of caring for a small fish.

I mean, what the fuck are you asking us for with no context? Seriously, what kind of things do you want the party to be doing? Are they investigating mysterious disappearances? Are they raiding a library when everything goes horribly right? Do they need to kill something or the curse awakens?

For modern horror, the issue isn't the enemy, it's the situation. That's the challenge the party encounters. Any enemy should be reflected in that situation. If they are investigating a spooky cult, their enemies are spooky cultists. If they are investigating strange happenings in the woods, their enemies are the either the horrible bear thing eating campers, Chad and his wildlife bros, or the park rangers who object to people taking machine guns on a nature walk.

Write up some scenarios, and we can flesh them out. Ask for trash, and get trash in return.

Otherwise, this is the best you can hope for.

Possessed children

An ongoing natural disaster.

Slav squatterz

Rats, enough that they can't shoot or crush them all before they start biting.

The men in black
Drug induced zombies
Big Foot like creature
El chupacabra
A guy/monster/whatever inside a macot suit

>low-level as in they are civilians
The term you're looking for is "street-level".

>street level modern horror game

-A slasher with some mild supernatural abilities

-Zombies in all shapes and forms

-Bloody Mary

- A mad Vodoo Priest

Autonomous biomass
Slugs that use any biological matter to grow,fits nicely with zombies

The party walks down the stairs into a cellar to investigate a noise. The smell of decayed flesh is choking you as you scan the room. Your flashlight crosses over a pile of mutilated corpses. Just as they realize what they are looking at, the pile becomes a writhing mass of limbs that begin frantically crawling their way toward you.


Virulent graffiti which produces chalk-fingered, paint breathing psychos compelled to tag everything and everyone in their vicinity.

>-Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary's method of appearing tends to be to take the shape of somebody's reflection and jump out from reflective services to attack them.
Killing her leaves her intended victim without their reflection. Which is troublesome because Mary herself has no reflection.

Google book of unremitting horrors. Download it. Read. Use. Unknown Armies has similarly useful content.

>Junji Ito manga image
You've got everything you need already, OP

A crippling addiction to masturbation

You kike

Amateur cultists worshipping/attempting to summon a lesser demon

zombie birds.

