Protoss in 40k

I think they'd fit in pretty well.

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Depends on whether or not their psionics are also linked to the Warp or not. If they're hooked up into the psychic murderfest that is the Warp in the milky way, they're probably going to get buttfucked by daemons.

If not, they will probably do okay. Having faster-than-light travel independent of the Warp would be a huge advantage.

They'd be another one of the countless minor xenos civilizations that either escaped notice of the imperium or are a few centuries of backlogged paperwork away from having a serious force directed towards them

On another note, how would their experience against the Zerg help them against the tyranids? Or Orks? The 2 most likely races to come across them.

Dark Templar draw psychic power from the Void, which seems like a pretty clear Warp analogue especially when you contemplate it's connection to the Xel'naga. They're pretty daemonic, too, at least as of StarCraft II, but more Order-aligned than Chaos. Warp entities with a different set of priorities, as bad but with fewer random mutations.

Zerg are small time compared to Tyranids but they share enough similarities that Protoss would probably be pretty proficient at fighting them. The big difference is behaviorial, Zerg infest planets to turn into their hives, whereas Tyranids just strip them clean and move on; giant termites vs. giant locusts. Similar tactics, different strategies.

Protoss warrior culture is pretty hardcore, I can see them getting pretty into ork fighting. Probably disdain them as barbarians but appreciate the challenge.

The Tau are already in 40k. As are the Eldar.

>wanting fewer armies in 40k
And yet Xenos players always cry about the fifteen different flavors of Imperial army.

>non-marine players always cry about the fifteen different flavors of Space marine army.


Yeah have fun playing with old, outdated kits when Marine get new kit every year.

in fairness tau get new kits on the regular too

: ^)

Well, I suppose you could have Protoss-flavored Eldars, considering how similar the two are.

They wouldn't.
They're too good.

>all psychic aliens are the same

I want to fug Selendis.

to be honest speaking of starcraft I feel that the tyranids would be far more interesting if they were more like the zerg. because then you could have yourdudes™

And you could masturbate to big-titted tyranid queens


Overqueen zagara is a better character then the swarm lord any day

I want to see them fight.

And then fuck.

Would Zagara consume the Swarmlord's biomass to spawn their grotesque zerganid offspring?

It was already confirmed that war craft was being developed as a Warhammer game but negotiations over the ip didn't work out so blizzard changed the artwork just enough to avoid trademark. Did they do the same with starcraft? Or was it just a casual inspiration?

The Protoss are a hivemind in their own way, with the collective being it's own thing, the Khala. I would imagine that psychic union would translate to giving some protection within the warp. Though they aren't so numerous that I think they would produce their own shadow in the warp, might work a bit more like the orks and the waaagh.

Warcraft was not intended to be a Warhammer game. One guy on the dev team pushed hard for it to be one, but the rest didn't want to go through the hassle of negotiating with GW.

As for StarCraft, why does anyone think it has anything to do with 40k? They have nothing in common beyond being sci-fi and having bug aliens, which they both stole from Starship Troopers and Alien anyway. With Warcraft there was at least some visual similiarity with the orcs.

>As for StarCraft, why does anyone think it has anything to do with 40k? They have nothing in common

It's like the WAAAHG! but more organized it also let their creator hijack them later on, so they ended up having to cut themselves from it, though with the threat dealt with its possible it could make a come back.

>tit freckles

It's true, though. The similarities between StarCraft and Warhammer only became more pronounced AFTER StarCraft came out and GW started redesigning the Tyranids and Eldar to more closely resemble the Zerg and Protoss. Don't believe me? StarCraft came out in 1998, 3rd edition 'nids didn't come out until 2002.

Nothing in common except for the extremely generic things I mentioned, user.

For reference, this is what tyranids looked like when StarCraft was released. Tau didn't even exist back then.

>Some people assume Protoss are copied from Eldar
>One is a race of 9 feet tall aliens with digitigrade legs, four clawed fingers, blue skin, featureless face, glowing eyes, oddly shaped cranial 'crowns', that use advanced technology while believing superstitiously in ancient religions, and whose signature weapon are basically lightsaber projected by their own individual psychic powers
>The other is space elves
Yeah, GW *wishes* they were stolen

Then post source
>Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition. Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft, but a combination of factors, including a lack of traction on business terms and a fervent desire on the part of virtually everyone else on the development team (myself included) to control our own universe nixed any potential for a deal. We had already had terrible experiences working with DC Comics on "Death and Return of Superman" and "Justice League Task Force", and wanted no similar issues for our new game.

So... it was one guy, out of the whole team, who "hoped to", but it was never actually a thing.

Nice ultralisk in the background.

Well, considering they're pretty heavily based on Eldar...
For the 3 of you that don't know it, Starcraft was originally going to be a 40K RTS. That's why the Terran Marines look so much like Space Marines, and why the Zerg and the Tyranids have so much in comon.

>. Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft,
>>Allen Adham
Yeah sure, now bring me citation from art-designer of Warcraft (from Chris Metzen)
>Well, considering they're pretty heavily based on Eldar...

Correct. It's painfully clear from the quote that nobody else at Blizzard was interested in pursuing a license. Furthermore, Electronic Arts still had the 40k license at that point in the early nineties, so that's probably the "traction on business terms" he refers to.

How? They have no holes

>Electronic Arts still had the 40k license at that point in the early nineties
Nope, they didn't, SEGA have

We find a way

By making one
"Choose a hole or I'll make one"


In Starcraft, Marines are the cannon-fodder Terran make until they can mass produce better units, and are pretty much weaker (but not least cost effective) than any other unit but Zerglings.

If Starcraft was based on WH40K, it would have seventeen factions, fifteen of whom would be 'marines', whose unit choices would be 'Marine', 'Marine with bigger weapon', 'psychic marine', 'Marine apothecary', 'Marine in bigger armour' and 'Marine-carrying metal box'.
The remaining two factions would be Chaos Marines and Chaos Daeaeamouns, of course.

>If Starcraft was based on WH40K, it would have seventeen factions
Like Chaos Gate, like Final Liberation, like Rites of War?

So much marine wank, has made me dislike my marine army.
Mostly due to "my opponent has been playing with the same models for a decade" not because he is a cheap fuck, but because he hasn't had a fucking model update in decades.

What does he play?

It was a general thing
Even bloody Eldar have models from 2 decades ago.
If you army had anything from the 90's it will still have models from that time.

GW is still selling models from 2007 at full price.

Sigh, now I'm wondering how well a starcraft war game would sell, especially with the diverse sub factions they have now, primal zerg, purifiers, covert ops, mercs, Tal'darim, infested, etc.

Well the Board game did rather well all things consider.

Twilight Imperium stills blow it out of the water.

They might have some crazy ass psychic mating thing that feels kinda like sex, like the asari.

>Sigh, now I'm wondering how well a starcraft war game would sell,
Depends on studio.
I would prefer WoW skirmish from CB

The Protoss's mentality when it came to the Zerg was always "burn it out" when they found infested worlds (until Tassadar came along anyway). I don't really see this sort of tactic really working against Tyranids because their infestation is really only temporary, unlike the Zerg. Within months of planetfall they would've stripped the entire planet already. It'd probably work against Genestealer cults but a surgical strike would probably be more effective and cause less collateral damage. They might resort to what Kryptman did though with preemptively wiping out worlds the Tyranids might attack.

With Orks I think they'd probably see them as simple savages but once they realize how dangerous Orks can be when they start a WAAAGH! and tend to taint environments with their spores they might just resort to glassing planets like with the Zerg.

What I want to know though is how would they deal with races like the Eldar or Necrons, both of which are probably much older than them, spanning back millions of years.

They'd be a less fast, less powerful, version of Eldar with less numbers and backstory/ powerful relics, they also really don't fit into 40k

They would likely be a small xeno empire that the imperium could crush if they really wanted too

Heck even the lead designer on starcraft said a marine chapter could completely take over the terran in starcraft, he said a few chapters backed by the guard could wipe zerg, terran and protoss clean

His point is that Starcraft is a big heavy rip off of 40k.

>Heck even the lead designer on starcraft said a marine chapter could completely take over the terran in starcraft, he said a few chapters backed by the guard could wipe zerg, terran and protoss clean

The leader designer said that?

Daily reminder that any of the various Terran factions can deploy billions of Marines, which are cybernetically enhanced supersoldiers in power armour armed with railgun rifles that shoot 30 8mm armour-piercing rounds per second at hypersonic speeds, with a range in kilometers and thousands of rounds in the magazine.
Said supersoldiers with said fucking insane weapons are the cannon fodder of the setting. The local equivalent of your flashlight guys.
Also they do have their own Titans, fleets of hundreds of battlecruisers ranging from 500 mt to several kilometers and with weaponry powerful enough to one-shot similar sized craft, and none of the Imperium's technoidiocy.

They're a fraction of the size of the IoM, but they would nail your space marine chapter to the wall.

Just like how J. K. Rowling said that a muggle with a shotgun could take out the entire cast of Harry Potter. It's amazing what people "have said" when you're arguing about power levels on the internet.

Oh you sweet summer child.

>Within months of planetfall they would've stripped the entire planet already.
Try two weeks

He said "fit in" meaning they would be living there already as they are in Starcraft, he did not say not "transported to the 40k world for crossover bullshit reasons". Since they lived there and their civilization was established as it is that means the warp shenanigans are out of the question.

With all the fan codices I've seen how is there not a Codex Protoss?

>Daily reminder that any of the various Terran factions can deploy billions of Marines

Wrong, starcraft 1 the zerg tiamat brood was known for being the biggest zerg brood encountered and numbered at 6.5 million and was considered huge. If any terran force could deploy a billion marines they would faceroll over everyone. StarCraft is low tier, lead designer himself said a chapter of marines could take the terran, not me saying that, the lead designer himself

Theres literally a video interview...watched it several months back, ill try finding it

Sure, and in Starcraft 2 billions of Zergs descend on a planet in a narrow timeframe (minutes or hours).

>StarCraft is low tier, lead designer himself said a chapter of marines could take the terran, not me saying that, the lead designer himself
[citation needed]
Also, terran dominion isn;t alone human faction

Was Andy Chambers, the lead writer, not designer sorry, still looking for the video though

He did say a chapter could take the terran dominion, the entire sector he admitted would take more

>the lead writer
Lol no he literally was Metzen's bitch who wrote campaign story for WoL

>He did say a
[citation needed]

Fuck its in there somewhere but I really cba to sit through it all

So what? he wasn't main writer or lead designer of SC universe
SC and SW stronger than 40k

SW maybe, MAYBE

SC lol no

Okay, tyranids manage to get a small brood of zerg and all its DNA.
How stronger they would be when/if they incorporate new strains, getting new units? Would Banelings replace spore mines? Gaunt vs Zergling, what is more efficient? Are Swarm Hosts worthwhile?

They don't really get stronger, tyranid equivelants tend to be better than zerg ones.

Banelings are significantly larger than spore mines, and cant be launched through the sky. Gaunts are larger than zerglings, heavier, probably just as (if not more so) armoured and a hundred times more numerous

I can see why the kids are butthurt, but I personally think that this is a great idea.

I played the game nigga
It's a mission in Legacy of the Void. You have to trigger the destruction of a planet and, since you're there, you decide to take away as many Zerg as you can with it. One of the mission objectives is to hold out until at least 1 billion zerg make planetfall. One achievement asks you to wait for 2.2 billion zerg.
Guess what, the Zerg don't really take that much of a hit.

Ah I gave up after heart of the swarm, SC2 had butchered starcraft so hard

Movie SW is pretty unimpressive to be honest.
And the EU doesn't make sense with the movies, which should be the first source of canon.

SC is weaker than 40k for a mere sense of scale
remember that a Terran marine is the local equivalent of a guardsman (AKA cannon fodder to send to the front by the billions) and not of a space marine, and yet it is a supersoldier in power armour with a fucking badass rifle.


On one hand I must agree with you. It basically made it into WOW with all the Xel'Naga bullshit.

On the other hand there are still some great character moments, like best boy Alarak, and the campaigns in themselves are fucking great to play. Although, in all honesty, Wings of Liberty was the most enjoyable.

Ultralisks canonically out size carnifexes by a few times, leviathans are just as good as their nit equivalents and theu have better ambush tactics

Correction - it is simply a soldier, probably drug-abusing prisoner.
Supersoldiers in SC universe are ghosts and spectres.

40K and starcraft are both rip offs of popular science fiction works.


Pretty much this to be quite honest famalamadingdong

They have no mouths, nothing is ever said about other holes and they have clearly distinct males and females.

>leviathans are just as good as their nit equivalents and theu have better ambush tactics
Nigga what, leviathans are tiny as fuck compared to nid ships, nid ships DWARF imperial cruisers, which are several kilometres themselves

They canonically have nips however.


Race from a game that was originally meant to be a 40k RTS fits well in 40k.

Who would've thought.

Because their biology is incomprehensible to our own? idk lol

>originally meant to be a 40k RTS
Maybe if you keep saying it, it'll be true.

Because boobs. Use your head, man.

See . There was never a relationship between Blizzard and Games Workshop.

Well, SC2 ends the Khala on Auir. Artanis separates the Protoss from it to escape from Amon's reach, with Zeratul's help. The Dark Templar already refused the Khala. The only faction that still has their nerve endings not cut are the Tal'darim.

And they keep the Khala out with terrizine

Yes but it is an almost entirely natural aspect of the race. Being predisposed to being part of a hivemind is protoss biology. So even if all of the protoss cut their connection, the next generation would still be able to recreate it.

And it wpuld be unfair to force them to cut their dreads unless they were able to make that choice themselves

Wait, if the Khala Protoss draw their powers from the Khala, and the Dark Templar draw power from the Void, then where do the Tal'Darim draw power from since they're separated from the Khala as well.

I feel like, however, that even if they all drew their powers from the Warp that the Protoss wouldn't be heavily effected by things like daemonic possession and such for the same reasons the Eldar aren't.

>Being predisposed to being part of a hivemind is protoss biology
Is it? I might have misinterpreted it, but my take on it was that the protoss were in great physical shape (Purity of Form) and that the Xel'naga uplifted them by giving them the hivemind. Then when that didn't pan out the way they wanted, they did the opposite with the zerg, who physically were little more than worms but already had a hivemind (Purity of Essence).

Which is why I thought the primal zerg were bullshit, but that just seemed par for the course with Blizzard storytelling at that point.

mindfuck her

The protoss possessed an innate subconscious gestalt before they were uplifted, it's what originally drew the xel'naga's attention.

Because Blizzard storytelling.

The Tal'Darim draw their power from the void like the Dark Templar. Mind you in Starcraft Terrans don't draw their psychic power from anything, and so one would assume Protoss don't have to draw power from anything, they just naturally do, and that it likely makes them stronger than if they didn't.