/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

An Elegant Weapon For Edgy Alien Teens edition

Last Thread:
>Hawk Wargames website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>DZC Phase 2 Rules and Scenarios
>DZC Phase 2 Units
>DZC Phase 2 Fluff

>free DZC army builders

>DFC Rules and Scenarios
>DFC Units
>DFC Fluff

>free DFC fleet builder

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Other Reminder that Shaltari send their children into CQC fights armed with swords, and they're equivalent to everyone else's most elite operatives.

Other urls found in this thread:


How would you guys paint a PHR fleet with ghost tints, would you try to end up with something bright or something a bit more muted?

You could probably do something cool with a nebula scheme, perhaps.

My Shaltari command cards came in this morning. There's a lot of cheaty cards in here.
>Target group fires all weapons on Standard if shields aren't up
>turn target enemy ship 45 degrees
>target Voidgate deploys 18" this turn
>target Ion Aura-armed ship has a 3" radius of "I am a debris field"
>go through the top 5 cards of your command deck, dump any number to the bottom of your deck, then rearrange the rest

>Target group fires all weapons on Standard if shields aren't up
Hory shit

Post more

>draw three extra cards this turn
>target tonnage L (frigate or voidgate?) Group keeps its low signature even with shields up this turn
>target cluster or station containing Shaltari ground assets gains a 2+ Passive save until the end of this turn
>target Group gains Vectored and +2 Thrust this activation
>all assets in target cluster can freely move between its sectors, even if they would not normally be allowed to (i.e. are engaged)
>[Play after strat. decks are stacked]: whenever your opponent reveals a battlegroup card this turn, roll d6. On a 1-2, it suffers +5 SR. On a 3-6, put that card back in the deck at the bottom and they activate the next card instead.

What do you mean user?


To the question itself, I like the idea of the theme changing around the fleet. Certain battlegroups meant to engage closely have brighter colors, with bellephrons and troopships having more muted colors. As long as you keep a similar scheme it could look quite good!

>Other Reminder that Shaltari send their children into CQC fights armed with swords, and they're equivalent to everyone else's most elite operatives.


You don't get to be that blatantly overpowered without being pretty elite.

They're only about as good as Praetorians in CQB anyway. Fuckers are tough but 18 dice isn't much. For real CQB specialists you need Sirens, Firstborns, MFR or Eviscerators. That's where the real action is.

So I think we can all agree that Particle weapons are really cool to imagine, but hard to apply on the table.

Between the Ocelot and Crocodile in DZC, and the Granite, Obsidian, and Ruby in DFC I already know the Diamond the most optimal choice, which are the most effective platforms for actually delivering relativistic death to the hedgehog's enemies?

Ocelot and Crocodile are basically equivalent. Ocelot is tougher and cheaper but Croc can move fast and has an E10 shot it can use with the skimmer bonus.

Jade and Granite are terrible. Obsidian and Ruby are not. It's all about the number of particle shots you can fire at once without going WF and fucking up your turning.

What's a good color scheme that works for both UCM fleets and armies?

Urban camo/cool greys is ezmode for both theaters.

I've been using a dark blue-green with stripes and colors to denote battlegroup. Red sabers deployed with their red condor, yellow striped rapiers in their yellow striped condor. as long as you work out consistent rules (first squad is a solid full stripe along the right side, second squad is two diagonal stripes, third squad is 3 small stripes...) its helpful both in game and in developing your lore.

Now that's a damn good idea user, I'll have to try it once my paints get here!


Always remember to respect your gates and not bully them

>that first time you put a voidgate into atmosphere next to an empty space station because if it was in low orbit it WOULD get blown the hell away before turn's end

"Come on out, Voidgate."
"Don't wanna!"
"It's safe."
"No it isn't!"

>i have to admit, the child-like cowardice is cute

So the main website doesn't have a faction summary for Dropzone Commander.
Would anyone mind giving me a quick summary of each faction? How they play and what not?

Doing just UCM first for bump

The most "combined arms" of all the factions; moderately ranged, moderately strong, second toughest right behind PHR.
Most varied utility and support, both infantry and vehicles.
Excellent air force
CQC is pretty bad, but they've got a lot of tools in their arsenal to get around it.
Overall the most variable faction; UCM can go maximum infantry, full tank blocks, air cavalry, artillery bombardment, or any combination of the above. Best distribution of units amongst all the unit roles.

Fast, brittle as shells, but probably have the most firepower of any faction. Short ranges necessitate clever flanking and use of cover to get stuck in.
Absolute masters of CQC
Units fall into two main camps: Hover and Crabs.
Hover units are as said above; fast, brittle, and powerful
Crabs are a bit more conventional, but are still a tad faster, more brittle, and stronger than other units
Excellent command vehicles

Universally tough and powerful.
Units are either split into walkers or skimmers; walkers are super tough but slow; skimmers are reasonably fast, but can still take a hit
On par with the UCM in terms of artillery and indirect firepower.
Strong infantry
GIANT SCORPION WALKERS: PHR have the biggest units and the biggest guns in the game

Just as fast as the scourge, but a bit tougher due to shields; firepower on par with the UCM
Extremely maneuverable due to teleportion; entire game is changed for them
Decent air presence.
Units are either gravtanks or walkers; like usual, former are fast and brittle, latter are slow and tough
Lots of weird and gimicky weapons
Decent enough infantry choices

UCM: Combined arms, balanced, efficient, varied
Scourge: Fast, fragile, powerful, close-in
PHR: Slow, tough, powerful, few-but-many
Shaltari: Fast, evasive, unique mechanics

Might want to add a mention of the PHR's borderline non-existent air support, given that their only actual combat fliers are a fast mover and an armed transport.

I still love the Athena, even when she rolls a 1 and decides to be shy

Is there any good art of a UCM carrier launching dropships?

Thanks for the summary my dudes

The normal transports were pretty good as 'free' fire support the few times I've played PHR.

More "afterthought, what the hell, I've got twenty seconds to blow looking for a hard six" fire support, really.

Can anybody who doesn't normally play PHR but has used the Njord sound off on it? I'm over the moon for it but I may lack perspective.

>Biggest unit
Yeah, funny.

>Glorified ferry with a few tires stapled to its bottom
>more impressive than a scorpion mech


Ok, so it's the Port Authority festooned with looted plasma weapons. Literally that.

>brooklyn forever!

>actually using the attack run roll
It literally ruins fast movers. Just go without it and your cool jets will actually show up most games.

That said, I'm wondering how the original Seraphim could be fixed. Corsairs could be easily saved by turning a 4 into a 3, but Seraphim is a little fucked conceptually. The fast mover ability to show up anywhere on the board is completely wasted on demolition, as most units can hit buildings from across the board.

I wish it was a bit more converted. Like more bolt on armor and other things to make it like a mobile fortress.

>literally an LCAC

Yeah, but this one also goes on land!

Resistance need converted heavy construction vehicles desu.
An alternative to EAA heavies for pure junker resistance.

Pure junker and pure EAA aren't really options. All the transports except battle buses are EAA and both standard choices are junker.

That said, a something like a killdozer would be pretty cool. There's a bunch of potential stuff for the Resistance like a dedicated attack hovercraft, or maybe even a cost-efficient transport helicopter (carrying 4 tanks for 60-70 points or something) to make Hannibals more viable.


>Resistance steals PHR sunspear laser, mounts it on a truck


Does Dave produce limited edition sculpts for a particular set of conventions or time of year?
After having to skip the Aegaeon (lmao $30 shipping), I'm considering sitting on my £100 Hawk order for free shipping in case another exclusive shows up on the store page.

IIRC he'll usually have something for each year during convention season.

After the EAA was conquered how do the Scourge live in their daily lives? It seems like their only goal is bodies, then using the materials and resoucrse to rebuild fleet and find more bodies.

Basically, what is the Scourges motivation post conquest? I am trying to picture what a city would look like.

Would it be covered in debris and over grown vegetation? Would the cars be left where they lie?

Or do they clear out stuff and pick up the area to make things more efficient for their activities?

>what is the Scourges motivation post conquest?
Find a new source of meat to infest. They're a bit like the Vogons in the sense that natural selection played a bad joke on their species, and they cope with their miserable existence as a sentient parasite by using their uniquely shitty talent to share their misery with the rest of the galaxy.

I get the feeling they'd just use old Invaders and dropships to fly bodies and materials around, rather than build new infrastructure to replace the damage done by their blitzkrieg invasion and/or rely on marginally inefficient (read: not cramped) preexisting public transportation vehicles. I doubt the Scourge give two shits about concepts like "comfort" or "personal space."

So very much like the yeerks then? but with less care placed into the infrastructure and no long term enemy.

Just got back into dropfleet after a couple month haitus, one question somebody might be able to help with:

What on earth is with the scale of the corvettes? I had always assumed they'd be about half the size of a frigate - but these models are twice the size I'd imagined.

Are they just trying to justify the price?


Dave looks like he has lost some weight.

Is that a Deep Cut Mat?

They are about 60-70% of the mass of a frigate. I think the scale is just fine.

The UCM corvette is nearly twice the width of a strike carrier and wider than a toulon. Measures 5cm long compared to a frigates 6.4cm - It does lose out in height, but can't measure that accurately. Doesn't really feel "sub frigate tonnage" to me (although that does leave a lot to interpretation)

Is there an official source for it's mass? The corvettes are the only ship without stats in the rulebook.

They're big but light, with engines where armour should be. They're nowhere near as bulky as frigates.

WTB an Empire at War style game but with the DC IP



I really don't understand why this isn't more of a thing. Even 40k could just fucking mash BFG:A and DoW together and rake in cash.

>making good business decisions

Haven't played one but I've faced one. It's an absolute bitch to take out and is nearly as well armed as an Eagle. It's real slow, but most reaction fire isn't going to do shit so you don't really need to maneuver much.

I would drop so much money into that Kickstarter it's not even funny...

If they got it right it would be a pretty great RTS. Would be great for the hobby too, as DOW was what got me in to wargaming.

I don't think they could afford it though. It would tank the company if it flopped.

So they just leave behind shells of civilization?

With some center areas that would be dens of activity.


>onboard AI now demoted to electronic Doof Warrior
>doesn't mind

Kickstarter update:
>Art prints, acrylic tokens, and Scourge station bits are shipping soon
>map packs are kill
>everybody gets a store credit for the value of their map packs (and £5 for the free radar maps)
>map image files will be posted for anyone who can get access to 4'x4' printing to use

The trick is to just license it out for cheap/free but keep some creative control. GW doesn't pay for all of that shovelware out there with the 40k name on it. Those companies pay GW for the privilege of using their setting.


Quick rules question: do infantry have to wait until the start of their next activation to pick up an objective they discover?

No, they pick it up then and there as they 'move onto it' but as you're in the building you're on it anyway, so you pick it up the turn you find it.

So a squad can roll to discover the objective, pick it up, leave the building, hop into a waiting transport, and buzz half speed away from the building all in the same turn?

Precisely, remember the half movement for picking troops up though, and they can still be reaction fired at

This is why people still take fast movers, user. Sometimes you just gotta bounce a dropship on zero notice, and the game is riding on it.

>Literally stole weapons from body horror parasites, stapled some car batteries to them, and then duct taped it to a sled which carries 12 technicals that have drivers so good they can just straight up nyoom past bullets
>Vs safely made robo scorpion that has coward for a pilot

>Mfw the first E13 Resistance weapons

>stapled some car batteries
Actually it's "hooked them to massive fusion generators intended to run entire military base in a pinch". There's a reason why those plasma cannons deal more damage than they do in Scourge.

Problem is when all that shovelware starts to ruin the good name of the game system.

Which is why you have to maintain some creative control and be careful about who you give the licensing to.

>Resistance gets a looted Hades
>or a looted Broadsword
>or a looted Annihilator
>or a looted Ocelot

You mean the focus rockets they stick on a bunch of units? One base of Resistance Fighters can throw up an E13 shot. Even though I know they need to compensate for no light dropship I'm still kind of mad those guys are cheaper than Legionnaires.

Goliath bomb also technically counts, but even when those things show up they don't get used against tanks.

Looted Annihilator is promising. A Hades or Broadsword would be pretty uninteresting desu, but an Annihilator with its legs replaced with wheels and the bombard made direct fire would be both distinct from the original and kickass.

I take it the Retaliator is pretty good at doing its job.
>shooting at an A7 fast mover
>pic related

Dumping an E10 large template anywhere on the board is pretty nice. It doesn't quite have the utility of a fighter punching a game winning light dropship out of the sky, but it's a hell of a lot better than vanilla Seraphim.

A looted Ocelot
With chainguns

A... Revolver Ocelot if you will


>definitely Feral
>hell, maybe *scourge affiliated* Feral

You should weather over the insignia as well.

Also is the insignia a reference to something.

>Also is the insignia a reference to something.

Leaking SAN out of your ears there, man. Stop studying it!

I don't know what SAN is.

I'm completely new to DFC and I just bought the PHR fleet starter. Are the recommended ship builds in the starter (1x Ikarus, 2x Medea, 1 Theseus, 1x Hector, 2x Europa) a good place to start or is there something better I can make from the starter?

They are okay. You should really buy a second starter.

The Bell is the best PHR ship. The hector is just okay. Orions are your money makers. Ikarus and Theseus are good picks.

Europas are solid, Medeas ae great. You need more Strike Carriers or one of the troop ships. 4 Strike and 1 TS is a good mix for PHR.

Bump, survive thread!

From Hawk Instagram, monthly contest winner and runner up.

Neat LED ship

Below is a dudes board. I love the good use of scatter.

That ferris wheel is adorable

Where is that Ferris Wheel from anyway? Monsterpocalypse?

Probably just a random N-scale ferris wheel.

What sort of Shaltari fleets have you been seeing? I've been seeing a lot of Topaz wolfpacks with two Motherships from British players on the forums.

Stay on target

so Veeky Forums, got a story for your dudes?

I've been running my scourge as a fast response team to try and catch out MF force recon teams on planets UCM fleets haven't been heavily deployed to. the UCM fleet I'm running by contrast is a stealth entry fleet that wants to scoop up MF recon and objectives they might have identified before Scourge forces can respond.

I feel like it's hard to come up with deep "my dudes" material for PHR because their entire reason for engaging in the war is still a riddle wrapped inside of an enigma.

Backstory is easy with a PHR fleet:

~mysterious shit to fuck with you don't ask for more details please~

There reason is that they are huge cocks.

Fuck off ball licker.

They do need to do some fluf expansion. Hopefully we will learn more when faction X drops

I'm assuming there will be some sort of pro-ball vs. anti-ball division happening to give better justification for PHR v PHR fights than "simulations" and help personalizing fleets/armies.

On the mirror match note I'm not that well versed in the background but Shaltari are the only faction I can think of them as easily justified. Resistance too for DZC at least.

But yeah, I do like the idea of going launch heavy with my PHR because it's a fleet full of guys like that Menchit pilot obsessed with getting close up flashy solo kills and then dying from hubris.