WIP - Work In Progress General

Work in Progress - "Kill all elves with leaded paint" edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Previous Thread(s):

Other urls found in this thread:


WIP of my inquisitor for Shadow War. Made from lots and lots of bitz and gubbins, I wanted to make her look like a walking reliquary. I also like the idea of a non astartes being entombed in a slap dashed, custom power armor. Thoughts?

WIP of Geigor Fell-Hand, the discount Bjorn.

Painted my lieutenants' power swords with stegadon scale green for the start of a power field; where do I go from here?

What can I do to the torso on my shit Art-Scale marine? also what to put on the sides of the knees?

You can start by posting your pic, user.

I like your idea. Not so sure about the left arm though. Holding a cane looks a bit out of place with the pose you've got. I'd have gone for holding a book/skull/gadget or something along those lines.

is only 1 of her arms covered in power armor?

Nothing special about this model. Put together with shaky hands, following the instructions exactly without any deviation or addition of extra bits.
It is however the very first model I've ever put together and holy shit I'm so proud.

Yes, she's an inquisitor and she does whatever she likes. Also I have a hard on for impractical asymmetry.

What bothers you with the pose? I like the fact she's too important to be battle ready. But I must say I also hesitated between a non power armor arm pointing forward or pic related.

Remember that no matter how bad you are right now, you can always improve.

Congrats on your first model, user. I advise you to paint before assembling models where the arms cover the chest area like yours. Painting his chest will be a chore with the rifle in the way. But he is your first model, and you don't alter your first model.

Posted in the previous thread. Reposting hoping to get more feedback.

Yeah, I did consider that issue actually and thought 'oh man maybe i'll regret this actually', but basically ended up figuring that sod it, I just want to get at least one model assembled so I can say i've done it.
That and I looked up 'how to paint pathfinders' and first video I saw had a guy who had assembled one and then also didn't prime it or thin his paints, and if he can paint them then I sure hope I can.

Very nice, user ! I picked up the Pathfinders for Shadow Wars about a month or two back and I've been autistic about every little detail since they were my first ever miniatures.

I'll probably post mine later, though his arms aren't assembled cause I'm also autistic about the smallest details, even if they're not visible after assembly.

fair enough. i asked because the first thing i saw is a big fuckoff sword thats taller than her and only 1 arm in power armour to wield it. but like you said its your thing so you do you. Model looks pretty good

Hard to put into words, it just looks "off". Possibly a combination of the pose of the arm combined with its t-rexiness because its unarmored ends up triggering my autism.

I think holding the helmet would look cooler. I'd try that.

Thanks! I also just got a pine vice and magnets in the mail after assembly, so i'm pretty much ready to put together everything if I want. I might hold off for now though until i'm more certain of how things will work out for the rest. Intend to magnetise three of the pathfinders minimum so they can switch between ion rifles and rail rifles as desired.

I'm not at home so can't :(

This guy looks so sad.

An update for the user who gave me ideas the other day.

The right is the mini I was struggling to find inspiration for and he suggested autumn colours. I fucked around for ages and ended up just slapping some shit on it and calling it done. That was my forth mini done after a 10 year hiatus, and for posterity the big fucker Gnoll next to him is the third mini I painted.

Just show to show how much a solid plan can help a model and how shit it can turn out when you just wing it and make shit up as you go along.

I've just realised his hands aren't even holding the bolter.

Why is Mechanicus Standard grey spray so gritty? I don't know what's going on, my regular Chaos Black spray gives a much smoother finish.

It is made heavier by the disappointment of the Emperor.

Relatively new painter here and would like some tips. I normally paint bigger models so I found my custom nurgle warlord quite challenging. Specifically those tiny ass hoses on his face and chest, any advice on how to do them?


I decided to completely load up one of my Shas'ui like he's a one man army.

I've been meaning to learn magnetisation. I've already built 2 rail rifles and 2 ion rifles with the rest running carbines.

Relatively new painter here and would like some tips. I normally paint bigger models so I found my custom nurgle warlord quite challenging. Specifically those tiny ass hoses on his face and chest, any advice on how to do them? Apologise for shitty phone camera that keeps flipping the pic

Just like to say, as another very very beginner painter, dang that's really nice looking.

Oh nice. I like the placement of the bonding knife actually, hadn't thought of that. I was honestly too afraid to deviate from instructions.

Cheers dude. I definitely prefer painting the bigger ironjawz and nids though.

Buy Primaris, nerd.

You can always refine your technique for it to look cleaner and always use more paints and washes and highlights.

Also gloss varnish for the guts and parts where there's fluid.

The hoses look fine, they don't stick out as a problem area. I assume you just followed the tutorial so my main advice would be to branch out and think about different ways to achieve nice effects or even simply try different colours while otherwise following a tutorial. I don't want to say I'm sick of seeing Warhammer TV tutorial miniatures because it's a decent starting point for new painters, but man all those shit stripey sworded Guillimans got so tiring.

Working on my primaris marines now. Fuatrating but having alot of fun.

Finishing up my Xiphon.

You think I would have stopped painting yellow years after my Lamenters.

I get ya. Just finishing up my first miniature since I was a kid (back in 2nd Edition 40k).

What do you guys think for varnish? Satin skin, nothing on sword, matt rest?

Bonus points if you can identify all paint brands.

4 mostly done, 6 to go. Don't think I could paint any more slowly if I tried.


Missing .5 for the highlights on the helmet, right middle

Chaos stands no chance to this evil

>30k Dark Angels
I see you are a man of culture as well.

Oh also, I should advertise discord in here. Just a general wargames discord (warhammer really) with only mild autism allowed mostly.

my favourite Poxwalker so far.

>i pooped a little.jpg

Quick question.

I'm thinking about cutting the head off the far left one, and replacing it with a bunch of flies. It looks bad now because it's blu tacked on. I'll be getting rid of the circular nub at the bottom and the flies will be going directly into the neck armour hole.

like the plague marine is hollowed out and just a bunch of armour moved by flies.


Dr. Poxwalker's Discount Plague Emporium.

Definitely very nurgle. Only issue i can think of is not a thematic one, but the fact that a bunch of flies flying around is not very easy to do modelwise, and can easily look bad or misleading... You seem to be an okayish painter/modeller though, however. It could still be hard to pull off.

Cool idea.

Finally getting some time to paint so doing another unit of plaguebearers before I jump into plague marines. Anyone know when the easy to build set is being released? I want to do some conversions.

I like the job you're doing on these guys but I wish you would paint the eyes before dotting them. Just black around them with a black wash then white the eyes then dot them as you're doing. Would really make them pop. Same for the teeth possibly.


Going to suggest no. Not a fan of those fly swarms they keep modelling, end up cutting them off whenever I can. Maybe if the flies were coming out of his armour it would make more sense than going in though.

Love the idea, would be hard to do. Might be hard to make it work with bits of flesh exposed (Like on the stomach there) but that's not an issue if you want it to be a marine with his body being shoved around by flies or actually a bunch of flies in the armour. Do the flies fit well into the neck hole or will you need to file them down a bit? I've not got my hands on any of the new models so I can't have a fiddle myself.

You reckon I could use citadel "ardcoat" on his guts to make them look shiny?

I think the model looks a lot cleaner without the huge icon and all the smoke everywhere. Didn't like the nurglings either that's why he's standing on a marine head. Hope they give us a new thyphus.

>placement of the bonding knife

Actually got it from the front of the box. Don't worry man, I was terrified of cutting let alone deviating from the instructions but they feel a lot more personal now.

No your not watching horribly gone wrong NMM.
Im trying to do a retro color scheme on my Ultramarines. With added "modern" painting techniques but still using the classical colors.

This is still very much a wip, but how do you think he looks. I personally was a bit surprised on how good I thought the yellow looked in comparison to the grimderp gold that´s on the "so called" ultramarines now days, but perhaps that's just me having bad taste heh.

Am right in the midst of a gloss varnish, will ad wash, and decals on top of that, do some weathering and slap on a dull coat.

Great looking models you got there! Nurgle looks surprisingly good in purple, who would have known?!?
Im saving this if I ever go to the dark side!

looks promising.
Be sure to add white checks on your marines, yellow/red flames on your plasma weaponry and don't forget the danger stripes on powerfists and lightning bolts on vehicles.

The only thing I feel like commenting about is that the metal around his boot soles kinda makes them look like sneakers or something. Maybe you could tone that down a bit.
Otherwise pretty neat. Thumbs up from me.

Looks great user. You could improve on the cloth highlights, but you nail the highlights pretty darn good on the sharper edges on the armor! Especially like the text on the guys leg (far right).

Thanks for the tip. Yea, I hope the boots will blend in nicely with the base once I ad some weathering powder to them. That is sure to tone down the metal at least.

Noice. What's with the green though?

Tip top painting job, DA-user.

I'm surprised that none of the Duncanite sycophants in this general have done up their marines in the Void Bringers colour scheme.

Looks good, but the blue and red are too dark IMO


I never would have considered purple as a Nurgley colour till I started seeing your Poxwalkers.

My Dark Angel Lord Executor.
Only the armour is finished so far but it's going pretty well for now.


If anything he's too dark even by modern standards.

>Feathers in front of air scoops


Anybody have any recommendations for a dremel?

The dark color is definitely by choice. I tried to go for a grimderp meets 2ed colors. And I had no intention to go if you catch my drift. I think I wanted to give the models a modern feel, the more of a dark blue you see a lot of painters use on their Ultramarines now days, but still keep the classical theme of them using a lot more colors and less metallics.

So as I said in the original post, its a "blend" of two styles.

I didn't want to paint the Iron Halo in metal, as I thought it took away from the oldschool idea of "colors everywhere". In the end I also implemented some green on the capes end-pieces, the once that are metal in the photo.

Here he is almost finished but in a rush-photo. Just wanted to show how the decals came out. Also did some minor scratches on him, and used some weathering powders to make him blend a bit better with the base as suggested.

I actually really like those edge highlights, makes him look electric

Does this base look fine or do I need to redo it? Asking for a friend ;_;

That's cool

The new easy to build stuff is coming out the 15th

He looks a lot less dark in that photo. Maybe the lighting is cooler?

Work on Geigor continues. Still need to highlight the gray, then assemble the subassemblies, and move him to a real base.

Looking good senpai.

Looks fine to me.

Progress on my Contemptor. I think he's just about done!

how does the back of the green thingy look?

railings will be bend back when dry

I don't know, it looks a bit dusty.


Would you mind giving a quick rundown on how you're doing those plasma coils?

I'd love to be able to emulate it!

There a reliable place to get this mini? I love the sculpt but I can never find it anywhere since the game it's for is dead as fuck.

you may want to do something with that

what happened?

Sure, but I gotta warn you. I paint my plasma coils the 'wrong' way with the ribs being brighter than the recesses.

It's basically just a basecoat and glazes.
>temple guard blue over black primer basecoat
>baharroth blue over that
>glazes of teclis, temple guard, baharroth and guilliman blue
>finally a fine edge of White Scar towards the top

It's quick and lazy if I'm honest, but it works ok. If you want to do it right, use pic related.

I'm trying a design for lasgun for my veterans, got this one I like so far. It's missing a tactical scope from anvil industries that are yet to arrive. Going for 30-40 lasguns, if not more in the future, so wanted to make something quite "easy" to make multiples of

Fuck. These BA termies have more gold chain than Busta Rhymes.

Pretty solid effort, simple yet distinct.

Nice thanks man, it really looks like it glows!

Anyone have suggestions for a point-and-shoot camera that's good for photographing miniatures? I don't want to drop DSLR-levels of money on it but I'd like something better than my phone and the clip-on macro lens I got for it.

Ideas for basing my Death Guard?

I feel like desert or something like that would be easy but not really their theme.

Also I've never based anything before so I'm not confident enough to try anything fancy. Suggestions for a compromise between the two points of view?

Idk dude, unless your phone is complete shit you can compensate for almost everything with lighting, backdrop and gimp.

Just started a new commission today. I'm pretty excited to see how it comes together.

Yes, that stuff is explicitly a gloss varnish.


How about a toxic base?

Dunc makes it look pretty easy too.


>blasting out singed feathers from your jump pack

that or it just explodes

Did this guy get like a bio with BoP? Is there a reason they couldn't use Bjorn, and instead of creating a new character they made Totally Not Bjorn?