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first for GW authors are fucking retarded and write stupid primarchs

Second for the Fourth Legion

post yfw you begin to realize that when GW said they would focus on Imperium vs Chaos what they really meant was Space Marines vs Chaos Marines

Go to fucking /hhg/ then shit up that dead thread

Starcraft: 40k would've been so much better if the story of the God-Emperor and his primarchs was inspired either directly or not on the Arthurian myth.

>40k is the only GW property that doesn't have a dead general

Why is this?

its always been SM vs CSM...only occasionally have NPC races had moments in the sun..GWs knows where their money base lies

but primarchs are coming back man and rowboat girlyman isnt written like a giant mary sue in the latest book which is a nice change he makes mistakes and actually is really fucking angry at how GRIMDARK the Imperium is

Oh cool! Black Templars are back to not following codex numbers.

What happened with that exactly? it keeps seeming to switch, can GW not make up their minds?

>Local Primarch is the angriest man that's ever lived

Matt Faggoty Ward felt the need to bring them in line with Ultramarines because how dare they be interesting. Then the new blood come in and realize not everything have to be Ultarmarines lite. Fuck Ward.

>and actually is really fucking angry at how GRIMDARK the Imperium is
So he will turn it into social utopia.

Tips for painting a Black Templar Black Tide?

Anyone still have that excerpt from when he realizes the Emperor never loved him?

>Refusing to adhear to the limit of 1000 active SM

Im 101% certain that either fleet based or crusade based chapters are exempt from the 1000 men limit so that if something fucks up and a fleet/entire crusade is lost in the warp it doesn't destroy the chapter in 1 go.

Use lots of blue and gold.

Guilliman shrugged. Combat over, he was weary. The emptiness inside him seemed deeper for his
encounter with the daemon. His hearts laboured, and his scar itched. ‘He remains potent, even now.’
‘I can feel His love for humanity,’ said Mathieu. ‘I can feel it all around me!’ He hesitated in his rapture.
‘Tell me, oh lord regent, truthfully – does the Emperor love us, my lord? Do not say I am wrong!’
The Emperor loves no one man, thought Guilliman. He cannot afford affection – that is the honest
practical for the impossible task that faces the Master of Mankind. He did not love His sons, He does
not love men, but He does love mankind. I find it hard to forgive Him. Did His solution have to be built
on lies? Lies upon lies?
Mathieu’s question pushed Guilliman deeper into melancholy. More than anything, he yearned to speak
with his foster father Konor one more time. He had been a noble soul, one who could be trusted. A true

Does Papa Boat ever wish for his mom?

Had you not died before the Emperor arrived in Ultramar, would I have abandoned you as quickly as
my brothers abandoned their adoptive families? he asked himself.
He knew the answer to that, and it shamed him. No one is immune to the effects of such power, he told
himself, but that did not make the truth any more palatable.
He understood. He knew what his father wanted to achieve, and why. Facing things like Qaramar brought
it home to him time and again. Knowing what opposed mankind made him see the utility of lies. Could
Guilliman honestly say he loved all the men who called himself his sons? He barely knew them,
especially now – Cawl’s blasphemous hordes in particular. They, too, were a means to an end. He and his
‘father’ had that in common. The mantle of rulership was weighty, and moulded the man that bore it.
I never wanted to be a tyrant, thought the primarch. Perhaps my father did not wish to be so either.
History has roles for us that cannot be denied. We are but pieces on the board of eternity.
‘My lord,’ said Mathieu into the primarch’s silence. ‘Please tell me, does the Emperor love us?’
We are so much more like you than you ever intended, thought Guilliman. You gave too much of
yourself to us. Without realising, in your arrogance, you made yourself a father in truth. We are your
sons, in every way. Did you see that?
‘My lord?’ said Mathieu
‘The Emperor loves us all,’ lied Roboute Guilliman. He looked over the broken statue and the few
remains of the clock. ‘Now leave me be, Mathieu. I must consult with the tribune and the tetrarch.’

Im pretty sure this isnt the extract youre refering to. It was just easier to find with crtl+f. Ill try to look for the other one

Daddy issues.
Fucking lame

found it
There was the wizened corpse surrounded by banks of groaning
machinery, His sword upon His knee. Sorrow suffused everything. The sacrifice required to keep the
Emperor alive sickened the primarch. If He were alive. He appeared dead. Guilliman had expected
But He spoke.
With words of light and fire, the Emperor had conferred with His returned primarch, the last of His finest
A creation. Not a son.
The living Emperor had been an artful being, as skilled at hiding His thoughts as He was at reading those
of others. What remained of Him was powerful beyond comprehension, but it lacked the subtlety He had
had whilst He walked among men. Speaking with the Emperor had been like conversing with a star. The
Emperor’s words burned him.
What hurt most deeply was what went unsaid.
The Emperor greeted Guilliman not as a father receives a son, but as a craftsmen who rediscovers a
favourite tool that he thought lost. He behaved like a prisoner locked in an iron cage who is passed a rasp.
Guilliman had no illusions. He was not the man who brought the rasp; he was the rasp.
While the Emperor had walked abroad, He had cloaked His manipulations in love. He had let His
primarchs call Him father; He had let them call themselves His sons. He had rarely spoken those words
Himself, Guilliman now realised, and when He had He had done so without sincerity. Buffeted by the full
might of the Emperor’s will unclothed in flesh, a cloak had been ripped from Guilliman’s eyes.
The Emperor had allowed them to love Him, and to believe He loved them in return. He had not. His
primarchs were weapons, that was all. The Emperor did not love His sons. They were things. Guilliman, all his brothers, were nothing but a
means to an end.


Is this from an official GW Novel?

Sadly 200% of primarch writing is daddy issues these days.

>you pass butter

Its retarded that GirlyMan has a problem with this honestly, since thats how he treats all the Ultramarines.

>.pdf related

He literally acknowledges that here

Shame my Horus Heresy book is going to be largely retconned, i loved the artwork.

Says the guy who clearly didn't read the novel.

>my Horus Heresy book

What did he mean by this?

I just read Dark Imperium and the new Jain Zar book.

Gotta say the Jain Zar book was pretty decent read, never an eldar fan but now im looking forward to the next one.

Dark Imperium i can see they want to retell the story of the Emperor and the Primarchs, on the one hand it kind of sucks that its gonna cause a fuckload of retcon rage, but on the other hand the existing lore was pretty retarded for alot of the primarchs.

In retrospect it was a pretty big advantage that the Phoenix Lords are mostly blank slates for Gav to write something about.

Probably that the majority of awesome artwork from Visions of Heresy will no longer be relevant because of the retconns BL has planned.

Friendly reminder to encourage thread diversity by ignoring all Guardfag posting

What weapons should I use on 2 5-man paladin squad?

Also I'm going to get the 10 strike team box, to divide them in 2 5-man squads, should i make them purifiers, interceptors or purgation?

... Ah. I see. You're one of those rabid fanboys who let's corporations tell them what their fandom is and is not. None of the art is going away. The GW gestapo will not be coming around to seize your copy of Visions of Heresy.

'Sides the imperium is built on lies and mistakes. The Emperor Still loves you.

did you get the feeling that in Dark Imperium they were avoiding making any 100% concrete details about events to prevent future retcons. it seemed the author was intentionally vauge when refering to the rest of the Imperium and that he also sets it up for the following 1000 years to still be called 40k with the whole 'conflict' within the ordo chronos about the imperial dating system being up to 1000 years wrong

Yeh alot of the descriptions are in broad strokes so its somewhat flexible.

The bigger problem is usually a lack of communication between GW Codex Writers and the novelists.

Even Gav wrote some stuff in his PL books that got contradicted by the Eldar codexes, which is amusing since he is closer to GW then most novelists.

>8th edition
>Grab the rulebook
>About to grab the indexes
>didnt have enuff cash
>Find out later actual codexes are coming out

Fucking hell dodged a bullet there.

Daemonhammers, GK anti vehicle options suck anyway.

And that makes warp lost chapters that much cooler.

I found the whole Ordo Chronos thing fucking hilarious. The dude calling for his enemies to be publicly burnt to death and Guillimans reaction to it got a chuckle out of me

>Even Gav wrote some stuff in his PL books that got contradicted by the Eldar codexes,
Because Thorpe always ignores other authors.

>Buying the books

>bred for war
>trained from birth to fight
>utterly devoted to the empire
>armed with great armor, equipped with the best guns
>ws 5+, bs 4+
For shame.

Except I've read it, primaris marines are lawful good as fuck
There is literally no salvation from Wardism

You'll still need the indexes, some of that shit won't be in the codexes.

>Bs 4+ baseline infantry
>Elite Mech suit specialists bs 4+ aswell

Is the Dark Imperium novel good? i notice its written by Guy Hayley who did Valedor, which is probably the only half-decent eldar book ive read tho i haven't read the Jain Zar one yet.

That's why none writting about Lion and Khan?

>yfw rowboat realizes the Tau Empire is everything the Emperor and himself hoped for, and joins it


So how 'bout that $33 starter set with Reivers?

Yeah certainly worth a read. A PDF was posted 20 posts up.

Too op.

dat bullpup combi-plasma doe

Literally why commander spam is a thing.

t. GW

Not falling for that shit son

But do you want a 3+ riptide/ghostkeel/stealthsuit/crisis/stormsurge?
Besides, marker lights exist.

No I'm saying that the higher bs on commanders is why it's getting spammed.
We don't want that on every suit team.

Commander spam, Leman Russ Commander spam, Flamer Spam, Scion spam, Orks take minimum shooting options on every unit. Pretty much every army that has to deal with ws4+ tries as hard as possible to game around it.

40k players love their canned processed meat.

i can easily see him making a non aggression treaty with the Tau and/or eldar while he tries to unfuck the mess the great rift caused and push back chaos

Suits wouldn't be overpowered at b3. If you dig around the Tau math they aren't costed more efficiently than marine shit to compensate for it. If anything marketlights are just an additional tax they have to pay for no real good reason.

But then we might see suit variety instead of just 6 xv8s with 4 fusion blasters.

So, if FW wanted the Leman Russ Conqueror to cost 135 with its cannon, why didn't they just make the Conqueror cannon 3 pts? Why reduce the point cost on the Russ Part, which is literally exactly the same as the regular Leman Russ but 22 points less for absolutely no reason?

>40k is pay to win
This is news because?

>3+ to hit, re-rolling 1's, ignoring cover, and not caring if they moved or fired heavy weapons or not
Seems like a good reason to take that silly little 80 point tax.

>new non marine stuff constantly run out of stock
>GW scrambles to meet demands
>constant panic about it

I mean marines sell, but the consumer wants something else beside marines.
Otherwise the game will end my local FoW nazi vs Nazi because everyone just keeps buying those things.

>bonus round trigger FoW with your pink American tanks. It is historically accurate, but they still get trigger about it.

I don't think that would work because the tau can't expand anywhere without taking imperial space.

But the Tau empire is truly the empire the Emperor wanted to create:

>Atheistic, doesn't believe in chaos
>rational pursuit of science
>promotes the common man

>Find out later
We've known this from the get-go. It was in the original announcements. It talks about them in the core rulebook. It wasn't exactly a secret that codexes were coming.

>your pink American tanks
Weren't they british?

Biological limitations giving -1 BS leading to the invention of markerlights.

Whats the hull angle on a chimera vs a rhino like? How hard would it be to convert a Chimera hull gun onto a Rhino?

Both did it. Americans did a few.

>Americans did a few.
Durring Tunisia operation? I've only read about oink british tanks in Egypt for stealth morning marches through the desert

Which list looks better at 1k?

Boots and Gorka 997/1k

weirdboy 62
weirdboy 62

Boys x30 PK 205
Boys x30 PK 205
Boys x15 BC 99

Gorka 364

Second list more bodies 998/1k

zagstruck 88
weirdboy 62

Boys x30 PK 205
Boys x30 PK 205
Boys x30 PK 205

Kommandos 2x burna 45
Kommandos 2x burna 45
Kommandos 2x burna 45

Stormboys x5 BC 49
Stormboys x5 BC 49


In vacuum yeah its just a matter of hurr MLs fagget. Then you look in detail at stuff like rail Hammerhead or Broadsides with 5 lights vs Mortis Contemptor dreadnoughts or Onagers and its just not impressive.


There's one Taufag at my LGS who gets weirdly assmad whenever someone brings up Tau needing tech to make up for the fact that they're sub-par warriors.

Like, that's the entire theme of their army. And he gets really pissed about it for some reason.

Fairly easily then, good.

That's a shame. The overcoming of one's limitations through understanding and technology is fairly badass.

The Ordo Chronos part was intended to let them use characters that otherwise could not interact. For instance Gilly could not meet both Yarrik and Cain with a soild timeline but this allows it.

I think setting a two weapon limit on commanders would fix that.

Sounds like a weeb who wants the Anime faction to have the whole shonen "Underdog who's more skilled than anyone" thing.

>pink American tanks

Tau do have that though, they've been kicking the ass of everyone they come across.

If you have an undamaged sky-ray with LoS it can dump 6 mortal wound missiles hitting on 2+ rerolling ones at once.

Tauwank is a serious disease

With no saves*

So he takes no marketlights / suits / anything maybe some Kroot (Though ugly monster men aren't weeb enough so probably not) and gets bodied in every game, right?

How does he play at all
This. or they win with the power of friendship

Right? One of the best parts of the Tau narrative.

>on an unmodified roll on 6

I like how they're a threat not because they take over worlds, even the most dense ork warboss can do that.
No, they want the hearts and minds of the people in that world.

Through a combination of technology, logistical superiority, and plot armor.

According to one writer the Tau fly so majestically that it makes necron pilots cry at the beauty of it.

No, ha takes TONS of suits, with ML. He just pretends that the Suits are killing people because of how skilled the pilots are.

How are robots able to shed tears?

Not physically cry, but they did feel emotions. It was some of the worst writing I'd ever seen, on par with the assassin losing to Tau in CC.

>He does not love men

Emperor confirmed not a fag

Been toying around with a biker ork army. Viable in 8th, you think?