Order of the Stick 1080

Clever Blasting God Stoppers

Holy shit, these strips are coming out at something that almost resembles a pace.

Looooot of words for this one though.
I'm not one of those wordswordswords thog guys, but it's a fair bit.

Belkar's surprisingly chill

Belkar's my kind of player. Sometime you have to recognize that you're kicking not just the asses of giants, but those of gods as well.


considering that it's Hel in question here, "bone" might be a bit on the nose.


Rich, I can't handle all these updates you're putting out



Is juvenile humor accepeted here? Am I doing this right?

10/10 best Thog

That honor goes to shipthog

>I worried about god
>oh relax

For the first time in many years the tips of my lips curled upward reading this strip because the punch line gave me half a giggle.

Holy shit, slow down Rich, or I'll get interested again

>humor still based on 'durr hurr we know our world runs on Dee un Dee rules!'
Not even once.

I must've missed the splatbook that detailed how the god of frost giants is a beta orbiter.

>Holy shit, these strips are coming out at something that almost resembles a pace.
He's finally done with the Kickstarter strip and a bunch of store shit so he can focus on actually making the comic again.
(I agree with you about the wordswordswords, but I still find the dialogue funny enough.)

>god, I wasn't paying much attention

We're at 13 strips since then.
Let's see if it takes them another 9 to get to this damn place.
On the one hand, it'll be ridiculous if he stretches that out so far. On the other hand, having 'twentee two more strips that way' be accurate might be worth it.

Anyone reminded of Tomoko when they see Hel? Mean, she's not getting any real personality besides looking ghoulish and unpopular, so we might as well imagine her this way

That's quite a bit of a stretch.

chex mix
