So what the fuck is going on in here?
Are they relaunching Necromunda or not?
So what the fuck is going on in here?
Are they relaunching Necromunda or not?
>Are they relaunching Necromunda or not?
Why is James M Hewitt such a faggot?
I thought SWA was just that?
It best not be. What a fucking lazy ass release. They just stole all the Necromunda Community Edition rules and passed them off as their own.
They're all cucks. Check out their twitters.
According to the last weekender, yes, but actual work on it has not yet started. Another game they are doing but haven't started yet is Battlefleet Gothic set in the Horus Heresy. Remember their next game release is coming out between fall and next year depending on who you ask, and we haven't seen the models for it yet, just the rules.
Wonder how BFG-in-the-heresy will handle all the rare and unique shit of that time - the Glorianas, the Word bearer kingships, the Phalanx etc.
At least the fleets being so varied should be good for customization and shit
Any examples?
they already have. it's called shadow war armageddon
Why are they fucking around with Titanicus and Battlefleet when Necromunda is a license to print money?
>missing the point so much
i fail to see how its' missing the point. it's still the same rule set. just without shitty hair metal gangers.
because necromunda is the goat setting
umm... sweetie?
btw that's from Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two
>keep /pol/ in /pol/
back to plebbit pls
>post about le sjw menace
>using /pol/ specific memes
>post about Veeky Forums rules
I know you want these to be the same but they aren't the same.
being THIS cucked lmao