What RPG has the most blatantly lewd art?
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Not counting FATAL?
To be fair like 90% of the fatal art is either a badly photoshopped picture of Byron Hall trying to look cool or the dread 'art here' monster.
CthulhuTech. Most of it alludes to rape, too.
Good point.
Never played the game but there were some hot alien chicks.
No idea if the game is any good.
Spoiler alert. It's not, or at least it's no better than standard end. The downfall is it's actually 3 separate games depending on what type of characters you build. Right now it allows you to make a nonfunctional party if everyone rolls misaligned characters.
Don't forget the most obtuse and inconsistent dice system imaginable. Fucking poker dice.
So I'd be better off fidning a better system and adapt the setting to it?
I'd say you'd be better off finding another system, adapting the ideas of the setting and cherrypicking elements to include.
The Ctech setting has lots of interesting ideas, but a lot of the implementation is awful and there are some weird, stupid or frankly obscene bits that basically only exist as the writers fetish fuel.
Like the infamous bit in one of the adventures where the PC's have to succeed at an impossible hard willpower/resolve/whatever role not to get seduced and I think impregnated and/or eventually killed by weird mythos furry succubi.
>has never actually looked at FATAL, just posts memes about it
>mythos furry succubi
Stop talking about my penis.
Anima is right there.
You fucking know we don't ever count FATAL.
Old School AD&D.
Deities and Demigods and the Monster Manuals were full of topless goddesses, succubi, and nymphs, many of which didn't even bother with conveniently-placed censorship hair and had actual nipples instead of slenderman-like smoothness where nipples should be.
Oh bullshit. There were like three examples of nipples. Wow it's fucking nothing. The marilith if I recall, a mermaid in deities & demigods and maybe the Medusa in the monster manual.
Succubus too.
Didn't her hair cover her nipples?
Don't forget the weretiger
That counts four times!
And the gynosphynx
Lamia Noble
>mythos furry succubi
I love this old art
Ok I'm wrong. Some of those are not nude but yeah I'm wrong. Thank you friendo.
Not like I care, I just showed up to post the tits
>Blink Wooly Mammoths
>Frequency: Medium rare
Fucking kek
More stats, do want to adapt Blink Wooly Mammoths to fuck with my players.
Jesus, I was expecting ridiculous awesomeness but this.... This is amazing. Thank you!
Yeah, it's basically "every joke 1E monster converted to 2E and also every joke 2E monster published up to this point"
Er, wait, never mind, I'm thinking of something else. This one just has some joke monsters in the front and a bunch of "regular" monsters in the remaining 110 pages.
I thought I had one with a bunch of joke golems...
I couldn't find images of the rape machine, but those should convince. So, so much wasted potential.
Well if you find it, post it, I'm always looking for more joke monsters.
Same here
>Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
>You mean the sentient trees they've always been?
>No, we mean the furries out of that one collegehumor skit
I guess that's how you 'anime' a setting?
I mean, normally, I'd feel bad for discouraging people from changing things up in the mythos if they want to try something original, but....furry sex fiends ain't all that original.
>Orgone energy
Duh. Whole concept just reeks of magic realm, and most of early XX century psychology as well.
IIRC there are a bunch of barebreasted goddesses in Deities and Demigods.
Maid RPG
that is guro, user.
I know this thread is about the lewds but I just feel compelled to bitch about how Cthulhutech could have been good but got shit mechanics and shit fluff like this.
Aside from the whole rape machine thing, notice how it uses keywords for the difficulty of its tests like Hard and Legendary without specifying quickly what those mean? A more competently designed game, like Dark Heresy, always write the modifier to make life easier for someone referencing the rules and not making them go check some other table out as well. e.g. "Must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness test"
this is cthulutech isn't it
It is! In another one of their blatant anime rip-offs. You didn't think they made up the rape machine on their own, did you?
It's also them ripping off UrotsukidÅji.
Mind posting what you /were/ thinking of?
This is a blue board.
I'm sorry you're not over 18 user, you might just have to leave the thread then.
blue board means 'safe for work', not god damn 'kid's allowed' you fucking idiot.
user, do you work at a brothel or something?
Are you just a newfag?
>pretending you have a job
I don't think any part of Veeky Forums is safe for work, blue or no blue.
Blue means no porn, in practice.
it's summer user, every boards is "kids allowed" now
You know, it's funny. CthulhuTech keeps talking about some "Rape Storm" and how it's such a huge influence on the setting, but they never actually show art of it. A huge waste of such a strong name, too.
The Rapine Storm. Their a faction, not some kind of supernatural phenomenon, and their name is symbolic, not literal. And here's art of it.
Which is a subset of what~?
To me that looks like a wolly mammoth being knocked backwards by an anime character
Good old CthuluTech. The setting was pretty okay. The magical realm styled drawings was more about showing how future humanity tries to cope with the end of the world via Hedonism to keep peoples minds off the idea of learning what the shit is going on with the world.
They mechanics were utterly busted though. You actually got weaker if you upped your skill level from one to two and there was hardly any differences between same splat PCs. Which kind of turned the entire thing into a clusterfuck before they started referencing shit in the official adventure releases.
Shut your hole. Poker dice were a really fun mechanic.
Fun, sure. But they didn't fucking work.
I'm the kind of guy who likes weird dice mechanics, and thinks they can be great if they were used right. None of that applies to fucking poker dice.
They worked just fine. The slight jar in the probability of failure as you go from 1 to 2 in a skill is blown out of all proportion here. It's a tiny, tiny glitch. We never had any problems with it in our game and the unique combinations made for exciting rolling. It was swingy but it fit the action-hero setting we had anyway.
It's not just swingy. The actual change in probability and chance of success as the number of dice increases is utterly schizophrenic and inconsistent, which makes designing a system with consistent DCs a fucking nightmare.
I'm sure there are ways to make it work. But the way Ctech did fucking didn't.
I miss the simple and straightforward typesetting.
The industry these days has gone full retard with all of the overproduced full color books.
It's the reason why I bought Torchbearer even though I prefer grid-combat to narrative gaming...
i don't suppose you could post a few examples
>breasts=massive lewd
This place is a Puritan shithole. You shouldn't have sent all of the assholes to the same place.
We can't even legally get drunk in public.
It's okay in Missouri. Hell it's our natural state of being.
Lands of Luste by Gideon. Though, given that's literally a furry ERP RPG, I suppose that's cheating.
>consistent DCs
As if DCs weren't an arbitrarily-set completely subjective task definition list. C'mon, gimme a break. This is a roleplaying game, not a mathematics textbook. Nothing in poker dice ever went screwy enough mechanically to affect the outcome of anything fun.
Tagers were the best of Cthulhutech.
When a stat or skill increases by one in an RPG, you should be able to generally figure out how much better you are at doing things, exactly how changing the dicepool affected your chance of success.
In Ctech, working out the probabilities is obnoxious as fuck, and when you do figure them out you discover that some points do vastly more than others, making the actual effects of progression ludicrously irregular and uneven. It's bad design.
And this is why some of us actually like the 5e art.
Well, Exalted did release a sex supplement as an April Fool's thing, which has...stuff. Like dark elf zombie twinks.
>2hu without a hat on
this changes nothing, source
>Proud Feminist Fights Back Against the Body Shaming Patriarchy.jpeg
use this to for porn : saucenao.com
no tiddies on a worksafe board.
Censor out that nipple, heretic.
Degenesis. Made by a bunch of gross German art students and designers. The books has such great art, damn shame they had no idea how to make a game.
Can confirm
It's worse, mate. There are points where becoming more skilled in a thing can make you less good at actually rolling that thing.
Ctech was one good idea (Anime+Cthulu) that they just fail to implement over and over again.
Kingdom Death must be up there.
KD isn't a RPG, user.
That's not an RPG, though.
Fine, tabletop game.
>tfw WotC made one of the most waifu-able characters I've ever seen for the 5e PHB
I know it's an elf so it can be hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure that's a man. On the other hand, it's an elf, so it doesn't really matter.