"I intend to make Ultramar a model of what the Imperium can be...

"I intend to make Ultramar a model of what the Imperium can be. Look beyond your own borders - you will see our empire is crumbling!

>I will shore up the walls and make Ultramar great again."

What did Robot mean by this?

Does this mean Mortarion, the Angel of Death is indeed Hlllary Clinton?

Macragge is his Constantinopoli. While the old and official Capital is decaying and flooded with religious fanatics, he rules the empire from his cultured and rich regal province (as greece was to italia).

>What did Robot mean by this?
More weapons for Tallarn

He's going to focus on restablish the relations with Alpharius besides all the propaganda saying he was responsible for his resurrection as Primarch of the United States of Ultramar.

i think Hillary is more likely in the Lorgar tier of failure desu

>whole Imperium living by teaching based on Book of Lorgar

The whole wrong side of the Imperium from Lorgar's perspective. Thats a pretty fucking big error.


but Lorgar succeeded in everything he did.

That he's a Recongrengationist radical heretic.

What did Hillary do exactly that makes everyone hate her so much? Non-American asking.

Alpharius was always loyal.

Being an establishment politician in a political environment where everyone hates establishment politicians. Party documents releasing that shows your party rigged the primary in her favor against the non-establishment in her favor didn't help either.

Boring neolibral with nothing to offer. Avatar for the failing democratic party.

Supreme irony is that there would have been little to no difference in terms of policy with Dolan, maybe only a slower progression and less rhetoric.

She was the one running against the guy /pol/ likes. /pol/ being populated mainly by teenagers, it's easy to see why all this slander would happen.
Oh, and she's a woman, which I huess doesn't sit well with some people.

>her party rigged the primary in her favor against the non-establishment candidate in her favor didn't help either.
fixed. My grammar went a bit loopy at the end there

>Lorgar tier of failure

>creates a teratchy in order to remake the glory of the 500 worlds

>Puts on the governance in the hand of astartes intead of logistically minded humans.

>I don't want mankind to be replaced-The Emperor
>LOL fuck you-Guilliman

Really makes me think

Can't really blame him, humans are kind of shit.

The best part is that there's a lot of democrats who actually think this way and it's preventing them from figuring out why they're actually failing and course-correcting.

For himself, but not for the Inperium as a whole. Don't confuse personal failings with personal achievements. He might not like it, but the imperium would have been a paradise to his younger self. Religious zealots rarely look back at their earlier stages of faith, focussing on the constant and now. Still, it could still gnaw it at him.

>implaying Astartes are not humans.

Check your fluff before talkin shit about the spiritual liege, you heretic.

Basically every democrat with any sway in the party, really.

Being a genuinely vile person. I couldn't stand Sanders or Trump, but Clinton was the only candidate who caused me to experience genuine revulsion. That woman is -evil-. It's a bit of a meme that the Clintons kill people who go against them, but people really DO tend to mysteriously disappear around them. She doesn't seem capable of basic human emotions, and I have at times doubted that she is actually a human being. At absolute best, she's the epitome of the out-of-touch sociopathic politician with no regard for human life, at absolute worst she's either a demon-possessed corpse or an alien infiltrator.

This image is funnny because Lorgar accomplished virtually nothing that he set out to do at Calth, and in fact crippled his own legion.

Shes basically that old lady nobody likes. She was foreced 24/7 into the public through the media, making her less likeable.

In the end she didn't really connected with the people and everyone was getting tired of watching here everywhere acting like she was relatable.

Humans are the best!

Ask any tau woman.

>Until the T(a)urks came

>Roaches as Tau
>not Orks.
>missing the opportunity of calling them Torks.

You had one job user...

There's a lot of things.
Some of it was her trying to be the "safe" candidate, while having an on-going investigation into possible criminally deleting emails. Her response was to delete and "lose" more emails.

There's also the subtle matter of symbols.
Obama had his Hope posters and his (beautifully designed) field and sunrise. Trump had MAGA. Hillary had an "H" with an arrow.
There's always going to be some arrogance in running for office. There's the belief that a person is the right choice, at the very least. It's not necessarily a bad thing, so long as the candidate is selling something more than themself.
Obama was selling hope. Trump was selling greatness. Hillary was selling herself.
She tried making herself into an idol to be flocked to and adored. See: her "I'm with Her" campaign, "It's Her turn," etc.

There's a sense of entitlement. Pic related. She doesn't know how to pour a beer. Pouring a beer is a basic, working class thing. Add in "It's Her turn" and you can see that class divide churning.

The other thing is that Hillary has been in politics a long time. Back during the Clinton administration (1992-2000), there were all sorts of reports about her being a cunt to work with. Staffers clearing the hallways as she came down, treating her secret service bodyguards like janitors and errand boys, and the infamous rumors of a screaming match with Bill before the Inauguration.

Oh Constantinople. why couldn't the empire keep the 1025 borders, they were perfect.

The Clintons were deep into drug trading, real-estate type mafia deals, and insider trading with stocks, before Bill Clinton became president. He had a number of major scandals during the presidency, and then Hillary had her own during her time as SecState with Obama, and then some more during her election run.

Among over-30yo conservatives, she's the #1 example for most corrupt politician.

>Waaaahg boss Arslan will meet the primaris legions on the planet of Menzerkit(tm)

>Some of it was her trying to be the "safe" candidate, while having an on-going investigation into possible criminally deleting emails. Her response was to delete and "lose" more emails.
Didn't the FBI recover nearly all of those emails? And then the Republicans spent millions on a congressional investigation that went literally nowhere?

Kind of hard not to think most of the shit people hate Clinton for was fabricated because of partisan politics.

>What did Robot mean by this?
Less teeth primarch tiny hands

I think the entitlement thing is what lost her the election. That and the entire Democratic and Republican parties dismissing Trump as a serious candidate.

It was the Democrats election to lose, and Hilary was so fucking smug and sure that she was going to win that it turned a lot of people off.

A lot of people also became aware of the massive clusterfuck that was the Benghazi crisis, and how her indecisiveness got an Ambassador and several contractors killed because of the movie 13 Hours, despite the film doing an admirable job of being objective politically. With tensions rising around the globe, a good amount of Americans didn't want someone who choked over something relatively minor at the helm of our nation.

She was out of touch, big time. Of course most of the political system is out of touch, but she really embodied that.

She's been implicated in a series of scandals which while amounting to nothing managed to poison her name. You spend enough time presuming someone is guilty that when they turn out to be innocent you assume that it was just a coverup. The fact that Pizzagate was a thing should tell you just how bad people hate her over here.

Aside from that cattle futures thing back in the 70's. That was pretty fucking sketchy.

If it were possible for a Daemon Lord to un-fall, I would find a great deal of dark humor in Lorgar going into the Imperium, seeing what it really looks like, openly weeping, and changing sides to defend it to the last.

Short, non-politicized version?

Fixing the shitty mess that is his backyard after several millennia napping.

Side note: does anybody have a copy of that pdf of the Dark Imperium novel I saw floating around awhile back?

>The door to the library opened with a soft whoosh of equalising pressure. Voices too low for even Guilliman’s superior hearing to catch blunted themselves on his books. The primarch looked up. He resolved to avoid judging the priest until he saw him in person, but previous experience had coloured his perceptions of the adepts deeply. Would the man start to wail like the last one, or collapse into religious ecstasy? The possibilities were as irksome as they were limited.
>Lorgar, thought Guilliman. He would have enjoyed crowing about this.

Don't forget the notion that the rules didn't apply to her.

Clinton seemed legitimately confused as to why people had a problem with her illegally storing government emails on a private server in a bathroom in an apartment in Denver. When she handed over the server, she wiped it -- again, breaking the law. And then, when she was asked about it, she lied under oath during the investigation. And when the investigation found the smoking guns they needed for charges to be brought against her (hundreds of highly classified emails that were improperly stored, plus her lies on the record about what they were), her husband met with the DoJ chief and the FBI recommended no charges based on a fabricated test of intent that the law doesn't have. Because the alternative was Trump.

That's one instance, out of dozens of questionable or outright illegal decisions she made in her time in the public eye.

Everything she did was about what she wanted -- not what she could offer the country, not what vision she had for us, not even what kinds of skills she had but no one else had. She couldn't tell you why America was great, except for vague platitudes about goodness in contrast to her opponent.

I voted against Trump in the primaries and I voted for a third party candidate during the election out of protest, but there was never a question in my mind that Trump loves America. Trump had run-ins with the law and paid out the nose for them. Ironically, Trump had the image of someone who gave a shit about something other than himself. And that's part of why he won.

This is the best answer out of the lot. Ignore all the conspiracy theory bullshit and stories about Hillary being a bitch. Those played a part, but not nearly as much as her condescending, out-of-touch, myopic attitude.
I have family who work for the US State Dept, they all met Hillary when she was First Lady, and they were pleased to work for her when she was SecState.
However, outside a role where she can focus on the nuts-and-bolts of statecraft, writing policy and making solid proposals, she just hasn't got any game. Any time she tries to react to bad press, she digs herself in deeper. All her ideas sound like they were sent through a think-tank twenty times until they are devoid of anything inspiring or useful. She could be telling the truth 100% of the time, wouldn't matter because she seems like a liar.

This, though I wouldn't ignore the bitch rumors out of hat. Never underestimate Charisma or it's lack. The democrats basically ran a female Nixon against a TV star.

>Trump had the image of someone who gave a shit about something other than himself

I feel like this is the fundamental disagreement which causes the divide over him. To people who don't support Trump, he seems like a narcissistic egomaniac

This is why

>implying not Omegon was the loyal one.

Good thing Primarchs are popping out of the woodwork again, Alpharius will probably be revived by some chaos/emperor/alien shenanigans once GW is running out of giant mary sues to sell and starts letting squads of Primarchs be used as "Cawl sanctioned clones" or whatever.

He was a narcissistic egomaniac huckster for the last 3 decades he wasn't in politics. Remember, Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2 is based on how shitty Trump was in the late 80s. He's literally human garbage.

>responding to a fairly objective post with something laced with bias

why though
a post like that doesn't lead anywhere. No one can prove that Trump is nice, or that Trump is the devil. All it does is stir shit.

I thought we were past complaining and were just looking at the future hoping good things happened.

>has two old men molesting him since childhood
>Rowboat has aeldari whores to pound
Yeah, no.

>seems like a narcissistic egomaniac
Hillary came off the same way. For a lot of people it really was a "Whoever wins, we lose" situation and they just didn't show up to the polls.

You only got half the story. The truth is she is a very cynical person, and only wears a presentable public veneer full of advertisements and well wishes so the true realist inside can affect change on the world. The funny joke is her real self is leaking out in bits and pieces, through TV shows and her twitter feed.

Shes quite likable as the grandmom with a smart mouth.

Here's yopur tinfoil hat.

It can't be entitlement, we elected the most entitled human being in the history of man.

>implying boomers are worse than millennials

If you believe all this garbage you are actually dumb.

If you believe anyone here actually believes anything they, or anyone else posts, you're actually dumb.

The reality is that Trump won the election the moment he came down the escalator and announced his candidacy. Trump was the most intelligent, charismatic, and shrewd of the candidates running on either party, a master of branding and propaganda, who knew exactly what he was selling and who he was selling it to. And most importantly, his clear focus was on economics at a time when the people were overwhelmingly concerned about their jobs and livelihoods.

The only other candidate who even stood a chance against Trump, Bernie Sanders, was thrown under the bus before the primaries even began in favor of the epitome of what Trump was fighting against. A boring politician with no real plan for the country except "Keep doing what we've been doing"

You could go all day with the reasons Hillary sucks, or the brilliant moves Trump made step by step to intentionally paint his opponents as the opposite of what they wanted to be seen as [the religious Cruz being painted as an adulterous liar, the reliable third Bush being made into a buffoon, the up and coming star of the Republican party Rubio being made out to be a child playing at politics] but the brass tacks is that Trump won the second he stepped on stage and launched his platform focused on nationalism, protectionism, and anti-corruption. The only candidate running on a vaguely similar platform was crushed in an instant by a corrupt political machine backing a psychopath who thought it was her destiny to be king.