Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Cleaning out the fucking filth edition

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First for fast growing black tax crop getting into modeling even though they can't manage a bloody rattler

Well obviously pakis are rich

So, since the anons in the last thread were a bunch of unhelpful chaos cultist, i'm reporting this. I read trough manual and FAQ several times but could not find much helpful.

>Ok, Veeky Forums a couple questions on deployment and transports:

>If you could point me toward a rule/FAQ reference in the answers it would be great

1) "Tactical reserve" rule for matched play: do unit embarked in transport deployed normally count as being "on the battlefield", allowing more reserve units?

1b) On a similar note, if a transport is allowed to be in reserve, do units embarked in it count as being in reserve as well for the rule?

2) Transports and deployment: when you deploy your units "one at a time", do you independently use a "turn" to deploy the transport and its passengers or you use one for the transport and one for each embarked unit?

3) Combat squads: I am not 100% sure on how to interpret the combat squad rule, does it take 1 or two "turns" to deploy 10 tacticals split into combat squads?



They're all considered different units.
You must deploy every single one of them separately and they count as separate unit for reserves and shiz

If you can't read and understand the rules we don't want you mucking about mate. I'm sorry but it's reading man's game at minimum if not a thinking man's game (looking at you 7th)

It bust be hard to be such a genius, user

It's a game written for children so they can sell models to the parents of little kids. If you can't learn the rules once reading them you're badly off.

is there a way to let people know not to touch ur models, i hate when some fat kid walks up while im playing and gets his greasy little fingers all over my models that iv put hundreds of hours in

A good sharp REEEE should do the trick.

So deployment goes;

I'm deploying this rhino.
Their turn.
I'm deploying these tac marines inside the rhino.
Their turn.
I'm deploying this librarian in the same rhino.

Is that right?

im not autistic but i dont wanna come across as an asshole and upset some 12 year old.

oi teww hwm noperdope bruv
people from europe are gay

It's more like;

Read the rulebook
Their turn not to be gay
Read the rulebook
Read the rulebook
Their turn not to be gay
Read the rulebook
Their turn not to be gay

I've never had anyone touch my models and I go to WHW every Wednesday, maybe try using a mantra like "They're touching my models because I am a great painter". Or just say please don't touch my models I'm about to play

go home chubby cheeks

Go spend one in a brown

No, when you deploy a transport you declare which units are riding in it and they all go down in one drop.

Okay got it! I'll continue to deploy my embarked models as a single unit with the transport until it becomes advantageous not to, thanks!


tfw the closest place to play is a 6 hour drive


do you thrive in my suffering demon?

engrish hard


No, that would be excessive

Is there such a thing as a fluff-compatible WAAC army ?

How much imagination do you have?

Imperial guard.

make friends and build your own tabletop. Shit is cheap as fuck and you don't have to deal with kids and shitty neckbeards in your own living room.

Your mom's always been a fat fucked up whore so you could play Nurgle and say you were born that way

Reiver rules yet?

Heavy bolt pistol: 14" Pistol 1 S5 AP -1 D1
Power knife: S:User AP -2 D1
Infiltrate like scouts
Primaris statline


So how does this list look?

My friend things I should replace the Maulerfiends with Forgefiends instead and doesn't say why, and thinks I should drop the Defiler to buy more cultists instead.

Are the Doom Sirens worth it? 22 points seems like an exorbitant amount for what's essentially a heavy flamer that does half the hits.
Shaving off the Doom Sirens would get me 88 more points to use on something like buying a cultist squad.

So, with the knolwedge that we're getting codex's back, what do you want from your book?

As a Ad Meh player, I want:
>Canticles/Doctrines back
>New Units
>New CP uses

r8 this list

I feel like it doesn't have enough vehicles, but it's been working out decently while testing
never ran into anything super gay yet though so i wouldn't know how it fares vs. cheese

shove flamer grenadiers on the centaurs and go to town
put heavy weapons squad in a ruin somewhere and maybe have an infantry squad cover them if they have deep striking units
then just charge their ass and hopefully not die for an entire turn so you can Fix Bayonets! on the rough riders and kek hard in their face

>TSons without Magnus are overpriced, flavorless garbage

what about their vox-amps?

This is cool

raise your noise marine squads to the sacred number, drop the doom sirens, and drop all the heavy support to replace it with 3 havoc squads with 4x missile launchers each then fill in however you want. Consider taking a flying DP with warp bolter and double hell talons if you can fit it

Like CSM raptors, -1 to Ld within 1".

Just to be clear, this is my prediction. I don't know for sure what the stats are yet.

Would anyone mind telling me the Cyclops Demolition vehicle explosive damage? I can't download the FW book at.

Which Knight is best Knight ?
Knights Errant seem to be the more cost-effective, but maybe I'm wrong ?

Nobody cares

I'll toss in Ranger guns getting their proper statline, Ironstriders gaining Sniper when stationary because that's their exact fluff in a nutshell, Skitarii getting Doctrinas/Hazard Protocols/whatever and turning those Reroll Ones canticles into a straight +1 just so we don't stack Reroll One To Hit six times because they couldn't think of another buff, dammit.

Also, some kind of cheap Skitarii HQ so I can leave the Techpriests at home and play proper Skitarii McExpendables.

>drop all the heavy support to replace it with 3 havoc squads with 4x missile launchers
Why should I do this? Is that better than Maulerfiends and Defilers? I thought that they would be better because more attacks and wound regeneration.
Are Hellbrute's worth taking? (Probably just use normal Dreadnought models but say they're Hellbrutes)

This list is mostly meant to take on people running horde armies, so the logic would be the Maulerfiends would be the front line meatgrinders for using their lasher tentacles to clear out infantry squads, while the Defilier was the rear line long range infantry meatgrinder.

Read the rulebook idiot

>read the rulebook for subjective strategy advice
Yeah good idea, I'll do that.

It answers none of my questions.

Would anyone rate my wall-of-text format list? RIP list builder
Points are 2k.

++Battalion detachment++

Tempestor Prime - 40

Tempestor Prime - 40

Tempestus Scions - 118
- 10-strong unit
- X3 Plasma guns

Tempestus Scions - 124
- 10-strong unit
- X4 Plasma guns

Tempestus Scions - 144
- 10-strong unit
- X4 Meltaguns

Tempestus Scions - 144
- 10-strong unit
- X4 Meltaguns

Enginseer - 52

Baneblade - 567
- Pair of H. Bolter / Lascannon sponsons

++Spearhead Detachment++

Pask - 221
- Punisher
- X3 Heavy Bolters

Leman Russ - 180
- Battle Cannon
- X3 Heavy Bolter
- Storm Bolter

Leman Russ - 180
- Battle Cannon
- X3 Heavy Bolter
- Storm Bolter

Leman Russ - 190
- Executioner Plasma cannon
- X2 Plasma cannon
- Heavy Bolter

>reading the rulebook to understand the rules
No, you're right. Putting in that much effort would be excessive.

>reddit formatting
try again you fucking idiot delete this

In fluff, Archmagos vs. Space Marine chapter master.

a) Who wins?
and b) Is there anything stopping Mechanicus forces using their data for ECM warfare? Power Armour and Battlesuits are complicated, could they lock the pilots out of control of those or anything? They use ECM among themselves, according to the Forge of Mars books. Hell, the Archmagi have a Matrix Animuu Duel inside the noosphere.

So my start collecting set for the orks finally arrived and I just finished assembling the deff dread with as many guns as possible, as per ork specifications. Next is to break out the sanding sticks and clean up these mold lines

k... keep me posted

>"what's your opinion on my list?"

>*gives opinion*

>"why is this opinion?"


Seems like you're excessively angry about the truth

>samefag buttmad that his Discord got shat on for the shithole it is

Actually im a fresh poster, just upset about you thinking your opinion is objectively correct, when it is merely an opinion. You used that face already tho man

You guys think Open War cards would be worth getting for some variation? Even if you're using matched play rules?

I didn't realize there were rules for understanding subjective opinions given to you with no further explanation.

They look like they could be fun, so I'm picking up a set.

They look fun as hell to me

Seems like thinking I'm objectively correct and using the same picture might be a little excessive huh

I like it, although I'd put a scourge on the defiler instead of the havoc launcher and have him rush with the maulerfiends.

Stop fucking feeding him, he's going to do this for the whole damn thread if people encourage him.
Be the better man.

Basically, if you want to kill hordes, Maulerfiends and Defilers don't have the damage output you need. They're great against heavily armoured stuff, but not hordes.

The Missile Havocs on the other hand have a very decent (and long-ranged) answer against hordes while still being damn good against heavy infantry and tanks/monsters.

Helbrutes are... good. As a pure gun platform they're fucking worthless, but with a Power Scourge and a gun they can lend fire support while discouraging charges against the Havocs they're standing with.

However, since you already have a fuckton of Sonic Blasters, you should be set in the anti horde department so one Maulerfiend won't screw you over. That being said, I wouldn't use those Doom Sirens. Yes, they're cool, but they're too short-ranged to be useful to the squad.
Also check whether the Champion can actually take a Sonic Blaster, because he used to be unable to take one and I'm not sure they changed that.

you can't take Fabius Bile into your EC list. If you do you lose Noise Marines as Troops. Take the Cultists instead of him

>don't reply
>here's why his reply is obviously correct
You are intelligent

What makes it Reddit formatting?
Is it because I didn't copy-paste directly from battlescribe?

he's baiting badly, don't fall for it

>using incorrectscribe
Maybe it was that you are super retarded that made it like reddit. Maybe it was just because you're gay.

>check whether the Champion can actually take a Sonic Blaster
Pic related. I assume this means I can take sonic blasters for the champion as well.

I'm liking the idea of dropping the Doom Siren and taking a sixth noise marine instead, which actually ends up being two points less than having a Doom Siren.

Replacing all the Maulerfiends and the Defilier with missile launcher havocs seems pretty nice, with those only being 165pts each, so a lot cheaper than the Defilier was at least.

I mean a Maulerfiend with Lasher Tentacles still does 4 + 2d6 attacks per turn, and hits really damn hard, even with the Lasher Tenctacles, while a Havoc squad does 4d6, and doesn't hit as hard. It felt to me like the Maulerfiends would be more reliable mass damage output vs Marines or Necron Warriors than missile launchers would be due to their high strength, plus the durability and wound regeneration the Maulerfiends have.

How would two Maulerfiends and a Havoc Squad be? Since Lasher Maulerfiends are only 8 points more than a Havoc squad, before buying any extra goodies for the Havoc champion.

Getting rid of the Defilier does free up a significant amount of points though. Just exchanging the Doom Sirens for a second sonic blaster wielding marine, and the Defiler for missile Havocs frees up 87 points I could spend on something else.

>Fabius Bile
>not Emperor's Children
What the fuck am I reading?

Should I put a Sorcerer or Daemon Prince in next to Lucius instead and make Bile command the Spearhead Detachment?

Also Yes Doom Sirens are worth it against any Armies that want to go into Melee. You position your Maulerfiends and Noise in the MIddle-field as a big fuckoff Blob of Death making people concentrate most of their Army in that Direction, The Doom Siren will get Overwatch in, Noise are still decent in Melee and your Opponent Might not even want to kill them as you get Free Blastmaster/Doomsiren Shots in (you dont even suffer the Heavy Penalty for the secondary Mode if you got charged)

Too Really top that off tho you want some Fast Attack choices like Bikers/Raptors or some Daemon Seekers/Chariots to encircle their Army. At best you table them/kill their Shooty Units with your Flankers. at worst you lock them in about a 1/3 of the battlefield while you control the rest.

Also not too Impressed with Defilers (mostly because the model is godawful tho) I am running a Similar List tho but with Contemptors instead Maulerfiends and aforementioned Fast Attack choices.

>listening to someone who clearly hasn't even read the rules
Wow, it's like you fucked your own ass.

I'm sorry but I can't Take You Seriously When You Type Like That. You must be 18 to post here.

Cease your autism, not everyone is a native speaker, or writer in that case.

>Too Really top that off tho you want some Fast Attack choices
It's supposed to be a 1500 pts list, I don't think I could fit that in while staying under the limit. How many is yours?

>but m-muh children
Kill yourself

keep a loaded pistol in your left hand at all times.

>people getting banned for "nth" posts
>shitposters like this still running wild
Good job janny!

We don't like you either. Kill yourself pedshit.

>New Plague Marine champion has ANOTHER fucking power fist
>It also has a fucking plasma gun, a setup you cannot take with a power fist

Now you're going to get banned for criticism of the moderation.

c o d e x

>New white dwarf has Iron Warriors tutorial


Alright. Cheers man.

The "Core" of my Army is about 1500 too but I usually only play 2000 pts games so this was assuming around that. That being said I only run 3 Squads of Noise. So that makes room for Bikes or Raptors. I've heard good stuff about Warp-talons now as they can stop overwatch and charge immediatly when they come down.

Cultists are a must-have tho Dirt Cheap and only exist to hold objectives while the rest of the Army is busy trying to encircle the opponent

What's this?

But that's wrong.

So long as they have the characters work on them

Nowhere does it state that "Noise Marines are only Troops choices in detachments entirely composed of models with the Noise Marines are Troops."

If you want to have Noise Marines benefit from, say, a Chaos Lord's buff, then you'd need to suck it up and play them as Elites.

A rhino.

Read the fucking rulebook

deathguard tank


After not painting for over 5 years I forgot how tedious this shit is.

Whilst they can charge when they come down, they only stop overwatch on themselves and only on the turn they come down, plus the average on 2d6 is 7 and they need to roll 9 on the charge. A jump packed sorceror can use warp time to push them in closer to make sure they get in though, and you can use daemon buffs on them like a heralds +1 Strength aura or the rather powerful daemon spells. Slaanesh heralds can give them an extra fight phase in the psychic phase, nurgle gives them +1 to wound and double damage on 7+ to wound, tzeentch gives you one randomly of +1S, +1A and something else i forgot.

Can Gun Crazy Show-Off rolls proc off a Gun Crazy Show-Off shooting attack?

Its not purposefully misinterpreting it, this is the fucking standard way its played. Fucks sake where do you even get these weird ideas?

cleaning mold lines after assembly is a fast way to start hating yourself