How are criminals treated in your land?

How are criminals treated in your land?

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In my land they are elected President.

We mirror warp them into comic/ironic representations of their crime.

Fired out of a catapult into the forest.

"Crime" is an extremely vague concept dependent on the local ruler, given that the land is mostly a lawless pirate haven. However, some provincial rulers from other colonies in the Empire ship their criminals to us.

Petty criminals usually serve in mines or on galleons for an appropriate sentence. Violent criminals are used for human experimentation. Political criminals are ritually exsanguinated and their family members are enslaved.

Imprisonment and rehabilitation programs or exile or forced military conscription or summary execution. It varies from place to place.

Shen >= Kormak > Lyndon > Lea > everyone else >>> Adria
prove me wrong

We have very few, because the sentence for anything above the most minor of crimes is to be sent to the labs. The best you can hope for is a quick death.

Sometimes there are escapees who have benefited from being twisted into unholy abominations, but there's a division of enforcement specifically dedicated to hunting those down.

Criminals? What criminals? Surely you jest, there are no criminals-makings in Glorious Land of Free Peoples of Non-Slave Labours!

This but instead of being mirror warped they are turned to stone in an instructional display of statuary.

Get caught stealing? Spent 3 years as a stone statue display of a thief stealing from a merchant (who'll be a real merchant turned to stone for something like fraud or cheating on coinage).

This happens in the Gorgon Cities and there are other weird and wonderful ways criminals might punished (like pic related) but this is a consistent one. If your crime is especially notable, prestigious or just downright nefarious you might be given the privilege of being turned into sapphire, emerald or some other gemstone. The merchant nobility of the Gorgon Cities employ and intermarry with linked gorgon bloodlines, who form the foundation of their security and justice, and the best of them can transmute to more than ordinary stone.

Eirena = Shen. Other than that, I agree.

Eirena x Kormak = Shen, I'll give you that. Eirena on her own = Deckard.

Criminality is a symptom of some other social ailments. Paladins routinely hold therapy sessions with criminals, questioning their cultural values and investigating their living situation. Efforts are made to improve both the education and discipline of criminals.

Repeat offenders are generally killed in public.

Kormac spaghetti-ing over her WAS hilarious.
I laughed hard in Reaper when she referred to him as like one of his sisters when he was asking to spend more time with her.

Into the fucking mines they go!

>Criminals are to be rehabilitated instead of punished
Get that Chaotic Good bullshit out of my sight, then go and read pages 4 and 5 of Fiendish Codex II for why you're wrong.

Reaper had really good companion interactions, surprisingly enough. I can't wait for the next expansion; I want to know what the deal is with that Thieves Guild bitch that married and killed Lyndon's brother.

Did you just completely miss the bit at the end?

Criminals are befriended out of being criminals.
Repeat offenders are befriended harder.
The answer is Magical Girls.

Sent to the Great Barrier Wall and forced to fight and maybe live, or die

No, but "repeat offenders" and "generally" are weasel-words

Depends on how severe the crime is.

I can also tell that insanity isn't a reason to not execute someone who killed a lot of people indiscriminately.

Klumpf BTFO

Petty crimes are penalized with fines or with temporary servitude to the victimized party. All violent crimes are punished with a lobotomy to remove the part of the mind that creates violent impulses.

With dick

>penal legion
>no exceptions
If after 10 years, god has favoured you with survival, your term of service is coincided fulfilled.

Venezuela please

Most are dealt by the local sheriffs for minor crimes, the more serious criminals are usually send to the mines and the truly heinous get hanged. A few get reduced sentences if they agree to be part of magical experiments.

Flaying pits.

Unless, of course, they join the Night Lords first.

He should read a dnd supplement book to learn why rehabilitation of criminals doesn't work?

No, he should read the story at the beginning of a dnd supplement that goes into the nature of punishment and why it's important.

In my Lawful Evil Empire it's simple:
You steal=cut off hands
You kill someone=excetucion
You rape=genetals cut off...

You get the general idea,hell the crime in my setting is so very low and with a reason....

"You break the law we break you"

How odd.. In the order we just kill them.

Has anyone bought the necromancer pack? Is it worth it?

The gallows mostly.

Realistically that doesnt work, nut yeah its fantasy so w/e.

How would a natural evil kingdom do it, death sentance for all.

A naturally evil kingdom wouldn't punish criminals at all, it'd promote them.

Magic realm/10, kill yourself

So we've invented this thing called "the sexecution"...

Well it's a dark kingdom more on the pragmatic is a kingdom of advancement of magic,medicine,immortality and political neutrality.
A Empire ruled by necromances,warlocks etc
If you don't like it, feel free to leave it,no one is forcing to live here but if you want to live here for personal reasons like advancing your own power or studies or maybe finding cures for diseases or just make a name for yourself you have to abide by the strict rules

Rape is okay

look up okc county jail

Once we had a girl player and all the male players characters gangraped her character and I made an npc just to join in too lol. Stupid bitch didn't come back next week that's for sure. Mostly our weekly games consist of rolling to rape different female NPCs

One of the characters, a barbarian in our group, is so good at raping that we all watch in excitement as he rolls the d20. He has never failed to rape a single female character and even some animals

This was the subject of a whole session in my Exalted game.

Several PCs were in the running to become rulers of a city-state, and were asked to pass judgment on some sample crimes.

They generally agreed on merciful punishments like forced labor (with proper medical care), mandatory pilgrimages (a temporary exile with religious overtones), or banishment. Except rapists (of any sex), who get their genitals mutilated.

The last one was pushed through by the PACIFISTIC HEALER, though it makes sense when you know she can perfectly restore the body parts if the criminal convinces her they deserve forgiveness.

Wait, is it out yet?

Yes, it's out. Is it worth it? Money-wise, no, I don't think it's worth the full $15 USD it costs. I'm having a blast playing it though, for the price of 4 magic packs it's not bad.

You see, that can vary.

In my Pathfinders game, my boys were arrested for murdering two city guards, burning down their constabulary (which resulted in the death of three more guards) and then tried to take the Prince hostage. The ensuing penal-legion-suicide-mission eventually made them heroes of the kingdom.

I was afraid it was gonna be a whole lot more than $15.

But criminals are then those who do avts of good?
Like helping a grandma over the street, bam too the torture chamber/public execution spot.

Hardly just Venezuela.

sold to illithids as a part of that damn contract

(Fiendish Codex: Tyrants of Nine Hells)
