Bow down to the next Bill gates

bow down to the next Bill gates

what a nigger

Looks like a beta faggot. So no?

i watched one of this kids videos. im almost positive hes at least half a fag.


A really easy way to tell he's a complete fake 100% luck faggot is that he currently doesn't support BCH.

The next mcafee you mean.
Inb4 Poo poo in mouth.

chinlet soyboy

This kid is the king of cringe

kid has a mentality of a lottery winner
easy come easy come easy go

super rich - doesn´t own a pillowcase,
who is tryn to trick me?

Not to mention he didn't even double his BTC holdings since he bought them for 1k$. Pretty bad performance, when he could invest into ETH. He is nothing but pure luck.

Is he one of the Kingsman?

maybe I have a chance to steal his bitcorn then

This is a photoshop post the real pic where he's holding a vape.

That guy looks like how I imagine 80% of /pol/.

he's stupid but he got lucky.

He's a little bit smart and he got lucky leading him to be really stupid.


he got the proportions of a 8 year old kid

After reading some of his tweets, he clearly ha no understanding of politics or economics. He shouldn't of dropped out of school.


>mfw when

>my face when when

amazing trigger discipline there rip in piece

Haha fuck you erik stop browsing a Japan kite knitting forum

>trolling the bankers by acting like a dipshit on twitter

i've been trying to tell Veeky Forums he was trolling but you're all retarded children

>Veeky Forums is talking about you
What a fucking little rat

>mfw when