Anyone want/expect new releases for these guys? The early 8th edition meta certainly seems to favor them. How about an exclusive tank named after another Primarch?
Tempestus Scions
I really doubt they'll get anything new, since they were pretty much an 'accessory army' when they had their own codex, and now they've been rolled back into main IG list. At least we can use all the IG toys without having to pay alliance taxes though. I'm excited to run mine with Hellhounds, sentinels and rough riders.
I don't think GW would make a separate Scion codex again, but maybe they will get some attention.
I hope so, it would be a shitty move by GW if they where to release a seperate codex for the Scions, but some extra attention would be nice.
I would rather see the Scions getting their own flyers.
What I expect:
>Actual specialization (tank hunters, deep striking via grav-chutes, infiltrations and so on)
>Actual interesting fluff
>Giving each Scion regiment their own distinctiveness and character instead of being just guys who behave like robots
>Also more uniqueness from standard IG Regiments
Do Valkyries have the option in 8th Edition of BS+3 with a Scion pilot? Honestly just want more Scion stuff for accurate shooting, and I love the fluff of non-SM super-soldiers.
Too bad they're worse than the taurox prime now
taurox primes are pretty beastly
>108 points for W10, 20 shot gatling gun and 4 autocannon shots with a 3+ to hit
Add a light tank (somewhere between a Predator and Leman Russ in durability/firepower) to your list then you're good user.
Agreed with the sixes. Taurox ain't bad, but the Scions need something more than a jeep with tracks and a assault cannon.
I want new weapon options
-sniper rifles
-kneeling legs
-scion sentinels
Scion Sentinels (Sentinel Prime?) should have twinlinked lascannons, a multilaser, and a grenade launcher. Just slap an aquila on a AT-ST.
>loading sentinels down with guns
Two weapons max. with the option to swap both for the taurox gatling cannon
Legit question - how would you fluff things to make each Scion regiment unique?
Given that their origin is 'Orphans raised for war by the Empire', them ending up as basically Kurt Russell in 'Soldier' seems the most obvious route. How would you swerve it differently?
Different orphanages teach different tactics.
No brainwashing horseshit.
Make orphanages absorb some of the homeworld culture.
>different tactics
>no brainwashing horseshit
>retaining individual cultures
That defeats the entire purpose of the schola progenium and the storm troopers.
Commissars, Arbites, Scions, etc are deliberately kept free from those things. It keeps them loyal to the imperium's ideals first and foremost. Not even new fluff, that's how it's been since at least 2e.
So in your opinion, is there room for compromise? Is there a way to give uniqueness to the various regiments while still keeping them diehard loyalists first and foremost? Or at that point are they just Space Marines-adjace?
The regiments history as inquisition or specific ig regiment allies, preferred enemies etc.
Scions do have to an extant different cultures, what is discouraged is loyalty to a homeworld or system. For example (pic related):
>Gorgonnes is a green coloured three-sided polygon, believed to be an ancient symbol of Terran origin, but whose exact meaning is unclear. The orientation of the point-up triangle might represent a strong foundation or stability, as it is rooted to the ground through a solid base. These characteristics of stalwartness and stoicism in the face of adversity run strong within the 99th Deltic Gorgonnes, making the triangle an apt symbol indeed.
As awesome as that would be, laser weapons make more sense, since Scions often operate where ammo resupply is next to impossible to get.
HS volleyguns are actually better than autocannons against most common targets. The numbers for HSVG are actually surprisingly good against vehicles, to the point where you could bring just Taurox and volleygun Scions and handle anything that's not titanic.
the hangup is range. Being stuck with 24" guns isn't the end of the world in an army with so much deep strike, but I like having the extra distance to reach out and touch things.
>bs3 two weapon sentinels
I can only get so hard user.
Well if you look at Ciaphas Cain he was a Commisar who ended up with a good amount of personality and wasn't brainwashed, and he ended up teaching in a Schola Progenium as well. You can always say that the school your guys were in was taught by an eccentric Commissar/Scion which is why your guys are different.
I would love to get a plastic box for these stormtroopers but I know that's never gonna happen...
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to.. the future of scout-combat walkers.
Honestly the current scion bodies I think would look alright if they did a inquisition themed upgrade pack with those heads buuuuut...
>not Space marines
They don't have any option like that. Also scions don't have pilots at all. Valkyries and every other air unit is pervue of the Imperial Navy under Aeronautica. The only exceptions being specific regimental permission like Elysians as that is entirely their operation parameters.
Not really. Scions are deployed as strike forces in high threat areas and are equipped for heavy, close assault combat actions. Their weaponry and other hardware reflect this (burn twice as bright, half as long in functionally), as well as combat doctrines. High performance and power is favored over reliability and sustainability. When an operation kicks off they are designed to go in hot and fast, wreck house, and extract and not be stuck in prolonged engagements where they will quickly run low on supplies and firepower compared to a standard IG infantry line regiment.
Light infantry are better equipped for long term deployments engagements than scions are.
Also high powered laser weaponry is not sustainable without powered infrastructure support or generators. High discharge power cells do not recharge like lasgun cells do; this applies to hellgun backpack supplies as well. While you can use standard munitorum cells in a pinch, hot-shot yield will deplete it in as few as 10 shots drastically decreasing it's functionality in an assault role.