Think of a chapter of Space Marines, Veeky Forums. Chaos warbands or legions count

Think of a chapter of Space Marines, Veeky Forums. Chaos warbands or legions count.

Got it? Good.

One of their battle brothers has just appeared in your house with no idea how he got there. No, he doesn't speak English, he's from 38000 years in the future.

Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:

cross thumbs, spread fingers
then point him towards gypsy ghetto


>Night Lords

Squad fucking broken.

> Emperor's Children

Shit, luckily my roommate's a roastie and might be able to buy me some time...

I begin to weep, suddenly struck with the realisation that I will never be an Ultramarine.

So I have a few Black Templar under construction... could've been worse.
I have two seconds to explain how Jesus is actually the Emperor before I have my entire upper body replaced with a power sword. After that it's anyone's guess.

Jokes on you! I've been learning Nostroman for the last 3 years!


Iron fists?
Might be interesting.

>this user speaks High Gothic
Tell me your secrets.

>Blood Ravens

Hide my expensive stuff before he commandeers it for the Emperor.

After some initial confusion, we have tea and bisquite while I keep a fire extinguisher nearby. Just in case.
The no speaking english part removes any possibility for a good conversation, though.

Learn some Latin, English is Low Gothic with thousands dialects

Fug, ummm....I just fired up the grill so hopefully Talos is thankful for the burger and IPA i hand him?

If i can get him to not kill me for a few moments i show him the covers of the Night Lords novels i own and a calendar, in theory he will be curious enough to spend the time to learn English so i can explain what is going on.

I don't know what to expect.

>High Gothic is also known as "Tech" as it is a version of the language in which technical rituals and ancient works are recorded. This developed during the Dark Age of Technology. It derives from the common tongue of the time, an assimilation of English, European and Pacific languages which developed over many centuries in the American/Pacific region.
>Low Gothic is a bastardised version of High Gothic, combining additional elements from several of the oriental languages of ancient Earth. Over the millennia it has changed greatly, and now bears almost no resemblance to the tongues from which it derived. Although a common language, it varies from planet to planet (and even from region to region), so that it is not always easy for two characters to communicate if they are from different worlds.

Never go full retard.

Or he eats you to learn English.

Thank fuck I saw that Knights Inductor thread before I came into this one.

>Knights Inductor
Kill yourself.

Well, because I thought of my beloved Iron Hands, i bring them over to my computer, which as cyborgs they will interface with, then they will learn english and we'll become best pals.

Probably not notice.

I thought of that, it was my first big worry. Assuming he is a bit confused and i have a few moments while he is staring at my 100+ 40k novels i would grab a notebook and draw the most important stick figures of my life, trying to explain why he shouldn't eat my brain because he wouldn't get enough information. Like a stick figure of a guy with thought bubbles next to one covered in spikes with a bunch of thought bubbles, then spiky guy eating them but only getting a few of them. Also i would desperately shove my english/latin dictionary at him.

>Mantis Warriors
Aww shit, we about to get Kamen Rider up in this bitch. We communicate entirely through sick poses and JUSTICE.

>Marines Malevolent
well fuck

Logically if you can get them to not kill you for an hour or two language isn't a problem. Marines have perfect memory and total recall.

Just start pointing at things and naming them while talking to them and they will have a working knowledge of English in a few hours.

>being best pals with a weak fleshy human

A space marine is 8 foot tall and quite wide with muscle so how the hell I would get him around would be incredibly difficult.

Being from the Blood Ravens, he likely knew this from psychic abilities.

Marinelets are 7' tall.

They are 8. Look at the artwork and descriptions in books. I believe they used to be 7 foot in Rogue Trader but not anymore.

This Black Library picture is more proof.

Fluff has not changed, we just have taller marines now. Thank Cawl.

They have never been eight feet tall, don't make me get out the Rick Priestley photo.

This picture is before the Primaris Marines. Space Marines are 8 foot. Primaris Marines must be 9 foot or something or the same height as Terminator armour.

I can quote BL novels for seven foot tall averages if you like.

Either way, actual studio fluff has them at seven feet still to this day.

They have been 7 and 8 foot tall in books and art (even one marine was 10 foot) but Space Marines are more common as 8 foot now. Look at the artwork and tell me the Space Marines are 7 foot. There is no way.

I'm like 90% sure I'm okay.

Space Marines like short ribs, right?

Loken in the Horus Heresy books is described as 2 and a half metres tall which is about 8'2.

Give the quotes though. I always use to see Space Marines as 7 foot but artwork always gave me the 8 foot vibe. Fits with the giant description.

>Space Marines are more common as 8 foot now
Most eight foot marines are people like Silas Alberec, who's a big guy, and not just for you.
>even one marine was 10 foot
Did you even read that book? There are plenty of Black Dragons that tall.

>The Flawless Host
Welp. Music is a universal language right? Perhaps the noise I listen to will be grating enough to placate him.

Silas Alberec was the 10 foot marine I was referring to (described as Ogryn size).

Never read novels with Black Dragons but most likely should. How many were 10 foot as that is really tall.

>Whilst wearing their power armour, an unarmed Space Marine typically stands slightly over 2.1 metres tall and weighs between 500–1,000 kg

That's Deathwatch, I'm looking through my collection. Gimme a bit.

Marines do vary in size by the way.

Their ossmodula is fucked up as you are probably aware. In addition to their bony plates and blades sticking out of them, some Dragon Claws can grow up to 3m tall and need specially made armour.

Death of Antagonis if you're interested.

That is about 6'10 if I'm right? Got to go to sleep but will bookmark this for further reading. Thanks in advance for material and hopefully this thread remains for tomorrow.

Thanks. Had a feeling the mutations were doing it.

Honestly Jed Goodwin said seven feet and as such I'm inclined to go with him.

>Marines have perfect memory and total recall

See, you say that but, some chapters, like the Blood Ravens, have total recall as a chapterwide trait. This would imply that it's not common among every marine.

>Iron Warrior legionarie from the great crusade
I don't know man

Thousan Sons. Does this mean I have a big Rubric statue in my house with no sorcerer around to activate him? How much does an empty suit of armor weigh? He'd look awesome in my room but I'd have to get him upstairs.

Are you forgetting he's called a "giant"in that same quote?

4e CSM codex says that they "stand seven feet tall".

About half a ton, then about 30 pounds of ashes.

Great, you get to bro it up over ribs while i get to flip burgers in terror and wait to see if my guy decides to either eat my brain or give me a numerical nickname.

I hope he rips you to pieces

They're shown to be taller in novels and whatnot, but one thing GW has been consistent with in all official fluff is that they're 7 feet. Pic related is from a promo they did just a couple of years ago.

I don't like it, but officially they are 7 feet tall.

A Lamentor?

Great. Now everything will turn out bad for me forever.

Well, if you don't like it play Primaris Marines. They're at least eight.

>Costs too much
>Only good ice cold
>Edge lords love it
>Causes massive headaches

Talos would love it.

>emperor's children
My only hope is that he kills me before raping me and not the other way around.

How do I signal to him that's it's okay that he's destroyed my apartment and I'm not mad as long as he helps clean it up? I'd hate for him to feel like it was his fault or anything

>Oh hey a plague marine

Nah I'm fine with GW saying they're 7 feet tall as long as that bullshit doesn't make it into novels and games.

better hope he doesn't see your medicine cabinet user. he might be heartbroken.

I can only hope I can distract him with my Black Templars army so he doesn't notice all my Orks, Warriors of Chaos and Dark Angels.

We communicate through basic universal hand gestures and I manage to convince him not to torch my house for having a bunch of 40k books and a celestial lions army

>The Imperial Fists
Assuming they don't try to take me to a fortress to prove the value of a book, I'll probably be fine.

You could probably get away with an "Ave Imperator!"

Does it come with its armor on? Because if so it's falling through the floor of this shitty slum and won't be my problem for long.

>World Eaters

Well I'm done.

>seven foot tall

For manlet marines maybe.

> he doesn't speak English

I took Latin (High Gothic) in high school. Though I remember very little, I think we could find some amicable means of communication.

I thought imperial fists.

Just say "Rogal Dorn! Imperetor!" and hope he gets me.

Hope he doesn't spot my chaos demons minis.

>>seven feet
>>picture shows a marine pretty clearly coming right to the right foot mark.

You are not a clever man, huh.


Worst that happens is your house becomes a bunker.

Bullshit. The corpse grinders aren't letting user go to waste. He'll die in the first wave. Against whom? Doesn't matter.

>Immediately falls through floor and can't make it up the stairs

laugh and pray he doesn't shank my ass in equal measure

He'd start fixing my lawnmower while I sat in the shower screaming

Well the best chance is that they're like zso and decide they need a minion. I got some guns and transport so I'm not completely useless

Right, I'm back. Good information, looked at the Space Marine game manuel and it pit Titus as 7'2 so 7 foot seems to be the average. Some can likely reach 8 foot to even 10 foot but that seems rare.

>I will stab you with my combat knife!

Look in horror at the 'knife' that is the size of a sword.

> Good information, looked at the Space Marine game manuel and it pit Titus as 7'2 so 7 foot seems to be the average. Some can likely reach 8 foot to even 10 foot but that seems rare.

just like people can range from 5' to 7', marines generally range from 7'-8' with some being significantly larger.

Just play some dubstep

I show him my Ultramarines army and gun collection, I guess.

>Blood Ravens
Well, could've been worse. Could've been Carcharodons.

>Knights Inductor
Remembered that one time when people tried to fix them. To remove the Mary Sue stuff. The toxicity reached new heights. The thread back then was so toxic even Nurgle was disturbed.

> This user was gifted to the Blood Ravens in 1 523 017.M2

>I am now a BR serf
Not a bad fate.

>Steel Confessors
Well, I guess I could wave my Imperial Knight and Archmagos models at him, recite some Mechanicus litanies and hope he doesn't stab me. And Binary is still around, so I can probably use that to talk to him. Probably would go purge my neighbors, though, because they're consorting with Silica Animus.

>Black Legion


well i just the emperor show him images and hope he gets it

google the emperor

Either Tommy Wiseau or Arnold Schwarzenegger become the Emperor of earth.


I quickly stuff my Angels Exterminatus book behind the couch and hope the inevitable collateral is strictly property damage.

>Raven Guard
Try to explain his situation, that he's been zapped 38000 years into the past.

>Spess Yiff
I may get purged. Either it's Crusade-era and I'm purged for being religious, or it's 40K and I get purged for being religious the wrong way.

Then again, the Wolves are weird themselves, so perhaps not. If not, I teach him the language, try to help him get some clothes, help the dude adjust, while trying not to attract too much attention so HE doesn't get purged or abducted by the government.

>Imperial Fists
Point to the ground and say "Terra".The problem solves itself.

That's not how language works though. If I point at pic related, am I saying empty, cardboard, box, or mail? Open? Trash?

>alpha legion
Well, I guess I get indoctrinated and go to spread the word of chaos. Still, it'll be a better deal than half the anons here get.

That filename is insulting to the cyber boys.

why does everyone think that Salamanders would burn their house down?

I think Da'Quan is not going to be interested in your tea and it's going to run from your house with your TV