"Orkz iz da biggest and da strongest!" Edition

"Orkz iz da biggest and da strongest!" Edition

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:

>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

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>WIP Math-hammer doc

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Ya put da subjik in da name field, ya git!

Encourage thread diversity and remember to ignore Guardfags

>posts Farsight holding the Dawnblade while trying to argue that he's a good guy
evil through ignorance is still evil user

I was thinking more of one guy from a TED talk with a headset that did something similar, but yeah. It would be important to not make him a "pssh nothin personnel" sniper, but someone with a real disability that he needs to learn how to work around.

I wonder how Lady Malys is doing these days.

>it's a ''tau faggots shit on based Raven Guard'' episode
Based Corvus returning and obliterating that vermin species when?

Yeah. It could work though.

Next up, crippled battlesuit pilot.

Wait, how has that not been done already? That seems so easy. Also isn't that the premise behind dreadnoughts? Would make a lot of sense for the settings.


Isn't the dawn blade just some trippy necron sword? I mean, yeah Necrons sre bad, but using one of their weapons isn't evil.

Part of me wants them to update his model to make the blade more "Eldar-y" because stealing lifespans sounds like the shit Eldar would do, not Crons.

conscripts are a fucking meme.

The Farsight novel says that the sword contains an evil intelligence.

Tau firewarrior are best equal to a Conscript.

Why are Tau so shit?

>crippled battlesuit pilot.
So Bravestorm?

Ctan or old ones

Sort of. Dreadnought pilots are less placed into the Dreadnought Casket and more poured into it. To be a dreadnkught you have to have been so fucked up that even cybernetics cant help.

Siphoning the souls of your enemies to extend your own life is kinda evil, user.

I mean I know that Tau are generally immune to warp predation, but...

Don't you have some Chaos dick to suck or something?

>Sword contains an evil intelligence
>Was found in a temple that had the star of Chaos in the middle which opened a portal to the Eye of Terror
>the whole are was surrounded by faceless statues that carried amulets with anti-Chaos amulets.


>Siphoning the souls of your enemies to extend your own life is kinda evil, user.
>it's okay when Alliance doing it

Lifespan =/= souls

It's said that if Farsight knew the truth of the sword extending his life, then he would suicide himself.

>his life gets syphoned back into him

>Imperials gladly allying with manipulative slaves of Warp God instead of allying with race who still fights for ideas of Great Crusade

This is a Guard thread now!

>Sword contains an evil intelligence

it has never been implied to talk or do... anything sentient yet

Seems legit.

One doesn't have a fishface and may be able to pump out your kids.

>Well painted stock photos /=/ our shitty Guardfags

>This is a Guard thread now!

How should I base my new DG force?

what wargear do i give my hellforged contemptor in a 1k point list

>basing your model after you've painted it

Green flock.

WintersSEO does it. I recommend his tutorial vidoe, in fact.

I only ever see Warhammer players with this habit of basing after the miniature has been painted. It just makes more sense to do it on assembly, or at least do it with the model separated from the base first.

New Death Guard tank. I like it

When will people learn how to fucking make threads on this god awful board?

Where's the leak from? We all knew it was coming but I'm more interested in DG Terminators.

If you want a clean effect, sure. But if you want a muddy effect, that requires a finished model.

I dig it. The back-mounted mortar makes me wonder if I can turn some into HH Ordo Reductor artillery, it looks like a decent shape if it's not TOO nurgley.

>Inquisition henchmen squads weren't nerfed enough when we released the index
>Lets nerf them some more!

Why does GW hate inquisition so much?

Some spanish site. Can't read a word of it but good pics. Here's some artwork

Something something not Marines.

Spanish site... So next months White Dwarf? It isn't in this months.

Grav cannons?

dang that thing looks sweet, kinda feel bad for 1k sons players, they only got a few new things, DG are gonna get shit load of stuff

There's no such thing as a 3w regular guy for under 50pts

>says the Commissar with a knowing smile.

I can read it for you and report back to the thread if you give me the site.

t. GW wanting to SHUT IT DOWN


Shit the goyim knows

So we know some codices will come with models. Aside from marines we know that tau is getting some sort of release. Dunno when, but it'll probably be with the codex

Source on the tau release being that leaker from the other site with a good track record

Are we ever gonna get any more chaos beatsmen? Maybe Nurgle beastmen to go along side DG?

GW would be smart enough to reverse-google search I think

GK will get nothing. Screencap this post.



wrong thread.

Reposting from other thread:

Tau 2000pt Bridage

HQ: 370pt
2x Commander (4x Fusion Blaster)
Ethereal on Hover Drone

Troop: 258pt
4x FW pulse rifle strike team (5 guys, ui has ML)
2x FW carbine strike team (5 guys, ui has ML)

Elite: 548pts
Firesight Marksman
Crisis suit team (3x Flamers each)
Riptide (DC, ATS, HBC, SMS)

Fast Attack: 188pt
Pathfinder Team (10 man, one ion rifle, pulse accelerator drone)
3x Tactical Drones (4x Gun Drone each)

Heavy Support: 636pts
Sniper Drones (3 of them)
Hammerhead (Railgun, SMS, 1x seeker missile)
2x Broadside (HRR, SMS, EWO)

Suggestions? Trying to make a well-rounded 2,000pt list. This uses nearly all my Tau, plus an extra 10 FW and sniper drones I haven't got yet. Also, do the flame crisis and fusion commanders make this a meme list? I just wanted to include some suits.

I am a little confused on the new necrons reanimation.

So, as long as a unit is still on the board. You can roll for lost models every turn?

That seems, kind of amazing.

Try reverse googling the other image, I found it that way, also the file name is Plagueburst Crawler, which is a pretty good thing to start looking for.

Yes, and it's fantastic. Don't forget the Cryptek to increase that to a 4+ and Ghost Ark to get a bonus roll each turn. This heavily encourages max size warrior blobs, since they keep standing back up as long as one survives. The above combo gets you an acreage of 75% Reanimation per turn for the buffed squad.

Tzaangors are Beastmen tho.

Well that sounds fun as fuck

Well it has some limits.

Doesn't affect ones lost by morale. Can't do it while surrounded by monsters.

You need to set it up to be coherent with existing models, not old ones. This cucks you in some situations where you can't just keep adding to one model.

Incidentally morale does become a very good way to deal with 20 man warrior blobs, so Necrons are wise to save their command points on them. But a wiser enemy still will split fire between two units of 20 and try to get them down both at the same time. Still though, necrons have a high base leadership so this isn't a very easy thing to do, usually requires your full shooting at two different units to get most out of it.

wasnt it supposed to be some Ctan shit?

theres a difference between crons and Ctan
dont fuck with C'tan shit, cause it fucks with you back

whatever ground, but the places where his footsteps are should be teeming with nasty nurgly life, like hes corrupting the ground around him

100 Power list for Throne in September. Help me git gud.

Tank Commander with Punisher Cannon, Lascannon and Multi-Melta Sponsons
Company Commander with Power Sword

Command Squad with Regimental Standard, Medi-kit, and Vox-Caster
2x Commissar with Power Sword
Techpriest Enginseer

3x Infantry Squad with Plasma Gun and Vox-Caster

2 Basilisks with Heavy Flamers
2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks with Battle Cannons, Lascannons and Heavy Bolter Sponsons

2x Company Commander with Power Sword
Primaris Psyker

2x Command Squad with Lascannon, Medi-Kit and Vox-Caster

3x Infantry Squad with Plasma Gun

2x Heavy Weapons Squad with Lascannons

Not maxed out on upgrades, I know, but I'm keeping it WYSIWYG. Or do I go and buy a load of HWTs so I can max out in the Infantry Squads? I'm not a huge fan of Power, first time using it.

>inb4 heavy d6 shots

dunno if its just a shitty quality image, but that artwork looks like some oldschool shit, very naice


No they're not. They're basically specifically mutated cultists.

those insta ptsd image suggestions rofl

based google


>it is unknown if they originate from Beastmen transplanted to the planet like ordinary humans, or whether they are a result of the mutations so favoured by the planet's patron.

Not him, but they're still beastmen either way.

>Not him

What? That's literally wrong. The link provided does not support this.

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Dumb frogposter
Yes it fucking does, it outright says they're "beastmen"
What you posted only says nobody's sure who they go there


I guess Tigers are actually lions! Beastmen are a very specific thing, lad. Literally in the back of the BRB. Tzaangor are not Beastmen. They might be humans turned that way or Beastmen turned that way (again, it says literally in the quote that nobody knows)

dead grass colours

>Tzaangors are a subtype of Beastmen; those dedicated to the Chaos God Tzeentch.
>Tzaangors are a subtype of beastmen
>Tzaangors are beastmen
What your saying is that because a tiger is a subtype of feline, it isn't a feline.

Beastmen are a specific thing that's why the term 'sub-type' was added. Read. The. Damn. Books.

Oi! 4e Orkfag from a few days ago who didn't know about the 5e's Assault on Black Reach/Battle for Vedros starter set.

... As it turns out, I actually do have all the boyz (and Deffkoptas) from that starter set. If memory serves, I got them from a gent and his 10-12 year old son because the two of them were in my local GW store looking to sell 'em at the time.

I just never got around to painting these boyz until recently (plus I was a lad with barely any cash to my name at that point).

Any suggestions on what colors I should paint my Black Reach/Battle for Vedros boyz? (I run a freeboota warband, so I don't really have any real 'theme' for the army. Just whatever I feel like doing at the moment).

>tfw Word Bearers player

do them as those blue skin Orkz, forget the clan name (Snakebites?)

Flash Gitz ya git!

>blue skin Orkz
You mean Deathskulls/Deffskullz?
Yeah, I could do that.

Funnily enough, I actually bought some GW shades of base/layer blue recently since all my old paints dried up while I wasn't active in 40k.
Go figure.

uhh so why dont you just do "whatever you feel like at the moment"?

lots of small beautiful flowers

The gardners of nurgle.
I love it.

I can translate too.

Hablo y leo español perfectamente dado que soy de allí

>Part of me wants them to update his model to make the blade more "Eldar-y" because stealing lifespans sounds like the shit Eldar would do, not Crons.
But that's wrong, you git. The whole reason the galaxy is fucked is because the Necrontyr wanted longer lifespans.

colors dun matter
learn to sculpt pirate heads
make a greenstuff pirate head for every ork
much work but totally worth it.

>not beastmen

You're not worth responding to.

anyone have a link to the 3rd ed ork codex? Doesn't look like the mega folders have it

Fucking what? This isn't WHFB/AoS. It's 40k. Beastmen are a specific thing and are mentioned in the BRB's. They were Imperial designations. They fight in the Imperial Guard as cannon fodder. They do their shit by dying. They're not default Chaos. Therefore Tzangors are not 'Beastmen', they are at best a sub-type, because they follow Chaos.

I hope it's usable by everyone in some form. That thing just looks too fucking cool to be Nurgle-only.

Ah, ok. I'm not too much of a buff on Necron lore. I thought they were just pissed that they lived in eternal suffering on radiation-scarred worlds.

Alright I just got my shit pushed in with my guard by an Ork player. He had 120 Boys on the table and I had no way of dealing with them, even with a Tank Commander Punisher, Mortars, and Taurox Prime.

My List is attached. He got off two 12inch charges on turn 1 thanks to Da Jump which neutered my Hellhound and Plasma Russ. What did I do wrong?

inb4 Spam conscripts, I only own about 60 Basic Guard Infantry models with lasguns.

My first little guy. First time painting anything.

Black Templars Primaris (I know) Intercessor.

Holy shit, highlighting just made it look worse. I need practice.

Any criticisms beyond the obvious?