He doesn't play a fighter

>He doesn't play a fighter

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martial prowess = magical affinity = dextrous stealth
Any of them can be OP, underrated, and/or extremely fun to play. You just need a GM that knows how to balance the metagame and ALLOW said fun.
Debate me.

>He doesn't play a Prostitute

You can do virtually anything with magic, and you can do only a limited number of things with your sword, most of them involving violence or combat in some way.

So use something else, its not like non-casters have their weapons superglued to their hands. Equipment lists/shops have rope, tinderboxes,etc for a reason.

I play fighters in systems where fighting doesn't exclusively entail standing still and full attacking.

wat gaem

>Not using a longspear to find traps
>Not using a tower shield to enter rooms safely
>Not using your polearms as a pole to climb to a second story
>Not dramatically shooting an arrow with a rope on it to cross a pit
>Not lighting stuff on fire from 800 feet away using arrows
>Not punching through windows to get into places because your hand is covered in armor
>Not invoking your honor as a knight or millitia to get into places
>Not just bashing through locked doors and chests instead of using a thief

dark messiah of might and magic

The way the ground breaks is not realistic. He is a mage

>you can only do a limited number of things with your sword

It's a good thing that fighters aren't limited to only using swords.

>most of them involving violence or combat in some way

It's a good thing that fighters have lots of skill points then.

P.S. You're just as limited with magic since it literally says what spells you're allowed to do in the books. If you want to bring up "fluff" and house rules, fighters are just as unrestricted as magic users.

No in certain system, no

>break the thin/weak boards the guards are standing on with your weapon with a strength check
>H-H-He can't do that, he's a magic user!

Lmao, spell-cuck autism at its finest

>fighters have lots of skill points
And this is how you reveal you're a fuckwit.

You are a gish by default in Dark Messiah, spiders and lasers.

>has no argument
>"y-y-y-you're a fuckwit!"

ebry teim, el em ay oh

Wouldn't that have more to do with the physics of the world, than the player character?

Don't point out holes in my logic.

>I play fighters in systems where fighting doesn't exclusively entail standing still and full attacking.

So what you're saying is, you only play fighters in systems where you don't have to think, improvise, or use your imagination?

>You can do virtually anything with magic
Not in a well-balanced world, you can't

You can do virtually anything with magic, provided the DM has not constrained the power of the magic user in question to the rules of the game as written.

Most of the
>i have 45 prepared spells ready to autocast me into my own pocket dimension while removing your existence from history as soon as your character even recognizes mine exists
bullshit ignores the fact that spellcasters have limited spells, limited access to persistent affects, and can generally only prepare one action at a time.

The biggest problem with your "magic can do literally anything" myth is that it's a myth that relies on a complete misreading of the rules or taking advantage of one or two poorly balanced systems.

Fighters have a limited pool of skills, many of which they'll be shit at anyway because dump stats, and none of which challenge caster supremacy.

That might be the stupidest tryhard strawman I've seen all week.

What's more, all that time you spent thinking up a cunning plan on the spot? Lolno, all wasted because the wizard already dealt with everything.

This. We, as fighters, should stop insulting one another and focus on the true enemy. Wizards.

>Fighters have a limited pool of skills, many of which they'll be shit at anyway because dump stats, and none of which challenge caster supremacy

>none of which challenge caster supremacy

>use hide
>caster now has no target for half of his spells

>all his other spells are likely dealing with misdirection or summoning
>his "oh so powerful magic" has now been reduced to just summoning big monsters for you to fight

>even a single tanglefoot bag is more than enough of a gigantic obstacle to cause casters to lose their shit

Stahp, please, its too much

>>use hide
You get two rolls, once for your Caster and another for your familiar. that's 2d20 and choose the best result against a Fighter with low Dex

This assuming you arent a Druid and your animal companion doesn't have smell sense

You can do virtually anything with magic, if that's how the setting works.

In such a setting, it's not appropriate to have a choice between a fighter who fights with a sword and does nothing else, and a wizard who can use the full breadth of magic on top of whatever mundane abilities.

>a limited pool of skills

It's how you use those skills. Those "skills" can be used in a lot of situations, much like a regular old "attack" can be used to do precise things.

Are you autistic, or do you just have a hard on for not thinking and just using spells?

>Be diviner wizard
>Always start first
>Never surprised
>Always know where my enemies are
Tell me more about this "hide", martial

Also how this "tanglefoot bag" works from your backpack once you're dead because I went first and killed you?

>gets to roll twice

Nice bending of the rules.


>Familiar has possitive Wis
>Ranks in perception
>Alert for both itself and the Wizard
Chances are the Wizard and his familar has triple the bonus on Perception than your Fighter in Hide

Yes, when you're two creatures (familiar and wizard) you roll perception for both

PF is not allowed and diviner PF wizard is broken as fuck, no thank you

Who are you quoting, you stupid frogposter?

AKA The Adventures of Sareth and His Mighty Boot in the Land of Spiked Walls and Pits

Nice crossclass skill, nice (3+level)/2 your level max ranks in that skill that also cost double the ranks.

>You just need a GM that knows how to balance the metagame
That's the job of the people writing the game, not the GM.

Just buy a heavy crossbow, then repeatedly snipe with arrows from 1200 feet away.

Good job arguing why something isn't better by saying that it is better numb nutted neanderballs.

>still using 3.5
Come on, man, that game was solved a decade ago. Let it go, play something else.

>because I went first and killed you?

>spell dinks off extremely high fortitude and reflex saves
>takes away 1/0th of my HP

Har har, puny little bug, Half-Ogre fighter says smash, you dead now, puny little lantern bug

>when you're

Except YOU'RE not, your familiar has an empathic link, can deliver touch spells, and can share spells that target yourself. The fuck are you talking about?

You're even more cancerous than Virt. I love seeing shitheads like you spiral into getting permabanned.

>solved a decade ago

4th edition ruined it even more

go back to shitbook you plebeian

>not taking a really stupid discussion seriously

And you're autistic, ayyy lmao, how does it feel that my martial will always be cooler? Can't say it won't, it's based on imagination xD

Why do I see a reference to "virt" when these threads pop up, and always by the same people (proclaiming the supremacy of spellcasting but then disregard all the rule bending logic-holes that defeat their arguments)

>stupidest tryhard strawman I've seen all weak

>he tells you to be more creative in a roleplaying game based on your imagination

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