Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1600: The Good, The Bad, and The Jumper Edition

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>rumpy pumpy
Hah, so I'm not the only person that call it that. That's nice.
Uh, you do you, user. So long as you or your jumper are enjoying yourselves, I guess.

Anyone else have anything to say about the jump?

This is gonna sound weird, but at what age do women in this setting normally start having sex/trying to get pregnant?

If it helps, my reasons are that I basically want to end up with an age too young to have any contact with a 'husband' yet. My jumper is already married and you can see my problem with the possibility here.

>Hah, so I'm not the only person that call it that. That's nice.
What are you, thirteen?

Time to spam perks for review.

Blessed Pursuit[200]
You aren’t in this place without reason, the reputation you carry it’s not unfounded. You carry with you a great talent in a specific field, it could be drawing, writing or composing a particular type of music. While the potential within you is great in it, if you don’t pursuit it seriously then it will not grow as much as it should.

>One person voted a reasonable hybrid, two voted spam

Well, alright, then. Buckle up, this is a long one.

Jump 102: Hellsing
Age: 26
Origin: Drop-In [1400]
Unwavering [1300]
The Art of War [1100]
Holy Empowerment [700]
Weapon Channeling [400]
Mysterious [300]
Feared [200]
Inspiring [100]

Iscariot Standard Issue [0]

It all started on a midnight stroll through the woods…

Finally. The moment I've been waiting for.

So about five seconds into my appearance, someone throws a dead salmon at my face. I stare blankly before opening my mouth and in went another fish, which I then spit out. Alucard was standing nearby with a cheeky smirk on his face. The name 'Garfield' was thrown at me more than once. I retaliated by hanging out at the Hellsing compound and refusing to leave, often rearranging the hallways or tearing apart furniture for fun. This sitcom-esque one-upsmanship would continue nonstop for most of my stay here.

Somehow, the vampire was very knowledgeable about me and my chain. Considering this was my primary obstacle for most of my stay in this world, I think this is the 'antibody' of this world…which is weird to think of, considering who it was coming from. So we'd bicker. Argue. I would mostly lounge around the compound and refuse to be relevant to the plot, though I'd occasionally make comments about it. Not like anyone could stop me.

…hm. This must be how Alucard feels all the time, come to think of it.

I have enough decency and attachment to our arguments that I at least use a sling ring to drop the bloodsucker back in London right as the attack begins. I even play a soundbyte of "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAAAAAAAY" for Alucard just for fun. Things go rapidly ahead of schedule from there, right down to the duel with Anderson and the botched attempt at killing Alucard.

But what IS Saekano?

Looks fine to me, excellent music skill is appropriate for 200CP.

Then, things go south when Schrodinger decided to try and mimic my own nature by taking control of Alucard, rather than erasing his existence.

It would take a miracle to make such a thing happen. And it's what I had been counting on. I'm forced to be the one to put him out of his misery, with no one else available or left to do the deed anymore. My only regret is that I couldn't grant the foul-mouthed bloodsucker an end he would actually accept.

Unfortunately, that's when a new challenger appeared. The dead and the dying that escaped from Alucard right as he died were all unceremoniously consumed by a laughing shadow in the darkness. One who had been conspicuously absent for several jumps now, but his return was one I was also anticipating. Hyde laughed as the World Eater became whole once again.

I had to relocate the fight, and fast. I pulled the both of us into the Mirror Dimension and dragged the fight over several countries. Initially, I cursed and complained. My plan would probably fall to shambles now that I had my hands full with Hyde. Our battle dragged on through the mirrors of Europe, before we found ourselves in a mile-long graveyard in Translyvania.

To my surprise, Bernkastel actually appeared in the flesh, brandishing her scythe and looking at me with hatred. Not amusement. Not sadistic glee at the possibility of me being on the ropes. Hatred. Pure, unadulterated, hatred. Lambdadelta appeared nearby, looking a bit troubled by the spectacle, but she said nothing. I suppose she was meant to be on my 'side' for the game, though I -certainly- doubt she was here to help anyone.

You're the one who took Erika away, witch. I should be the one hating you the most of all. Where the hell do you get off, being the one so infuriated…?

There was no taunt. No monologue. Not even a single word spoken. With the full power of a Voyager behind her, Bernkastel unleashed her first attack on me.

How to raise a boring girlfriend

What's it about though?

It didn't hit its mark, being deflected by the ravenous and powerful Hyde. It wasn't to protect me. It was just because, as far as the beast was considered, we were both enemies.

Bernkastel bit her lip in frustration. Hyde must have been a mystery to her, too. Come to think of it, this was probably their first real encounter. This wasn't a two versus one situation, like she had probably hoped. It would be all of us against each other. We stood apart from each other, aligned like a triangle in the opening where all the graves and twisting and turning of the Mirror Dimension surrounded us, the sun setting in the distance.

Three powers. All aligned against each other. The outcome of the battle would be decided within the first move. We all watched each other. I kept a straight face, holding the handle of the Blade. Bernkastel's eyes moved between me and Hyde, the scythe held at the ready. Hyde just laughed, baring his claws and frantically looking between the both of me. If he knew about the danger he was actually in, he didn't care.

A look of confusion appeared on Bern's face as she realized something was up her sleeve that wasn't before. A harmless teleportation spell that didn't directly target her. The object in question slid out of the sleeve of her free arm, and she held it in her hand, then looked in confusion…and then comprehension at what it was.

A calling card.

>Okay Red so is there definitely no chance for getting a Daemon World in BC? Because that was most of the reason I would aim for being a Daemon Prince. Otherwise I'll just go loyalist.

Diend's eyes shot wide open upon sensing the signal had been given. With Ange and Iron in tow, she began her mad dash into a twisted palace full of chirping cicadas.

"You…" Bernkastel's voice held barely-contained rage. She was likely seconds away from quitting the field to deal with the sudden intruders in her soul before Hyde and I both dashed forward. Instinctively, she swung her scythe and ripped into Hyde's stomach while blocking me with a barrier. The struggle wasn't as one-sided as our last encounter, and the Mirror Dimension's glass cracked and scattered before hastily repairing itself with our clash.

Fully committed and now hoping to end the battle as quickly as possible, Bernkastel would unleash a huge wave of magic. Hyde devoured much of the energy. I just opted for something more precise and 'cut' a safe pocket for myself. The cat familiars appeared as a distraction tactic, but I refused to break the melee and kept myself locked in a struggle with Bern.

Changing targets, Hyde would start attacking me. The battlefield shifted according to my will, but his body would contort and change shapes to keep himself part of the field, sometimes using the still-screaming bodies of his many victims as staircases or ways to grapple. He didn't say a word. He just laughed. I broke from the melee with Bernkastel to make it into a clash with both of them. Fighting multiple opponents was something I was used to. Bernkastel and Hyde had me beat in terms of raw power, at least without some time to prepare. But by now, I had plenty of experience in fighting a bit more technically. I wouldn't try to meet their strongest abilities head-on. I would duck, weave, and dodge, then strike precisely.

All I needed to do was wait. Because I had absolute faith in them. In both my sworn enemies, and in my companions who had followed me this far.

I'll fact check that before adding it to the jump, but I think 16. That is the age boys are married off, so I think it's the same age.
Like I say, I'll check before adding it to the jump.

Also I haven't fleshed out the companion options yet, but you should be able to import a Husband.

What do you call it, user?

dont just post that damn letter! that was a rollercoaster of emotions.


Finally, the moment came. Bernkastel's eyes widened and her breathing became ragged, her eyes wet as she began to cry. And then scream. Her nails dug into her own face and wounds trickling with blood began to drip down her face. Lambdadelta was staring in horror, calling out to her, not sure of what was happening. Sensing weakness, Hyde would leap forward, planning to devour the witch. Lambadelta quickly gathered her magic and leapt to intercept the monster.

This was it. This was the moment I had been working towards for so long.

I drew the Blade and, with a swift motion, removed Hyde's head. His sadistic expression remained unchanged even as his body collapsed even as it kept its momentum, before I focused all of my magic into crushing his soul and finally erasing his existence once and for all.

Bernkastel knelt, staring at me in confusion, her eyes glazed and unfocused. She only spoke once I sheathed my weapon and Lambda hurriedly went to her side. "…why…?"

"After everything you've put me through, the last thing I'll give you is the peace of death." I said, flatly. "This is the only thing I could think of. You're going to live with that weight for the rest of your existence. And no matter what you do, no matter what you try, it will never go away."

"…you…damn you…damn you…"

"After all, no matter how strong you become, you can never really change who you are and what you have done. Isn't that right, Rika?"

Bernkastel became a torrent of emotion, self-loathing mixed with utter hatred for me. Lambda glared at me. Was it because I had actually dealt a lasting blow to the Witch of Miracles, or because her primary source of fun and love had now been damaged?

They didn't say anything. They just both vanished.

No, there are several skills that aren't available from the supplement.

I had hoped it would be the last I'd see of either of them, but I know better than to make assumptions like that. Truth be told, that was a bluff. I was hoping to kill Bernkastel right here in that moment of weakness, but with Hyde present and me having to choose between ending the two before Lambda closed the distance…my old nemesis was higher on my priority list. Besides, I didn't want to see what happened if he consumed the remnants of the Witch of Miracles.

Diend would finally appear alongside the others. They were wounded and exhausted, but Diend gave me a thumbs up and a smile to show their mission was complete.

Held in her hand was a photograph of a small, smiling girl with blue hair and surrounded by her friends. All of them were smiling together. Even a strange, horned and purple-haired girl was alongside all of them.

>dont just post that damn letter! that was a rollercoaster of emotions.

I know, right? I'm still butthurt.

I have the resources[300]
And you have them, somehow. When you find yourself needing an employee with a specific array of skills, it’s not long before fate makes you encounter someone with those skills. Needing music for your visual novel? Your cousin just formed a band with anime-like music. Needing a new illustrator? There’s an underclassman with a crush on you and a hobby of making doujinshis. This alone, however, won’t make the recruitment any easier.

No scenario where the goal is to turn women into property for men?

>What do you call it, user?
"Having sex", because I'm an adult and don't need childish nicknames to hide how embarrassed I am about the physical act of coitus.

It's very unlikely, yeah. Need to keep it balanced with Living Saint.

Are you this cunt ?

So physically are the men like traps and the women mannish with muscles?

Imperial Saint could get a Shrine World.

Planets are cheaper than a dime a dozen in 40k.

oh dont get me wrong. IN retrospect I LOVE that letter. It is one of my favourite endings sequences in anime/manga in the last years. But boy I was not prepared for it when it came out back then.

Man that last arc really deserves to be animated.(together with the akari capture cause that was the funniest thing in the world).

>I'll fact check that before adding it to the jump, but I think 16.
Thank you.

>you should be able to import a Husband
That... creates the opposite but equal problem, Ba.

You also don't see Living Saints ruling these worlds or shaping it themselves, either.

What about as a scenario reward or something? Actually, are you even doing scenarios?

Do you fucking REALLY expect people to read a goddamn piece of shit TVtropes page instead of wanting a simple explanation from the jumpmaker?

Have you ever been given an ironic punishment?

I can't say I didn't like the ending, and to be honest it was something pretty obvious, but boy the letter scene was kick them while down moment.

Worksheet Management
It can be a bother, finding time and motivation to finish the deadlines at time. Trying to create something while uninspired can only end in disaster. But not in your case. As long as you have a defined deadline for your work, then you won’t face any problems at getting it done, the fatigue, hunger and lack of inspiration being alien to you until you finish the project. Have in mind that they will come back after you’re done.

>Actually, are you even doing scenarios?

the opening is like two paragraphs long and explains what it is. If that satisfies user great.

If against all odds he wants to learn more about it, he is on the right fucking website and can check out the indivdual trope examples

TVtropes is like linking someone to a fucking geocities fan shrine to learn about a series. If he's making a jump he should know how to explain the fucking concept.

Well, that's fair I guess. I'm taking that image, though

Sup /jc/

What's the most uneccessary preparation for an event you can think of?

>Jump No Game No Life for the summoning perk
>Jump JoJo(Part 8), befriend the main cast
>Jump Touhou, wait for the Imperishable Night incident
>When Reisen creates the infinite door illusion, summon 「Paisley Park」to find the correct door

it might help that I was never a tenri shipper in the first place. but yes when one realises the implications I had an audible "WTF" moment and the biggest grin on my face for like an hour.

not to butt in here, but I personally find TVT quite useful to get the general gist of a series before I binge it.

Okay, I got rid of the chibi author companion option. Does everything else look good?

Poor Bernkastel. It gets so much sadder when you realize that Lambdadelta is the one responsible for Hinamizawa,, too. Not sad enough for me to actually pity Bern, though, just enough to recognize the inherent fucked-upedness of the scenario.

Are there any perks that let you combine all your power sources together into one thing?
Like strength, magic, ki, soul power and all that shit into one thing
I think I remember seeing something that links your magic with you physical form but I can't remember if there are others

Calm your tits.

The series is about a jerk otaku that decides to make a visual novel based in a ordinary, plain girl he meets.
Harem shannigans and drama ensues.

>the biggest grin on my face for like an hour.

You're a monster, user.

A Business is a Business
Having fun working is good and all, but at the end of the day this is another company that needs to make profit to maintain afloat in the industry and relevant to the media. Thankfully you have the marketing ability to promote your company’s product in the most profitable way possible, making great shock value with minimum effort and resources.

Couldn't they just have an army of Guardsmen/Sororitas?

If a jumper becomes a Daemon Prince and gets their own Daemon World the hard way, can it follow them in the pseudo-warp that normally appears in each new jump?

Twelve jumps specifically to kill Gilgamesh.

In my defense, this was early chain.

As I said I really like it.
It can so out of left field but explains so much of her earlier chapters behaviour. It is also quite funny that apparently she never told Diana her reasoning.

I'm going to say likely no, to both.

Nope sorry. It would kind of defeat the point of the jump. Everything that makes it unique would just disappear under such a change and just leave it a generic steam revolution-era world.

Well, that isn't cute at all.

Not quite that extreme no.
Men are going to be more delicate because they are expected to do less physically intensive labour, or at least the sort that encourages muscle growth and are also sheltered enough and encouraged to look after themselves that they will always be somewhat well groomed and lack scars or callouses.
Women on the other hand, being the practical gender in the setting rarely if ever use make-up and wear clothing for practicality sake rather than to show off their form, that's left to the men and their codpieces.
They may be on average more muscular, but given the time period, few people of either gender have any interest in bodybuilding or the time and resources.
Women also demonstrate more mannerims and attitudes we associate with masculine behaviour, so they would seem from our point of view to act 'mannish'. For them though, that's femininity.

Wait until the companion options is fleshed out and then let me know if you still have an issue. I'll see what I can do to help.

That's the ultimate awfulness here. Bernkastel's treasure stolen removes her ability to take pleasure in or tune out her own sins, as well as the emotional pain she suffered in what turned her into a witch at the very end.

This wasn't done out of some hope of redeeming Bernkastel, but because Decade took Erika's death VERY personally and came up with the cruelest but most effective way to finally subdue her.

Now Bernkastel's entire existence as a Witch has lost what was perpetuating her being in the first place: Playing with the lives of others and toying with them in ways she saw fit, and taking pleasure in their pain and troubles.

It gets worse when you realize this basically means she's forced to consider and experience things on a micro-scale instead of a macro one, just like Decade himself does.

Just like when Battler punched her, she wasn't the mighty Witch of Miracles anymore. She's Rika Furude crying out for help, with no one but her tormentors to answer her.

That pic is unnervingly accurate.
I'ma steal it!
Where'd it come from, if you don't mind me asking?

Get the anti-cheating perk from Fate or the whistleblowing scenario reward from Hero Academia before NGNL.

Extremely disappointing.

Did that ice cream say nope?

Where can one find fate/this is going to happen defying perks?

Almost finished with the items section for Batman Beyond, what would you guys prefer as the capstone item for drop-in?

Hyperion-class Satellite [600cp]: A military weapons platform armed with a variable strength laser cannon. At it's weakest it can be precise enough to shoot down missiles, or destroy individual vehicles. At it's strongest it can be powerful enough to destroy several city blocks or generate huge tidal waves with a single shot. It requires about a minute to charge before firing.

Airship [600cp]: This huge vessel can carry a small army of soldiers and comes armed with enough weaponry to destroy an entire skyscraper.

Satellite Jammer [600cp]: A high tech piece of equipment that'll let you hijack military and civilian satellites in orbit and access all of their systems. With this you could spy on important communications or take over an orbital laser weapon.

Is it fair to say that it's women who pursue men and who are expected to be always up for sex?

I vote for the hyperion

Either the Hyperion or the Satellite Jammer.

Found it in a Filename Thread and changed the filename

The Satellite.

I need me a Kill Sat

You don't think it's too op for 600/300cp?

Yeah, Bern's a very self-centered being, having to consider other people as actors instead of props is going to be a hard time on her. I think that's why the series treats her as more villainous than Lamdadelta even though Lambdadelta is the one responsible for the Rokkenjima catbox. Lambda might not care about the collateral damage she causes, so she's not perfect about seeing other beings as having intrinsic value, but at the end of the day she wants to see people rise above their fate and become something more through hard work and effort. There's an investment in the characters. But Bernkastel just sees Rokkenjima as a challenge for her intellect, a mystery to be unraveled. She has no interest in understanding people for any reason other than so she can show how smart she is for picking their motivations apart. Bern doesn't even consider that Lambda might have had her own reasons for empowering Yasu, it's clearly all about challenging Bern. I think it's meant to be a take on the "Without love, it can not be seen" arc words, with "love" in this case meaning not specific familial or romantic love but the basic ability to empathize and see others' perspectives.

I haven't seen the wip in a while, so I don't know what it's up against. I choose the option of the three that was the least bland.

The Hyperion. Neither of the other two look remotely as fun (honestly being a bit bland).

It's also got the most description, which kinda already stacks things in favor for it. The airship especially has little description at all.

>You don't think it's too op for 600/300cp?
Nah. Don't remember the other items of previous WIPs, but probably not in Batman.


Yes and no.
Women 'pursue' men in a sense that men and rare and valuable, but pursue implies that they would try to woo, court or convince the man. In the setting, things operate in one of two ways, an arranged marriage made by the Eldest, either the eldest mother/aunt of the boy or his oldest sister and the family that wants him. The boy has no say whatsoever and is in effect, once married to that other family, a slave to them. Men in families have no real power at all beyond what they can get through charm and the women pandering to them.
The other arrangment is Cribs which are a nightmare for all involved. There is more details of that in the jump.
And it is men who are obligated to 'always be up for it' as they have to basically go on a rota to satisfy all their wives.
When you look at it maturely, that is actually not a nice situation to be in at all, for the women waiting their turn or for the man constantly having to to be at peak performance or he risks hurting the feelings of Wives, who have enourmous power over him.

This is not a harem anime. This story is one of the most realistic depictions, within limits, of how things would be like in a world where men were massively outnumbered by women I've ever read or heard of. It is not a world where men lean back and are fed grapes and are worshiped by hordes of beautiful women. It's not that juvenile.
I'd actually really recommend the book to just about anyone. It's one of the nicest most palatable love stories with one man and mulitple women I've ever read.

For a DC Jump even a Batman focused one, no.
If you must "nerf it" then perhaps a cooldown period between shots, with the option of upgrading it on your own time

Hm. No, the Hyperion seems about on par with the Company and Mysterious Serums, though the Old Mansion seems less impressive than any of the others to me.

I saw what you did!
Alannis Morissette lyrics in the Drawbacks.

Sssh, let's see who else notices.

Undestined One from Wind Waker.

I'm actually not sure where to go from here regarding Bernkastel, honestly, now that her whole MO as a Witch has been completely turned upside down. I doubt she would EVER consider turning over a new leaf, but this is definitely going to radically change the character.

I'm also not sure if her grudge against Decade would intensify or if this would break her will to deal with this Jumper any further. Even though the whole reason she held a grudge in the first place was because she subconciously felt resonance to what was happening in Decade's chain based off of her own experiences as 'Rika', tragically enough. Making Decade her familiar was meant to be catharsis for her and having someone in the same position she was in to torment/play with in the long-term. It's also why she took Decade putting so much effort into a 'shadow' of hers as a grave offense. As you can see, this backfired TREMENDOUSLY.

I'm taking suggestions on this one, since I'm not sure where to go from here between now and the end.

Yeah, that's a tricky one. I think she definitely wouldn't be back for a long time. And when she does reappear having it be in a non-antagonistic context (at least for that appearance) could be a fun way to get to examine her changes. How she would have changed is less certain, though. Maybe she would have gone back to Featherine? Just be Featherine's miko again, allow her to ignore the morality of her actions by saying that she's just following orders and it's not her call. And then because of that she wouldn't be likely to interfere with you on any major level, because Featherine doesn't care.

I feel like a more modern setting with reversed gender roles of men and women( eg. women pursue men, are expected to be the dominant gender, pursue sex, porn is geared towards them, modesty is expected of men,etc.) can also be a realistic depiction of an imballanced gender ratio without it turning into a harem anime even though men aren't treated like slaves.(with the caveat of course that the gender ratio is less extremely divided than the one in that series).

Was someone doing a Warhammer Fantasy chaos jump? I remember something about a jump like that. If they are I would like to request that they consider adding in warhammerfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Kurgan as a race option.

blood for the blood god!

>using an origin that's only tangentially related to the jump to justify nerfing the champions of the chaos faction
>in a jump about chaos, where daemon worlds are one of the most prominent and interesting aspects of said figures
Sad. Honestly, I wonder just how low you'll stoop by the time you finish this jump. Just gets worse and worse, really, like watching someone you used to know fall further into drugs.

>I'd actually really recommend the book to just about anyone.
Do you have a pdf of it you can upload?

Are you on drugs yourself, user? Or do you just have a wierd sense of hunour?

Neither. It's just unfortunate to see how increasingly dishonest she's getting in her arguments to justify her "vision" for the jump.

Cap meets Heroic Spirit George Washington. How much freedom ensues?

>Cap meets Heroic Spirit George Washington
Ignores him and reams out the nearest magus for their elitism and amorality?

I do have the story, but I don't feel comfortable doing that.

So maybe go to Amazon and pick up a copy to support the author, 'kay. I mean it's only... between £30 to £108. What the hell! Why is that expensive?

Okay, change of plan.

I'll stick my neck out here. I hope you appreciate this.

Please if you can, find a way to give back to the author somehow. Patreon or something. It'd make me feel a lot better about this.

Hiya, Timmy. Still trying hump Red's leg, huh. I tell you she's not interested in you. Who would afterall, you're you.
That said, please continue. You acting all pretentious and trying to project it onto other people is making my day here.

>in a jump about chaos, where daemon worlds are one of the most prominent and interesting aspects of said figures
You're either lying or an idiot. Daemon worlds are the least interesting aspect of daemon princes.

He is being more transparent than usual. Maybe he's still depressed about having no one to be around or tolerate him over the holidays?

... I can't believe that you're doing this.
The book is cheap and the author had to make a living out of it just for you to post it here for all to read for free.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

They're more interesting than muh power, muh betrayal, and muh immortality. At least there's some potential for unique culture and geography.

Seriously. Welp, this is scatovore. It wouldn't suprise me if his own family wanted nothing to do with him.

No there isn't. The geography is going to be typical cliche aesthetics of the master the daemon prince serves. And the culture is nothing but the "muh power, muh betrayal, and muh immortality" shit. It's boring.

>The book is cheap
>£30 to £108.

Are you not familiar with the British pound, Ricrod. That is a lot of money for a paperback. You can get a book like that, even a popular book for between £7 to £15.

I'm pretty sure the author doesn't deserve to make a living off of this schlock, though. "What if women were the dominant sex, how transgressive, ooh~" It's just shitty fetish bait, notice how the only person who's shown interest in this jump is the guy who masturbates to this scenario?

Just checked prices.
My computer cost me around £50
What the fuck!!??

So is that supposed to be a guy holding a girl or a girl holding a guy in the illustration?

Can't help but laugh that you expected any better.

Baki jump when? I want to humiliate Ogre.

How would you balance that shit?

How did I lose my trip?
Also A Brother's Price was published in 2005, twelve years ago. Books like that make most of their money in the first few years after being published, as I understand it. Right now any royalties that makes it way to the publishing house and Wen Spencer would be a nice surprise, not what she needs to put bread on the table.
So not that big a deal. Although if it wasn't so extortionate on Amazon, then I may still not have posted it.

Sounds like you had one heck of a bargain, Ricrod. My laptop is decent but fairly cheap, it cost me £300 new.

That is Jerin, the male lead holding Rennsellaer or maybe Odelia, both are redheads and sisters who end up marrying him. It may be from an early scene when Jerin goes to the river to rescue a knocked-out Odelia along with his young sister,
Although I'm fairly sure he wasn't dressed like that. And has much longer hair.