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Any tips you could share on balancing player encounters? I've read DMG

Gonna make an ancients paladin/fey warlock. Between big strength weapons, dex weapon + shield or a staff with shelilagh, which is

>The most effective at low/mid level
>The most fun
>The most fitting for a wandering knight-errant type character

Are there any pics showing a spell effective area on a grid?

Thread question:
How do you make your barbarians more than dumb 8 int cavemen?


There are, but 5e uses 4e's diagonals, so must things are just big squares. Is there a particular spell you are asking about?

UA Changeling is SHIT. However dandwiki Changeling, to no surprise of anyone, is STUPIDLY OVERPOWERED AND ALSO SHIT.

So I've made this by nerfing the one off the cesspool that is dandwiki. Does it seem "balanced"?

Ability Score Increase. +1 bonus to one ASI of your choice and +1 to Charisma
Age. Changelings reach maturity at 15 and live to be around 400.
Size. Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Duplicity. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person while you are wearing their shape. You can mimic the speech of another person. You must have heard the person speaking for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
Shapechanger. As an action, you can polymorph into any humanoid of your size that you have seen, or back into your true form. However, your equipment does not change with you. If you die, you revert to your natural appearance.
Adaptive Biology- Darkvision. You can use an action to give yourself Darkvision of 60 feet, however doing so also gives you Sunlight Sensitivity. You can change your vision back to normal as an action.
Sunlight Sensitivity. If you have Adaptive Biology- Darkvision on, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Shilelagh staff with a shield is easily the most cheesy of your choices, but it must look really dumb.

Forgot to nerf the walk speed to 30 so add that

Don't add more enemies. Make the ones you have stronger. Action economy is a big deal and giving the baddies more is really risky.

The party finds an outhouse with a crescent moon shaped hole on the door. It's barely enough to fit one person, albeit a big person, and the wood structure is mossy, rotten and unpleasant.

When the party inevitably takes too long pondering about this small hut, a big orc who has just finished on the toilet opens the door, likely having heard the party and fights them until the party leaves his swamp.

Just remember, cones are ALWAYS equal width/height, so red is correct, x's are wrong.

>Is there a particular spell you are asking about?
Spells with cylindrical or spherical areas. Also call lightning, is it one square only?


They're civilized tribes, not savages. They prize ferocity in battle, but seek the wisdom of their fortune tellers at other times.

Battle strategy and knowledge of how to survive are things barbarians ought to know but that get lost in people's weird preconceptions that they should be idiots barely capable of speech. Where does that even come from? Conan, THE Barbarian, was far from unintelligent.

Rolled 11, 5, 1, 16, 14, 13 = 60 (6d20)

Rolling for wizard yolo

I haven't played since probably... Princes of the Apocalypse got released? I'm not positive on the timeline of the books. Anyways, I've finally put down Pathfinder for a bit again and am getting a 5E group together. Anything I should know about UA stuff that's been particularly criticized/should be avoided? Any recommendations on which Adventures have been good/bad?

ya fucked up

Barbarian detected.

An old sorceress and alchemist with elongated nose who hotly urges PCs to leave the locality.

Alternatively, it could be a bulky jade humanoid in a simple vest, ired by the recent influx of magical beasts.

Rolled 10, 19, 14, 16, 13, 16 = 88 (6d20)

maybe a sorcerer is better?

Enjoy your wheelchair

just some random thoughts

>use Kobold Fight Club as a tool and not as a must
>don't outnumber the players unless you want a TPK or a really hard fight
>some creatures in 5th edition have recharge abilities and nothing more, these are the things that deal the most damage, be careful when introducing them
>try to understand the way your players think, will they use all the spells slots in this fight? Will they use cover to gain advantage and so on... If yes, you can add more hp to some monsters or make them use these advatanges too

Rolled 9, 19, 6, 15, 10, 18 = 77 (6d20)

Look at my godly stats

Completely replace PHB ranger with the UA "Ranger Revised".

Swordsman with battletrance or haughty noble who has an uncontrollable temper.

Most of the class archetypes are fine to use, disallow wizard ones. The other classes are generally on par or weaker, so they work just fine.

Rolled 9 (1d20)

I'm going to use the same roll for all my stats. Wish me luck.

I think the 5e designers forgot they were using the 4e rules, so cylinders and spheres are actually squares. Call Lightning is a 5' radius from a designated point, so it hits 9 squares.

Pick nonvariant human.

Good job, you're average.

Rolled 3, 2, 10, 10, 7, 18 = 50 (6d20)

How good is my Cleric?

Is this right?

Behold. The ultimate mundane human.

Rolled 19 (1d20)

you are like little babby


>Call Lightning is a 5' radius from a designated point, so it hits 9 squares.
Thanks, I thought it worked this way but I was not sure

Probably dead

Human is too strong with this type of roll.

Well, it has the same problem it always did; most classes only use 3 stats at best, and it has no other abilities.

d20s were a mistake.

Balance on the fly, at least for a while, eg. plan encounters with enemy reinforcements then bring more or fewer enemies on depending on how well the PCs are doing. You can make more concrete encounters once you have more of a grip on general balance.

Real men use a d19

Your space isn't included in a cone, unless you choose it to be. Typically you would be behind the first square effected. As far as i know, you can do it in that manner as long as you are adjacent to the origin.

Is damage resistance bear really the only totem worth taking at that level? I know it's insanely good, but I hate feeling like I don't have real choices.

At 14th level my kenku will be able to speak telepathically and sprout wings, how do you feel about this user?

I like the idea of adaptive biology.
It then seems weird to only have the one vision trait though, yet too powerful to gain more.

I've wanted to run a Changling for a while now, I'll probably just stick with the base. The polymorph has a lot of hidden power I think.

Is this right?

What the goddamn fuck is up with that picture. Why is she? so fucking hideous?

Those look more like diamonds to me user, but nice double trips

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Psssht. Let me show you REAL power.

For spheres, pick a point, rather than a square. Spheres radiate out X feet from that point, so like this for various sized.

Yeah maybe see about getting some other things, like Powerful Build if you become YUGE or a speed increase if you do something else, but I couldn't think of appropriate downsides to give them.

A 5 foot radius hits 4 squares. A point is defined as an intersection between two lines in D&D. A 5 foot radius centered on a point hits a 2x2 square with no doubt. If centered on a square, it hits only one square with certainty, and 8 squares halfway at most.

Bear is overrated, it's only good if your DM throws a lot of non physical threats against you.

Wolf is amazing if your party has more than one melee PC. Eagle is useful too, if you like mobility


Centering blasts in the middle of a square always has the issue that the edge of the radius is also in the center of a square if the radius is a multiple of the side length (which is almost always the case). Certain games force players to center effects on corners, which gives you convenient bursts.

For circles of any radius, they should hit every square that is (radius) feet away or less. I would suggest that yours are too small; the diameter of the red shape is 15ft and the diameter of the green shape is 25ft. They should each be 5ft more.

Keep in mind that square grids are an abstaction tool, they don't function as "real" distances, because moving diagonally is still 5 feet on a grid.

Hex grids are more sensical for movement, but many people hate drawing walls on them, myself included.

So the number of squares hit is (2X/5)^2

Where X is the size of the circle
5 ft circle = 4 squares
10 ft = 16 squares
15 ft = 36 squares


Can kenku speak telepathically


They can communicate telepathically as others.

Wouldn't all that armor and the helmet be disadvantageous in a hot climate?

Prestidigitation makes that hot armor into an air conditioned suit of comfy.

Still would make marching across a desert misery though.

Not as much as an axe in the face.

So, is buying a kenku a helm of telepathy like buying sunglasses for a drow

Faerie Fire is a cube, not a sphere, your target/origin point is the the center of a face, and each face is 20 feet.

My mistake, any point on the side of a face.

>Call Lightning is a 5' radius from a designated point, so it hits 9 squares.

Shouldn't it be 4 squares by ?

That user was wrong, that's all.

So you're basically saying 'spheres are cubes'.

>Making a Mystic
>My Cantrip is a DC17 INT save that can deal up to 25 damage (average 15) per turn

this seems a bit strong, no?

The targeting is different, but yes, using a square grid with 5 foot diagonal movement means that, despite real world distances, the corner of a square is equidistant, mechanically, from the center point as any given side of that square.

>DC 17
So, about level 11+ish?

A wizard at that level can have the same save DC and deal the same damage and they have the shittiest at-will damage around. What's the problem?


The targetting is exactly the same. If you had a 10ft cube, it would look exactly the same as your example of a 5ft radius sphere there.

Level 9, after 2 ASIs I have 20 INT.

You target the center point of a sphere, you target the face of a cube.

Oh, well, not forgetting with That the difference is the point of origin is different.

But then why differentiate between cubes and spheres and not just have 'sphere with point of origin centred in the middle' and 'sphere with point of origin on the edge'?

So an evocation wizard at level 10 would be doing 16 damage with a firebolt on average, which is more than you, but only because of the level 10 feature evocation wizards get.
I don't really see much of a problem unless it's 'there are a lot of really dumb enemies so int saves are really hard to pass for them' and it's not as if it's hard to hit the AC of dumb animals normally.

>But then why differentiate between cubes and spheres and not just have 'sphere with point of origin centred in the middle' and 'sphere with point of origin on the edge'?
Because they can be represented differently when using a hex grid. Also, remember that grid maps AT ALL, are a variant rule to begin with.

Because it's an INT saving throw that deals that much damage when there's nothing I can think of immune to it (unlike fire), when the vast majority of enemies have shit INT saves.

I guess I'm overvaluing it, just seems p stronk to me.

>Also, remember that grid maps AT ALL, are a variant rule to begin with.
Then why even bother giving cube/sphere definitions at all? Who the fuck is going to say 'Well, uh, we're doing theatre of the mind and this guy is totally just out of an X ft sphere but not a Y ft cube if you cast it there, actually'

The idea is that even on a cube-shaped grid there is no strict definition of what fits in the spell's AoE. There will be squares that are maybe only half-covered and it's up to the DM what to do with that. If you do a sphere, it also won't cover the corners of a cube.

I guess it is strong, but it's nowhere near as strong as proper at-will damage from anyone who does proper at-will damage.
Warlock, for example, has a pretty solid average ~21 damage at that level, force, at a range of 120ft with a secondary effect of potentially pushing enemies back, and gaining advantage to hit from stuff such as darkness and potential for crit damage especially with advantage...

There're more ways to boost someone's to-hit (such as bless or advantage) than there is to boost saves.

Oh, also, magic resistant enemies have advantage on saves.

But in any case it's not bad by any means.
I'm not really sure how it is in the overall balance of mystic though as it's the only class I don't truly know.

>Then why even bother giving cube/sphere definitions at all?
You DO know you can do maps without grids, right? Like, theatre of the mind is default, and the DMG has rules for that and AoEs, but remember that you can always just measure your movement and use aoe templates, if you are willing to slow the game down.

>If you do a sphere, it also won't cover the corners of a cube.
That only makes sense if you don't allow movement to do 5 foot diagonals. Grid maps inherently break measurements, as 2 diagonals aways is still 10 feet from the origin point. Differentiating character movement and spell distances just breaks the symmetry of the mechanics.

Not really. Now if he were to lose a different limb that may be interesting. I'm hoping his head is next, I've already tried to kill the bastard a few times but it is a bit dangerous considering that his plans for his next character are along the lines of a chaotic stupid rogue. Would have been nice if he actually died to that octopus (regular CR 0 octopus vs an unarmed, full health bard 8/rogue 2) though.

Alright. So if the Barbarian goes down in combat and I run over to him, I'm trying to get the goblins off him for at least a little bit.

Would you let me drop prone, and aim a thunderwave up in the air? So me and the Barbarian are under the AoE and it's aiming out from 2 feet above the ground to hit everything over 2 feet tall around us.


Will a brooch of shielding save me from disintegrate?

You have resistance to it's damage.

I already know they wrote that.

Turns out that un-nerfing fighter and doing stats properly and allowing things that could logically be done in real life and humans that anybody would actually want to play ever are all variant rules too. Weird, huh?

>Elven fighter
>Dwarven ranger
Do this

I've always been curious.
How did Mystra dying and the elemental planes collapsing affect other settings?
I doubt the weave collapse affected say greyhawk but the elemental planes would've affected a lot of shit like sigil

What the hell, Mystara died? Why?

What are the best spells to cast while I hide in my Sanctuary like a babby child?

Spirit Guardians

Oh Mystra. Sorry.

Is Tales from the Yawning Portal worth picking up?

Spirit Guardians.

>un-nerfing fighter
What? If you are talking about feats, the game is totally balanced without them