How would a group of knights (with no magical capabilities or enchanted equipment) actually go about killing a dragon...

How would a group of knights (with no magical capabilities or enchanted equipment) actually go about killing a dragon? If going with the basic idea that the thing flies, breathes fire, has stone hard scales and is several stories tall. Like, what could someone actually bring to the fight that could regularly damage and kill something like that?

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Fight it inside the cave where it can't fly? Use ballistae if on open field? Poison the cattle?

They literally can't. Which is why in my superior homebrew setting. Dragons are extinct. And kobolds are an autistic race that believe themselves to be the next dragon.

D&D: 0
me: 1

Well, step 1 is to get it onto the ground, for which you'll need to go after its wings. Depending on how fast or slow it is, youll either need a fuckload of arrows, or potentially just barbed javelin that will lodge in its wing, weigh it down, and cause more pain.

Armor wise, you probably want to go relatively light, with a breastplate and a helmet. You're going to be fighting this thing for a while and possibly at a moment's notice, so you don't want to be weighed down by something it might just bite through anyway. The better defense would be larged sloped shields designed to reduce hear and better deflect any swooping attacks it tries.

Weaponry wise, I feel you'd want warhammers in order to break open weak points in the scales, and then spears to embed in those points, as barbed as possible so you can deal a bunch of damage by pulling them out.

Catching the thing in a trap or while it's in a cave would also be ideal.

Flight is the biggest worry, and from there you have to worry about a t-rex with plate armor and a flamethrower.

With a jet fighter.

Cannon and chain shot is the first thing that comes to mind in terms of bringing it out of the sky, but failing that, a well-baited trap, some steel netting, and an ambush might be a good start.

With the help of God, of fucking course. That's the whole point of dragons.

The first step is to rescue your father from the underworld.

Depends on the mass of the dragon, but you could probably administer a lethal dosage of some poisons or venoms,provided you could break the skin at all. Some kind of injector-spear?

The cannons might work, though you'd need a lot of howitzer type weapons firing in concert to cover a wide area of sky. Even then I think it's dicey, and if the dragon really felt threatened it could just fly away. The cannons can't easily give chase, even if they're horse artillery. Worse, if the dragon is smart it'll learn from the experience, and next time attack the cannons before they can set up. Dragonfire and gunpowder barrels probably don't mix too well.

A ballista fired from ambush maybe.

>Nothing can kill dragons
>Dragons somehow went extinct
user, I wouldn't suck your own dick just yet...

First of all obviously no point in armour or shields (that's why the japanese didn't just start equipping their soldiers w/boilerplates in bunkers), for the actual killing of the dragons cannons are the only thing i can think of that will go through stone, maybe sledgehammers
Depending on how smart it is it might be easier just to leave poisoned bait around

>things only go extinct because they're all killed to death by knights

You chose the words that would hurt me the most, didn't you?

Roughly speaking

Traps and siege weapons. Killing a dragon is largely a matter of baiting it into cannon fire or dropping a mountainside on it.

I do prefer dragons that break though, so it's a subject for fables but someone mundane could feasibly kill a dragon alone. Bait one for days as you slowly bleed it, draw out a fight and drive something into the throat, that kind of stuff.

Bard in LOTR kills Smaug by hitting his weak spot with a simple bow and arrow. No magic or anything involved.

>dragon was flying around like an idiot
>meteor rain/storm out of nowhere
>hits his wing
>falls into the ocean
>Kraken attempts to hold him
>Dragon drowns
There, naturally died.

Can you think of a better way to naturally kill a giant dragon?

> hitting his weak spot for MASSIVE DAMAGE
Though if memory serves that bow was legendary weapon, on tier with The Sting.

da fuq lmao

he was a fighter

From thousand names to choose or create, Tolkien chose Bard.

He was a cheeky cunt, that's what he was m8.

Actually it was his arrow, Black Arrow.

“Arrow! Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never failed me and I have always recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old. If ever you came from the forges of the true king under the Mountain, go now and speed well!”

>Jordan Peterson memes
Where can I get in on this?

Spike a ox corpse with nuclear grade laxative.
Then wait.

Feeding them poisoned preys may work on non intelligent dragons.

Like this.

Old age or starvation.

>actually go about killing a dragon

With siege weaponry. Even ancient Greeks had siege weaponry.

Does alchemy exist, or are we going full-mundane?

God it pissed me off so much they turned the Black Arrow into a siege weapon in that God awful movie

And made Bard some kinda social outcast/underground rebel against the mayor

...Is this describing a Dragon getting it's penis cut off during a gay blowjob?

In one of my settings they mostly do this via canons. A shit ton of canons. Most of the time nations will bring mages and masters of magical based martial arts along with ancient anti-magic amulets.

But if you for some reason can't get that then dropping a shit ton of canons can work in a pinch. Nets with barbs and A lot of men could take down an average dragon with numbers.

Rolled 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 6, 2, 4 + 42 = 71 (8d6 + 42)

There's usually a JBP thread on /pol/

It's not gay, they just couldn't find the dragon and decided to dress up and hide among sacrifices to get easier access to kill the dragon after they got taken.

>feminist dragons convince female dragons to stop supporting the dragiarchy by not having dragonlings any more
>male dragons respond by adopting the virtues of MGTOW
>no new dragons are born and the rest die of old age while hurling micro aggressions at each other

omg user use your imagination

Like everyone else kind of stated, siege equipment and poison is probably the only sure fire way of doing such a thing with no magic bullshit whatsoever.

>How would a group of knights (with no magical capabilities or enchanted equipment) actually go about killing a dragon?
Well, according to St. George using a group is a bad idea. Everybody just gets in each others way. You take one guy, with chain and limited plate, and you track that bitch back to it's lair. If it's sleeping out in the open you wait until it falls asleep and if it's in a cave you bait that sum'bitch. Either way at the first available opportunity you jab a spear in the motherfuckers neck to fuck up the air/fuel mix. Apparently that shits tricky. Then you close in with a sword or keep using the spear to cut a wing and a leg. You keep circling it and poking it and letting it bleed untill it either runs or falls or you get the chance to pin it with something and bash it's fucking head in. Please remember actual broadswords were as much crushing weapons as cutting tools. Leave that 'so sharp it can cut one cherry blossom before shattering into a bunch of folded two thousand times pieces' shit to the fedora crowd.
Deus Vult

But saint George is usually portrayed stabbing the dragon with a lance, and it's a little faggy dragon too

>Well, step 1 is to get it onto the ground, for which you'll need to go after its wings

Batteries of ballistae, pavise shields and 2-man pikes.
Then they die en masse.

How the fuck did Fram kill a dragon?
Throwing spears?

Contemporary dragons tended to be portrayed as pretty big in the legends and folklore.
It was just the monks, and later commissioned artists, being faggots that lead to manlet dragons.

Arrow > Eyes