*blocks the path*

>*blocks the path*
Stat me, Veeky Forums

no longer relevant/10

literally who

Would you care to give us a clue?

race: gnome

This, dude's a gnome with a height complex. Seeing him at a convention, his whole posse was exclusively comprised of skinny manlets shorter than he was. It was almost hilarious to see how insecure he is without a single word uttered.

+20 points in 40yo manlet rat
-20 points in staying relevant

How tall is the idiot?

Probably like 5' 11"

Honestly, pretty close. Dude is like average height, but was surrounding himself with with little ratlings to try and make him seem larger. Or at the very least 6'0"

Do it yourself.


World's worst bard

I have no idea who this is/10

Trait: Our Guy

Race: Gnome | Class: Barbarian 2 Bard 8
AC: 14 (Unarmored Defense)
HP: 92
Movement: 40ft Walk
STR: 18
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 12
WIS: 9
CHA: 16

Fast as fuck: You may dash, disengage or hide as a Bonus Action, and your movement speed is increased by 15ft

>*destroys the path and walks over the rubble that's become his grave*
Psh, nothin personnel whoever you where.

Is that doublefine? Fez sucked

Never understood why people get so insecure over this shit. I'm 5'5" and look like I should be questing to Erabor.

Headphones: 2 (1 pair)
Shirt: 1 (Red)
Facial hair: Douchey
Sponsorship: See facial hair
Microphone: 150 gp
Chair: Enough to feed a goblin village for a week

Green Bracelet: Signals virtue in a 30ft radius

See, the thing with this faggot is that he's so far up his own ass that anything that makes him even the slightest bit less of a "man" in his eyes is a problem.

Check out any tweet responding to someone even criticizing him the smallest bit, the dude is a psycho. I genuinely feel bad for his daughter.

An insecure faggot like most of the people on this site, except he has a platform that works for him spewing his shit publicly.