How come tabletop isn't really popular with black people?
I mean there's yugioh and that's pretty much it.
What gives?
How come tabletop isn't really popular with black people?
I mean there's yugioh and that's pretty much it.
What gives?
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Because where would they get exposure to it from?
The kind of people who play TTRPGs are the same kind of people who play fighting games, but you can only do one, not both. Fighting games got most of the blank folks.
Because Yu-Gi-Oh was on TV, and Slayers weren't.
I didn't know anyone that was into it back in the mid 90s when I was a laddie. So I just played lots of JRPGs by myself. End of blog.
Oh, but I did like Stratego and Risk a lot. Those were my favorite board games. By tabletop I automatically assumed D&D ttrpg type stuff.
How is Yu-Gi-Oh these days anyways? Last I checked in they added that dumb xyz gimmick.
You haven't checked in a while.
The nerfed the XYZ gimmick.
There are these new guys called Link Monsters.
Fusion, Synchro, XYZ, and Link monsters only go in one slot.
Which is also exclusive to them. You can have 6 monsters.
Link Monsters let you put those guys in some number of normal slots.
The better Link Monsters let also buff your oppoenent's slots.
>How is Yu-Gi-Oh these days anyways?
Used to be:
T1P1: crap deck
T1P2: crap deck
T2P1: win
Now it's mostly:
T1P1: play half your hand
T1P2: play half your hand
T2P1: crap deck
T2P2: crap deck
T3P1: win
Which I guess is an improvement?
It's still solitaire and, as before, most decks play themselves.
Every campaign I've been in has involved at least one, usually more black person. One of my longest-running players is a black chick.
Sure, what the hell, I'll bite.
It's stereotypically full of fat-ish white dudes, and that isn't really a group I'd think most black people would be comfortable in.
I've never been in a group with one, but I have tried to get a couple of black friends into a session or two of D&D and they seemed pretty uncomfortable with the idea.
Then again, I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea in concept, at least most of the people I ask to play.
>In highschool
>Took an art class with a bunch of black kids. They only ever talked about sports
>One day we had a sub and he let us pick a movie to watch that day
>It had been a while since I'd seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, it was in the pile to select from
>"Hey guys, let's watch this! It's hilarious."
>"Naw man, that looks old."
>Eventually talk them into it.
>They instantly love it
>Whole class is laughing our ass off at that shit
>Afterwards, learn that all of them were in to really similar stuff as me, but most of them felt like it wasn't cool to talk about
>Started a gaming group with them.
For the next two school years, we played twice a week after school. It was a group that was primarilly all black kids. The game was basically an action anime styled D&D campaign with high flying monks and wizards that through kai-blasts at one another.
Definitely one of the most fun groups I've played with in my 20 years of tabletop gaming.
Do you live in Nigeria or something?
There's not actually THAT many black people compared to everything else.
When I was in high school, it was literally physically dangerous for a black kid to be into tabletop stuff that wasn't Yugioh because it was "too white" and their families would beat them. We had one kid who was openly into it, until one Monday when he came in with a black eye, a dislocated shoulder, and none of his Magic cards or dice were ever seen again.
>blank folks
It's a bunch of no-names?
Just replace devil and witchcraft with white and not gangster.
I don't talk to 'black folks' so I wouldn't know
Well, I mean, he's a thief, he killed that one guy, and likes white women, so...
Unless he comes from one of those ultra-religious black families.
Did that really happen, user?
Yes, really. It sucked. Don't let anyone tell you that black people can't be racist.
Matt a shit
Pat a best
This is the objective truth
Woolie is the highest among them, though. Let that be known
If I actually knew someone like Woolie I'd hang out with them whenever I could.
I consider the lack of jabbering sub human apes one of the best parts of gaming.
>jabbering sub human apes
you mean grognards?
"racism" as a concept is a white invention in a way. Hear me out because this isn't polposting.
Go anywhere in the world that isn't NA or Western Europe and just see how much racial discrimination there is. It's not KKK hateful racism, it's "this is just the way it is" matter of fact discrimination. The different cultures in southeast asia have had blood feuds for as long as written history. Russia is Russia. The middle east is in a never-ending religious war over who God's chosen people are. Africa is racially diverse and has enough different skin colors to fill a crayon box, and they have been enslaving each other for centuries.
The west is just abnormal compared to the rest of the world because they have turned anti-racism into an ideology into itself. There is nothing wrong with that in itself, but it's important to note that prejudice and fear are common responses in humans. And frankly, when the west tries to white knight, it can come across as condescending and paternal even to the people that would be affected.
Speak for yourself, I am one of many Nigerians in Simi Valley who play 40k and Warmahordes. We get together Thursdays to play IKRPG, and Saturday is Battletech night.
Too busy raping
You've clearly never been to an MTG tournament
There's absolutely nothing in Simi Valley, so I'm glad you have friends to play cool shit with
I'm similar to him except replace black chick with black Jamaican guy. I live in Missouri.
Libcuck with aids
Cuz KANGS dont play games
Your FLGS is in a ghetto.
This thread is bait. OP is trying to summon /pol/. Fuck off.
I don't watch a lot of TBFP these days and the main reason is Matt. Dude's an unfunny tool
Black girls like roleplaying games in my experience. It's usually more about wish fulfillment and socializing.
Black guys prefer vidya, dice, strategy, or card games.
t. Jiggaboo
Related, why do so many black people play fighting games?
Where are you? We have a local GW like 8 minutes from my place and the Simi Valley library lets us play role-playing games.
I've seen women in TT
I've seen a half-black in TT
All the black women I've seen have been serious business middle class otherwise who don't have time for games otherwise.
Maybe it's just my area.
They either grew up around lots of siblings/cousins and had to share their games/consoles, or they didn't have a console period and had to hang out in the arcade to be able to play videogames
I'd say that black people are the most prevalent minority maybe equal to asians in terms of tabletop
My college's board game club was pretty diverse, most of the people were white but any given meeting with 20-30 people would have at least two asians, blacks, and Hispanics. And my school was like 80% white.
The gender ratio was about 12:1 though.
Goddamn right. He just seems like he'd be a really cool dude to know
As in each of those groups would have at least two people represented at any given meeting
It's notable that fighting games have an inherently different concept from other games.
In WoW, you get a reward from spending X hours because the game gates content behind grinding.
In guiltyblue super turbo , the whole game is right there for you to have as long as you are willing to master it.
The average white guy finds spending five hours grinding for an achievement satisfying, but spending one hour to learn something for an achievement is "too hard." Blacks are less likely to buy into the cognitive dissonance that's required in order to feel a reward for playing something like that.
Too bad his PSA put all those young fan games devs in jail.
Let me second this notion. I've played many IRL games with darkies in my time. and today it isn't *nearly* as bad as when I was a kid BUT it was really bad back then.
Every black kid I knew who played DnD and Battletech made us swear never to tell their friends or family, and we always held on to their cards and miniatures for them.
Three separate times I can recall back in the 90s one of my black gaming buddies got the shit kicked out of them really bad (one was even a girl) when their other black friends found out.
It isn't white antagonizing keeping blacks out of gaming, its other black people who literally threaten their lives for participating.
6-in-30 is 20%
Your club was 80% white
So representative of the university ad a whole, yes
>How come tabletop isn't really popular with black people?
Who cares?
i'm black but yes not many black people play tg. none of my black friends have ever shared the interest and none of my tg have shared the blackness
i'm not sure why but it's probably because of the last few hundred years of events that occurred
with all the unpleasantness and stuff
Not really sure. I've gamed with a few black dudes, though the two main ones who stuck around are basically the opposite of each other.
First was a fat retard That Guy who tried to molest any female NPC the party met, and would outright cheat if he thought I wasn't looking. It was middle school though, so everyone was kind of a retarded asshole.
Guy in my current group is a fucking saint. Like legit makes me feel kind of bad about my life. Getting his masters in physics, Veeky Forums as fuck, and just a really nice dude overall. Really likes Star Wars and any character he plays slowly mutates into a Jedi
Go reread . They say their club was diverse, but that their school wasn't.
Don't want to turn this into a blog so I'll just say that from my experience, most of us get into anime or vidya instead. Both are easier to keep on the downlow and for some reason don't get judged for it that much compared to other nerd hobbies.
White suckers who've bought into collective guilt.
My anecdotes state that, in the 90s, black people were over-represented among WOD players.
Why would they be uncomfortable? Do they think whitey is going to get them?
I am both and I am saying that the board game club was as "diverse" as the college in general. I am not arguing that black people like board games more than white people do.
probably has something to do with nerd culture being seen as implicitly white and a lot of black people try to distance themselves from anything enjoyed by the white man.
My anecdotes state that, in the 90s, white goths were over-represented among WOD players. By a wiiiiiiide margin over the next highest demographic.
I used to watch it all the time but it seems like they all hate Pat.
Its funny because that black guy does play tabletop games, he did one with another black guy and two other guys on his personal channel.
I miss Liam
It was drama-club kids in my area. And the biggest WOD group, by far, was Werewolf, with a black ST and 3 black players.
drama club was also full of goth kids.
What happened to Liam?
Wait what?
Tabletop gaming has a white male terrorism problem.
(You) tried too hard.
see I'm fucking serious
The guy is an orthopaedist. He's been playing for years and does a lot of 40k as well. Politically pretty far from liberal too.
Doesn't Woolie quite like tabletop gaming?
i was telling to read my earlier post where i disagree with him. i was the one taking his bait.
Don't forget that the "another black guy" is a fucking WWE wrestler.
Liam a shit. I want an old fashion Woolie, Matt and Pat play a bad game LP.
Black person here. I used to roleplay online with a group of people from my fighting game forum ironically and my friend got me into GURPS back in the day.
I tried to do some stuff in real life with other people but I can never make it past walking into the comic shop because I never feel welcome. And this isn't just in my area, it happened pretty much wherever I go I always feel like eyes are looking at me. Then I had a group explicitly try and dissuade me from playing even after I rolled up the character. But I don't attribute that to any form of racism, I just think they were assholes.
Since I don't really interact with the community at large I Can't Tell You Why you don't see a lot of black people. But they are there and my gaming group in college was pretty much all black for the most part.
Low intelligence, unfortunately, leads to lack of imagination and abstraction.
niggers can't read
also, too busy fucking your women, OP
Arcades meant they could be exposed to fighting games at a far lower cost of entry than any other kind of game. Thus it's easier for people at lower socioeconomic classes to learn fighting games, eventually picking up a console once they can afford it.
Don't worry user, just try hard at school and you can succeed even without imagination and abstraction skills.
kinda like how anime is also generally cheap.
I believe your cases, and there are likely more, but I think that some, if not many, black people who avoid tabletop games that aren't Chess or Checkers could simply be explained away as "I don't want to associated with physically unfit dorks, white or not, so I'm not going to try to invest myself in this hobby". There could be the threat of making themselves look vulnerable by association, but within that group it could simply be that they don't want to be judged as being weird and don't want to compromise their machismo.
>woolie is a lich that feeds the prison god innocent souls to keep his own black ass out of it
good for hotseat stuff (arcade style, though that's obviously a thing of the past)
A single console, game and two controllers can entertain an entire group of people for an evening.
Black people have a higher rate of obesity than whites do in America, which is also where the cultural taboo is most prevalent.
It's the "white nerds" part, not the physically unfit part that gets them to stay out.
I should've specified. I was talking about the lanky and/or weak-looking, not the ones that look tough.
Tablelords D&D fucking WHEN
Matt's got his moments and I've never actually gone "god shut the fuck up Matt". Woolie's pretty great, and Pat is best. An insane mix of wrong as fuck yet so completely on point about other shit.
Aggressive social shaming which is almost always a prelude to violence. Also most fantasy/escapist pastimes are associated with being childish, if not outright seen as dangerous due to black superstition.
I really want them to cover Legend of the Wulin
>Do they think whitey is going to get them?
No, but given how hostile this community can be, and if you've been on this board for longer than a minute you've seen the /pol/tards posting, then you know why they'd be pensive.
There's a good reason certain people don't want to try this hobby, and it's because a portion of the hobbyists are fucking ghouls.
what is this pseudo bs. Fighting games are competitive and can be played head to head with consoles even today. Same reason fps's an sports games are popular
this in shades sadly, I've never told my black friends about my hobbies but my white and asian friends were almost supportive of it. They wouldn't have beaten me up or anything but i would have definitely gotten joked on
nonsense, we're a cuddly friendly bunch
I've had a rough night user, I needed that laugh.
Really though, you aren't wrong, a lot of the people in the hobby are fine people, I and everyone I game with are fairly supportive of whoever wants to play and we're pretty tolerant besides.
But there are those horror stories and the autistic faggots behind them, and I can see why someone who knows about it might be put off.
It's unfortunate and it isn't fair, but I get why a black dude might get to that conclusion.
Many people don't want to try this hobby because a lot of it involves learning a bunch of shit and spending a ton of money.
Board games don't have that problem because there are multiple varieties of games and the games can be shared. Depending on your LGS you can find people who frequently congregate there to play board games.
TCGs and miniature games are complicated and expensive, which means a high investment. Being black or female means that on average you are less likely to find someone to play these games with than being a white guy, so it becomes even more of an investment.
If you want to get women and minorities into tabletop, find a gateway board game that is simple and fun, but skill based, and then work your way into more complicated games until they develop a strong passion. The passion will hopefully be strong enough so that the one or two unsavory individuals don't drive them off.
Maybe pic related will make things even better.
I've heard of maybe one story that involved someone being "That Guy" to someone for their ethnicity. Most of them are against women.