Hiroshimoot said we can have one meta thread
How do we fix Veeky Forums?
Hiroshimoot said we can have one meta thread
How do we fix Veeky Forums?
Bring back smut and quests.
For a start, don't let quests back in ever. Now that that's out of the way, this thread can be different from the last several of these. It's not is it? Well I tried.
Stop making meta threads. Aside from that, it's pretty okay. Mods coming down harder on /pol/shit, off topic and obvious bait would be nice. Oh, and banning anyone who mentions bringing quests back. I know they can evade, but it would still be nice.
Just smut, not quests.
It won't be, because you're wrong.
Veeky Forums can only think in binaries: either bring no quests back ever, or fill the board with anime waifu quest faggotry. Anyone that promotes any kind of quests automatically wants the latter and therefore must be reeeeeed at.
Just Veeky Forums related quests, preferably with enforced drawfaggotry instead of just text, none of the waifu simulator bullshit.
get rid of metathreads
I feel like making meta threads when we don't have any urgent board matters to discuss is not in the spirit of Hiro's decree.
Start banning people who demand quests to be brought back.
Veeky Forums has never been worse. We've gotten rid of all creative content, to appease the vocal minority that will always find some more shit to complain about - and without creativity, we are dead.
People shat on smut threads, but at the same time we also had people creating OC both to piss off the anti-smutfags and to gain an audience.
People shat on quest threads, but at the same time we also had some decent writefags making decent threads, as well as drawfags coming up with OC to set them apart from quests that were mostly text only.
Hell, even troll threads that got rerailed into decent discussion only happened because people wanted to piss off the troll who wanted flame wars and shit.
With all those things gone, bait's the only thing left that people want to discuss. It has nothing to do with fighting for a cause, it has more to do with the fact that there's nothing out there to talk about anymore because faggots drove away the competition.
We basically already won and now we have no idea what to do with ourselves anymore.
As long as people like you still post here, the board is not okay. I'm so fucking sick of people posting 0.5 seconds long gifs and retarded shit elf threads, and people bitching about the /pol/ boogeyman with no provocation.
Bring back drawfags
If you would actually lurk you'd know that the retarded shit elf threads get deleted, now that they spiraled out of control some time ago.
For fucks sake, how many years will it be before you shut the fuck up about this? One? Three? If your containment board is broken make a meta thread there and FIX IT. I know you're salty because you were kicked out but it's time to put on your big girl panties and make the best of what you've got now. Now get lost and quit making these fucking threads here.
I'm advocating for those kinds of thread to get deleted more quickly.
And whether or not you believe /pol/shit exists (it does) isn't relevant to the fact that it's by definition off topic, rule breaking content that should be gotten rid of swiftly as well.
create 3 stickies:
-4 str
martial vs. caster
edition wars
and make creating threads related to those subjects bannable offenses.
martial vs. caster and edition wars are related. You only need a single thread for those.
Also make posting in those threads a bannable offense as well.
I would say this is bait, but you seem to have put too much effort into that picture so I'm gonna assume you're autistic.
Ban anime shit
Allow Veeky Forums related smut
Promote all Veeky Forums related creative content instead of shit-flinging and banning.
You know, I don't know that I've ever seen a liberal/SJW/whatever use the word Drumpf unironically. Certainly never on Veeky Forums.
Anime has destroyed this board for too long.
I dunno man, Veeky Forums feels like it's gradually getting better, as far as content and discussion goes.
Exactly. Drawfags and writefags should be supported, unlike shitty questfags which aren't Veeky Forums related.
Exactly. Veeky Forums related quests should be supported, unlike shitty anime waifu harem quests which belong to /a/.
These are the two shit heads who've been shitting up Veeky Forums.
These two guys should be banned as an experiment, and I'm betting Veeky Forums would improve tenfold.
No quests are Veeky Forums related. Forum games are not traditional games.
Matbe we should allow quests if they were based in Veeky Forums accepted games, such as a quest about being a 40k Marine?
It's also fucking hilarious, since Veeky Forums literally started as an anime site.
This board is fine, just talk about traditional games.
Drawquests were universally shit, nothing but memetastic crap
Taken as its own with no judgement to the shit it spilled forth, Ruby Quest was one of the best things to ever happen to Veeky Forums.
The fact that the site was created by moot to talk about anime doesn't mean that you should be allowed to spam this shit on boards where it doesn't belong, or start threads using NSFW anime pictures just for the sake of getting attention. It's off-topic and the only reason you're posting is because it makes your dumb 13 year old penis feel good.
Forum games as such don't really belong in anywhere, nor are they a big enough niche as to deserve a board of their own: the undeath of /qst/ is a show of proof on this matter. No outsider knows what it's all about, even those into quests won't find it half the time, fewer still would come to Veeky Forums just for their sake.
It's best to let it slide and split quests and other forum games to relevant boards, such as Veeky Forums and /a/.
This. /qst/, /v/ and Veeky Forums need to stay out, and otherwise business as usual.
>on boards where it doesn't belong
No such boards exist.
I'm new here, so I just wanna know: how the fuck do you define a traditional game?
This would probably work
Create /tgg/.
And /tcg/ and /twg/.
And hell, create /fan/ and /sf/ while we're at it.
>our board is shit, therefore we should shit up your boards
No. Leave.
Parasites that can't survive on their own should be allowed to die, not supported at the cost of others.
Let's split D&D, 40k, MtG, WoD, GURPS, all other games to their own boards as well.
See how many survive on their own. Those that don't were just parasites.
Generally games with physical components played on a tabletop, so cardgames, boardgames, wargames and roleplaying games for the most part.
A game that is traditional, i.e not vidya, and isn't a sport, i.e fatasses can play without dying.
Sure they do. Veeky Forums is one. It's fucking mentally regressive, it lowers the board's quality and it only exists to get attention and make your horny teenaged ass excited because you're a dumb nigger. It's time to end it, both anime-posting and your life.
Hahahaha no. Directly relevant content is not the same as weird tangents desperately trying to survive despite their time being over.
Although honestly /40k/ and /mtg/ would probably do find. Maybe even /D&D/ too. At that point Veeky Forums itself would be kinda dead.
This post is an example of off-topic /pol/ shitposting.
But those are all of one kind and belong together.
Quests are not of that kind and belong on /qst/ only.
You hate generals too, don't you? Just split all the fuckers away. Then you can finally be happy.
Although, knowing you, you'll find some other shit to complain about instead.
So Chess, Monopoly, and Candy Land are acceptable topics of discussion?
No, generals are fine, and the meme of hating them was stupid shit probably started by questfags.
Read the rules
It ain't broken, Schmuckenheim.
And stop samefagging.
This guy has an excellent point though, quests must never be let back in.
They are, although chess threads are irregular and not super popular, while Monopoly is a fucking awful game, and roll and move games are generally derided as shitty relics of an old era.
Can you put on a trip? I'm pretty sure if we could track your posts, you'd be responsible for most of the shitposting on Veeky Forums/
They're board games. Why wouldn't they be you fucking nonce?
>File: 149
Go away, newfag.
No, but you should put on a trip so I could never accidentally read your retarded posts again.
Shit, I didn't notice those. Sorry for asking.
I've not seen them mentioned in the past few weeks that I've been here. This looks place looks more like /ttrpg/ to me.
Quests as a concept are fine.
They bring us plenty of draw- and writefags who will in turn spread to other topics and add to the life and vibrancy of Veeky Forums. The clearly non Veeky Forums related quests, like the animu waifu ones, need to be kept away and put to /a/, but otherwise I don't see a problem with their presence.
If you still don't like having them around, you can just hide the few threads involving them.
>stale pasta on top of everything
Place a fucking autoban on the word "quest" or filter it to something even more humiliating.
Why are guys like you, who clearly don't belong on this anime website, so bad at banter?
>few threads
Motherfucker, Quests were a blight that was choking this board to death. My catalog filter was catching fifty of the fuckers on a good day.
Dump /a/ related ones to /a/, enforce drawn updates on the rest, the number will drop to a tenth of that.
Why are retards like you allowed on the internet? Also, drooling on a keyboard is not "banter".
>one of the best things to ever happen to Veeky Forums
>if you disregard all the hideous consequences it had
hang all questfags
roleplaying games, board games, card games. Pretty much any game with no digital components and requires multiple players. Sports and different for some reason.
Your filters were garbage then. I've noticed that most people who post that and then actually show the filters were getting a ton of non-quests that they just assumed were quests. One guy went on a 40 post rant about how someone's homebrew worldbuilding thread was a quest.
As I said, "taken as its own with no judgement to the shit it spilled forth".
I'd allow quests back just for the off chance it would spawn another Ruby Quest, and on the far greater likelihood of getting some more drawfags and writefags here to bring us actual life once again. I can stand hiding a few shitty ones a day for that.
All of those things have digital components and have for the past 10 years at least. Most of Veeky Forums plays on digital platforms more than we play in person.
Move Jumpchain and all other CYOAs to /qst/.
This, but exile D&D and non setting/system specific questions.
Veeky Forums was literally founded to be /40k/, newfag. Moot just bundled in the rest of us as leftovers.
That's even worse. Good content was missed out on because I had to avoid the shit questfags spewed out. Thank fuck they're gone.
This. Change /qst/ to a general forum games board and just dump all the shit there.
All right, so make Veeky Forums /40k/ and drop everything else.
It makes no sense to ditch one of those "leftovers" into its own board and keep the rest here.
Moot also said quests were Veeky Forums related.
Moot's gone. We've got a new boss now.
Why do you hate quests being on the board so much? They don't stop other people from making other threads.
Take responsibility for your reeeeee.
You were the one who filtered the wrong things. You. No one else.
No it wasn't. The D&D threads on /co/ had more to do with it than a single thread a week on /b/ ever could. It also wasn't a containment board, but a positive development because Moot thought Veeky Forums stuff deserved its own board.
The anime exile has left deep scars to many of us. Still many an antiquestfag is shell-shocked, driven to frothing anger at the very mention of "I wish we still had quests".
Pity them.
I had to filter because questfags were here. Now they're gone, everything is better.
Because they made the board a fucking nightmare to use. They cluttered up the front page and killed off slower threads in favour of perpetuating their shitty circlejerking.
Bring back smut and Veeky Forums-related quests. The creativity of drawfags and writefags should hopefully follow afterward.
Any /a/-related quest can fuck off back to /qst/.
Meanwhile there's 28 Warhammer threads in the catalog, which are not going to be very effective at containing discussion anyway. Don't those deserve a separate board?
Making quests bump to page 2 or 3 is still the best solution that never happened.
What this gentleman said.
Use the catalog.
>I had to filter
No you didn't. And even if you did "have to" filter, you could have filtered more effectively. You are bad at filters. Shit. Shiiiiiiit.
>front page
Oh, that's why. You're just shit at using the site in general.
>Hiroshimoot said we can have one meta thread
He said you could have one. And you had one ages ago. This one is against the rules.
>They cluttered up the front page
>What is catalog
Just how new are you?
>killed off slower threads in favour of perpetuating their shitty circlejerking.
Funny how you blame quests, but right now, at this very moment, any thread that hasn't been bumped in more than 3 or 4 hours falls right off the bottom of the board.
How would we define "Veeky Forums related quests?"
>Now they're gone, everything is better.
Veeky Forums has never been more of a wasteland.
This. Quests never killed the slower threads any faster than they're dying right now.
The only difference is that we have more outright trolling and less creative people.
Look at this shit, The first poster gets called a newfag and is blamed for being responsible for most the shitposting on Veeky Forums at the same time, can't be both
that's the level we've reached