Can we get a 40k humor and memes thread going?

Can we get a 40k humor and memes thread going?





Ironic memes have gone too far.


No such thing, I'm afraid.






wut da zog?

Oh god the Curze and Sanguinius ones are way too real






But Sanguinius was the most handsome Primarch yet for some reason GW keep drawing him as some blonde white fucking Jamaican pimp. Anyway I fixed that image for you.



Let's bring some Dark Age of Memeology pictures out.


Some more.


Real as in relateable.










>tfw theres now an entire board dedicated to /trash/
D...Did we win, brothers?

The Great Meme WAAAAAAAGH!!

>mfw FlashGitz removed all their Space Hulk videos
>mfw they won't do any 40k animations
>mfw they just do flavour of the month shit or somehow survive on Racist Mario popping up everywhere

I can't find the one with the Negro Space Marines blocking the pool. Thought I had it saved.

In the grim darkness of the internet, there is only war.

Remember when this was the height of memeage?



That Gaston on the left? Kek.

Loss is an art form. Not on the height of Baneposting, but an art form nonetheless.


Times like this when I dump I wish I had my pass still. But due to how many stupid bans I got and the amount of days wasted, don't wanna risk it.

I'd pay for somebody to edit this entire pilot to be like this.

The good modern ones are refined to a high level of patrician taste. It's survival of the fittest, since old memes can't survive without merit.


I forgot to post this back when the Proof meme was hot in /40kg/.

>Leman Russ Battle-Chan

You know you've heard too many people talk about their fucking stupid fidget spinners when you're seeing a fidget spinner in Nurgle's icon.

>yfw you realize fidget spinners are actually spread by Nurgle to infect the world with cancer


Only pic that is funny. What happened to you Veeky Forums?

Fuck it, this is now a femarch thread

You find stuff like this amusing? Different strokes for different folks.

Perhaps post something you find funny then? Loads of these pictures are going on 10 years old. The fact they're still around shows your opinion is the minority. Furthermore if you go 'What happened' you must have had the view it was OK at one point. So post that content.

no. the conversation in the other pic made it funny.

Well it's not a conversion. It's just a photoshop just like that Dreadnought is. But whatever, you enjoyed it.

>failure to read.

Oh right yeah. It's going on 5:00am here dude, give me a break.


Their 40k shit was the only thing vaguely interesting, unique, or funny about them. How the fuck did Racist Mario blow up so hard?

Kids spreading it, I guess? I did enjoy their Platform Wars one and the TRANSformers one. I just wish they'd stick to 40k or do some 40k stuff. I asked them to do a third Space Hulk one when the new Space Hulk set was released and they never replied.

It's cool. It's 11pm here. I'm starting to drift off myself.

Dunno why I stayed up. Probably cause it's cooler and boiling hot in the UK (relatively) and I can't stand it.

A short lived meme here.

>tfw Khorgoth of Barbaria literally is the story of Emps wandering Earth for a few years to assess how fucked things really were before he created the Thunder Warriors and kicked off the Unification Wars.

Wish somebody edited the whole thing, but I suspect it's lots of effort, essentially the same as doing a whole new animation. Or not. I know nothing.

Does anybody know where this is from? It looks so much like early 40k art but every time I search it seems to suggest it's fan art.


Remember when a meme was simple as "Kill it with fire"? Or "Man the harpoons"?

Last one I think. Need to sleep.

Who says you need to? He resists getting his head exploded by a psyker, he despises all practitioners of the dark arts, he can kill virtually anything in single combat, it's not like he NEEDS the armour for you to say "yep, that's the motherfucking Emperor"

>new warboss


>Need to sleep.
Your body is lying to you user.



You mean this one boss?

This thread lack sex appeal



Can love bloom on the battlefield ?



Post the one with the caption that was along the lines of "The forces of darkness are upon us...but I have a flashlight"

Sorry I don't have it








I remember when Flick_The_Thief was just a regular neckbeard doing capeshit R34. He's found a niche with 40k since higher quality (specific words used) 49k R34 is rare.


Uncensored pic?