Song of Swords

Last time on Song of Swords:
Some Audatia cards
New Update Soon
Jimmy single-handedly genocides the uruk race

Song of Swords is a a tabletop RPG centered around realistic medieval fightan' with a ludicrous variety of weapons and fighting styles, centered around a dice pool system. It's currently in beta, and can be used for both fantasy and historical games. The Kickstarter was nearly 300% funded, and we're on the fast track to kicking ass baby.

Call of the Void: Ballad of the Laser Whales is a pulpy sci-fi tabletop RPG about fighting space-nazis and hunting giant whales with harpoons made out of the moon. Its combat system is more modern, based in the early 20th century, but can probably handle combat up to the present day.

MEGA folder containing current version of the game and all supplementary materials.
Note that the latest version of the game is v1.3. The next update will probably be called v1.4.!S89jTT7J!ozFi9GvzaFGHfBa59Ik2-Q

Here's a wiki detailing SoS's fantasy setting, getting filled up bit by bit as Jimmy reveals more details:

There's also a roll20 room where new players are encouraged to try the rules, test new rules, and find game breaking issues:
If you're looking to learn, post here in the thread.

We also play Guy Windsor's card game Audatia in the room, but now we have a much better way to play Audatia: Tabletop Simulator! The (official!) mod for Audatia is now up and running!

Other urls found in this thread:

Previous thread
What did you guys do for Free RPG Day?

I deliberately made 10,000 promises and then broke them.


Where's the update announced for "this weekend or sooner"? Has thrace been right all along?

It's only satuday, there's still sunday for jimmy to procrastinate

Claymore is actually holding the doc right now, for further proofreading.
t. Jimmy

What's this about an update?

Jimmy said to expect an update this weekend! He always tells the truth, so get hype

>A workhouse
>Strength within the human limit

Jimmy what the fuck is this

Wew. That don;'t make sense.

They have bonuses to MOB and CAR based on their size and quadruped nature. Don't get your panties in a twist. 7 is significant STR

>zero punctuation

Can we at least get a teaser of what's changed?


As far as I can remember, talents, maneuvers, toughness, and some other stuff. So really, pretty much everything

What would a SoS-inspired 17th-18th century setting look like? Think like a third setting spun off to fill the period between the two existing ones. I love the vibe both settings have but I also want muskets, fundraisers, and gold braid.

*cuirassiers not fundraisers

Oh man. It'd be something weird like Pirates of the Caribbean meets Sunless Sea meets Potop.

So would you guys use the Mount rules or the Monster rules for war elephants and such? Perhaps a weird combo of the two?

Man setting an one-off in not-India is weird.

>Timothy, you put that face protection on right this second!
>fuq u u aren't my real dad anyway

The only truth you've ever told us.

By teaser I mean a picture or something. The threads are dying without new content.

I am straining at the bit to get this thing out, I'm sorry for the delays but this one needs to be perfect and some of the changes were hueg.

I really want to print out a version to use to introduce local gamers to it, make it a good one.

>central game mechanics are overhauled
>trying to make release perfect
Pick one

Precious few hours Jimmy. Will you keep your promise?

Venezuelan issues are at 100 days now.

We're trying our best here man, there's a lot of stuff to juggle here.

Shadows of Mordor shit right here.

Their struggles will be resolved before the update comes out.

So, new update. What's opinions on this Luck stuff and the revamped Talents?

Kept you waiting, huh?

Send comments here for permanent archival.

Good start.

Hrm, I wasn't sure I was overly fond of Noble Schools only having 3 proficiencies max, but Unorthodox Fencer's 6 proficiency max makes up for it well enough.

>1.9.8 -> 2.0 -> 1.9.9 -> 1.2 -> 1.3 -> 2.0
Computer program labeling was a mistake

The new Talents are fucking great.

>Me on the way to get SoS 2.0

>happy hottest month of the year to everybody else
Jimmy, there are English speakers in the Southern Hemisphere too, you know?

>Chapter 09.1: Melee Weapons
>1. Added Easy to Aim to Crossbows & (some) Firearms
>2. Updated Reloading Rules for simplicity and to fit new system
Gotta reload those melee weapons guys


Oh yeah man, this is Fox News levels of fair and balanced.

Here's the PDF guys

if they were ands it'd be MSNBC levels of fair and balanced.

>Chapter 13: Wounds & Recovery
>4. Addition of Level 0 Wounds
We Bovine now?

We Ballad now.

>implying I'm Australian
[angry flightless nocturnal bird noises]

I'd personally change the way that's written to be "Simplicity, and ONE of Flowing Water...". Just to idiot-proof it.

>Soot Macross, one of the infamous Macross Sisters, is trying to climb a 30-foot tall fortress wall escape capture.
Is this the first time we've gotten a name for one of these sisters? Also there are grammar mistakes in the example, shame on you Australian editor

Huh, is Deep Draw Cut gone on purpose?

>I'd personally change the way that's written to be "Simplicity, and ONE of Flowing Water...". Just to idiot-proof it.
I agree completely.

No, it's down here on swing. It's like power attack now.

hey wait a second


Got it.

>can't use Pommel Strikes after throwing the pommel away
What if I want to belt a blaggard with the pommel-less end of the hilt?

Whoa, arc gain is way down

It is literally impossible to do such a thing. At the quantum level there are an unlimited number of universes which explore every possibility, like islands upon the ocean of probability. On none of those islands is a world where you can pommel strike after throwing away your pommel.


>I'm sorry for the delays but this one needs to be perfect

Ya blew it

Also noticed that the Willing to Learn feature is different in the character section for humans and the schools section. The former says that the first two proficiencies are free, the latter says they cost 1 Arc each.

Hey, there's a big discrepancy here.

On the humans racial abilities page, it says they get the first 2 proficiencies in their school for free.
In the proficiencies chapter, it says humans buy new proficiencies for 1 arc instead of 3, and also get a free talent.

Which is it?

There was a short test-fecht the other day with the new rules in the Roll20

Oh shit guys, the drawback to Rules of Nature is a lot more lenient. You might actually do it more than twice now. That makes O-dins even more dangerous.

A River of Blood is weaker and Sartur Hungers! is better. For some reason I was thinking the Chosen were getting overhauled, but they're basically the same.

Why are Prodigious boons still in the table? They're not in the book

New Berserker boon.

>-Increase your WIP by 4 for the purposes of Damage and Pain Reduction.
Doesn't that just mean +2 Grit? Why wouldn't you just say +2 Grit? Does Opaque think we still subtract WIP from Pain?

Frail is where it should be alphabetically in Banes, but Robust is at the end of Boons and not where it should be.

I am afraid

WIP indeed

I am too, but probably for different reasons than you

One of these things is not like the other. Do you see what I see, Veeky Forums?

Why isn't Withdraw Amount listed as 1gp (20sp), 2gp (40sp), 3gp (60sp) like Liquidated Amount is?

>Dane Axe no longer has swinging slots
Thank God

This bit from Mounted Combat isn't updated. Closing Void and Dart Out no longer exist

Oh what the fuck is this

Hey it sure would be nice if SDB was actually explained anywhere. It sure isn't here. What the fuck is it?

an extra , ? that's all i see

it's a static number equal to half your strength says so right in the thing you posted

Okay you've got me there, but it's still not in character creation anywhere.

High Freemen are the only ones who can't take Hale and Hearty

Drugs are bad for you.

Okay but that doesn't answer my question. What do I do if I want to hit a guy with the bit where the pommel used to be attached?


Am I stupid, or is this slightly confusing? I'm guessing it means 10 months for RS 10, 20 months for RS 11, etc.

Also, for the That Which Stares Back tests, how many hours of analysis are you assumed to be doing per day for the things that take multiple days/weeks? Say for RS 8, is that a week of 8-hour days, and I can get it done faster if I pull longer shifts, at the expense of being more likely to be noticed?

How about with breaks? If I have an RS 6 device (12 hours), can I analyse it in two-hour chunks over a week and not really have to worry about being spotted?

Oh God what the fuck is that font

Google Chrome encountering Times New Roman, I think. It replaces it with Papyrus for some godless reason.

It only seems to do it in PDFs, though. I've had it do it to a couple of other ones as well.

That sounds like an April Fool's joke

I'd think that too, if it hadn't been doing it for fucking months.

I don't think that's papyrus, mate. It's some kind of chicken scratch

Honestly, I don't know what it is. I can't exactly check, either, because it appears normal in Acrobat.


How do you stat a whip? What proficiency would it use?

What's your favorite talent tree, Veeky Forums?

sounds like since it's 10+Rs and it says x10 per RS in months that it'd be 100months for 10 110months for 11 etc

Six weeks to eight years is a hell of a jump.

I miss good form

What do you think is a good time to learn how a warp drive works? 8 years sounds generous to me

I'm really digging the Light Armor tree.

Can you use The Basics to apply to a shield?

Shield Tactics 2 is a worthless piece of garbage. You went me to spend 2 talents so that in a very specific circumstance I can make them pay one more die? That's awful. Shield Tactics 2 and 1 should be combined into a. Ew Shield Tactics 1. Shield Tactics 3 is super sweet though.

RAW no, because shields do not have a proficiency and are treated as distinct from weapons.

Well, we asked for it hard, and we definitely got it hard. Time to get to work.