/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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What's the most WOD-like situation you've been in irl?
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You're fucking asking for larpers who never figured out the 90s ended with that question.

Is the OP art of the Bloods or Crypts?

I got held down and assraped as a kid, which is very similar to dealing with magefags


>E D G Y

>not enough katanas, trench coats and mirror shades


What exactly is a "magefag" anyway? I've seen it used to label everything from people who admit mages are the strongest splat to total shitheads who make every discussion a powergaming contest.

That's kind of WoD's playerbase as a whole desu.

We're at the point where Geist not being in the Pirate Era is a possibility. How do we fix this? theonyxpath.com/dark-eras-poll/

Look man, I threw in my vote with the never going to win crowd on a matter of principle. I want tomb ships plying the seas with cultist crews, chasing down relics and sundries on the seas and under them.

I have this beautiful vision of Mummy: The Pirate which will never see fruition

Don't ask me, I just went and gave my vote to Mage.
Right now. From you providing the link.
Thanks, BTW.

I'd rather have a setting written for a game-line that is actually played.

Amazing isn't it? Out of the three, Changeling makes the least amount of sense.

>tfw nobody else wants wolves of the sea


I voted for vampire just to see it shove its decaying undead dick into something else it has no business being a part of.

What I wanna know is, who's voting for Beast?


>What I wanna know is, who's voting for Beast?

The depressives, transexuals and other diagnosable deviants and social malcontents on rpg.net.

I mean there is a whole beast splat with a usually impractical nautical theme, plus pirates are definitely something to be afraid of.

Probably people voting for the sake of stuff like the Kraken or Davy Jones

A magefag is anyone who likes mage, according to Veeky Forums.

We're all fags in the Chronicles of Fagness


Personally, I think all the choices don't really make sense for pirates.

double fag

Since you linked this, Mage and Geist have been shooting up. I think this thread is trying very hard to force Changeling out to make Mage/Geist pirate era.

I'm okay with this honestly, that sounds rad.


If you think hunter pirates doesn't make sense there is something diagnosably wrong with you.


Actually I voted for hunter pirates. That is one of the few choices that does make sense.

I'd rather it be Geist or Mage than fucking Changeling

What's wrong with changeling pirates?

>What's wrong with changeling pirates?

>Gay pirates with PTSD

Nothing. They just don't deserve it nearly as much.

They're only getting votes because Changeling whores breed like rats.

It would finally make all those shitty water breathing kiths playable.

Yeah, I really don't like changeling despite a friend of mine being a huge fan. Geist would give us rad spooky ghost pirate shit, and mage could probably make the whole 'mysterious island full of weird shit' trope jump to the forefront.

I still really wanted Mummy but I know in any vote that game is going to never, ever win unless it comes hitched to another gameline like how we had the Mutapa Mage/Mummy chapter in DEC.

I'm not seeing it, how would hunter pirates work?


Anyone who doesn't jerk off vampires, apparently.

Why does everyone on Veeky Forums hate Changeling so much?

It's easily OPPs best product thus far

Changeling whores? What do you mean?

Only because they didn't ruin it with 2e, has OPP even put out any actual Changeling content yet?

He means Changeling fans.

They're all whores.

To be fair, I think Changeling fans are just so starved for content they'll ask for literally anything if it means White Wolf throwing us a single fucking bone.

Changeling 2e never.

Okay now you're just asking for a fight.

Awakening is actually the best OPP product "thus far"

Educate yourself, you filthy plebeian

Dark Eras Companion

Dark Eras I think.

How did they ruin the other systems with 2e? The only thing that really got worse to me was paradox in mage, they nerfed it way too hard. Everything else seemed pretty good in general.

Changeling got a mention in Dark Eras, but at this rate we'll be getting Changeling 2e by the end of Trump's third term.


It's probably a troll.

Changeling is fantastic.
1. 2e is worse than 1e by a significant margin, and we don't know how much of that bad shit is getting ditched with the old dev
2. It doesn't really fit as well as Geist, and Magefags gonna Mage

>2e? The only thing that really got worse to me was paradox in mage

Paradox didn't really change all that much. It was never that hampering, and certainly not as bad as Ascension.

What did change, however, was the abominable vulgar and convert magic distinctions that lead to paradox that were never really consistent with the fluff and themes of power corrupting.

Of course. An user with an opinion counterpoint to your own -must- be a troll.

Changeling devs on changeling 2e is how. Books that change midstream just don't come out well most of the time.

>t doesn't really fit as well as Geist, and Magefags gonna Mage

The Golden Age of Piracy is actually referenced as a pivotal period in Mage history in the 2e corebook.

What was shitty in the Changeling 2e playtest? I only ever looked at the Kith docs, so I never got into the rules or fluff as much as I could have.

Unless I'm misreading your post, they got rid of vulgar vs covert in 2e, which would be a good thing by your description?

I really did hate Paradox in Ascension. It was a bit too stingy for my tastes.

The real question is who the fuck is voting for Deviant.

Deviant isn't even out yet, right?

>they got rid of vulgar vs covert in 2e, which would be a good thing by your description

Absolutely. It was a frustrating and inconsistent relic of Ascension and its "consensual reality" magic that did not apply in Awakening.


>who the fuck is voting for Devian

DaveB fans and those willing to sell their souls for Deviant spoilers.

So then what's the problem with 2e?

I admit, i don't know all that much about mage, but doesn't Changeling and Geist fit better?

Mostly familiar with CofD, how did it work in Ascension?

It's too powerful compared to others. I'm a balance fag and I hate it.

Mage 2e or 2e as a whole? Because if it's the latter, then that's a self-solving problem once everything gets updated.

>So then what's the problem with 2e?

You might be confusing me with another user. I believe Awakening 2e's magic system is an exponential improvement over 1e and more accurately reflects the game's themes and setting.

However, there are still some areas that need explanation or further detail (*cough* artifacts and imbued items *cough*). The promised Mage FAQ would hopefully have dealt with these issues. Sadly, according to Dave's comments, the FAQ is and shall remain vaporware.

Do you honestly believe splat balance will be a thing once they're all updated to 2e? Because it's just not.

What do you mean by balance? Total balance and equivalency? Because 1e certainly didn't have that either.

I'm curious if 2e Sin Eaters will be more like mages, mummies and demons or just street-level in power scale.

1e they were kind of ludicrous right? Like biblical vengeance powers and shit?

Geists were right behind Mages, Mummies & Demons in 1e. It will probably be similar in 2e.

So, theoretically, if you were making a New World of Darkness inspired romance Visual Novel, with each spalt represented by a different girl, what personality traits would you give each girl?
Bonus points for visual elements and or pictures.

Sin-Eaters* not Geists, sorry

Damn that silly title.


Mage is arrogant, impulsive, and narcissistic but smart as hell and genuinely cares about the people around them.

Vampire would be pretty easy. Pale smooth skin, long straight raven black hair, fancy crimson dress.
Werewolf you need to play into a more tomboy wild girl vibe, shredded punk clothes and so on
Mage you could either go shy nerd or 'OH-HOHOHO~' lady
Promethean gentle giant misunderstood loner would probably be best
Changeling you could do way to many things with, honestly that ones going to be the hardest
Demon would be sexy secret agent character
Giest I would imagine is the more sober and composed loner gal, always with the same half smile on her face
Don't know enough about mummy

Sin-Eaters were like right below the Mage/Mummy/Demon bracket. From the teases spoiled of it so far, it's not really easily to tell where they are on the power scale in 2e. I'm guessing maybe roughly around the same power level as they were in 1e. They were mentioned to remain a high ammo/rapid plasm slinging splat. Though powers are being tweaked, removed and replaced to cut away from the less thematic powers. It's possible they are stronger than the 1e versions now though since apparently Geists will be more mechanically relevant and feel present unlike the fluff after thought they were in 1e.

What's wrong with artifacts and imbued items?

>Chronicles of Waifus
C'mon, it could be fun!

That's a good start!

>and genuinely cares about the people around them

Silver Ladder get out. They should be Guardians of the Veil and obsessively protect the weird shit they're into that nobody else gives a shit about when they do find it because they can't read their nonsense glossolalia notes.

Can we please not drag disgusting weeb shit into these threads?

It never ends well.

Look if I have to chose between another who beats who discussing again or waifus I'll chose waifus any day of the week

Mummies are into consensual BDSM. Their whole splat represents slavery of the not sexy kind, so having a choice in the matter with someone who sees you as an equal instead of a master or slave would sound nice to them, I think.

Mummy would be a milf.

Those are all pretty good ideas, thanks!
Eh, it's better then power levels discussion.
I think.

I have asked myself this question. And I think God-Machine-Tan would be bald. Her hair burned away from all the number crunching she does. She doesn't wear a wig because she doesn't care about appearances, only getting the job done.

Changeling is damaged and untrusting, but also creative and in tune with things.

>according to Dave's comments, the FAQ is and shall remain vaporware.

Because people keep pestering him about it. He's doing it out of the kindness of his lizardly heart.

The God-Machine is an urban legend everyone blames everyone else for or thinks are creations of it.

In the end it turns out the God-Machine was inside you all alone. It was friendship, and also the social and magical order and phenomenon caused by their very existing.

And over it all the true God-Machine moves another Angel into position to prod Mummy-chan and Mage-chan together, ensuring that all goes according to plan.

I don't think DaveB is really punishing everyone for a couple of assehats on the OPP forums. I think it's just a convenient excuse for the delays caused by mystery bad shit that apparently has been plaguing his life recently.

Dave used to be communicative, but now he barely posts, and then it's often nasty and bitter.

I miss the nice and fun DaveB.

>What's wrong with artifacts and imbued items?

For one, they're basically useless given their Gnosis ratings, Reach and operation rules.

Beast Waifu just wants everyone to feel good about themselves, and that includes lewdness! Be a guest into her Lair, why don't you? She has a Family Dinner ready.

Ah shit I forgot beast
Beast I would have be generic succubus lady since that one family includes it. Or giant waifu but that's my bias talking

For Artifacts, buy one powerful spell, the reap the high Reach for its more useful lesser effects.

Beast is a tranny