Tell me about your doods, Veeky Forums.
>Who are they?
>Whom do they love?
>Whom do they hate?
>Where are they from?
>What them THEM?
>What are they based in?
To start.
>Lions Militant, Dark Angels successor chapter. They're based on a feral world and keeps close ties to their tribal origins.
>They love the Lion, and Cypher (don't tell nobody that tho)
>They hate the Assassins. Their Master of the Ravenwing got killed by a "rogue" Assassin and now they are feuding with the Assassinorum.
>They don't use tactical or assault marines. Their main forces are their expanded Ravenwing for fast assault and many, many squads of Devastators.
>their Ravenwing is now run by a council of 8 senior Black Knights and their Master of the Forge (called a Forgelord)
>Most of their Librarians (called Cloud Readers), are constantly trying to interpret their Imperial Tarot to find Cypher and discern his motives.
>Obviously, they're 40k.
Now tell me about YOUR DUDES.