Tell me about your doods, Veeky Forums

Tell me about your doods, Veeky Forums.

>Who are they?
>Whom do they love?
>Whom do they hate?
>Where are they from?
>What them THEM?
>What are they based in?
To start.
>Lions Militant, Dark Angels successor chapter. They're based on a feral world and keeps close ties to their tribal origins.
>They love the Lion, and Cypher (don't tell nobody that tho)
>They hate the Assassins. Their Master of the Ravenwing got killed by a "rogue" Assassin and now they are feuding with the Assassinorum.
>They don't use tactical or assault marines. Their main forces are their expanded Ravenwing for fast assault and many, many squads of Devastators.
>their Ravenwing is now run by a council of 8 senior Black Knights and their Master of the Forge (called a Forgelord)
>Most of their Librarians (called Cloud Readers), are constantly trying to interpret their Imperial Tarot to find Cypher and discern his motives.
>Obviously, they're 40k.

Now tell me about YOUR DUDES.

Other urls found in this thread:

First for snowflakes who trigger people!

Scourge Eagles
Progenitor: Unknown; Chapter Established during the 21st Founding
Color Scheme: Charadon Granite/Chainmail
Home World: Saer'rio

Fleet Based, favor Assault Troops and Bikes for Infiltration and Hit and Run attacks when planetside (Standard Issue Kit also includes Camo Cloaks for full Battle Brothers, some higher ranking Astartes even have camoline robes over their armor.), otherwise prefer various skimmers and fliers, although they truly shine most in fleet combat and boarding actions. The Scourge Eagles fortress monastery is a moon sized space hulk trapped in orbit of their home world.

A mutation is present within their Chapter, the geneseed slowly saps away the warp presence of these Astartes causing them to eventually causing some marines to become Blanks. This has led to numerous alterations in Chapter composure leading to maintaining two extra Scout Companies, nearly six times the normal number of Apothecaries and four times the number of Chaplains as many of those Astartes seek the Emperors Peace once this occurs for the sake of preventing the spread of the mutation and in an effort to prevent this information from becoming known to the Inquisition, whom these Astartes have a history of distaste towards.

It is not known what has caused this mutation and many brother who eventually lose their presence are required to wear special "dampening fields" as to not disrupt the precious few Librarians within the Chapter or risk discover from any allied psykers, spawning rumors that these souls join the Legion of the Damned; possibly explaining the high number of encounters the Scourge Eagles have had with these apparitions and why some of these Legionnaires have turned weapons on those who wear dampening devices.

As of the Ultima Founding, the Scourge Eagles have redoubled efforts to recover lost and forgotten information regarding the origins of their gene-seed before taking on Primaris reinforcements.

I love it.

Great, unique chapter comp, history, and methodology without the Veeky Forums special (i.e. they're a loyalist splinter of [user's favorite traitor legion]).

Emblem is great too, I'd easily mistake it for a GW official sigil.

As far as the battlecry goes, I like it, but even in dog Latin, it should be "Per Imperium". Unless you meant it to be "to the Imperium" and not "for the Imperium".

Good read into the Latin, but you read it correctly. A part of their home worlds culture is giving themselves to a cause rather than acting in service. Ad Imperium is the "amen" of their Chapter Prayers, giving themselves to the Imperium in body and soul.

>Waiting for American Marines

Then we good. You're the U-God of chapter battle cries.

I swear theres like 3 in every thread

>Ain't nuffin' ta fuck with!

I gotchu famalam

But oh no! It's the North Korea marines!

Oh wait, here comes China Marines! Things have been strained, but they're our allies right?

Oh no! They've turned on us! They're siding with North Korea Marines!

There's the South Korea Marines! They're here to back us up!

No! The Afghani Marines have had enough! They're here to help the North Korea Marines!

Optimus Primarines. Transform and roll out (for the Emperor).

Alright! Here comes our bros the Canada Marines to help us out! Things are looking up!


>doing anything

Oh no! It's the Russia Marines! They're not our friends anymore are they? They've been pretty mean lately, and the new Chapter Master doesn't like them.

They're siding with us! They're BTFOing the crazy North Korea Marines!

Damn! A splinter faction of the Russia Marines! The remnants of the Soviet Marines are here to make themselves known!

Here come the German Marines here to settle their old debts! They're still angry at the soviets! They'll hold them off!

The Irish Marines feel guilty for being neutral! Those drunk knuckle heads are trying to settle the score! They're attacking the German Marines!

But their little brothers the Welsh Marines are telling them to knock it off and that it's over!

The Iraqi Marines are here too, to back up the Afghani marines! Things are looking grim indeed!

Founded from the Imperial Fists the Bearers of Light were created to protect the shipyards and population of a small solar system. Thanks to their relations with the Imperial Navy, they amassed a considerable fleet for an Astartes Chapter. Not limiting their relations, however, they saw the wisdom in keeping good ties with the mechanicus and other brothers, always willing to toss their lot in to aid any party, even at great cost to themselves, as their absurdly high dreadnought count demonstrates.

After getting their salad tossed by two WAAAAGHS! in a single decade at the end of the 40th millennium, the Bearers of Light, despite six millennium of dedicated service, decided to pack up their chapter, fleet, citizenry, and their neighboring Knight House next door, and move to a new, utterly isolated solar system. Their fury at being abandoned by every chapter, the mechanicus, and the entire Imperium they'd served so faithfully drove them to build a new home where they would not be bothered by such unfaithful allies again. Such a decision had few positive effects. Their obliterated chapter split further, the remaining one hundred and fifty brothers becoming a mere eighty as those who could not turn from their duty took a portion of supplies, ships, and even gene seed and vowed to continue on, regardless of the slight done to them. The remainder, along with the few remaining knights of House Oort, had to establish a new home for the remaining two million citizens. A population devastated from nearly one billion fifty million.

From their new home they came under new threats, now forced to deal with not only isolation, but also limited supplies, the repair of their fleet and shipyards, the safekeeping of their population on an unfamiliar world, and xenos incursion, it has taken over five hundred years to once more match the quality of life their people enjoyed on their pre-ork-invasion world.

I hate it.

Terrible, trite chapter

At least "successor of X traitor legion" is actually possible

The Scott Marines are here to help the Welsh Marines but a slap into the Irish Marines and to tell the thread I'm running out of steam for this little bit!

More like worst german marines.

I would honestly like to see SK and China marines, I should explore these concepts.

Based on cultural heritage, rather than political memes

And here are the Brazil Marines to prove that I have way more in my folder that I made a long time ago and have never had a chance to use.

I also have Sweden, England, Finland, Norway, Mexico, Japan, Kenya, and Switzerland.

>At least "successor of X traitor legion" is actually possible
Nothing about that chapter was impossible.

>chapter of Pariahs
>slowly become pariahs

That's not how any of it works.

>>slowly become pariahs
>That's not how any of it works.
That's how it always works. It might be a pariah status that is inherited from their parent legion, but it doesn't come from nowhere. The Marines Malevolent weren't hated by the Salamanders from day dot, they were initially disliked and it grew into a feud.

No, I mean PARIAHS, as in BLANKS. His chapters geneseed mutations is they slowly become BLANKS.

Oh. Duh.

Either way, maybe a geneseed mutation is pretty far-fetched, but it's not completely outside the possibility. Considering the geneseed can turn people into psykers who weren't before, they could also reduce them to blanks.

Yes, let the triggering begin...

The Chapters lore was built off of accumulating narrative campaigns and out of nearly 200 potential mutations, this was the one rolled. This wasn't a deliberate choice, but it is how the dice landed. I'm not changing what they've become because people get booty bothered, in fact, that makes me want to keep posting them every time I see this thread.


Show your charts or I call bull fucking shit

>After getting their salad tossed

Keep in mind, it's a cursed founding chapter. This is their bad luck and mutation. Whats more, battle brothers normally opt to die rather than risk that mutation becoming known. They believe that without their souls, their bodies are nothing but meat. This led to an extreme rise in the numbers of chaplains and apothecaries in the chapter where brothers may be granted the Emperors Peace so that the Chapter may try to learn more about what has caused this and how to fix it.

Like I just said in the post above, I like throwing them out there because this is how far and in depth the narrative campaigns that I've played in have gotten. The reality of this level of a mutation taking place within a Chapter thats on the edge of the Maelstrom and a Cursed Founding Chapter are still astronomical, but thats what was rolled so thats what they are.

I'm not the one who was in charge of the campaigns at that time. He's dead and those belongings are long gone man. I rolled, thats what was landed then. This wasn't just randomly thrown together in a year, these guys have been being played since 3rd Edition and that mutation was introduced when 4th was launched with the start of a new narrative. Call bullshit if you want user, I'm not ashamed for the results of dice or the memory of a friend.

Largely stealing the Luna Wolves paint scheme because I'm trash, with the addition of an alternate chapter symbol. I might add some tribal tattoos in red on the armor as well.

> Darkhounds
> 4th Founding, Valedictors stock (2nd generation), Codex compliant
> Death world (formerly feudal ocean world) Chapter origin
> Homeworld is an irradiated salt flat planet swarming with archaeotech, leading to very close ties with AdMech
> Specializes in hyper aggressive attacks and creative deployment tactics adapted from local techno-Bedouin tribes, combined with surprising durability
> Their fortress-monastery is a nomadic spire cushioned on overlapping energy shields, causing a permanent lightning storm around their fortress as it floats over the salt flats
> Darkhounds claim that their gene-seed is absolutely pure, within 99.998% of their Primarch, but AdMech sources note a marked tendency towards obsessive-compulsive behavior
> Chronically under-strength due to Apothecaries "retiring" Astartes whose gene-seed have suffered damage or mutation
> Apothecaries inspect each Astartes before and after combat during ritual briefings
> Stable genetic mutation in local population leads to blue-within-blue eyes in otherwise swarthy faces

Current Chapter Master is Feyd D'Amun, an Astartes who as a Scout killed a Berzerker in an assault by biting him to death, losing an arm and a leg in the process. Since then, Feyd had his lower jaw and tongue removed and replaced with a vox-caster and ceramite plate, as he couldn't get the taste of treasonous warp-fucker out of his mouth.

>Largely stealing the Luna Wolves paint scheme
Not like they're using it.

>Harkonnen Fremen

u aint fooling nobody m8


Holy shit user! The dude is an oldfag and his GM is pushing daisies. Pump the brakes if his imaginary army of soul losing warriors is such a fucking problem. He has a good story and he has already explained the reasons for this Chapter a dozen times by now
Fucking chill out.

You know, while looking at a cyoa a while back (pic related) and came up with...something.

Name: Warp Prisons
Progenitor: Currently unknown. May not actually be a space marine chapter at all.
Explained in a bit.
Color scheme: Bright Blue like arcane fire with traces of black on the Helmets, Paldurons, Joints, and Boots.

Each member of the Warp Prisons undergoes severe mental training. Forging a will of steel and developing protection from the mental stresses of warp energy. Once training is done, there is only one initiation task left; Daemon imprisonment.

A senior member usually has to summon one, but on occasion they instead go to a place with existing daemonic activity. From there the initiate has to recite a ritual to force the demon into its prison, where it will spend quite some time, if not all of its life. Now you might be wondering what the prison is, to which I have but one thing to say.

Look at the name of the group again.

Yes, they use themselves as prisons to house daemons. This is a task they have trained themselves to do for quite some time, and this is the final test of their training. Succeed and they are welcomed. Fail and we all know what happens.

The process isn't perfect; should the will of the prison fault the daemon shall either take control of their body or be released. In addition, with more daemons in a single prison there's a greater chance of escape or possession. It's not uncommon for a cocky member to take on too many and end up a complete mess.

However, daemons being living war energies and all, there are some benefits to their imprisonment. Depending on the daemon and their master, different abilities can make themselves known. Of course the usage of these abilities slowly "dissolves" the warp energy of the daemon, weakening it if it gets out or outright killing it. The latter happens far less than one might think.

I know it sounds edgy, but thoughts?


what are the Exorcists

Wait, this is already a thing?

>Sees all these petty country based marines
You guys know what you really want to see...

The Eagles of LIBERTY soar again on the wings of freedom!!!!

A true son, you will be rewarded for your faith

sort of

Exorcists are space marines who are (were) ritually possessed by demons and then exorcised to give them high resistance to the warp

They went traitor eventually IIRC and the Grey Knight program proved more effective

What you're describing sounds more like a Daemonhost

Who is this pretender? Begone with you!!!

Also, I've updated the Eagles of Liberty's paint job & wondered what /tg thinks, I still need to add a flag on the shoulder

My dudes are a Genestealer Cult that happened to be in the area when Leviathan broke. They scooped up some of the bugs and have been nurturing a splinter fleet since then. They don't often fight with Purestrains in tow, as the presence of legit Tyranids causes them to scatter- I imagine the Cultists are mailing crates of Stealers across the local systems. I'm mostly going to use Nid psykers and melee units, Tyrants, Zoeys, melee warriors, Hormagaunts, alongside mostly Neophyte Cultists and vehicles, though I may eventually get an Exocrine. Being in the presence of legit Tyranids also means that most of what would be Acolytes will be born as Metamorphs instead.

Reports of "monsters" are up in the local sector, and the Cult is keeping many of those reports from being verified, while harnessing the might of the spawn of their "gods." The Cult and its psuedo-Hive Fleet is called Leeds, after the family from whence the Jersey Devil was supposedly born. I feel like it fits the theme of monsters coming from man and people not knowing for certain what's true about them.

I'm enchanted by the idea of a Tyranid ship eventually growing out of an Imperial vessel, shedding the human ship like a cocoon. If My Dudes ever get lore-intensive, there will be a ship graveyard of such vessels, cast off as Hive Ships emerge. I may also eventually build a Shipping Crate Full of Stealers army, with a Patty and Broodlord leading both regular Hive Fleet and Purestrain Stealers, but that's a future plan.

Pic is a poorly optimized Hive Tyrant WIP of a loadout I have thought would look cool since forever ago.

Damn it.
Whelp, the only other idea I have is the Cast Irons, and those were thought of as a sort of joke legion.

I love it, it reminds me of Blue Gender for some reason.

Kharidin Hellbringers
Hailing from a the "recently" discovered system of Kharid, the regiments of its worlds have been in the imperial fold a scant 800 years.
The star Kharid exists spinward of the Eye on the beginning of the halo zone. The dominant world of Narthacan is a tidal locked planet on the absolute nearest edge of the habital zone of the system. Due to the constant extremes between the sunward and leeward hemispheres the only inhabitable settlements exist along the storm-wracked terminator line in densely packed cities. Induction into the imperial fold went relatively smooth after discovery with the exception of the Ecclesiarchy. The Kharidin follow a duality themed spiritualism and, when paired with thousands of years of history with Chaos cults due to proximity of the Eye, were extremely uncomfortable with any deification of an entity. Some progress has been made with the Emperor's portrayal as a font of human souls and the point of balance. However, Ministorum members are still a somewhat uncommon sight in Kharadin regiments.
The specialization in urban combat colors their fighting style and sets them at odds with Munitorum strictures regarding make up. The nature of fighting in hive cities drastically limits the functionality of the massed infantry the Guard are famous for. Because of this a smaller unit size is preferred to maximize manouverability across cityscapes. Combined arms is paramount and most squads are supported by mechanized units and danger close artillery support.
While officially separated as regiments the forces operate under unified command with each deployed force as a "pocket army" that has whatever tools they need when they need it and provide support to one another in the hellish combat of a hive war zone.
SOP for an urban AO consists of elite light infantry recon units ranging ahead of the main force elements. These units designate priority targets, relay detail mapping points, screen vanguard forces, and hit high value targets.

This is followed by rapid airborne assaults at enemy rear line assets to disrupt heavy support and command units.

Main force elements advance in a staggered leapfrog pattern. This helps prevent whole fronts getting engaged simultaneously and allows for ease of movement for reactionary forces to support units with enfilading fire. Kharadin wars are prosecuted more as dozens of tiny battle zones across a hive with a focus on surrounding and cutting off enemy forces piece meal while free units continue the leapfrog advance further separating enemy support and reinforcement.

These tactics are an odd fit and over specialized for many IG commanders dealing with large crusades and has seen Kharadin forces used in open environments and other unsuitable situations where excessive casualties mount for little effect.

However, some Inquisition members have found the doctrines to be quite suitable for their work and Kharidin forces have started to see more and more deployments under Inquisitorial command.

I, uh, looked up the name and saw that it was an animoo. Not super familiar with anything outside of vidya/tabletop gaming, care to give a synopsis? you made modern infantry

desu I like it senpai

It's kind of fun contrasting with the World Wars combat doctrine of most 40k armies. And they do get their shit pushed in when outside their element.

But goddamn are my IG feared during a Cities of Death game or similarly built up terrain boards.

Well the reason IG tactics seem so dumb to us is a lot of times 1. their commanders are hereditary nobles, 2. they're fighting wars on a huge intergalactic scale with literally billions of men clashing and all the logistical nightmares that entales, 3. Regiments are usually formed adhoc and rushed to hotspots as the Imperium is perpetually on "oh shit" defensive footing

So there's no rule saying they can't be tacticool as fuck, it's just most of the time the most efficient/obvious strategy for their generals is "fuck it just throw these guys at it till we win something" since bodies is the only thing they aren't short of.

Oh I'm aware. And there are plenty tacticool regements out there like Elysians and Harokoni Warhawks. But like you said and stated in my descriptor: bad commanders. You can try to turn a nut with a screwdriver but it probably isn't going to end well.

Lord Krastalor the Beneficent was once the leader of a Night Lords warband. Seizing command of a company for himself in the chaotic aftermath of the Primarch's assassination, for many centuries the sorcerous Raptor launched guerilla strikes and airborn assaults into the Imperium from bases hidden across the galaxy. His men gave him the title of "Beneficent" in mockery of his twin eccentricities: he disdains many of the usual Legion terror tactics in favor of a rapid nighttime decapitation strike, and he has an inexplicable distaste for blood. Not killing, just blood itself, which is why he prefers a rune-etched power sword and plasma pistol for his weapons.

When, over the centuries, Lord Krastalor came to embrace witchcraft and daemonmancy more and more wholeheartedly, his subordinates' mockery grew slowly to more serious grumbles. At length, his own men could stand no more of him, but he was too immersed in his new power to notice. The Astartes chose to announce their resignation in a manner befitting their Legion: during a pitched aerial battle with the Imperial Guard, they shot him in the back.

His jump pack reduced to slag by a plasma blast, Krastalor plummeted from the sky screaming and cursing. Though he plunged thousands of feet onto hard, rocky soil his warpcraft saved at least a little of his life. Hasty and desperate daemonic pacts knitted his broken, smoking flesh enough to crawl away to lick his wounds.

Months later, after sacrificing hundreds to appease his creditors, Krastalor managed to stow away on a transport ship offworld. He has since fallen in with the only force that will have him - the Black Legion. In battle, the Raptor Lord fights with the savage ferocity of a man who knows his soul is worse than damned if he should fail to deliver all the extravagances he promised on death's door.


>Your dudes
>Another thread where people only post and respond to Marines of slightly different colors
>Pretending they have interesting background when they are personalityless meat sacks

How so? Sounds kinda eh to me.

>Chosen of the Silver King, Half of a fallen marine chapter turned Slanneshi. My loyalist army is the other half.
>have a good number of Emperor's Children on the buddy list.
>They've a sour relationship with the rest of their former chapter
>The Silver King is the Grey knight mentioned in the Deamons book who fell to Slannesh. While on his way out of the realm, he got to observe a fellow Astartes locked in combat with a Daemon of Slannesh, though it was not a battle of sword or axe, but of Musicianship. The Sorcerer was of the Emperor's Children, and won victory over the Daemon, winning both it's power in the form of a Daemonic Instrument and it's dominion over the realm of Slannesh. The two were fast friends, but got tired of the realm of Slannesh after not overlong, and decided on a way out. Luckily for them a space marine battle barge of the chapter "Lords of Dawn", injured from a battle in the stars and fleeing through the warp, had it's geller field experience a bit of a flicker. The Pair boarded the ship and suffice to say a good 60% of the 6 companies on board lived on and painted their armor in the fashion of the first follower of the silver king, though since then more astartes have joined him
>Their modus operendi is going round to imperial planets, (the first was the homeworld of the Lords of Dawn) on the edge of the Maelstrom, and now all around the shit half of the Imperium, showing up, the King has a duel with their most promising fighter, and if satisfied with at least brave, hopeless resistance, his victory party corrupts the world to his lord slannesh with the horrific demon songs they play. Much of the army is the pdf of such worlds enraptured by their songs and chaos spawn born of those who saw clearly the glory of slannesh in their melodies.
If he is disappointed he just gives it a good ole' burn.
>The primary seat of the silver king is the former home world of the Lords of Dawn, Arcturol, a Hive World in the Badab sector.

You need to flip that flag on the right shoulder
>The star field faces forward, or to the flag’s own right. When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observer’s right, and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward.

He created a flawed but interesting character who is unique without being a sue, has clear strengths and weaknesses, and suffers believable consequences for his choices and actions?

Unlike the sue's and stue's packed into this thread.

Yeah someone told him last thread so he's repainting it

As for their counterparts
>The Dormant Suns
>After having lost 6 companies, and the majority of their nice things and Gene seed in the loss of their Battle Barge, and losing 2 more in battles with the Silver King, not long after, and another to a lost ship after the astronomican stopped working while it was in the void on the other side of the divide, things look grim, as only the an under strength 5th company endures, though they still posses a small stock of gene seed, and are in the process of using a large stable of test slaves to produce more. All told only around 70 astartes remain.
>The Dormant Suns have abandoned entirely their former identity, and have essentially ceased to be a chapter all together in administrative terms, at once hiding from the eye of those inquisitors who would not quite trust them and the obligation to give away even the tiniest speck of their gene seed.
>They have found asylum with the Inquisitor of the Ordo hereticus, Aram the Torchbearer, a former ally of the 5th company who felt the fall of the Chapter nearly as painfully as they, serving now as the elite special forces of his Inquisitorial led crusade to crush the small empire of the Silver King.
>The army is lacking in armor almost entirely perfering to fight in drop assaults led by the now de facto chapter master, Librarian Miral d'Arquebus, along with it's pair of dreadnoughts. It hasn't got any techmarines left nor the ability to get one sent to Mars for training.

Progenitor: Ultramarines (est M39)
Colours: dark blue main, white shoulder pads, silver and red decorative parts.
Homeworld: Cyo (subsector Cyasis, directly on the southern border of the Tau Empire)

A somewhat 'normal' chapter that mostly abides by the teachings of the codex. Having been initialy founded by members of the Praetors of Orpheus the chapter still maintains the close links to the Ad Mech of its founder. As a result the chapter is known for its generaly high standard of individual equipment, though being situated far on the eastern fringe, shipments of larger materiel like vehicles and ships are somewhat limited.

Each chapter company, whilst still maintaining the same general codex guidelines, maintains its own specific speciality in warfare. As a result most strike forces care composed of a mixture of units from various different companies to suit the needs of the mission.

The chapter very rarely works indipendantly and almost always works alongside other chapters or imperial organizations, especilay the imperial guard whos high numbers and firepower fill in the many tactical gaps of a space marine chapter.

In the latter years of M41 and the early years of M42 the chapter has been under constant assault from all sides (especialy Orks, Tyranids and more recently Chaos) leaving the chapters current numbers quite low, especilay in regards to operational fleet vessels.

Though the chapter by all rights should have been destroyed by splinter fleets of hive fleet kraken, the temporaty alliance between the chapter and local tau forces ensured that both sides prevailed against the tyranids. This agreement has stood since the fall of cadia and the resurgance of chaos.

Recently a small shipment of new equipment has managed to make its way through the warp storms to the chapter, allowing the resuply of much needed equipment such as several new ships, a selection of mk X, Gravis and Centurion armour and even a few of squads of Cawl's primaris marines.

The red kneecaps look bad. Maybe go back to white?

>Who are they?
Nova cadia's 845th
>Whom do they love?
The Emperor, Nova Cadia, Cadia
>Whom do they hate?
Armless The Harmless for finally blowing up their ancestral home, Chaos, Cultists, poxwalkers
>Where are they from?
Nova Cadia(The 5th one), a desert world who's primary purpose is mining and precious metal refining for a local forgeworld. They are currently experiencing various types of cultist uprisings in their southern desert tribal lands.
>What them THEM?
They use combined arms tactics except for planes, as the desert worlds they operate on are incredibly harsh on turbine engines.
>What are they based in?
40k + Russian occupation of afghanistan

Exorcists didn't go traitor my dude, they're still loyalist, had a big role in the Badab War.

reposting from the last thread.

Perditions Vigil are an Exorcists successor chapter founded sometime around m39 following a warp rift opening and hordes of demons attacking a Mechanicus research station.
A few Exorcists passing through the area picked up the distress calls sent by the researchers and attempted to deal with the problem. The Marines were able to drive back the demons and seal the rift, temporarily. One lone marine survived the incident and afterwards a new chapter was founded to guard against the rift opening again, with that marine serving as Chapter Master.
They maintain very close ties to their parent chapter along with certain members of the inquisition.

Deal with it.
Thanks for the effort but I don't need defending. People are allowed to like and hate what they please and if they opt to be spiteful bitches, so be it. I'm ready to see the mutation gone myself, but I'm dedicated to the stories of our playgroup. Hopefully these guys can get a cure so I can go back to just being fleet and rapid insertion/strike force.

So do you like fucked chapters or do you just want to be able to collect all of them?

The only reason I play this game is to trigger people like you. You would consider my army 'proxies'.

Now that I've finally named them

>Who are they?
The Vesper-Meridiem Binary Guard, based out of a pair of terrestrial planets that orbit one another.
>Whom do they love?
Almost every other Imperial institution in the galaxy, but their closest allies would be the Armageddon Steel Legion.
>Whom do they hate?
Abominable intelligences. Before being liberated by the Imperium, their feral worlds were slave to robots who they struggled to rise up against and destroy. Their apathy for machine spirits and haphazard care of their equipment puts them at odds with the Adeptus Mechanicus
>Where are they from?
Vesper and Meridiem, a pair of binary worlds in an as-of-yet unnamed system and sector. They're both decent places to live for now.
>What makes them unique?
Nothing. My goal was to make a truly average regiment with no strengths or glaring weaknesses in any one tactic or combat style. While they have some unique pieces of equipment and fighting styles, they don't perform better than any other regiment. They do, however, have either really good luck or really bad luck.

>Who are they?
Steel Warlords. 3rd Founding Iron Hands Successors.

>Whom do they love?
Emps and Manus, as well as being jerks with hearts of gold towards the people of the Imperium

>Whom do they hate?
Everything non-Imperial, but Chaos and Tyranids have the honor of being their most hated targets.

>Where are they from?
Planet Krietos of the Argamis Sector in the Sector Obscurus. A fortress world turned agri world. They also recruit from its sister planet Tiesto, a jungle planet.

Krietos itself is a Da Vinci inspired place with bizarre fashion sense and rivaling city-states. The marines are known among the people and it's not uncommon for members to live among the people (and sleep in forges), whereas the first company have their own lands. Their main base is called the forge tower where they make sweet wargear.

>What them THEM?
Adamantine discipline, utilizing advanced tech along with the grim determination of the Iron Hands and a mentality to push themselves beyond the limits. Also they treat the Codex as a big book of advice (as it should be), but use the tactics from it in a more pragmatic and adaptive way. And if they don't work, then they improvise.

Chapter doesn't have standard companies. All companies are battle companies with an equal number of neophytes, tacticals, devastators, assault marines, veterans and vehicles. Lately they had to reorganize the the whole system to include Primaris Marines. Said Primaris Marines need to work harder than the normal Warlords in order to show their worth.

>What are they based in?

Remind me that I still have to draw your guys

Also hi from dA fag

>Who are they?
The World Serpents, a warband of the Black Legion. Lead by Lord Sorcerer Vul, a former member of the Sons of Horus with a serious and growing god complex.

>Whom do they love?
They love their master, Vul. Or at least the cultists a newly-raised Chaos Marines do. The old guard and especially the warband are starting to get creeped out by the increasing unsubtle leader-worship by their subordinates and wonder what this means for them.

>Whom do they hate?
Privately, they hate Abaddon, though they are not stupid enough to announce it to the universe. More openly they Crusade vehemently against loyalist Astartes in hopes of plundering their gene-seed. Secretly they have also attacked at least one other Black Legion warband to do the same to them. Growing their numbers is very important to them.

>Where are they from?
Vul hails from the Sons of Horus as does his former lead apprentice Gialor, but their sorcerous lead cadre also includes defectors from the Night Lords, Death Guard, and the Radient Shield Chapter. The new inductees are a mix of chimeric gene-seed stolen from anything available, united instead by cultic faith.

>What them THEM?
The creepy leader-worship and frantic desire to grow their strength most define the World Serpents. They work actively to spread cults in their lord's name rather than just using what they find as other CSM do, and new Marines are inducted at a frightening rate. That, and the selection process looking most for fanatic loyalty, has resulted in a somewhat lesser quality of Astartes in the new ranks. Or at least that's what the old guard claim.

>What are they based in?
The daemon world of Saro Zar, formerly a hive world of the Imperium until the Great Rift claimed it. The Serpents found it, cleared out or enslaved the mutants and monstrosities roaming the blasted hellscape, and set about restoring it to its prior purpose. Millions of deluded and enslaved cultists now work endlessly in towering hives of fleshmetal, producing new weapons and armor at a frantic pace, while in the toxic wastes between them new recruits prove their worth stalking Chaos Spawn through acidic marshes teeming with mutant predators.

>Shit talking Canada
Can't tell if trolling or self hating Canadian

they look like fucking clowns

What don't you like? I am trying to make them look a little better. I feel like this one is too blue, & the gold is a bit all over the place. Knee pads will probably change

This amuses me.

>Who are they?
The Gotrekh Dynasty, led by Phaerakh Medethea.
>Whom do they love?
No people, only the mission.
>Whom do they hate?
Chaos, Tyranids, the Adeptus Mechanicus, and all those who defile life. They're not super fond of other Necrons, either.
>Where are they from?
A small and minor Dynasty in a little-known sector of space far from the heart of galactic intrigue, awakened from their tombs only fairly recently.
>What makes them unique?
Gotrekh is unusually focused on preserving the variety of lifeforms they find and protecting their "genetic destiny," having lost their own shot at perfection. Threats that would destroy ecosystems on worlds within Gotrekh's reach are violently extinguished, and samples are collected for the Dynasty's alien menagerie should all other conservation efforts fail. They make curious allies but implacable foes.
>What are they based in?
The bulk of their forces operates as patrol fleets, constantly seeking out threats to their corner of the galaxy and giving them a thorough gaussing.

Here's a pastebin of their fluff. I plan to reformat it as a report by a captured Imperial scribe, written from within the Menagerie at the Phaerakh's behest, but I haven't yet gotten around to it. I need to read up on Imperium copy to get the format right.

Is the homeworld a new wrinkle? Hunting Spawns as an initiation ritual is a fun bit.

Are they particularly warlord like in the management of their home system?

Is fallen Grey Knights a thing that happens?

I suppose Krastalor is more warp than man at this point, with all those daemonic repairs he's rocking.

It seems a bit of a jump between "they liked keeping up with their allies" to "they fucked off forever." What happened between them and the rest of the Imperium when they were getting their salad WAAAGH'd?

Knights of the Starlight Hawk

>Whom do they love?
They love the Imperium, & the Admech
>Whom do they hate?
They despise Daemons & Chaos
>Where are they from?
First forged in the depths of Mars this Primaris chapter was tasked with sailing the Voidship Fleet Thunderous into the scar of Chaos that is the Cicatrix Maledictum, they travel from planet to planet, conquering or reconquering planets they find. Life in the fleet is close to normal feudal worlds, Captains are the rulers of their ship, with others owing fealty to them within the ship itself, with a hierarchy of noble lords & working shipserfs, each ship acting as its own city & the fleet a nation. The vanguard ships are those that house the great Knights who protect & lead the fleet. The Primaris of this chapter are able to procreate. The thought being that the fleet would not be able to sustain their numbers alone. Bloodlines are important to the fleet & so only the sons of Space Marines can be initiated. Family Crests are painted on the left shoulder while the chapter sigil adorns the right. They also inherit their father's arms & armor, it going to the elder in case of multiple sons & uninherited equipment goes to lesser sons. The chapter has more psykers than most chapters, this may be due to the Warp artifact that the flagship carries, a mysterious crystalline hawk shaped sculpture that shines with inner light. Those that succeed in the chapters initiation ritual will go into the Chamber of the Hawk to meditate, while doing so, some are met with visions & guidence, some with nothing, & some die, their eyes burned out.

The chapter is most likely a Salamander successor, sharing it's kinship with humans, & though they differ physically, having pale skin & dark eyes that shine with pale blue light.

The chapter is lead by Lord Bradley. A decisive & capable man, though prone to rash behavior & sudden anger.

How can I do a Primaris chapter based off these guys (Pre-Curze edge lords) without being snowflakey?

Cawl used nightlord geneseed to make your marines. bam sorted
Whether or not anyone else knows and the reactions they'd have if they found out are up to you.

That's not too Snowflakey? I know the fluff hints at it, but I don't want to be that guy

Make them, very very similar. Then make their progenitor vague. Don't be on the nose about it & leave just a little room for them not being based on them

"Yeah ha ha... I think we're raven guard!"

>I suppose Krastalor is more warp than man at this point, with all those daemonic repairs he's rocking.
An unholy fusion of mutated flesh and the metal of his armor, which he can no longer remove. Despite the extensive damage to his body, since his men's betrayal Krastalor's psychic prowess has grown by leaps and bounds, to the point that he sometimes feels like a spirit (or daemon) moving his flesh like a marionette. He attributes it to his newfound patron, which worries him since he has no idea who his benefactor is or what besides sacrifices they want. But if they can dole out this much power to a mere mortal...

There is a passage in one of the daemon's books about a probably grey knight who might be draigo falling to slannesh

Alright motherfuckers. Brace yourselves.

Imperialis Feralis and their planetary defence force, the mighty PEPTO ABYSMALS

these fucken dudes


>they export their highest-quality, best-trained soldiers to the Imperial Guard so that they may serve their emperor with distinction
>equivalent to a conscript on the table

>they do not believe that other intelligent life forms exist, only humans and wild animals.

>they are extremely stupid.

>all of them.

>the planet is actually a garden world
>but they're too fucking stupid to do anything with it
>so they just breed like rabbits and worship their relics

>oh, and they have an imperial knight
>a big-ass god machine from the Dark Age of Technology
>they painted it pink because they thought that was the color of the God Emperor (based on a misunderstanding when they witnessed the High Priest of the Ecclesiarchy mission with a prostitute)
>it almost woke up one time and it killed a bunch of people before it went back to sleep, so they don't touch it anymore, just worship (from a safe distance)

>they love animals
>dogs, cats, everything
>the native animals of their world are large and ferocious, but were domesticated by the people of Imperialis Feralis over the years
>oh, and these animals are all tyranids

quick aside on that

>be genestealers
>be on space hulk
>where da human wimmen at
>see garden planet
>land on planet
>sneak up on unsuspecting prey
>begin infecting human
>wait, something's happening
>head hurts
>too stupid
>and thus, the conscript cult began


century later

>be hive fleet malal
>lurking for easy eats
>genestealer cult sends psychic signal
>zoop on over there
>start sending landers full of synapse creatures and termagant hordes to tear shit up
>wait a minute
>genestealers still sending psychic signal
>it's strange
>images of a glowing pink human
>termagants start behaving weird
>hiveships blowing up from the inside, consumed by ripper swarms

some time later

>tyranids domesticated
>they thought they were just normal animals
>termagants are ponies (rough riders)
>biovores plow the land
>venomthropes plant fields
>exocrines help the miners
>all is well

oh, another aside

10k years ago

>be orks
>have p nice planet
>be killin each other and shit
>get black-hole-gun'd out of existence
>Dark Age humans settle and meme around until everything explodes b/c of slaanesh's futa cock

>but then there was one
>lone spore
>buried deep underground in the cave systems of the Viet Krorks
>too deep to be born

>be genestealer
>be digging cave for skulk
>have human waifus hide in there
>be diggin out chambers and shit
>oh hey its a human baby I'll bring him back to the harem for raising
>he's green tho
>well I guess I'm purple so I can't complain
>grows into a fine young human
>keeps the green skin
>really large for a human, even bigger than the genestealers
>name him Ron
>that's a nice human name
>he joins the PDF, becomes an officer
>he's really smart, my boy Ron
>be proud genestealer dad


>be Ron
>I love my planet
>but everyone is fucking retarded

>like one time there were these cultists or some shit
>like 6 dudes with heavy stubbers
>they're holding a town hostage for some dumbass ritual
>my previous commanding officer loses 1000 men taking the town
>he died in the charge
>had a parade for our victory
>fucking idiots

>they don't know how to fight at all
>it comes real easy to me though
>the Officio Prefectus sent some guy with a fancy hat and coat to come help us out
>he died in the charge too
>I took his hat
>now I command the Pepto Abysmals
>oh yeah quick aside about the name

>be humans
>be hangin out with cool high tech and shit on paradise world
>life is good

>be eldar
>birth a rape god and get our souls eaten lmao xd

>be rape god
>eat a bunch of knife eared fucks
>p tasty
>see some others that look kinda like them
>no knife ears, maybe they'll be better

>be humans
>get raped by massive futa cock of evil death god created by space elves

>be humans
>1000 years later
>live in tribes
>fight each other all the time
>finally united by Adeptus Ministorum bringing the WORD OF THE PINK EMPEROR to our world
>need a name for our first regiment of holy crusaders
>decide to name them after the holy ancient medicine of our ancestors


>be trazyn
>be fucken around on cadia's Death Star'd remains
>PokeBall Creed
>start meme'in around imperial space
>see paradise world
>oh they're probably high tech
>they worship a giant robot though???
>I gotta figure out a way to steal that dude

>go down to planet
>locals see me, seem somewhat frightened
>make up some bullshit
>"No no, you see, I am a child of your god engine!"
>they start cheering and kneeling in worship
>how did that fucking work?

>they take me to the knight
>I summon a bunch of my necron dudes out of the tesseract
>"they're knight babies, you see"
>turn on the knight

quick aside, real fast

>be knight
>be an agricultural machine
>have chainsaw to cut trees, gauntlet to carry stuff
>all is well
>daemons everywhere
>why is everyone sprouting tentacles
>run away
>shutdown inside a cave somewhere
>oh, humans! Thank the Maker!
>wait a minute
>I'm... pink?
>plug pulled
>all is darkness
