Why did she even think stopping the humans from fighting the tyranids was a good idea? I mean pitting them against the orks seems like a good idea. However with humans being thrown into the crossfire they would surely weaken one side or the other, either causeing a waaagh! that would stomp them out. Or a newly fed hive fleet ready to fuck up their day. Blowing up meridian, and fucking up their scanners was dumb as hell too. Why not just help out the humans in order to basically instantly win? Oh wait these're Eldar they're fucking retarded.
Why did she even think stopping the humans from fighting the tyranids was a good idea...
Other urls found in this thread:
daily reminder that eldar were created solely for war and they are too retarded for anything else.
I honestly can't quite remember what the Eldar were doing there, I think they were sabotaging the war effort so they could look for soulstones or relics or something?
They literally wanted to have orks hold off the hive fleet. However they decided that instead of enlisting the space marines to help with the mutual defense of both worlds (if the tyranids won then they both lost) they wanted to provoke orks. Then claim that humans were the unpredictable violent destructive assholes.
After that didn't work they tried to blow up the nearby hiveworld in some kind of attempt to starve it of biomass. Whilst typhon nearby was a literal jungle planet. Their plan was retarded, but what can you expect from anyone comeing from Ulthwe? Humanity could've quickly mobilized to fight the tyranids, and do exactly what they needed. However Eldar are far too retarded, and prideful to see they almost fucked everyone over.
This is why I cannot like the 40k setting, some of these problems would be solved with a five minute civil discussion without name calling.
>40k setting is the ultimate argument against racism, and general bigotry
>somehow a bunch of /pol/fags love the setting
I honestly don't know anymore.
The dark humor of the setting is that for how dumb everyone and every thing is, it's still technically a series of understandible choices.
International Diplomacy is hard
I think you're giving the setting too much cohesive character. How serious, dark, political, or whatever depends mostly on whoever is doing the writing.
It's goal is nothing more than to be a cool scifi setting.
I'm pretty sure it can be done since tech priests somehow managed to talk the dark eldar into fixing the Emperor's magic crapper lighthouse.
This, or the Eldar are just lieing assholes with other motives.
>some of these problems would be solved with a five minute civil discussion without name calling.
You mean just like in real life?
Its worth remembering that not only have humans and Eldar have been interacting with each other for over 20,000 years in the setting, and Eldar as a race are over a million years old. They have a SERIOUS ego problem, and think everything not Eldar is beneath them.
Humans are over-cautious zealots because most of the time when you interact with xenos they stab you in the back.
Also, Dark Eldar love to fuck with human/eldar diplomacy just because they can, and humans often can't tell a difference between the two and the Eldar don't care to stop them.
pol is resentful and wants to see the world burn
cos they were touched as kids :(
60 million years old. One would think however, that being capable of pre-cognition and having exceptionally long lives, living in a near post-scarcity society, they would have the ability to temper their arrogance.
If they could temper their arrogance they wouldn't be Eldar now would they?
Wasn't there a short story or something where a human accuses an Eldar of just trying to backstab them again, but on being questioned why the Eldar realises he's talking about Dark Eldar, REEEEEEs at him, and the discussion falls apart entirely?
From memory the Eldar goes away thinking the mon-keigh are stupid apes and monkeys for not having the wits or brains to understand how completely different the Commorragh Eldar are and that it was useless to even bother speaking with them, and the human goes away thinking the Eldar are just fucking with them again for another later backstab and it was useless to bother speaking with them.
I suppose they'd be Ynnari. It just seems fucking weird that you have an entire race of literal ubermensch that act like children, whilst simultaneously chiding everyone else. The levels of hypocrisy are off the charts.
Same reason you always use when you want the Eldar to do something that's blatantly against their own interests for the simple sake of presenting them as antagonists.
Their prophecy said it was the ONLY way to go. This statement completely liberates the author from any kind of accountability or responsibility to create a connection between the intents and the actions of the Eldar as a group because the connection is simply "prophecy." Nothing more and nothing less.
There's a reason they caused slaanesh, and their souls are still beholden to the dark prince.
Only the amish eldar get a pass.
You need to realize that to the Eldar, even a single Eldar life is more precious than an entire planet of humans. There is no parity, no comparison.
Eldar live on Craftworlds and in the Webway. They would easily sacrifice a planet if it meant not having the Webway infected, or sacrifice a planet in order to make the Tyranids veer off course, or stay on course, for that matter.
I believe in this particular scenario, they were manipulating the orks into going into a greater confrontation with the Hive Fleet, to hold it off while they finished up and GTFO:d.
Objectively speaking, it's not a terrible plan. Individual human sectors have no chance whatsoever against hive fleets, and the only realistic plan to hold hive fleets off is to try and create coalesced massive Waaaaghs against the Hive Fleet(s).
>40k setting is the ultimate argument against racism, and general bigotry
Hahaha, what?
It's called bad writing. It's not like all the other races and the Imperium are so much more reasonable. I mean you get the biggest Mary Sue and also greatest Psyker called the Emprah who still fucks up tremendously, but nah, let's reeee at the Eldar.
>too dumb to understand tongue in cheek
Let me guess, you didn't realize that the dawn of war 3 trailer was a deconstruction, summerkid?
40k is a setting based in 2000AD, which parodied fascism, authoritarianism and mocked relentless bureaucracy destroying society.
Unfortunately /pol/fags don't understand subtext, and took the story as being genuine in it's support for fascism. It's the same with 40k.
Because the only plot anyone knows how to do with Eldar is "Eldar were manipulating you for some reason because of futurevision! But then you beat them and tell their prophecy to fuck off and you win anyway."
This has been done well maaaaaaaybe once, and every time since then has been a really boring and stale rehash where the excuse for why the Eldar don't use a more straightforward approach gets worse every time.
Like, the track record for this shit has gotten so bad its a wonder they even bother having farseers anymore. When was the last time that farseeing ACTUALLY HELPED?
>it's still technically a series of understandible choices.
Understandable? The way the IoM is set up is understandable from the perspective of a bunch of greedy fuckwits using fear as an excuse to solidify their own position of power by vilifying anything they don't understand, but its absolute dogshit at solving any of their problems. The excuse usually given is 'but if they did literally anything else Chaos would eat them!' falls flat when you look at the facts and realize that the Imperium could only be a better breeding ground of worship of the dark gods if it actually just worshiped them openly. They are perfect fucking Chaos chow right now, but under a different system they don't have to be.
>When was the last time that farseeing ACTUALLY HELPED?
So far Ynnead because of Eldrad and Yvraine resurrected Rowboat and saved Galaxy by doing so.
Idranel is my Waifu!
Galaxy isn't saved yet. If anything it's teetering just as close to collapse as it was before, heightened Chaos is just counterbalanced by Rowboat and Primaris etc.
The same thing happened in Warhammer fantasy where an imperial diplomat was REEEed at by the high elves.
Nigga, they haven't been tongue in cheek since 2nd edition. Sure they started out as a parody, but they progressively took the setting more and more seriously.
Let's face it, whether they actual are or not, the Imperium are the good guys, they may fuck things up constantly, but generally speaking, you are meant to root for a human victory.
We're reeeeing at the Eldar because this is the designated Eldar REEEEEEEE! thread. We can bitch about the other factions elsewhere.
Yer waifu iz flat!
And dead.
I know the pain, user. I know.
I thought they wanted humans to lose as if the hive fleet was defeated here, it's next target was a craftworld.
I think their purpose was put the orks, nids and humans in a free-for-all until the eldar managed to kill them in a fell swoop.
Then again, in the mission to kill the Avatar of Khaine, Tarkus reminds us to not waste our time trying to find sense to the eldar plans. That's the job of the Inquisition.
tarkus is pretty clever tbph
literally everything sucks because everyone is overtly xenophobic.
I agree. The entire franchise should just scrap the Eternal War narrative and instead become a setting of peace, tolerance, open-mindedness and intelligent debate. Some interspecies love would be fantastic too. The tabletop game can still have the little toy figuirines, but the players should all gather in a room and have their toy soldiers hold political debates against one another. War and conflict is boring, diplomacy is for real men.
It's hard to do a parody setting for for decades. Details get added, people become good increasingly invested until such a point as you get gourmet takes like "the Imperium is good, actually."
Could be worse, though. Could be people arguing that the Empire in Star Wars is actually good because it creates jobs and stability.
Do you love bringing up other boards for no reason? You are the cancer killing Veeky Forums.
isn't that how the war of the beard started too?
U wot? The aliens all either want to kill you for fun, wear you as a meat suit, or eat you. The reason everyhing is so shitty is because unrestricted technological and scientific growth caused humanity to collapse in on itself, and when it did all those alien empires humanity had pacts with turned on thrm. Literally the only "dindu nuffin" xeno race I can think was the Interex, which were Black Library only garbage.
Religious intolerance is necessary since almost any time anyone strays from conventional doctrine it's because of Chaos or demo influence. Blind faith is literally the only thing that can ward your soul from chaos.
There was that time an old as fuck Eldar farseer made the Tanith 1st think they were fighting on their home world, causing them to wreck the shit out of the chaos forces that outnumbered them by a significant amount so thoroughly with out any casualties, that the administratum wrote it off as a mass delusion.
It's not a phobia if they really are trying to kill you.
The thing is the imperium would be a terrible place to live, but in the universe it resides it is the only logical solution. The imperium is in a completely justifiable state of perpetual martial law given the circumstances. Its hard to argue about "muh civil liberties" when walls of reality are on the brink of collapse, and planet is about to be digested by space dinobugs.
thats why you should choose DEldar waifu
Its hard to kill those fuckers
That's the argument I keep seeing coming up, but the Imperium is shown to be so mind bendingly terrible at all times. There are instances when doing the awful thing is necessary, but the Imperium is repeatedly callous and hateful regardless of circumstances. Then there's the original state of it during 30k, before everyone found out about the bad things. It was still a fascist empire that crushed anyone that didn't fall in line.
The DEldar waifu in your head doesn't exist.
It is because the Eldar are selfish, when the Hive Fleat is "destroyed" the smaller ships are scattered everywhere, and each one has the possibility to turn a Hive Fleet again, and probably nothing will stop at Craftworld, they wanted to send the Fleet to another sector so as not to be their problem
The humans aren't the only ones who are xenophobic.
thank you captain obvious
want a blowjob for you clever investigation?
Gathering Storm more or less reinforces how Ulthwe is run by literal retards except for Eldrad.
In a universe where unrestricted emotions lead to the creation of cruel and capricious gods that want to fuck your soul seven ways to sunday, a fascist empire is a perfectly reasonable response. And truthfully, a fascist dictatorship ruled over by a literal superman as old as humanity and his demigod sons is probably the best we can ask for.
I've made my choice already.
In many works is pointed out that people went to join Chaos or the Tau because life to the common man in the Imperium sucks that much.
Eldrad brings the Ynnari to Ulthwe and the rest of the Farseers lose their shit over how Eldrad has been calling the shots for 10-20k years. They kick him out of the council and tell him to get the fuck out of Ulthwe, and now he and his loyalists work with the Ynnari.
Does that mean every male feminist is a virgin desperately trying to get laid as well?
Yeah, this bullshit is easily the weakest part of the DoW2 campaign. It's some of the most unnecessary and forced hogwash I've ever seen, and it happens all of the fucking time in 40k fluff too. In fact, the entirety of the relationship between humanity and the Eldar feels completely fucking forced for the sake of justifying the two constantly shooting each other, even though logically they have very little reason to as they share all of the same enemies.
It's literally the same shit every time. Eldar show up and interfere with human affairs because "muh prophecies;" humans stop the Eldar because they're fucking retarded and always forget about humanity's incredible ability to do basic fucking problem solving; Eldar get fucked, original enemy they were there to try and stop gets fucked, and the humans are left confused as to why the Eldar even bothered with the cloak and dagger and didn't just contact them in the first place.
I mean, I love 40k, I love the grimdark, and I even like the Eldar, but holy shit I can't stand this nonsense. My suspension of disbelief can only handle so much. Though, to be fair, Ulthwe is at the center of 99% of this shit, so perhaps it's just that particular craftworld is a breeding ground for retards with no concept of basic logic.
Mon'keighs are filthy animals user, why waste your breath on them?
>Though, to be fair, Ulthwe is at the center of 99% of this shit, so perhaps it's just that particular craftworld is a breeding ground for retards with no concept of basic logic.
Being the homeworld of the best farseer there is probably made them go too much in the "what will happen" instead of the "what is happening".
It does not help that:
>The future is not something linear you can bend to your benefit, but something vast with multiple options.
>Not many farseers know how to make strategy beyond what the visions declare. Autarchs are the ones who know about tactics.
>A vision can lack the full picture. Seer Councils are made so different Seers can discuss and give senses to the prophecy.
>Most Farseers (and Chaos Sorcerers) look into the future asking "How can I win?" and don't consider everything else. Abbadon is one of the few who instead ask "How can I lose?" and acts to avoid losing.
>t. Last words of an arrogant Warlock who got krumped by orks.
>Down of War 2 DLC
>Play as Orks
>They figure out the entire plot and HOW TO FIX IT by halfway point
Meanwhile in Eldar side:
>fellow tribe genocide
>More fellow tribe genocide
>Accidentally walk into the finale
no, but a lot of them are, same with /pol/, 80% are retarded edgy 15 year olds, just because there are 20% that have something to say dose not mean the place is worthwile
For all the shit DoW 3 gets, it did a better job in justifying eldar vs eldar conflict.
>The Alien is actually bad and out to kill you
>heterogeneous society actually does weaken society
>degeneracy spawned a god that wants to eat and rape your soul, in that order
>sedition led to the greatest loss of human life in its history
That's all Eldar. It's why they are allies first with different types of elf (craftworld and dark) before maybe helping the imperium while looking to stab them in the back.
Humans are just animals to them, they can't think as fast, their lives are a blink, they can't even hope to match then in terms of agility or warp mastery. It's like humans looking at a chimp.
Sure it sort of looks like you, but it's not you.
>Abbadon is one of the few who instead ask "How can I lose?"
Very easily.
>good guys are aliens that welcome new people
>The same thing happened in Warhammer fantasy where an imperial diplomat was REEEed at by the high elves.
The same happened when dorf diplomats accused dark elves before phoenix king. Not only he REEEEed at them but also shaved them.
And so as pointed war of the beard started.
Elves/eldar are shit diplomats in warhammer.
It's the War of Vengeance laddie!
Same applies to them.
>It's the War of Vengeance laddie!
Name is not so important, what is important is that phoenix king aka bitch king was crying and begging for his life before he was rightfully slayed and his crown was taken by dwarfs and never given back.
Based as fuck.
>The Alien is actually bad and out to kill you
Tau wants you to join the greeter good! Eldar are retarded in their muh prophecy but can be reasoned with. Necrons may also be reasoned with.
>heterogeneous society actually does weaken society
Where is this stated?
DAoT humanity was probably pretty heterogeneous with all xeno allies and it was peak of humanity, IoM is at best sick man of galaxy dying in shadow of glorious past that was before big E took a wheel and fucked everything beyond repair.(Unless this is some Leto Atreides kind of gambit where he needs to die so mankind could move on.)
>degeneracy spawned a god that wants to eat and rape your soul, in that order
Humanity by lack of sanitation and rape/kill/rage spawned two other gods and in 40k is doing more of lack of sanitation for papa Nurlge and is best supplier of rage for Khorne.
>sedition led to the greatest loss of human life in its history
No it was eldar fucking a new god into existence and human FTL failing. If not for unnavigable warp storms, humanity would be better than under Emperor.
Frankly that's still a better ratio than most of the internet.
>No side seemed to convince the other of anything. Finally, as the effects of the alcohol became stronger, the Christians gave up trying to persuade anyone with logical arguments, and resorted to singing. The Muslims, who did not sing, responded by loudly reciting the Koran in an effort to drown out the Christians, and the Buddhists retreated into silent meditation. At the end of the debate, unable to convert or kill one another, they concluded the way most Mongol celebrations concluded, with everyone simply too drunk to continue.
Booze is indeed the universal language.
So alcohol does make things better.
...I actually hadn't even considered this. This is a good point.
>You need to realize that to the Eldar, even a single Eldar life is more precious than an entire planet of humans.
Yeah, and that's why they're okay with throwing hundreds of their kin into the fire trying to square off against Space Marines even though they have a mutual enemy.
For a "dying race" in which "every life is precious" they sure do love picking fights.
The patricians choice.
>yfw she has a vagoo down there and you can have snuggly sex with her in her cocoon throne
That isn't it, what I am trying to say is that if you could resolve a plotline by essentially talking it out for five minutes, then it's not a very good plotline.
The eldar didn't spawn their god just by mass orgies and gay sex either, they took hedonism to it's extreme like the dark eldar do.
We're talking about extremely cruel and unusual shit, not just sex.
>Humanity by lack of sanitation and rape/kill/rage spawned two other gods
Haha Source=none
I fucking love dick.
These faggots obsession with /pol/ is astounding, I bet you dream of getting fucked hard in the ass by nazi larpers.
>You need to realize that to the Eldar, even a single Eldar life is more precious than an entire planet of humans.
I'm sure humans feel the same way.
It's old fluff you newfag, though that guy was wrong in saying creation but khorne was awakened by Genghis khan while nurgle was awakened by the bubonic plague.
>I bet you dream of getting fucked hard in the ass by nazi larpers.
Maybe they're sexy female German Nazi LARPers?
Taking it up the ass is still gay.
Maybe if pol stuck their head into other boards less they would be less despised.
I want to read this.
>It's old fluff
What is that?
t. Laurie
The Orks are also the only ones do do it by pure deductive reasoning without any outsiders dropping a hint
>Existing in modern 40k
I'm so sorry, user.
Just because it's parody doesn't mean it's undesirable. Not everyone who likes authoritarianism is a Pol fag either. I'm an ancient Rome fag. You need to stop obsessing about Pol and Hitler.
Castor figures it out himself too. Did none of you play the IG campaign?
the imperium is a pretty shitty place that passively supports chaos with a ruthless regime.
>blaming the Imperium for fueling Chaos in a galaxy that's literally consumed by war
It's hard to act against it without hands.
>ultimate argument against racism, and general bigotry