Paizo Games General /pgg/

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

One-Man Army Edition: When was the last time you faced impossible odds? How did you overcome them?

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So I mainly run games on a group theme where every party member has to be a member of a particular organization.

How would /pfg/ feel about that style of game, everyone is required to build a character with a reason to be a member of the same government organization/mercenary company/expedition/etc. and basically throwing out the 'strange hodgepodge' style of parties. If I ran it for /pfg/ it would probably be a government organization.

Depends on the organization. I like groups with a reason to be together well enough, but the organization has to be something greater than "tax collectors" or "thieves" to really get my motor running. Something like spec ops team? Fantasy Gestapo? We'd have to have a reason to be different classes and good at combat.

I like PC's having connections to each other but I dislike forcing PC's to be apart of the same organization. I feel it just leads to PC's becoming way to samey.

I'm starting my 2nd PF game, building an optimized zen archer. Which traits should I get (2 are free)? I thought rich parents would be good, but my GM said I'll probably find a composite longbow in a dungeon. Is initiative worth boosting? Help me tame the paradox of choice.

Wisdom in the Flesh for acrobatics or something.

>Not just the dupethread with an anime OP to be nuked
>The old thread that was past bump limit on page 8 nuked as well

Wew lad.

it did have kitsune/cat anime op

>You think that, but it's all over. A Seducer Witch is laughing at you as she takes everything!
What did they mean by this?

I bet a Seducer Witch is behind this

same guy made both?

I'm massively in favor of it. The biggest issue in running games is believably getting the characters to work together without it seeming like a stretch. PF tends to do this with campaign feats, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with taking a stronger hand at doing it.

But I will tell you right now that /pfg/ and the cabal in particular fucking HATE that. They want the illusion that AAAANYTHING is allowed and chafe at strong direction. Expect to be shittalked mercilessly if you dare tell people what they can or cannot do with their characters in the least.

Does this look like a good profile for the "Healer Intern" I plan on offering my players (none of whom want to heal)?

He's not supposed to fight, he's just there to heal unless the players keep him in which case he gains combat powers

Question: I know nothing about Numeria's geography, would I be able to justify taking the Highlander trait for it? All I could find about it's geography was that it's mostly "windswept plains". But in the picture above that, it showed a fight in an area with craggy-looking hills, so I'm confused.

I was thinking of a few ideas. It would be a government task force formed for a particular issue. You were assigned to the task force from one of a few organizations inside the government, some military, some law enforcement, some research, etc. This includes specialists brought in. What you need is a skill set related to the issue the task force was formed for and a connection to the government to be assigned.

Also the setting is roughly 1850s technology.

Vult, is that you?
Jesus dude we just wanted to know a little more about the intended tone.

Its fine, so long as the organization is interesting.

And here I was thinking that was someone talking ABOUT Vult.

How are you going to explain a troll in your campaign to your players?

This works. I'm not a fan of the set up, but it works.

Please don't use Paizo's gun rules

Why isn't the healer intern a cute bullyable waifu?

Was Vult mean to somebody again?

Why are you using Troll are for a human?

>Onryou spoons with Aranha.
>They talk about meeting Aranha's parents.
>Onryou has a pet name for Aranha. (Snuggle Buddy)
>aranha doesn't like it when She calls her that name in front of the rest of the group.

Onryou X Aranha SUUUUPER confirmed.

dude chill with the ladyboner for five seconds jeez

He's always grumpy about something or someone, it just depends on what day and what circumstance.

I'll just photoshop out the horns and he can pass for human



Stop jerking off in the thread for fucks sake.

Why the fuck are we talking about Vult

Vult has done nothing recently except app to Tuv's game.

We didn't even get a greentext of the spider golem fight.

aaaaaaaaaaa I want to make love to a spider golem!

because these retards can't stop jerking off to celebs

It's for you to figure out

Anybody? If Numeria wouldn't be able to justify the Highlander trait, are there any other traits that give Stealth as a class skill?

Pic sort of related? It -is- stealth.

So, beating a dead horse I'm aware, but it never really dawned on me how bad Kineticist is, so I decided to math out a 15 PB NPC Expert with basic NPC wealth specializing with the Longbow vs a 25 PB just to compare. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the Kineticist only really "outshines" the Expert when it's burning all of its ressources to do that. Give the Expert PC wealth and PB, and it clearly outdoes the Kinet, it's not even a contest. Even with a regular Haste, the NPC stats Expert potentially outdamages the Kineticist (admittedly with a much lower to hit however)

Not only that, but the Expert gets 6 + int skill points, light armor proficiency and Good will saves, all that without ever having to track anything more than your arrows. Does this say more about how bad Kineticist is, how broken Longbow damage is, or why I should have no faith in Starfinder being balanced?

My GM actually asked James Jacobs that in his Q&A thread and he said that Numerians actually do qualify if you're near the capital.

Because at least one of the posts you're responding to is a joke. The others might be taking it seriously but are made only in response to it and out of genuine confusion.

You didn't.

I did.

>Does this say more about how bad Kineticist is, how broken Longbow damage is

It says something we all know: Kineticist is fucking garbage without 3pp

Is this a copypasta? Because it sounds like a copypasta.

Oh, really? Huh. IIRC, Torch isn't close to the capital though. The Technic League practices though slavery, doesn't it? Might be able to justify it with my character growing up near the capital before he escaped.

I honestly want a piracy game so bad.

You and me both, amigo.


run one


but I don't want to gm another game.

What makes you crave this? What are you looking for in such a game? Surely not ship combat.

No I'm actually autistic and typed it all out by myself because it's Saturday night, I'm lonely and I have nothing better. I don't wanna go to work tomorrow.

I miss Homebrew Request user. He never did finish that extract injection veil, which is a damn shame.

Is this bullying? Are you bullying her?

I love the aesthetic and idea of traveling the world, shit like one-piece.

Pathfinder's ship combat rules are bad

Other than Crossblooded Sorcerer, what's the best way to be a blaster focused on lightning damage?

Which one? There were like three.

I don't get why the other thread was nuked. It's timestamp said it was made first.

Because it was anime shit.

I asked roughly the same thing for Iron Gods earlier, the general answer was to take Blood Havoc.

The one who... Did the extract injection veil, muscle memory feats, and most importantly short skirt style feats ? He was the only memorable one, as the only thing I remember about any other guy was the shitty formatting.

spheres of power

How the fuck does the gaseous generation SoP talent work? It says you can turn air into any substance you can create, and based on the text you can turn it into solids as well. is this intentional, because either it's outrageously OP or it's completely useless until CL 10

And? OPs image is a video game. It's not like it's more relevant.

The janny's not fond of anime OPs.

Which sphere's it from?

Anime is shit tho.

Playing a game of Curse with friends and he's playing some support Kineticist archetype with stuff like the Aether's shield and the ability to lift really heavy objects, and at least in that respect he's been incredibly useful.

creation. it's in the creation sphere handbook playtest in the sticky

Can a Sphere Sorc take Blood Havoc for destruction blasts?

with GM approval, yes

If you really wanna do cool amounts of electric damage, an electrokineticist elementalist is cool


Yeah, looks a little bit shaky.

Only thing that looks off though is the 'changing things into other things' bit, since that's not a default part of creation, that's the Change Material talent.

If you assume it works as Change Material (Which it may well do, things are in playtest for a reason) then the change will only last for a round per level by default.

Also, note that it's a spell point to work with gases at all, IN ADDITION to any other SP the effect might require. So it's kinda pricey.

I really don't see what's OP about turning air into a solid material when... the rest of creation sphere lets you make solid materials out of nothing?

See that's what I'm thinking.

But looking at the ability, it does have the 'change one thing into another' line with no word on SP costs or duration or anything, and has zero mention of the talent that normally lets you turn things into other things.

I've left a note on it in the doc, but jeezus H christ is this playtest actually still going? There's comments here from november last year.

So when it comes down to it, who is better:
DEX monk with Jabbing Style, or STR monk with Dragon Style?

Put a comment in the book pointing this out, then. The authors tend to address comments reasonably often.

Build them and test the numbers.

combine that with the drawback that lets you only lets you alter and you basically get creation back with gas manipulation for free

Also, you're not supposed to be able to create smoke or water vapor until you're at CL5, but if you can turn air to soot or water droplets then you can just create those anyway. Unless lvl 5 is when you can create aerosols, in which case what does that mean for other colloids. Can you not create foams without this talent? Can you not convert solids or liquids into gels or emulsions?

Also, what does "harmful gasses" mean? Can you even use acidic creation with this before CL 10? Is pepper spray harmful? I mean smoke can choke and blind people

Creation handbook has been pushed back to give the author more time to work on it. Mind is next, followed by Life.

fuck, I'm just going to have to house-rule it.

Unrelated, but when was the last time Rich Burlew wrote a supplement? I didn't even realize he wrote that dungeon book until a few months after I bought it when he poked fun at the acid-breathing sharks

>Someone else plays FE Heroes
Using Heroes art instead of Granblue or Grand Order art is the new meta, starting NOW!

Basically nobody used F/GO art though other than that one dude from ensoulment.

WotR has two days left. Anyone planning last minute apps?

I probably wouldn't use FE art for my own character unless it was such a literally who that I was confident I wouldn't be called out for it


Might finish mine if I have time.

How autistic of a pirate game would /pfg/ want? Like, do you really want to deal with rounds, articles of agreement, letters of marque and reprisal, pirate punishments such as keelhauling, whaling/slave trading/commerce in general/fishing, divving booty up into shares, pirate myths and politics?

How modern would you want it? Muskets or revolvers?

Would you want Hero Points, Gestalt or Mythic as options?

>How autistic of a pirate game would /pfg/ want? Like, do you really want to deal with rounds, articles of agreement, letters of marque and reprisal, pirate punishments such as keelhauling, whaling/slave trading/commerce in general/fishing, divving booty up into shares, pirate myths and politics?
Maximum autism.

>How modern would you want it? Muskets or revolvers?

>Would you want Hero Points, Gestalt or Mythic as options?
Hero points, no gestalt, no mythic, but put it at somewhere around level 4-6. Also some enhanced version of anti-hero because as is it's too weak. Also give out hero points a bit more often.

Ever being on a boat invokes the curse of the black swordsman.

>not using superior art of yaoi swords

You know, this brings up a good question: which class is best suited to being shot out of a cannon as a viable tactic?

As autistic as possible. When we capture merchant ships I want to know how much flour, carpets and barrels of oil there are!
Dont care, just want cutlass and sails
No gestalt. Dont care about the others.

Look man as the One Piece buildposter I just want to play a tabletop game set in that kind of world.

Dwarven invulnerable rager barbarian.

What are you making anons? I don't think the current line up is strong enough that some good apps couldn't get in.

Just do what feels right

would rpefer not gestalt

oh, that was you? How would you make kaku since you can't make a human lycanthrope with a huge animal

why would I give you my QUALITY idea early?

I will only say that it is probably more fitting for IG, but that game isn't gestalted and I was making this one first so don't care.

I'm still finishing up my Techslinger wizard.

No, I still want Sky Pirates. We were promised Sky Pirates but never got Sky Pirates.